Friday, June 21, 2013

Crystal Correspondence A-H

Colour: combinations of brown, blue, grey, green, orange, red and white
Appearance: waxy and soft, usually banded, sometimes translucent
Source: USA, India, Morocco, Czech Republic, Brazil, Africa
Planet: Mercury
Element: various
Deity: Aesculapius
Powers: strength, courage, longevity, gardening, love, healing, protection, enhances mental function, self-confidence
Healing: stabilises the aura; cleanses the body on a physical and emotional level; stimulates digestion; cleanses the lymphatic system and pancreas; heals skin disorders
Magick: used in spells/rituals involving strength, bravery and longevity; worn as a truth amulet to ensure your words are pure; given to children as protective amulets
Botswana Agate – found only in Botswana; excellent for anyone connected with fire or smoke; it is beneficial for smokers and those wanting to quit smoking; looks to solutions rather than dwelling on problems; helps you see the bigger picture; good for the skin and circulatory system; aids depression
Blue Lace Agate (blue with white or darker lines) – a wonderful healing stone; cooling and calming; brings peace of mind; activates the throat chakra allowing free expression of thoughts and feelings; a great nurturing and supportive stone; neutralises feelings of anger; a powerful throat healer; removes blockages from the nervous system; good for the lymphatic system and helps to lower fevers; counteracts mental stress; worn or carried for happiness and peace; lay it on your desk or work station and gaze at it when faced with stressful situations; placed in the home, it reduces household or family quarrels
Fire Agate (brownish-red, orange) – a bringer of security and safety; supports during difficult times; strong protective function, especially against ill-wishing by building a protective shield around the body; dispels fear; encourages introspection; helps to eliminate cravings and destructive desires; heals the stomach, nervous system, endocrine systems and circulatory disorders; reduces hot flashes and removes heat from the body; brings vitality and increases sexual prowess
Moss Agate (green with curious moss-likemarkings) – a stabilising stone strongly connected with nature; the gardener’s talisman; refreshes the soul and helps you to see beauty in all you behold; a great birthing crystal that assists midwives in their work; a stone of new beginnings; great for attracting abundance; works well in spells involving abundance happiness and long-life; improves self-esteem and strengthens positive personality traits; balances the emotions and reduces stress; speeds up recovery from illness; a great anti-inflammatory; boosts the immune system; great for colds and flu and lowers fevers; treats fungal and skin infections 
Pink Agate – promotes love between parent and child, position over the heart for maximum effect
Green Agate – Enhances mental and emotional flexibility and improves decision-making; useful in dissolving disputes; worn to improve the health of the eyes
Blue-Green Agate – this is usually artificially made glass and has no therapeutic properties
Blood Agate (red agate) – was worn in ancient Rome to guard against insect bites, to heal blood and to promote calm and peace
Brown or Tawny Agate – once worn by worriers for victory in battle; a brown agate is used to day for success in any undertaking; was prized in Italy and Persia as a guard against the evil eye; also a great wealth talisman

Colour: blue, green
Appearance: opalescent with veins, various sizes, sometimes tumbled
Source: USA, Russia, Canada, Brazil, India, Mozambique, Namibia, Austria
Planet: Uranus
Element: Earth
Deity: Nepthys, Baba Yaga
Powers: has a powerful filtering action; blocks geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations; extremely soothing; balances masculine and feminine energies
Healing: heals and opens both the heart and the throat chakras; dissipates negative energy and blockages within the nervous system; beneficial for osteoporosis, tooth decay and calcium deficiencies; relieves muscle spasms
Magick: worn by gamblers to attract money luck; also worn by anyone taking a chance to give them good luck

Colour: tones of browns and yellows
Appearance: opaque to translucent resin. Many have insects or vegetation trapped inside them
Source: Britain, Poland, Italy, Romania, Russia, Germany, Dominica
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deity: The Great Mother
Powers: luck, healing, strength, protection, beauty, love, absorbs negative energy, clears depression, stimulates the intellect, sensuality
Healing: powerful chakra cleanser; a good stone for vitality; draws disease out the body; allows the body to rebalance and heal itself; alleviates stress; treats stomach, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver and gall bladder; helps with pain and inflammation; very good to use for babies who are teething
Magick: potent amulet against negative magick; especially good for children; witches, wise women and shamans wear amber beads to strengthen their spells; attracts love; increases strength for business success and stimulates the flow of money

