Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Art of Tarot -- Part 2

Minor Arcana

Pentacles alternately- stones, coins, diamonds
-Represents the Earth element
-Dealing with money, investments, business, health, body, home, earthly concerns, the mundane
-Represents/Deals with the Material/Physical Realm.

Wands alternatively- rods, staves, clubs
-Represents the Fire element
-Dealing with will, identity, passion, career, creativity, sexuality, energy, self, life, spirit.
-Represents/Deals with the Spiritual Realm.

Swords alternatively- knives, daggers, spades
-Represents the Air Element
-Dealing with mind, worries, communication, strength, power, conflicts, thought, memory, travel, law.
-Represents/Deals with the Mental Realm.

Cups alternatively- bowls, cauldrons, hearts
-Represents the Water element.
-Dealing with emotions, love, family, romance, healing, intuition, friendship, feelings, psychic powers. -Represents/Deals with the Emotional Realm.

Court Cards-

Physical traits by suit:

Pentacles- People with dark brown or black hair, dark eyes and sallow or swarthy complexions.
Swords- People with hazel or gray eyes, dark brown hair and dull complexions.
Wands- People with yellow or auburn hair, fair complexions and blue eyes.
Cups- People with light brown or dull hair and gray or blue eyes.

Father/Adult Male over 40
PENTACLES- business leader
SWORDS- legal authority
WANDS- professional helper
CUPS- reliable arts/sciences

Mother/Adult Female over 40
PENTACLES- plans realized
SWORDS- perceptive
WANDS- practical/optimistic
CUPS- true to own feelings

- Son/Young Man under 40
PENTACLES- Propitious occasion SWORDS- Swift action
WANDS- Seeking adventure
CUPS- Opportunity

Daughter/Young Woman under 40
PENTACLES - Diligent work/study
SWORDS - Ready for action 
WANDS- Restless/resourceful
CUPS- Creative inspiration

Basic Card meanings, these can vary slightly from book to book and deck to deck but overall they are all the same just worded differently.

Major Arcana

Face-up meanings if you choose to read reversed cards differently it is the opposite or negative of the face-up meaning or alternately just important depending on how you read your cards, everyone is different.

  1. Fool- Beginnings. Optimism. Joyous start. Leap of faith into destiny. Moving forward. Playfulness. Fresh ideas. Our younger self. “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”
  2. Magician- Transmutation. Power. Creativity. Sharp imagination. An excellent speaker. Change. Knowledge. Creation. Control over personal destiny. Solving problems. A powerful, knowledgeable person.
  3. High Priestess- Meditation. Introspection. Reconnecting with yourself. Serenity. Have faith. “Follow your heart”/instincts. Someone who is all heart.
  4. Empress- Femininity. Emotional content. Pregnancy. Positive emotions. Sexuality. New concepts/ideas Home.
    Fertility. Understanding domestic bliss “Home is where the heart is.”
  5. Emperor- Establishment. Structured power. Accomplishment. Achievement. Favorable new projects. Tendency toward violence and protectionism. Authority. Leadership skills. Confidence. determined “The buck stops here.”
  6. Hierophant (Pope)- Passing on tradition. Rituals. Ceremonies. Marriage. Person of high spiritual standing. A community leader. Holding on to traditions that are sometimes outdated. Difficulty adapting. 
    Adherence to procedure. Personal spirituality. A teacher.
  7. Lovers- Relationships. Love. Support. Harmony. Beauty. Perfection. Trust. Honor. Being responsible
    Individuality and sameness. Partnership. Becoming more than the sum of your parts.
    Sexual energy and passion for another.
  8. Chariot- Willpower. Success through effort. Keeping the ego in check. Control. Self-confidence. Goal-focused. Personal achievement. Recognition. Military service. Career advancement.
  9. Strength (Fortitude)- Confidence. Channeling power. Control of inner beast. Courage. Self-discipline. Will. Perseverance. Strength to endure. Heroism.

  10. Hermit- Reflection. Going within. Seeking the truth. Shedding illusions. Gaining wisdom. Taking care of yourself before others
    Taking a step back. Solitude. Not ready for commitment. Developing inner light. Attaining inner peace. A guru/teacher/guide. Listening. Interpreting dreams. Progress. Personal growth. Prudence.
  11. Wheel of Fortune- Chance. Unpredictable turn of events. Taking a hold of your life. Responding not reacting. Life change. 
    Start of a new cycle. Struck of good luck. Fate. Destiny. Happy surprise. Progress.

  12. Justice- Balance. Fairness. Law. Wining a legal matter. Align yourself with truth and honesty. Everything turns out fair. Divorce. Virtue. Advice. Conscience. Impartiality. Reward and retribution.

