Each position in the spread has a meaning, and there are many different types of spreads, ranging from those that incorporate a single card to spreads that include all 78 cards of the deck. Which spread is used is up to the reader and the specific type of question or
reading. Some spreads focus more on a specific type of information. For example, one spread might focus more on emotional matters, while another might bring in more information about the influences of others. I will post pictures in a folder of the layout for each spread.
Three card spread:
Three card spread is a reading for the influence for that day and is best done in the morning before your morning cup of coffee. Doing this reading everyday will help exercise your psychic muscles as well as give you insight for your day.
For this spread you lay 3 cards (4 if you choose to use a Significator) out one at a time from left to right. If you use a Significator you
lay that card first below where you will lay the other three cards.
Position meaning:
Significator- Shows your self as you currently are, your present attitude.
Card 1: Recent past- Shows energies from your recent past that are still attached to you or coming toward you. It could be a person from your past who is going to come back into your life.
Card 2: Crowning- What is on your mind or will be on your mind today. Possible a person who is on your mind. Important energies that will influence your day.
Card 3: Future direction- Hints of the future, the direction things are going if you were to change/do nothing. Could possible show a person you will meet today.
Five card spread:
You could try this spread for determining a course of action. When doing this spread it works best to focus on one aspect of the
decision rather than an either/or type question.
Card 1: The present or general theme of the reading
Card 2:Past influences still having effect
Card 3:The future
Card 2:Past influences still having effect
Card 3:The future
Card 4:The reason behind the question (this will probably shed light on 2)
Card 5:The potential within the situation.
Card 5:The potential within the situation.
Card 4 often reveals a subconscious impulse/blockage that may be stopping you from your desired outcome. Card 5 shows the result based on the given course of action.
The Celtic Cross
The ten card Celtic Cross is one of the most common Tarot card layouts. With this popularity there comes the problem of many variances of placement. The Celtic Cross works best when used to answer specific questions.
Card 1: The self, what the seeker brings to the situation.
Card 2: Crossing. This is either the road the seeker is walking or what is blocking the current path that the seeker must overcome. It is always read forward (never reversed).
Card 3: Strong influences from the distant past. May also show repeating patterns of behavior the seeker continues to exhibit. Shows the basis of the situation.
Card 4: Strong influences from the more recent past, including events that are still affecting the seeker. Sometimes simply validating what has happened recently.
Card 5: General energies and effects in play. This is where the spread goes from the past to the present. It is the general way things are going and how the will conclude if nothing is done. This card speaks of a general direction rather than a specific one.
Card 6: Near future. Shows events that are yet to happen but are coming quickly. Sometimes it can indicate an actual person that will make themselves know soon. This indicates events in the next few days or weeks.
Card 7:Seekers attitude or inner feelings affecting the situation. Often shows how the seeker is reacting to the situation. Conflict between this card and Card 1 tends to indicate that the seeker is going in the wrong direction.
Card 8: External influences surrounding the seeker. People, energies or events which will affect the outcome of the question and are beyond the seekers control.
Card 9: Hopes or fears around the situation. This card has the greatest influence on the outcome. If Card 10 shows a positive out come but this card shows fear it /anger then that positive outcome may be blocked from happening. This may produce a card that confuses us badly. Always bear in mind that hopes and fears are closely intertwined, therefore that which we hope for may also be that which we fear, and so may fail to happen. Sometimes it is useful to draw a second card for clarification after the reading has been laid, and to read the two together.
Card 10: Final outcome. Shows the most likely result given the energies present and if the seeker stays on the current path.
Card 2: Crossing. This is either the road the seeker is walking or what is blocking the current path that the seeker must overcome. It is always read forward (never reversed).
Card 3: Strong influences from the distant past. May also show repeating patterns of behavior the seeker continues to exhibit. Shows the basis of the situation.
Card 4: Strong influences from the more recent past, including events that are still affecting the seeker. Sometimes simply validating what has happened recently.
