Friday, June 21, 2013

Crystal Correspondence J-Q

Colour: green, orange, brown, blue, blue-green, cream, lavender, red, white
Appearance: translucent or creamy, somewhat soapy feel, all sizes
Source: USA, China, Ital, Russia, Middle East
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deity: Kwan Yin, Maat, Buddha
Powers: a symbol of purity and serenity; a stone if wisdom; 
Healing: treats the adrenal glands and kidneys; removes toxins; rebuilds the cellular and skeletal systems; heals stitches; assists in fertility and childbirth; balances the fluids in the body
Magick: an ancient love attracting stone; when carved into a butterfly, it is worn in China to draw love; wearing jade helps to heal the body by working on the non-physical problems that manifest as disease; power of longevity; wearing jade can bring money into your life; placed against the third eye, helps you receive wisdom and strengthen mental faculties; protective and guards against accidents and mishaps

Colour: red, brown, yellow, green, blue, purple
Appearance: opaque, patterned, often water-worn or small and tumbled
Source: worldwide
Planet: various depending on stone colour
Element: various depending on stone colour
Deity: various
Powers: know as the ‘supreme nurturer’ as it sustains and supports during times of stress, brings tranquillity and wholeness; unifies all aspects of your life and reminds people to help each other; aligns the chakras and helps with dream recall; clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution including radiation; 
Healing: absorbs negative energy and cleanses and aligns the body’s energies
Magick: each colour has its own corresponding magickal nature and uses
Red Jasper - guards against poisons and cures fevers, a great protective stone, also carried or used during healing and health spells, worn by young women to promote beauty and grace
Green Jasper - is a healing amulet and health talisman, promotes restful sleep 
Brown Jasper - is especially good for grounding and centring after heavy magickal ritual work
Blue Jasper - connects you to the spiritual world

Colour: black
Appearance: coal-like, usually polished and small (actually formed from fossilised wood)
Source: worldwide
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth, Akasha
Deity: Cybele
Powers: a VERY powerful stone and should be used with care; worn as a talisman since Stone Age times; protection, anit-nightmare, luck, divination, health
Healing: treats migraines, epilepsy and colds; diminishes glandular and lymphatic swellings; heals stomach pain; traditional used for menstrual cramps
Magick: worn around the neck as a stone of protection; because it is receptive, it absorbs negative energies and is particularly protective; used as a traveller’s amulet; guards against nightmares; strengthens psychic awareness; often used in divination rituals; used in health and healing spells

Colour: pink, green, yellow, lilac, clear (colour can fade in sunlight)
Appearance: transparent or translucent, striated crystal, all sizes
Source: USA, Madagascar, Brazil, Myanmar, Afghanistan
Planet: Venus, Pluto
Element: Earth
Deity: Isis, Venus, Nuit
Powers: extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration; emits a peaceful vibration that can be felt by just standing near large pieces of the stone; awakens the heart centre and connects you to universal love; protective and grounding; brings back lost trust and innocence; 
Healing: strengthens the circulatory system and heart muscle; helpful with nervous conditions; calms epilepsy; soothes joint pain; neutralises the effects of anaesthesia and strengthens the immune system; releases muscles and eases tension; 
Magick: good for meditation; enhances creativity, encourages humility; dispels negativity and shields from unwanted energies clears emotional debris and frees up the emotions
Clear Kunzite – assists soul retrieval work
Yellow Kunzite – clears environmental smog
Lilac Kunzite – symbol of infinity and breaks through the barriers of time
Green Kunzite(Hiddenite) – connects to other worlds and transfers knowledge from higher realms

