Thursday, June 20, 2013

Crystal Grids

Gridding refers to the placing of crystals around a building, person or room for protection or enhancement of energies.

Grids are ancient, time-honoured ways to contain and build the power of prayer and healing energy. For centuries, people have joined with nature in order to link with eternal wisdom, leaving behind familiar images such as Stonehenge in England; the French Carnac Stones and ancient pyramids in Egypt, Mexico and South America.

These powerful networks hold the memories and energy patterns from many ceremonies of intent. Even today, as you walk through the ancient circles and temples, the current surrounds you in powerful ways. This force comes partly from the intensified electromagnetic field of the stone configurations and partly from the lingering vibration of past prayers for individual and communal harmony.

Since crystal grids are geometric forms that facilitate an energetic flow using stones and patterns, they are similar to focusing your meditation through a mandala, pyramid or labyrinth. Laying crystals on or around your body quickly brings relief from dis-ease. You can also grid crystals around your bed or to protect your house. You can use crystals to stimulate the immune system or to alleviate stress.

The stones used for the framework may be raw (natural state), tumbled or polished, or faceted; and the pattern may be as simple as four pieces of rose quartz placed in your bedroom’s corners to enhance love, or it may be more complex sacred geometry to accelerate spiritual ascension. Whether you are using a grid to assist you with a simple need (such as a better night’s sleep) or something more intricate, it simply requires your clear intention, trust and commitment for you to receive the full benefit.

Basically you are asking to create a unified field of power in which thoughts and desires manifest because stones that are placed in a particular shape heighten energetic vibrations and movement.

Nine Steps To Making A Grid

1. Determine its Intention

- you first need to decide “what is it for?”

- since it will amplify your thoughts, feelings and intentions, it is crucial that you have a very clear focus

2. Decide on the Size

- this is totally up to you. A grid that is small enough to lay out on a tray can be just as powerful as the one

that is large enough to surround your body or a building

- however, there are times when the best choice is sitting inside the larger formation in order to feel the full

effects of its vibrations

3. Find a Location

- sometimes a location may be obvious (e.g. the bedroom if you want to sleep better), but at other times,

convenience may be the deciding factor (e.g. your altar or personal meditation space where you know it

won’t be moved or disrupted)

- remember you can also build your grid outdoors

4. Use Feng Shui

- this is an optional enhancement to further strengthen and enhance your pattern’s intention

5. Clear the Space

- once you have worked out the intent, size and location for your grid, you will need to purify and lift the

energy in that spot

- any space-clearing method will work such as burning sage, placing bowls of salt in the room or ringing a bell

6. Create Ambience

- music, candles and incense all add to the sense of tranquillity and peace in the sacred space you have chosen

7. Place the Crystals

- you can either use a grid outline or follow your own inner guidance

- place your crystals around your chosen location

- don’t worry about how you place your crystals, as long as you are following your own inner guidance, you

cannot make a mistake in the building process

8. Meditate and Empower the Grid

- sit quietly, either next to the crystals or in the centre of the pattern, and visualise lines of energy connecting

each stone above and around you

- you may see various lines, shapes and colours or hear whirring sounds in your ears. These are all displays of

the converging power

9. Listen

- focus on your breathing in order to quieten your mind and then pay attention to any ideas, visions, words or

feelings that come to you

- surrender any distracting thoughts or worries so that you can visualise your desire already being complete

and give thanks for it

- complete the meditation by saying positive affirmations to enhance the power

Each time you build and use a crystal grid, you’ll develop a greater awareness of its energy and power, so just relax into the process and have fun with it

Some Common Crystal Combinations


Crystals: 8 clear quartz points

3 pieces of jade or citrine

Shape: lay out a circle of quartz points with the jade or citrine outlining a triangle shape in the centre. This pattern works best when placed in the feng shui wealth corner of a home or business

Affirmation: abundance in all forms now flow into me with Divine grace


Crystals: 11 pieces of rose quartz or moonstone

11 pieces of turquoise

Shape: arrange the stones in 3 interconnecting circles, representing mind, body and spirit

Affirmation: I enjoy perfect, robust and joyful health now


Crystals: 5 quartz points

12 pieces of black or rainbow obsidian

Shape: create a square using the obsidian. Place the quartz points together in a star formation in the center of the square.

Affirmation: I release fear, knowing that I am fully loved and protected by the God and Goddess now and forever


Crystals: 4 pieces of rose quartz

1 piece of rainbow obsidian or hematite

Shape: put one piece of rose quartz in each corner of the bedroom with the hematite/obsidian under the bed to create an atmosphere of love and security that will improve your sleep

Affirmation: I am loved and protected. It is now safe to relax and sleep

Each time you build and use a crystal grid, you will develop a greater awareness of its energy and power – so relax into the process and have fun.

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