Card 5: General energies and effects in play. This is where the spread goes from the past to the present. It is the general way things are going and how the will conclude if nothing is done. This card speaks of a general direction rather than a specific one.
Card 6: Near future. Shows events that are yet to happen but are coming quickly. Sometimes it can indicate an actual person that will make themselves know soon. This indicates events in the next few days or weeks.
Card 7:Seekers attitude or inner feelings affecting the situation. Often shows how the seeker is reacting to the situation. Conflict between this card and Card 1 tends to indicate that the seeker is going in the wrong direction.
Card 8: External influences surrounding the seeker. People, energies or events which will affect the outcome of the question and are beyond the seekers control.
Card 9: Hopes or fears around the situation. This card has the greatest influence on the outcome. If Card 10 shows a positive out come but this card shows fear it /anger then that positive outcome may be blocked from happening. This may produce a card that confuses us badly. Always bear in mind that hopes and fears are closely intertwined, therefore that which we hope for may also be that which we fear, and so may fail to happen. Sometimes it is useful to draw a second card for clarification after the reading has been laid, and to read the two together.
Card 10: Final outcome. Shows the most likely result given the energies present and if the seeker stays on the current path.
The Mandala Spread
This spread reveals the strengths, weaknesses and desires which lead one toward a growth in spirituality, indicating pitfalls and positive
points in a way that it is possible for the seeker to put together a much more clear view of their own progress.
Card 1: must be read against cards 2, 4, and 6 to give an overview of the way things actually ARE, then against cards 3, 8 and 9 to assess potential. After that reading Card 1 against cards 5 and 7 to reveal possible problems and areas which require further work.
Put it all together and you have quite a good overview of your seekers position and opportunities.
Here is the spread:
Card 1: An overview of the self.
Card 2: Ambitions, goals.
Card 3: Ideals, dreams.
Card 4: Real achievements at this time.
Card 5: Dependencies, faulty beliefs.
Card 6: Strengths and positive traits.
Card 7: Faults and weaknesses.
Card 8: Self perception.
Card 9: Desires.
Card 2: Ambitions, goals.
Card 3: Ideals, dreams.
Card 4: Real achievements at this time.
Card 5: Dependencies, faulty beliefs.
Card 6: Strengths and positive traits.
Card 7: Faults and weaknesses.
Card 8: Self perception.
Card 9: Desires.
Harsh Truth Spread
This spread is done for personal insight to reveal the things about yourself you try not to see but that are important to your personal
Card 1: What you want to see. The lies you tell yourself or wish you saw in yourself.
Card 2: What you don't want to see, what you are in denial about.
Card 3: What is true about the you be it good or bad.
Card 4: What you want to happen. What you want to change or your goals.
Card 5: What you don’t want to happen. Your fears.
Card 6: What will happen if you change nothing and stay on this current path.
Card 2: What you don't want to see, what you are in denial about.
Card 3: What is true about the you be it good or bad.
Card 4: What you want to happen. What you want to change or your goals.
Card 5: What you don’t want to happen. Your fears.
Card 6: What will happen if you change nothing and stay on this current path.
Two Options Spread
This is a spread to do when you have to choose between two different options. It shows a general path and outcome for each option. As you lay the cards for option 1 focus on that option only, do the same for option to. Don’t focus on is this better than that rather focus on each choice as it stands by itself.
Card 1: The self. What the seekers thoughts and feelings
Card 2: Crossing. The path the seeker is on or the blocks they are facing.
Card 3: Option 1.
Card 4: Option 2.
Card 5: Outcome option 1. Shows the most likely result if the seeker chooses this option.
Card 2: Crossing. The path the seeker is on or the blocks they are facing.
Card 3: Option 1.
Card 4: Option 2.
Card 5: Outcome option 1. Shows the most likely result if the seeker chooses this option.
Card 6: Outcome option 2. Shows the most likely result if the seeker chooses this option.
Clarifiers are usually drawn during this spread as one card is not really enough to go by when making a choice.
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Credit: Meeghan Belford |
Various spreads can be found here: http://tarotelements.com/category/tarot-spreads/
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