  13. Hanged Man- Uniqueness. Flexibility. Willingness to change. Small delays. Sacrificing one thing for another. Readjusting to life energies.
    Unconventional thinking. Connecting to the earth.
    Transition. Paused activity. Contemplation. Patience. Discretion. Turning point.
  14. Death- Endings. Change. Equal and fair change.
    Transformation. Unexpected path. Feeling liberated. Clearing away negative conditions. Optimism. Movement.
    Removal of opposition. In business-money loss, bad luck. “Out with the old, in with the new.”

  15. Temperance- Fusion. Blending ideas.
    Invigoration. Overcoming difficulties. Reconciliation. Harmony. Diplomacy. Inspiration. Infusion of power.
  16. Devil- Temptation. Bad outcomes. Difficulties arise. Lies. Feeling hopeless. Selfishness. Decisions, natural course of things. Restricted energy.
    Discontent. Inhibited. Self-limiting. Illusions.

  17. Tower- Demolition. Destruction. Upheaval. Arguments. Warning to stop negative activities
    Buried emotions come to the surface. Errors. Dangerous path. A shock. Ineffective communication. Oppression. Isolation.
  18. Star- Hope. Optimism. Faith. Inspiration. Bright prospects. Simplicity. Creativity. Back to basics. Favorable. Grace. Humbleness.
    Wishes and dreams manifested. Clear vision. Opportunity. Recognized talent. Positive energy.
  19. Moon- Dreams. Obscurity. Elusive images. Psychic ability. False friends. False answers.
    Unknown enemies. Warnings. Mixed emotions. Illusions. Deception. Suspicion. Limited imagination. Impractical ideas.

    Sun- Life. Good health. Great business. Rewards. Clarity. Sexual desire. Success. Contentment.
  20. Growth. Material happiness. Joy. Revitalization. Marriage. Satisfying achievement. Harmony. Optimism. Individuality.
  21. Judgment- Rewards. Harvest. Rebirth. Accountability. Good health. A major decision. Renewed energy. Conflict concluded. Self-evaluation. Making good choices.New awakening. Discretion. Fulfilling potential.
  22. Universe(world)- Oneness. Successful completion of tasks. Completed journey. Wholeness. Totality. Spiritual unity. Success. Joy. Promotion. Achievement. Reward. Fulfillment. Recognition. End of an era.

Minor Arcana: Meanings if the other method just isn’t for you. Face-up meanings if you choose to read reversed cards differently it is the opposite or negative of the face-up meaning or alternately just important depending on how you read your cards, everyone is different.


ACE- Abundance. Time to take action. Prosperity. Success. Connection to earth and nature. Financial wealth. Good fortune. Good health. Togetherness. Creativity. Growth. Bliss. Firm foundations.
TWO- Harmony. Balance. Unity. Good relationships. Happy situations. Making necessary changes. Healing. Working with other to achieve higher goals. Inspiration. Moving forward. Higher perspective. Fair exchange. Joining of yin and yang.
THREE- Work. Master of your field.Determined spirit. Powerful drive. Creative/artistic ability. Job satisfaction. Believing in what you are doing.
FOUR- Power of the earth. Power to achieve goals. Joining of elements. Accomplishing your wishes. Overwhelming energy. Bursting with creativity. Connection to ancient power. Self respect. Seeing connections. Holding a powerful position.
FIVE- Material difficulty. Desolation. Loss of material items. Money troubles. Ill health. A setback. Negative emotions blocking forward movement. Fear of the unknown. Business troubles. Loss of status. Fear of the future. Losing what little you have.
SIX- Success. One step at a time. Look for truth. Fulfilled goals. Change in the wind. Remember your dreams. Contribute your gifts. Spirit success that still needs to be nurtured.
SEVEN- Failure. Problems in business. Bankruptcy. Declining health. Deteriorating relationships. Weakness. Stagnation. Unsettling times. Things do not go as planned. Depression. Harshness. Loss of property. Broken things seem impossible to fix. 
EIGHT- Knowledge. A level-headed approach. Apprenticeship. Brilliant craftsmanship. Erudite mind. Making smart choices. Applying knowledge. Ancient wisdom. Incorporating spirit. Passionate thinking. High intellect. Creative genius. Humble. Helping others.
NINE- Material gain. Reward. Advancement. Past accomplishments return and bring good fortune. Improved health. More extravagant living conditions. Strong sense of security. Foresight in business. Achieving goals. Feeling fulfilled and proud of what you create. Loving life.
TEN- Richness. Wealth of having family, friends, and loved ones surround you. A homecoming. Feeling exuberance. An inheritance. Support of your family. Solid foundation. Realizing the richness you have in life. Taking in goodness and love.


