Thursday, May 9, 2013

New Moon

New Moon

The New Moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the earth and sun. The three objects are in approximate alignment. The entire illuminated portion of the moon is on the back side of the moon, the half that we cannot see.

There has been some confusion as to the difference between New and Dark Moon. Some feel they are one in the same. However, a couple other ways of looking at it is….. The Dark Moon is the three day period of which the moon is not illuminated and the New Moon is the midpoint of that dark moon time (the date that is given on the calendar for the New Moon). The other way some look at this is the Dark moon is when the moon is not illuminated and the New Moon is the very first sliver of illumination after the Dark Moon. 

Ritual workings:
New beginnings, fresh starts, optimism, hope and faith.

This period represents the youthful aspect of the Goddess. In the form of the Maiden, she represents youth, change and a fresh start. Children can also be Named and Dedications can be made. New Moons are great times to move, start new projects or cast new spells. It is also a good time to shed your past ills and refresh yourself for coming trials.

The New Moon can be thought of as a time of learning. Don’t be hesitant to try new spells at this time. You might also like to set in motion house protections or wards. Some celebrate the exact night of the New Moon by honoring the Crone aspect of the Goddess, focusing on lessons they have learned in the past cycle and banishing negativity from their lives.


Rises at dawn, sets at sunset; for full use of these energies, stick to between this time period.
Other Workings: beauty, health, self-improvement, farms/gardens, job hunting, love/romance, networking, and creative ventures.
Purpose: Beginnings
Pagan Holiday: Winter Solstice
Goddess Name: Rosemerta’s Moon
Goddess Energy: Goddesses of growth
Offering: Milk and Honey
Theme: Abundance
Rune: Fehu for abundance, Kenaz for openings, Gebo for love
Tarot Trump: the Fool

Random Proverb:

“A New Moon and a windy night, sweep the cobwebs out of sight.”

When the New Moon holds the Old Moon in its arms, (ring around the New Moon)
disasters occur at sea.

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