Monday, June 17, 2013

Colours, Jewellery and Birthstones

Gemstones have long been believed to possess occult qualities, and as I stated in the previous lesson, they are a valuable and very versatile tool. You can wear crystals as a talisman, place them on altars and incorporate them into spells. Carrying the stones in your pants pocket or placing them in a cloth pouch to carry with you, are also very effective.

There are many spells that use gemstones to attract love, or increase wealth or personal power and spiritual abilities, enhance protection or bring good luck. When selecting stones to use in spells, remember, nothing is “set in stone”. Don’t select a stone based purely on its correspondence meanings. It is also very important to pay attention to how the stones resonate with you. Remember – you can set the intention of the stone to suit the purpose for which you need it.

Colour Meanings

The colours of the stones are also important to consider when selecting stones for your magick rituals. This is because colours are energies that have direct effects on our minds. So even on this level, the colours that stones exhibit can have dramatic effects. Colours are powerful in magick. Appropriate coloured stones are doubly powerful in your magick workings.

Red - protective stones; work to strengthen the body and willpower; used to promote courage; provide additional power to rituals by their presence on the altar

Pink – packed with loving vibrations; calming and soothing for both body and mind; worn to promote self-love; used to attract a lover or strengthen love already present; promote peace, happiness, joy and laughter; ideal to use in group rituals

Orange – have some of the fire of red stones, but are gentler in their effects; ideal for use in protective rituals; related to personal power; excellent stones to wear for enhancing self-esteem; luck-attracting; symbols of success; worn during spells to assure a positive outcome

Yellow – used in rituals involving all types of communication; protective; heighten visualisation abilities during magick rituals; spells involving travel; stones of movement, of exchange; of energy and mental awareness; good to have one in your pocket when writing exams

Green – colour of nature, fertility and life; used in healing magick; carried or worn to guard the health; placed in pot plants, they help to keep them lush and healthy; associated with the element earth so they are ideal to use in spells involving money, prosperity and luck; grounding and balancing stones

Blue – promote peace; calm the emotions; wear blue stones for purification or even while bathing to purify your inner being as well as your outer flesh (ideal to use for cleansing the body before performing a magickal ritual)

Purple – spiritual; associated with mysticism and purification; ideal for meditation, psychic work or during rituals designed to contact the subconscious mind; colour of healing and peace; assist in calming hyper-active children; worn when contacting higher forces

White – linked with sleep; in the past they were worn to promote lactation by mothers having trouble feeding their babies; often carried in the pocket to promote good fortune; offer protection after dark; some people say that white stones, because they contain all the colours of the rainbow, can be magickally charged to act as substitutes for stones of any colour.

Black – represent the earth and stability; symbolic of self-control, resilience and quiet power; protective; often used to “earth” or “ground” a person; used in performing spells of magicak invisibility

Multi-coloured (e.g. bloodstone, tourmaline, opal) – more complex in their magickal makeup; look at the colours individually and determine the stone’s uses by combining the energies of each colour

Never forget the humble stone that is sitting right on your doorstep in your front garden or local park. They also hold power and energy and can be very successfully used in spells and rituals

The Magick of Jewellery

The origins of jewellery lie in magick. In the earliest times, jewellery was probably worn to avert negativity and to protect the wearer. Although today, jewellery is used mainly for ornamental purposes, it still has a few ceremonial roles and can be successfully used in magick rituals, especially in combination with the appropriate stones or crystals. Besides being beautiful, precious and semi-precious gemstones lend their radiance and unique qualities to the wearer. These faceted or polished gems, worn as adornments on the body, are beautiful expressions of light that complement your own radiance. Because each gem has a unique code of light vibrating and transmitting its unique properties into your field, its effects can be uplifting, enlivening, warm, soothing, healing or strengthening depending on the stone's unique metaphysical properties.


* The ring is a circle, symbolic of eternity, unity, reincarnation and the Universe.

* Rings are still the accepted symbol of marriage because of their association with eternity.

* All rings were once magickal or sacred.

* In a magickal sense, wearing a ring “binds” you with power and energy

* The materials of which the ring is constructed, plus your visualisation, determine the nature of the energy

* The finger on which the ring is worn is also of significance.

* The index finger was once thought to be especially powerful and herbal medicines were often applied to the body using this finger to strengthen the effectiveness of the cure.

* Rings were traditionally worn on the third finger as this was thought to contain the nerve that went directly to the heart


* A necklace is simply a large ring worn around the neck, therefore its powers and uses are much the same as those of rings

* Because necklaces are often worn near the heart, they can be used to work on the emotions or to attract and strengthen love

* Wearing a necklace of stones increases their energy because are surrounding (binding) yourself with their power

* A necklace is more powerful than any one stone used separately


* Earrings were once worn to guard the ears from negativity and disease

* Later, they became a symbol of slavery, because slaves wore earrings marking their status

* Piercing the lobes to allow the wearing of earrings is an ancient practice. Most parts of the body have been pierced for various magickal and religious reasons throughout the ages. In India, the nose is pierced for protective reasons

Birthstone Magick

Certain gem stones have more vibration power at certain times of the year. The month of a stone's power time determines your birthstone (also referred to as natal stone). There are numerous traditions over the centuries that connect a particular gemstone with a month of the year. Birthstones have been around for centuries with each gemstone chosen for a particular month by linking together their unique qualities. People who wore their stone would be both protected from evil and reap the benefits of their stone’s magical qualities. Birthstones, which resonate with the qualities of the zodiac signs to which they correspond, were originally worn to enhance, balance, or modulate a person's own innate characteristics. There are numerous traditions that have been developed over the centuries that connect a particular gemstone to your birth month. Today, the custom of 
wearing your birthstone in a piece of jewellery invokes very real energies and magical properties corresponding to the month you were born.