Colour: blue-white, pink, yellow, grey, green
Appearance: striated, bladed crystal, may be transparent or opaque and “pearlised”, all sizes
Source: Brazil
Planet: Jupiter, Moon
Element: Water
Deity: Ganesh
Powers: excellent for meditation; this one stone can align all the chakras; does not accumulate negative energies so never needs cleansing; cleanses other crystals it is placed near; stimulates psychic abilities and the intuition; assists with connecting to spirit guides; opens the throat chakra
Healing: treats muscular disorders, fevers, thyroid, adrenal glands, throat and brain; a natural pain reliever; lowers blood pressure; heals infections; releases excess weight, supports the cerebellum
Magick: able to remove all negative energies; restores balance and aids in communication; dispels confusion in a matter; helpful for rising up the corporate ladder
Blue Kyanite – strengthens the voice, heals the throat, useful for public speaking;
Black Kyanite – grounds the body, during and after meditation

Colour: greyish to black with blue, yellow
Appearance: all sizes, usually polished, dark until it catches the light, then iridescent blue or gold flashes. Yellow form is transparent, usually small and tumbled
Source: Italy, Greenland, Finland, Russia, Canada, Scandinavia
Planet: Uranus
Element: Water
Deity: associated with deities surrounding rainbows
Powers: the stone of Shamans, Diviners and Healers; a powerful protector of mineral kingdom; highly mystical and protective, a bringer of light, raises the consciousness and deflects unwanted energies, prevents energy leakage; a stone of self discovery
Healing: disorders of the eyes and brain; relieves stress and regulates metabolism; treats colds, gout and rheumatism, balances hormones and relieves menstrual tension
Magick: a stone of esoteric knowledge; great stone for dispelling illusions; banishes fears and insecurities from previous disappointments including those experienced in past lives; stimulates intuition and psychic gifts; a useful companion through change; good to use in weight-loss spells; provides clarity of inner sight; a stone to strengthen willpower

Colour: deep blue flecked with gold
Appearance: dense, veined, looks like the night sky, all sizes, sometimes tumbled
Source: Russia, Afghanistan, Chile, Italy, USA, Egypt, Middle East
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deity: Isis, Venus, Nuit
Powers: healing, joy, love, fidelity, protection, courage; stimulates enlightenment; possesses enormous serenity; protective; contacts spirit guardians; harmonises the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels; teaches the value of active listening 
Healing: alleviates pain, especially of migraines; overcomes depression; benefits the respiratory and nervous systems; stimulates the immune system; overcomes hearing loss; purifies the blood; cleanses the organs; works well on throat ailments
Magick: a powerful thought amplifier; helps the wearer to confront the truth; stimulates gentleness in the wearer; a potent fidelity charm; strengthens psychic awareness; protective, especially for children if worn as a necklace as it ensures health, growth and protection; induces courage

Colour: purple, pink
Appearance: plate-like layers, slightly shiny or grainy mass, all sizes
Source: USA, Czech Republic, Brazil, Madagascar, Dominican Republic
Planet: Jupiter, Neptune
Element: Water
Deity: Gaia, Demeter
Powers: absorbs electromagnetic pollution; dissipates negativity; clears blockages in the chakras; peace, spirituality, luck, protection, anti-nightmare; love
Healing: its gentle vibrations relieves allergies, strengthens the immune system, restructures DNA; relieves exhaustion, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s; numbs sciatica and neuralgia; helps to overcome joint problems; a detoxifier for the skin and connective tissue; excellent for menopause; helps stabilise moods and bipolar disorders; relieves depression; 
Magick: soothes anger, hatred and any other negative emotions; used in rituals to promote spirituality and increase psychic awareness; carried to attract good luck, and to drive off negativity; a stone of transition as it releases old patterns inducing change; encouraged independence and achieving goals; enhances standing in your own space, free from the influence of others

