Saturday, June 15, 2013

Healing Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit

Our entire bodily system is nothing more than energy that shows up in various patterns and densities. Our thoughts and our feelings are connected to our physical bodies and have a density of their own. We are all built pretty much the same. Diversity has its place, and we are all individuals, yet nature created patterns that work the same in all of us to keep our hearts beating, our blood flowing, and so on. When these patterns of energy work together in a balanced way then we experience our health.

When these patterns are disrupted, we experience poor health or dis-ease. This can be anything from a headache to the worst that you can imagine in terms of poor health. 

Crystals for your Body

1. Boosting your immune System
Your immune system is your first line of defense against invading organisms. If your immune system works well and is balanced, you will recover far more quickly from minor illnesses. Crystals help to find that right balance. The major healing point for your immune system is over the thymus gland which is located in the center of the chest, about a hand’s breadth below the collar bone. To stimulate the immune system, place immune stimulating crystals on the thymus and a clear quartz in the center of your forehead and lie with your hands in your groin crease on each side for 10 minutes. 

2. Detoxification
If your body is toxic, it cannot maintain health. Stimulating your liver with a detoxification layout encourages the lymphatic system to remove the toxins and bring about a physical cleansing.

3. Grounding
One of the most widespread causes of feeling vaguely unwell and out of sorts is being ungrounded. ‘Ungroundedness’ means you are not fully in your physical body, you are not in the present moment and your energy is scattered in all directions. Fortunately a simple exercise as you leave your bed in the morning will get you focused and into your body. 

4. Vitality
Sometimes, we have moments of where we feel overwhelmed by a lack of energy .Certain stones are amazingly powerful for overcoming this energy depletion. Orange Carnelian and Red Jasper are both strongly connected to the life force and the lower chakras that assist the flow of life force within your physical body. 

Crystals for your Mind

1. Concentration, Focus, Memory and Learning
Crystals have a powerful effect on your mind, calming an overactive mind and stimulating a sluggish one.

2. Problem-solving and Creativity
Your creativity and capacity to solve problems can be expanded by uniting the two different hemispheres of the brain. The left side is the analytic rational side, concerned with logical thought, and the right side is the illogical, intuitive part that makes random leaps to find creative answers. Crystals connect the two hemispheres and harness their power.

3. Healing Mental Problems
Crystals can be an enormous support if you suffer from mental problems or have minor psychiatric conditions. They can stabilize your mood and assist with overcoming addictions because they help you deal with the underlying cause of your problem. 

Crystals for your Emotions

1. Emotional Balance
Wearing or surrounding yourself with crystals helps you keep your emotions in balance. The crystals gently release the emotional blockages or suppressed feelings that cause your moods to fluctuate.

2. Healing Depression
Depression is an extremely debilitating emotional state which manifests differently according to its cause. Wear a crystal according to the type of depression you are experiencing. Crystals can help alleviate depression and help to dissolve negative emotions and emotional blockages.

3. Healing Negative Emotions
Crystals draw out difficult emotions. As you place the crystal, visualize it pulling the negative emotion from your physical and subtle bodies, and then filling the space with the crystal’s unique healing vibration.

Crystals for your Spirit

1. Intuition and Insight
Because they are full of spiritual energy and light, crystals work brilliantly to heal or support your spirit and to open your intuition. Hold your selected crystal to your third eye whenever you need spiritual sight or intuitive guidance

2. Healing Dreams
Crystals can be programmed to bring you healing dreams. Simply hold your crystal in your hands for a few moments, visualizing it surrounded by light. Firmly state your intention that your crystal will bring you a healing dream that you will remember and understand on waking. Place the crystal under your pillow before you go to sleep. Keep a pad and pen by the bed to write your dream down.

3. Meditation
Meditation switches off the mind and puts you in touch with spiritual reality. Crystals have a natural affinity with meditation as they calm your mind and open it to receive spiritual energy.

4. Connecting with the Divine
Connection to the Divine energies and the spiritual level of being often occurs during meditation, however, you can achieve enlightenment and connection to Divine energy all the time with the assistance of crystals. Connecting to Divine energy and anchoring it into your crystal means that you will always be connected to the Divine light at the heart of the Universe

Crystals for Relaxation and Calming

Regular relaxation is very beneficial for your health and plays a major role in preventing disease. Crystals quieten your body, mind and emotions, bringing about deep sense of calm and a feeling of being centered  If you feel jittery and cannot stay still, crystals will relax your muscles; and if your thoughts are racing, they will calm down your mind. Taking 15-2 minutes out of your day to relax with crystals will bring inner peace that radiates out into your daily life.

Crystals for Relieving Stress
Stress, whether physical, emotional or mental, takes an enormous toll on your body causing headaches, aches and pains, hot sweats, fatigue, insomnia, stomach ulcers and various auto-immune diseases. When you are under stress, your adrenal glands (situated at the top of your kidneys) go into ‘fight or flight’ mode, over-producing adrenaline. This is nature’s way of giving you additional strength to overcome occasional difficulties but nowadays, many people suffer continual stress which results in burn-out – if adrenaline is not removed from your body, you end up feeling wired and find it impossible to sleep or relax. Lying for 20 minutes with the appropriate crystal helps release this stress, but you can also carry the crystal in your pocket and use it as a hand soother to play with whenever you need.

Crystals to Help you Sleep
Insomnia can arise from various causes and there are several crystals that will assist you to sleep more deeply. The crystal can either be placed under your pillow, worn around your neck, or taken three times a day as a gem elixir with an additional dose taken at bed time.

Crystals and Electronics

The subtle emanations from electrical equipment can seriously damage the bio-magnetic sheath, or aura, surrounding the body. Kirlian photography can take pictures of the energy around your body, and can demonstrate, for example, that the emanations from a mobile phone create gaps in the bio-magnetic sheath around the head and neck, and also around the reproductive organs where the aura virtually disintegrates. This occurs when the phone is simply switched on. Eventually this damage appears as physical disturbances. A laptop or palmtop computer has the same effect. Taping a Green Aventurine to your phone or computer to block the harmful emanations and restore your aura to good health.

Credit: Sam Ehinger Botoulas 

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