Colour: lavender to deep purple
Appearance: transparent, pointed crystals. Can appear as a geode, cluster or single point in varying sizes
Source: USA, Britain, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, India
Planet: Jupiter, Neptune
Element: Water
Deity: Bacchus, Dionysus, Diana
Powers: dreams, overcoming alcoholism, healing, peace, love, courage, happiness, protection against thieves 
Healing: a natural tranquilizer; has a sobering effect on over indulgence; boosts the production of hormones; tunes the endocrine system and metabolism; strengthens and cleanses the organs and is an excellent blood cleanser; relives physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress; eases headaches
Magick: calms emotional storms; protects against thieves, harm, sickness and danger; worn as a protective amulet; banishes sorrow and evil; used by those in lawsuits to ensure that right is done; aids meditation and connecting to Spirit

Colour: sea foam green to pale blue
Appearance: clear to opaque crystal, often small and tumbled or faceted
Source: USA, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, India, Ireland, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Pakistan
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deity: Poseidon, Neptune, Aphrodite
Powers: peace, courage, purification, protects against pollutants
Healing: useful for sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid issues; regulates hormones and growth; cleanses the organs; has a general tonic affect; aids eyes, jaw and teeth, helps ease hay fever; soothes and calms emotional problems
Magick: enhances psychic powers; because of its cleansing affect, worn or rubbed over the body for purification prior to rituals or magick workings; a powerful protective amulet when travelling, especially at sea and in the air

Colour: green, blue, red, brown, peach
Appearance: opaque, speckled with shiny particles, all sizes, often tumbled
Source: Italy, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Tibet, Nepal
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deity: Zeus, Jupiter, The Dagda and Thor
Powers: mental powers, eyesight, gambling, money, peace, healing and luck; absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental pollution; reinforces leadership qualities and decision-making; heals heart pain; accelerates the balancing of yin and yang energy within you;
Healing: promotes a feeling of well-being; benefits the thymus gland, connective tissue and nervous system; balances blood pressure; lowers cholesterol and helps to prevent heart attacks; has anti-inflammatory properties; helps with allergies; relieves migraine headaches and soothes the eyes; heals lungs, sinuses, heart, adrenals and muscular system; as an elixir, it relieves skin problems
Magick: worn, carried or used in spells designed to increase perception, to stimulate creativity and to enhance intelligence; utilized in games of chance magick and is a popular gambler’s talisman; used in money spells, an all-round luck stone
Blue Aventurine - is a powerful mental healer
Green Aventurine - is a comforter and heart healer and also settles nausea

Colour: pink, golden, yellow, green, white, blue
Appearance: prismatic crystals, may be transparent and pyramidal, all sizes
Source: USA, Russia, Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Norway
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deity: Poseidon, Neptune, Tiamat, Mara
Powers: psychism, healing, love, energy, anti-gossip, aids in shedding unnecessary baggage, represents purity of being, opens and activates the crown and solar plexus chakras
Healing: aids the organs of elimination; strengthens pulmonary and circulatory systems; increases resistance to toxins and pollutants; is a sedative stone; as an elixir it can be used to treat throat infections
Magick: worn while on water for protection against storms; worn to prevent deliberate psychic manipulation or persuasion; increases optimism and happiness; increases psychic awareness and is often used as seer stones or crystal balls; helps with locating lost items; halts gossip; attracts friendship and love
Golden Beryl - is often used as a seer stone
Pink Beryl(Morganite) - attracts and maintains love
Red Beryl(Bixbite) - opens and energises the base chakra

Colour: red-green
Appearance: green quartz flecked with red or yellow jasper, often medium-sized tumbled stones
Source: Australia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Russia, India
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deity: Isis, Horus, Brigid
Powers: halting bleeding; healing; victory; courage; legal matters; wealth; strength; power; business; assists with bringing spirituality into everyday life; stimulates dreaming; excellent for grounding and protection; powerful healer
Healing: an energy cleanser; immune system stimulator; excellent blood cleanser; stimulates the flow of lymph; regulates and detoxifies the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder; aids with circulation; helps the blood to remove toxins; halts bleeding; helps with fevers; carried by pregnant women to prevent miscarriage and used to ease childbirth
Magick: worn to increase physical strength; lends courage, calms fears and eliminates anger; used in spells to secure victory in court and legal matters; can be used in wealth, money and business spells; a good money-drawing stone; often regarded as the farmers talisman, as it will increase the yield of the crop when worn during planting; can be used for “magick invisibility” when you wish to lie low and not attract attention to yourself