Colour: green
Appearance: concentric light and dark bands and rosettes, all sizes, often tumbled or polished
Source: Romania, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Middle East
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deity: Hathor
Powers: power, protection
Healing: extremely versatile healing stone; particularly useful for cramps, including menstrual cramps; been called the stone of midwives and it helps facilitate childbirth; resonates with the female sex organs; lowers blood pressure; treats asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, fractures, swollen joints and growths; good for those who suffer from travel sickness and vertigo; enhances the immune system; stimulates the liver to release toxins; treats diabetes 
Magick: lends extra energy to magickal rites; beads or pendants of malachite are worn to guard against negativity and physical dangers, especially powerful in preventing falls; the traveller’s guardian stone; used in love attracting spells; worn close to the heart, it helps to attract love to you; small pieces in each corner of a business building or a small piece placed in the cash register draws customers; said to be the sales person’s stone

Colour: dark green
Appearance: small transparent, folded mass, often glassy
Source: Czech Republic, Germany, Moldova
Planet: Uranus
Element: Fire
Deity: various
Powers: very powerful; its power should be used with great care; the only gemstone known (so far) that is not entirely of this Earth, a natural glass created by a meteorite strike; has a strong energetic field and seems to 'pulse' in your hand when you hold it; magically and spiritually potent; found at only one impact site on the planet and is quite rare.
Healing: does not heal individual conditions as such, but rather makes you aware of the cause and source of dis-ease and then supports the releasing and healing process; can be used as a tool of diagnosis; helps to bring hidden emotional trauma to the surface for healing (other crystals are then used for the healing)
Magick: can accelerate spiritual development and help you make conscious contact between the higher and lower self; opens communication with spirit guides and deities and encourages visions of higher planes; in meditation it pierces the veil between the worlds; used as a talisman for good fortune and fertility; placed on the heart, it can ease ‘homesickness’

Colour: white, cream, yellow, blue, green
Appearance: milky, translucent, all sizes
Source: India, Sri Lanka, Australia
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deity: Diana, Selene, Isis, all lunar goddesses
Powers: a stone of ‘new beginnings’; strongly connected to the moon and to the intuition; calms the emotions; enhances psychic abilities 
Healing: helps the digestive and reproductive systems; eliminates toxins from the body; helps with fluid retention; excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding; a moonstone elixir is excellent for insomnia
Magick: a love-drawing stone; prized on its ability to work out problems between lovers; associated with gardening; gently protective especially for those travelling; often used in divination rituals; good for spells to assist in weight-loss 

Colour: brown, black, blue, green, rainbow, red-black, silver, gold-sheen
Appearance: shiny, opaque, glass-like, all sizes, sometimes tumbled
Source: Mexico and worldwide
Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
Deity: Tezcatlipoca (Aztec for ‘smoking mirror’)
Powers: NEEDS CAREFUL HANDLING; a stone without boundaries; works extremely fast and with great power; truth-enhancing (merciless in exposing flaws, weaknesses and blockages); absorbs negative energies from the environment (because of this, it is essential to clean the stone under running water each time it has been used)
Healing: gives insight into the causes of dis-ease; aids digestion; detoxifies and dissolves blockages and tension in the physical and subtle bodies; reduces the pain of arthritis, joint problems, cramps and injuries; beneficial for shock if taken as an elixir; alleviates pain and stanches bleeding; warms the extremities
Magick: effective when carried or used in protective rituals; used as a ball or mirror for scrying; strongly protective, it forms a shield against negativity; it blocks psychic attack; grounding and centring stone; anchors the spirit into the body; brings clarity of mind and dissolves emotional blockages
Rainbow Obsidian – one of the gentler obsidians but with strong protective powers, replenishes heart energy, teaches you about your spiritual nature.
Apache Tear – a form of black obsidian with a more gentle energy, protects the aura, comforts grief, provides insight into the source of distress, stimulates analytical capabilities
Snowflake Obsidian – clams and soothes, putting you in the right frame of mind to be receptive, helps relieve stressful mental patterns, helps to empower you from loneliness and isolation
Red-Black Obsidian – promotes vitality, virility and brotherhood, treats fevers and chills