Here is a list of the attributes associated with each birthstone and the benefits derived from wearing it:

January - Garnet The deep dark rose-red of a faceted garnet lends a beautiful love note to the heart. Its qualities are devotional love, passion and radiant beauty, helping you express these qualities openly with those around you. As the gemstone most associated with the divine feminine, wearing a garnet coaxes out the love goddess in you so that you may more readily share your love, beauty and grace with the world.

February - Amethyst There is nothing like the beautiful violet amethyst to awaken the third-eye centre. Enhancing intuition and clairvoyant abilities, the amethyst is the awakener to the psychic dimensions. For those who are already very psychic, this stone will quiet an overactive third eye bringing soothing and an overall sense of wellbeing and peace. Amethyst is also an excellent stone to stimulate dreams as it heightens consciousness of the spiritual realms.

March – Aquamarine The green blue of an aquamarine is an energizer to the subtle body (your emotional self). Wearing an aquamarine will uplift and revitalize you. It stimulates your thinking function, helping you feel more intelligent, even brilliant. Associated with the throat chakra and communication, it will bring soothing healing energy to the area of the throat removing any constriction. Its effects coax you out of shyness and help you voice your ideas, feelings and heart's desires.

April - Diamond Diamonds are truly a girl's best friend creating a sparkle and cheerful radiant glow to your energy field. There's nothing like the gift of a diamond to make you feel more valuable to your romantic partner. However, the true value of a diamond is in its metaphysical properties. It brings the clarity of light to all that you do, shining a radiant beam at the third eye to awaken intuition, stimulating the higher mind and raising your awareness to the light that shines within you. A diamond will help un-cloud a cluttered mind, energize a depressed heart and brings the spring back in your step as your walk the path of your life.

May - Emerald Associated with the heart chakra, the elegant emerald with its deep dark green tones is one of the most powerful healing gemstones. It heals the physical body by opening the heart to the healing power of love and the potentials for self-healing that reside within us all. It is especially good for diabetics and works to heal the lymphatic system and the various glands of the body. Those attracted to emeralds are true healers to those around them.

June - Alexandrite Alexandrite combines the rose-pink and violet rays to transmit a vibration of love. It bridges the intuitive centre of the mind with the heart centre stimulating compassion and helping you become more sensitive to other's feelings. The vibrant qualities of alexandrite point the wearer to the wisdom of her soul and the gnosis of her heart. It will summon you to use your intuitive gifts for the greater good of those around you.

July - Ruby Yes, ruby slippers create magic! The bright and deep red ruby activates your creative centre and empowers you to manifest what your heart desires. It heals sexual wounds and helps bring balance to the reproductive system. Ruby helps you feel more passionate about life, more attractive, appealing to the opposite sex and more desired as a mate. And its magical powers can even call in the right romantic partner.

August - Peridot The yellow and green colours of peridot combine to help even the most sensitive person feel more stable and at peace. It subtlety works on the nervous and endocrine systems of the body benefiting your health and alleviating stress. Peridot sooths your worries and tames your fears and is the perfect gemstone to wear during stressful times.

September – Sapphire There's nothing like a blue sapphire to make a woman feel like a princess. The gemstone associated with an enlightened mind, the blue sapphire raises your consciousness to accept your divinity, brilliance and other exceptional qualities. Yes, you are an angel of earth and sapphire teaches you just how you can use your enlightened wisdom to help others see the true meaning of life. It will help you attract people who complement your style and who help you advance your career.

October – Opal Depending on the grade and type of opal, the qualities of opal are expressive and creatively stimulating. The stone transmits a stellar blue ray and often combines with a red/orange fire to produce an energizing glow. Wearing an opal is energizing and enlivening. It acts as a blood cleanser and stimulates appetite. The more fiery opals activate the second chakra (sexual center) improving sexual vitality and sex appeal.

November – Citrine The yellow-orange coloured citrine transmits a powerful energy for attracting the things you really want for your life. Citrine helps to transmit your thoughts out on streams of consciousness attract experiences and situations where you can demonstrate your worth. Yes, citrine can attract money into your life, if you consciously use it for that purpose. Citrine is associated with the navel chakra and therefore is a stone that helps you feel more empowered, strengthening your will and helping you develop the leadership qualities you need to succeed in the world. Physically, citrine also aids in digestion.

December – Turquoise One of the philosopher's stones, turquoise denotes wisdom and higher truth. Native Americans valued this semi-precious stone for its shamanic medicine, believing it helped a medicine man communicate his visions and the revelations of Great Spirit. Associated with the throat chakra, turquoise helps you give voice to your wisdom and accept greater authority amongst those in your inner circle. A favourite stone of teachers and those who are meant to influence others, it will help you earn the respect you deserve.

Birthstone Trivia:

* Even though there are only twelve months, there are seventeen modern birthstones. June, October and November have two birthstones and December has three.

* Birthstones were once believed to posses magical powers. The powers grew stronger if the stone was worn by one who had been born in its month.

* Tanzanite is the most recent birthstone, as it was only found in 1967. It is the third birthstone for December. The others are turquoise and blue topaz.

* Not only the stones but the stones’ colour plays a large role in linking months to stones. December’s three are all blue. November is all yellow. June is white with moonstone and pearl. The only odd month out is October with opal and tourmaline – but you could argue that the various colour varieties of tourmaline can be seen in the colourful veins of the opal

* June is special because it has the only organic gemstone of the bunch: the pearl. Pearls are considered living gems as they come from organic matter. Other living gems include coral, amber, jet and ivory.

* June’s alternative gemstone is alexandrite.

* Originally, March was considered the Bloodstone month.


Find your birthstone from the list above and add its list of attributes to your BOS.

Credit: Sam Ehinger Botoulas

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