Saturday, June 15, 2013

Methods Used In Healing with Crystals.

Crystal therapy or healing takes many forms, but the common thread is that crystals are tools that amplify your intentions to heal.

Chakra Balancing

Because the chakras are the major energy centres of our bodies, regulating physical vitality, emotional moods and spiritual abilities, it is important to keep these centres balanced. Crystals help to clear and equalise the chakras.

* Lie down and place stones on your body’s chakra points.

* Another way is to simply hold and meditate upon each stone for each of the chakras

Laying on of Stones

This is the application of specific crystals directly onto the physical body in order to assist in the healing process


Carrying stones in your hand allows the crystal vibration to flow consistently through your energy field, using touch to access their soothing presence. They can help you stay focused in the present moment and help to eliminate fear, stress and encourage the positive.

Colour Therapy

Coloured stones contain many of the same traits associated with colour therapy. Selecting stones in colours that represent the area you wish to heal


* Ruby reflects life-giving energy, similar to blood flowing with ease throughout the body

* Rose quartz represents unconditional love

Crystal Baths

Acting as a cleansing agent, salt and mineral baths help to keep the auric field clean by removing the residue of old or unwanted energies

* Put your crystals in the tub while you soak to boost the healing properties of the bathwater

* Select a crystal associated with your desired intention

* Sea-salt baths and crystals work well in partnership with flower essences

* However – select stones that are sturdy enough for salt water or else you can place the stone you are using in a dry spot near the bath where their beneficial effects and energy exchange will still occur


Drinking Water

Adding clean and polished crystals to drinking water will help to elevate the liquid’s vibration while intensifying its healing aspects

* Select a crystal associated with your desired intention

* Place the crystal in a glass jug with your drinking water

* Leave the crystal in the water to infuse

* Care should be taken to avoid swallowing any stones


Because crystals work by resonance, the vibration is easily transferred into spring water making a gem elixir

* Clean your selected crystal and place in a clean glass bowl

* Cover with pure spring water

* Leave in the sunlight or moonlight for 6 – 12 hours

* Remove the crystal and add 2/3 brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative

* Bottle in a clean glass bottle

* This is a mother tincture and needs further dilution before use


Wearing stones is very helpful, especially in the heart and throat areas. Choose your selected stones according to your planned activities. How you are feeling on that day is also important in your selection


Selecting and using crystals as meditation companions can be a tremendous energy accelerator. Using a double-terminated (points at both ends)clear quartz crystal can help increase the flow of Divine energy moving in and out of your being on all levels

The 12 Crystal Healers

Judy Hall, author of The Crystal Bible, recommends that with just 12 stones in your crystal healing kit, you can heal dis-ease at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level or transform your environment.

These 12 include: 7 crystals for cleansing, energizing and activation the 7 chakras as well as 4 ‘master healer’ stones for healing the body, mind, emotions, spirit and environment. All 12 of these stones are extremely versatile and will have a healing effect on all levels.

1. Bloodstone

- master healer for the body

2. Smoky Quartz

- master healer for the body and environment

3. Red Jasper

- known as ‘the supreme nurturer’

- resonates with the Root/Base chakra

4. Orange Carnelian

- packed with vitality and life force

- a great energising stone

- resonates with the Sacral chakra

5. Yellow Jasper

- very nurturing and supportive

- releases emotional blockages

- resonates with Solar Plexus chakra

6. Green Aventurine

- excellent all-round healer

- brings well-being and emotional calm

- resonates with the Heart chakra

7. Rose Quartz

- master healer for the heart and emotions

- stone of infinite peace and unconditional love

- excellent for use during trauma, crisis and grief

8. Blue Lace Agate

- a nurturing stone with a soft and cooling energy

- a powerful throat healer and cleanser

- resonates with the Throat chakra

9. Sodalite

- eliminates confusion and enables you to find your inner truth

- a powerful mental healer that unites logic and intuition

- resonates with the Third Eye chakra

10. Amethyst

- amethyst is a master healer for the emotions and spirit

- resonates with the Crown chakra

- efficient pain reliever that transforms blockages at any level

11. Clear Quartz

- the most powerful of the master healers

- for the mind and higher crown chakras

- a truly holistic healer that unites the physical body with the mind, emotions and spirit, bringing harmony to

the entire system

- has the ability to attune itself to your unique needs and adjusts it healing energy accordingly

12. Labradorite

- master healer for the spirit

- facilitates spiritual development by raising the consciousness

- unites logic and insight and eliminates mental confusion

The above list of 12 is just a suggestion. You can substitute the suggested stones with crystals that you resonate with. When selecting your stones however, always bear in mind the energy or vibration they have as well as colour. And very importantly - how you respond to the stones.

Create your own Crystal Healing Kit

* These will be your healing stones for your personal use.

* Tumbled stones are generally the best for this purpose as they smooth and polished with no rough edges.

* Use a soft pouch/bag to store them in and keep them separate from you other stones.

Credit: Sam Ehinger Botoulas

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