Colour: black, grey, white, blue, brown, yellow, red
Appearance: banded, marble-like, often polished, all sizes
Source: Italy, Mexico, USA, Russia, Brazil, South Africa
Planet: Mars, Saturn
Element: Fire
Deity: Mars
Powers: strength-giving; very supportive during difficult times; protection
Healing: beneficial for teeth, bones, bone marrow, blood disorders and the feet; a good mental tonic
Magick: great to use in all protective spells; a protective stone worn when facing adversaries in battles or conflicts of all kinds; defence against negative energies that have been consciously directed at you; good for past life work; help in rituals to heal old grief and sorrow

Colour: white, pink, black, beige, blue, yellow, brown, orange, green, red, purple
Appearance: clear or milky, iridescent and fiery, or vitreous without fire, often small and polished
Source: Australia, Mexico, Peru, South America, Britain, Canada, USA, Honduras, Slovakia
Planet: all planets
Element: all elements
Deity: cupid
Powers: a delicate stone with a fine vibration; enhances cosmic consciousness and mystic vision; absorbent and reflective; picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them and returns them to source; enhances self-worth and helps you understand your full potential 
Healing: strengthens the will to live; treats infections and fevers; strengthens the memory, helps those who have Parkinson’s disease; regulates insulin; eases childbirth; alleviates PMS; beneficial to the eyes, especially as an elixir
Magick: good for astral projection; because opal contains the colours as well as the energies and qualities of every other stone it can be charged and used in spells involving all magickal needs; worn to bring out inner beauty; a very good luck-bringing stone; often linked to invisibility
Black Opal – prized by magicians and Wiccans as power stones and often worn in ritual jewellery
Blue Opal – emotional soother that realigns to spiritual purpose, useful when past-life experiences or injuries are affecting your present life
Cherry Opal – promotes a feeling of being centred, alleviates emotional burdens
Fire Opal – enhances personal power, a symbol of hope, facilitates change and progress, magnifies thoughts and feelings, resonates with the abdomen and lower back, excellent for reenergising and warming
Green Opal – cleansing and rejuvenating, promotes emotional recovery, strengthens the immune system and alleviates colds and flu
Water Opal (Hyalite) – wonderful for scrying, stimulates connection with the spiritual realm, mood stabiliser

Colour: olive green, yellowish-green, honey, red, brownish-green
Appearance: opaque, clear crystal when faceted and polished, usually quite small
Source: USA, Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Russia, Sri Lanka, Canary Islands
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deity: the Great Mother
Powers: protective of the aura; a powerful cleanser; protection, health, wealth, sleep; releases negative patterns and old vibrations; motivates growth
Healing: has a tonic effect; can be worn or carried for general healing purposes; heals and regenerates tissues; strengthens metabolism and benefits the skin; aids the heart, thymus, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract, and ulcers; strengthens the eyes; balances bipolar disorders; promotes the healing of insect bites; assists with liver ailments; helps to promote sleep and soothes the nervous system
Magick: clears the way for your heart to love; used to attract love; used in wealth-attracting spells; makes a great protective amulet; banishes lethargy; enhances confidence and assertions without aggression; helps to open the mind to new levels of awareness

Colour: light grey, beige
Appearance: light, holey as thought bubbles have burst
Source: worldwide
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deity: Gaia
Powers: a powerful healer and absorber of negative energy
Healing: assists the action of colonic hydrotherapy; detoxification; cellular memory; soothes irritable bowel syndrome; eases the passage of new life during the childbirth process
Magick: banishment; placed on the altar during protective magick or in the home as an ‘amuletic’ sponge to absorb negative energies; useful for defence against abrasive people; heals emotional wounds

