Saturday, June 15, 2013

Healing with Crystals

What is Crystal Healing? Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that employs stones and crystals as healing tools. They work through resonance and vibration. The practitioner places crystals on different parts of the body, often corresponding to chakras, or places crystals around the body in an attempt to construct an "energy grid", which surrounds the client with healing energy.

Crystals have been used for millennia to heal and bring balance. Different cultures have used crystal healing over time, including the Hopi Native Americans of Arizona and Hawaiian islanders, some of whom still continued to use it. The Chinese have traditionally attributed healing powers to micro-crystalline jade, and some other eastern cultures believe that emerald will strengthen the memory and increase intelligence. Crystals are even used in certain modern medical practices such as in ultrasound machines.

Crystal healers use their knowledge of the stones and of the patient in the healing process. There are various methods of healing with crystals, such as placing crystals on and around a person while they are lying down, or using a wand or point to focus love, energy and intent on the other person in a way that relates specifically to their ailment and needs.

How do Crystals Heal?

Crystals provide a gentle non-invasive form of healing that co-operates with the body’s own inner healer, a repair mechanism that brings things back into balance. Working through vibration, resonance and colour, crystals heal holistically and dissolve dis-ease within the body. They act on your body, mind, psyche and spirit to restore equilibrium and rectify the underlying causes of a condition.

Because different crystals have different energies and properties they can affect the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of a person. The right crystal can affect the energy of an environment, and the energy it holds can influence you whether you simply hold it in your hand or place it by your bed or on the mantelpiece. Simply holding the right crystal at the right time can bring about a change in our attitude and well-being. You don't necessarily need to look up the meaning each time you do this. Over time you may acquire a number of crystals - just take hold of the one you feel drawn to.

Most illnesses result from a combination of factors, and crystals gently deal with the cause rather than just alleviating the symptoms. You can lay the crystals o or around your body for 10 – 30 minutes or use a stone like a reflexology tool to stimulate a specific point on the body.

What is disease?

Dis-ease is the subtle pre-cursor to disease and illness. It is not being comfortable in your physical body. It is when your emotions and mental attitudes affect the physical body which eventually result in and actual physical illness, condition or disease. Crystals work exceptionally well alleviating the effects of dis-ease before it can manifest into a physical condition.

Causes of disease

* Damaged immune system – your immune system is the front line of defence against disease. If your immune system is not functioning well, then dis-ease and organisms invade the body

* Shock or attack – if you receive a shock, whether it is physical, emotional or mental, your chakras go out of balance and your body reacts. If you are attacked, whether by a virus or by someone’s thoughts, dis-ease results

* Stress and tension – anything which puts a continual stress on your system and which causes inadequate rest will ultimately result in dis-ease

* Negative attitude or emotions – how you think or feel is how you ultimately become in your physical body. Emotions such as guilt or suppressed anger are insidious forerunners of disease, as are low self-esteem and shame

* Emotional exhaustion – if you have been continually drained by a person or situation then you have lowered resistance to disease

* Anxiety or fear – chronic anxiety and continual fear weaken the body. Anxiety is usually accompanied by loss of appetite and irregular sleeping patterns and is often exacerbated by smoking or drinking.

Because crystals are connected with the subtle electromagnetic energies, much of their work is done through realigning the bio-magnetic sheath (energy field) or aura that surrounds the physical body and cleansing the chakras, the energy centres that connect the two together. Crystals absorb, focus, transmute and transmit electromagnetic energies. They are like cosmic transceivers, stepping cosmic energy down from the spiritual level so that it can be absorbed and used by the physical body.

Can the wrong crystal do me harm?

As with many objects used for divination and healing, a crystal can only do harm in the wrong hands. A crystal healer only uses a crystal as a tool. A great crystal does not make a great crystal healer, just as a great paintbrush does not make a great painter. You do need to take some care if you are looking for a crystal healer. If you cannot get a recommendation from a previous client, speak to the healer before accepting treatment. If you don't feel you would trust them in some everyday matter, neither should you trust them with your well-being.

Credit: Sam Ehinger Botoulas 

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