Colour: green, blue, yellow, orange, clear, brown, pink, grey, red
Appearance: translucent and waxy, often banded, all sizes, sometimes tumbled
Source: USA, Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania, Brazil
Planet: various depending on the colour
Element: various depending on the colour
Deity: various
Powers: an active crystal that speeds up development and growth; spirituality; centring; peace; love; healing; purification; money; protection; energy
Healing: cleans the organs of elimination; encourages calcium uptake in bones, but dissolves calcification; strengthen joints and the skeleton; alleviates intestinal and skin conditions; stimulated blood clotting and tissue healing; fortifies the immune system; can encourage growth in small children; applied as an elixir, it can be used with ulcers, warts and certain wounds
Magick: calcite has the unique optical quality of double refraction. Draw a line with a pen on a piece of paper, then, place a piece of calcite over the line. When you look through the stone, the line will appear doubled. This property causes calcite to be used in spells to “double the power” of the rite. It is placed on the altar or worn during magickal ritual for this purpose
Clear Calcite - is used in spiritual rituals
Pink Calcite - is calming and centring when held in the hand
Blue Calcite - is a healing stone and can be used during purification rituals
Green Calcite - draws money and prosperity to the household especially when surrounded by flaming green candles every morning for a few minutes
Orange Calcite - is a protective stone and lends energy to the body when held.

Colour: red, orange, pink, brown
Appearance: small, translucent pebble, often water-worn or tumbled
Source: Britain, India, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania
Planet: Sun
Element: fire
Deity: Isis
Powers: protection; peace; healing; courage; sexual energy; restores vitality and motivation; banishes negativity
Healing: stimulates metabolism; increases fertility; heals lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression; accelerates bone healing; improves absorption of vitamins and minerals
Magick: stills anger, jealousy, envy and hatred; an excellent stone to wear if you are speaking in public; guards against others who try to read your thoughts; strengthens astral vision and halt nightmares; worn to stimulate sexual impulses

Colour: blue, yellow, red, white
Appearance: translucent, pyramidal crystals as medium to large clusters or geode
Source: Britain, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Libya, Madagascar
Planet: Venus, Neptune
Element: Water
Deity: Hermes
Powers: Celestite has a very high vibration and is a teacher for the New Age; it can take you to the infinite peace of the spiritual and contacts the angelic realms; imparts gentle strength and enormous inner peace; you can feel the angelic connections; compassion, healing
Healing: excellent for dissolving pain and bringing in love; treats disorders of the eyes and ears; eliminates toxins; relaxes muscle tension; relieves headaches
Magick: used for scrying and connecting with the angelic realms; promotes compassion for the earth; opens up connections to the universal energy

Colour: yellow to deep golden brown
Appearance: transparent crystals, all sizes, often as geode, point or cluster
Source: Brazil, Russia, France, Madagascar, Britain, USA
Planet: Sun
Element: fire
Deity: Demeter
Powers: because it carries the power of the sun, it is a powerful cleanser and regenerator; never needs cleansing; it absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy; increases self-esteem; energises every level of life; healing; abundance
Healing: excellent for energising and recharging; stimulates digestion; increases blood circulation; detoxifies the blood; helps to regulate menstruation; balances the thyroid; relieves constipation and removes cellulite; as a =n elixir, it is helpful with menstrual problems and menopausal hot flashes
Magick: worn at night, it helps to remove fear and prevent nightmares; helps connect you to your higher self; activates the crown chakra and opens the intuition; stone of abundance and works well in spells to manifest and attract wealth and prosperity

Colour: clear white, yellow, blue, brown, pink
Appearance: small, clear, transparent gemstones when cut and polished
Source: Africa, Australia, Brazil, India, Russia, USA
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deity: Mars
Powers: amplifier of energy, enhances love between a husband and wife and seen as a sign of commitment, enhances the powers of other crystals, spirituality, purity, protection, courage, peace, reconciliation, healing, strength 
Healing: treat glaucoma, clears sight and benefits the brain; treats allergies and chronic conditions; rebalances metabolism; traditionally used to counteract poisons; 
Magick: when worn, it promotes spirituality; promotes self-confidence in relation to the opposite sex; used in spells to increase physical strength; protection; cleanses the aura of anything shrouding a person’s inner light; will pinpoint anything that is negative and requires transformation

Colour: green
Appearance: small bright gemstones or larger cloudy crystals
Source: India, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Brazil, Egypt, Austria
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deity: Isis, Venus, Ceres, Vishnu
Powers: known as the stone of love; eliminates negativity and brings in positive actions; imparts mental clarity, strengthens memory, inspires a deeper knowing
Healing: an all purpose healing stone; aids the recovery of infectious illness; treats sinuses, lungs, heart, spine and muscles; soothes the eyes; alleviates rheumatism and diabetes; believed to ward off epilepsy
Magick: love spells, money and business success; affects the conscious mind, so helps to increase the wearer’s awareness of psychic faculties; said to grant knowledge of past, present and future; mental powers, protection, exorcism; utilised throughout the world in magick for protection
*although emerald is one of the most expensive stones, inexpensive, low-quality uncut emeralds are available if you shop around 