QUARTZ (general characteristics)
Colour: various
Appearance: long, pointed crystals, transparent, milky or striated, often in clusters, all sizes, often tumbled
Source: worldwide
Planet: all planets
Element: all elements
Deity: The Great Mother
Powers: quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of its unique helical spiral crystalline form; absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy; protects against radiation and dispels static electricity; works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work
Healing: the Master Healer – can be used for any condition; stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance; excellent for soothing burns; harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies
Magick: a stone of scryers, particularly as a crystal ball; worn or carried to increase psychism; helps to tap into the subconscious mind; placed in the home or worn for protective purposes; a powerful amplifier during magick rituals
Quartz, Blue - peace and tranquillity; assists in reaching out to others; clams the mind; aids in understanding your spiritual nature; inspires hope; beneficial for the organs in the upper body; purifies the bloodstream and strengthens the immune system
Quartz, Green - used in prosperity spells to increase money and provide an “easy life”; worn to stimulate creativity; facilitates spiritual communication over long distances; empowers healing on all levels
Quartz, Snow - supports you while you are learning lessons; assists with overcoming martyrdom and victimhood; helps you think before you speak
Quartz, Tourmalinated - quartz penetrated with black tourmaline crystals. Brings together the properties of quartz and tourmaline; worn to stimulate astral projection; an effective grounding stone; strengthens the body’s energy field against external invasion; deflects environmental pollution; turns negative thoughts and energies into positive ones; releases tension; harmonises the meridians

Colour: pink
Appearance: usually translucent, may be transparent, all sizes, sometimes tumbled
Source: South Africa, USA, Brazil, Japan, India, Madagascar
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deity: The Great Mother, Aphrodite, Venus
Powers: the stone of love; most important crystal for the heart; brings deep healing and self-love; gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes; promotes peace and happiness
Healing: strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system; releases impurities from the bodily fluids; aids chest and lung problems; heals the kidneys and adrenals; alleviates vertigo; increases fertility; soothes burns and blistering and smoothes the complexion; helpful in Alzheimer’s and senile dementia; excellent for use in trauma and crisis
Magick: worn to attract love; magickal applications include promoting peace, happiness and fidelity in established relationships; encourages unconditional love; restores trust and harmony; helps to release unexpressed emotions and heartache

Colour: colourless or smoky with golden brown, reddish, or black strands
Appearance: long thin “threads” in clear crystal, all sizes
Source: worldwide
Planet: Sun, Mercury, Mars
Element: fire
Deity: The Great Mother
Powers: an energy stone; an effective integrator of energy at any level; a very effective vibrational healer; cleanses and energises the aura
Healing: helpful for impotence and infertility; excellent for exhaustion and energy depletion; treats the respiratory tract and bronchitis; stimulates and balances the thyroid; repels parasites; stimulates growth and regeneration in cells and repairs torn tissues; encourages upright posture
Magick: worn during magickal rituals or place on the stone alter to increase the effectiveness of your magick; assists in astral travel, scrying and channelling; facilitates contact with the highest spiritual guidance; draws off negative energies; breaks down barriers to spiritual progress; aids with letting go of the past; used in past-life healing; opens the aura to allow healing

Colour: brownish to blackish hue, sometimes yellowish
Appearance: translucent, long, pointed crystals with darker ends, all sizes (note: very dark quartz may be artificially irradiated and is not transparent)
Source: worldwide
Planet: Pluto
Element: Earth, Fire
Deity: The Earth Mother, Hecate
Powers: a powerful grounding and anchoring stone and mood elevator; raises vibrations during meditation; protective with a strong link with the earth
Healing: particularly effective for ailments of the abdomen, hips and legs; relieves pain, including headaches; benefits the reproductive system, muscles, nerve tissue and heart; dissolves cramps; strengthens the back; fortifies the nerves; aids assimilation of minerals; regulates liquids in the body; detoxifies; lifts depression and brings emotional calmness; alleviates suicidal tendencies; excellent for treating radiation-related illnesses and chemotherapy
Magick: known as the stone of the Druids; worn as a grounding stone especially during magickal rituals; assists with manifesting your dreams; protective and neutralizes negative energies; teaches you how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you

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