Colour: black, white, blue, grey, brown, yellow, orange
Appearance: dense and glassy, often coated white
Source: worldwide
Planet: Mars
Element: fire
Deity: Caelus
Powers: used extensively by early man to make blades; symbolising the deep masculine and Green Man mysteries; also provides a strong link to the Earth Mother to connect with priestess power; a perfect rite-of-passage stone; very protective and helps prevent nightmares; an effective conductor for electromagnetic energy and can be used to enhance energy flow; a powerful earth healer
Healing: disperses pain; supports the reproductive system; helps with obsessive disorders and is excellent for jaw or back pain; 
Magick: ancient flint implements are very protective amulets, particularly potent when placed above the door; used in modern-day Brazil in divining gold, water, gem stones and other underground treasures; can be used to turn back curses
Black or Brown Flint - assists in understanding the deeper causes of depression and accepting the shadow side of your nature
Orange Flint - gives inner strength during difficult times
Blue Flint - lifts you above the mundane into a higher understanding of disease

Colour: clear, blue, green, purple, yellow, brown
Appearance: transparent, cubic or octahedral crystals, all sizes
Source: USA, Britain, Australia, Germany, Norway, China, Peru, Mexico, Brazil
Element: Akasha
Deity: Ganesha, Hecate
Powers: highly protective; can shut off psychic manipulation and undue mental influence; elemental power; past-life regression, protection, longevity
Healing: a powerful healing tool, dealing with infections and disorders; benefits teeth and bones; repairs DNA damage; powerful against viruses, especially as an elixir; regenerates skin and mucous membranes; heals ulcers and wounds; beneficial for colds, flu and sinusitis; provides pain relief; rekindles sexual libido; heals the skin
Magick: opens the door to the subconscious; dissolves fixed patterns of behaviour; dissolves illusions and reveals truth; draws off negative energies and stress of all kind; helps to quell strong emotions
Blue Fluorite - enhances creativity, clear thought and communication; 
Clear Fluorite - stimulates the crown chakra and energizes the aura;
Green Fluorite- grounds excess energy, dissipates emotional trauma and clears infection; 
Violet and Purple Fluorite - stimulates the third eye and imparts common sense; 
Yellow Fluorite - enhances creativity and stabilises group energy

Colour: red, pink, green, orange, yellow, brown, black
Appearance: transparent or translucent crystal, often small and faceted or large opaque piece 
Source: worldwide
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deity: Persephone, Kuan Yin
Powers: a powerful energising and regenerating stone; useful in a crisis; sharpens your perceptions of yourself and other people; strength
Healing: regenerates the body; stimulates metabolism; treats spinal and cellular disorders; purifies the blood, heart and lungs; assists in the assimilation of vitamins and minerals
Magick: worn to enhance bodily strength, endurance and vigour; worn or used in magick to tap extra energy for ritual purposes; worn for protective purposes; creates a shield of highly charged positive vibrations that repel negative energies upon contact; protection against thieves; love spells; rituals and spells to enhance sexuality

Colour: shiny grey or silver
Appearance: “brain-like” when unpolished, shiny when polished, heavy, all sizes
Source: Britain, Italy, Brazil, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland
Planet: Saturn
Element: fire
Deity: Mars
Powers: a self healing stone; particularly effective at grounding and protecting; divination; harmonises mind, body and spirit; very supportive to women; stimulates concentration and focus; enhances memory and original thought
Healing: aids circulatory problems; aids blood conditions such as anaemia; supports the kidneys and cleanses the blood; stimulates the absorption of iron and the formation of red blood cells; treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia; aids spinal ailments and fractures; uses as an elixir for fevers as it draws heat from the body
Magick: powerful healing stone; can be used as a scrying stone; beneficial in legal situations; boosts self-esteem and enhances willpower; removes self-limitations

Colour: clear to smoky
Appearance: clear, oily, inner rainbows, usually double terminated, usually quite small in size
Source: USA (Herkimer County, NY), Mexico, Spain, Tanzania
Planet: Sun
Element: all four elements
Deity: Angerona
Powers: energises, enlivens, and promotes creativity; a powerful attunement crystal; stimulates psychic ability; used to access past life information 
Healing: detoxifying; protects against radioactivity; treats disease caused by contact; relieves insomnia; corrects metabolic imbalances; eliminates stress and tension from the body; makes an excellent environmental spray or gem elixir
Magick: work very well as substitutes for diamonds; enhances telepathy; opens channels for spiritual energy flow during magick rituals; attunes people and links them together when they have to be parted -each person should retain one stone; excellent for clairvoyance and spiritual vision; facilitates gentle release and transformation, bringing your soul’s purpose forward

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