ACE- Passion. New beginnings. Sensuality. New relationships. Aggressiveness. Virility. Invention. Overwhelming power. Desire. Kundalini (life force). Adventure. New enterprise and ideas. Inspiration. Time to start.
TWO- Dominion. Success in the world. Wealth that has been earned through great effort. Achievement through sheer will. Feeling pride and ownership. Dominant personality. Following through. Conquered goals. Courage to achieve dreams.
THREE- Virtue. Strong business through common sense and good foundation. Opportunity in commerce. Business smarts. Being in tune with needs of the environment. Fair trade. A secure and stable position. Being true to yourself. Standing tall. Security.
FOUR- Perfection. Harmony. Peace. Tranquility. Flawless conclusion of events. Coming together of family in love and abundance. New romance. Victory of past endeavors. Prosperity. Health. The right moment. Delicious excitement. Beauty. Wholeness. Events fulfill your hearts desire.
FIVE- Defeat. Competition. Fighting. Challenge to your authority. Natural enemies. Opposing force/ideas. Being equal but differently matched in battle. Virtuous debates. Pushing the limits without bitterness or loathing. Valiant fight. Satisfying and challenging game. Natural opposition.
SIX- Victory. Triumphant attitude inspires others. Success as result of hard work. Blessed victory. High energy. Realizing your goals. Culmination of positive effort. Feeling good about yourself. A positive sign.
SEVEN- Courage. Aggressive approach to solving problems. Attitude of power and valor. Small after much effort. Facing adversity. Standing your ground. Ignoring the opinions of others. Being yourself without fear or care. Advantage.
EIGHT- Swiftness. Cessation of delays. Things start moving quickly. Fast action required. New information. A trip/journey. Sudden progress/movement. Promotion. A positive outcome. Change for the better. Progress. Hope for the future. 
NINE- Power. Great strength. Well-fortified position. Knowing that you will victorious. Time to rest before a challenge. Inner toughness. Strong physical body, without illness. Feeling secure. Being productive. Feeling strength and support. Creative passion. Wholeness. Take care not to over power those involved with you.
TEN- Oppression. Excessive obligations weigh you down. Overburdened with responsibilities. Extreme pressure on the psyche. Enduring bad marriage or demanding occupation. Feeling like there is no way out. Limiting what the self can have. Beginning of spiritual demise. Striving to meet an unreasonable deadline.


ACE- Cognition. Crystal-clear thought. Piercing the fog to find the answer. Illumination of the real. Finding truth in chaos. Strong determination. Being the champion. New intellectual start. Strength and force of thought. Directing your intent. Enlightenment. Being able to focus on each facet of your life.
TWO- Peace. Truce. Both swords balanced and still. Pause in the action. Balance and harmony. Pleasure after time of pain. Stalemate. An even match. A standoff. Period of tranquility. Resolution of conflicts. Feeling free from responsibilities. Inner truth must filter through.
THREE- Mourning. Heartbreak. Sadness over current events. Heavens open with tears. Hurt over loss. Bad omens. Being separate from those you need. Feeling as though you are coming apart. Stabbing emotional pain. Delaying actions. Disappointment. Strife. Everything seems dreary and dark. Crying.
FOUR- Truce. Period of rest. Short respite after time of illness. Hospitalization. Retreat to solitude. Taking a break. Brief time of seclusion. Exile. Time off to heal. Pausing to become refreshed. Being reborn. Mind, body, heart and spirit come together. Becoming whole. Peacefulness. Relief from toil.
FIVE- Defeat. Negative thoughts. Being conquered. Feeling cowardice. Losing the contest. Troubled/destructive attitude. Having your spirit broken. Lack of protection. Many turn against you. Painful defeat. Bloody conflict. Ill turn in health due to mental state. Losing the battle in your mind.
SIX- Science. Information comes to the surface. Success in areas that require intelligence. Able to easily analyze any problem. Mental clarity. Clearly seeing all parts of the situation. Closely studying each aspect. Planning a successful trip. Using your brain effectively. Getting ready to set sail.
SEVEN- Uselessness. Taking action that does not move you closer to your goal. Feeling as though what you do or do not do does not matter. Not knowing your place. Wanting to make a change/move for the better. An upcoming change of location. Being restless and unsure of your purpose. Pessimism. Ineffective action. Depressed over lack of helpful abilities. Being cut off from the world. Everything seems a mystery.
EIGHT- Interference. Being prevented from passing through. Blocks. Obstacles. Censorship. Erecting a false gate to keep you from your dreams. Fear of personal freedom. Restrictions. An obstruction that appears formidable. Point of crisis. Isolation. Imprisonment. Unable to get away. People interfere out of jealousy and petty emotions. Illness. Unable to get out of bed.
NINE- Cruelty. Everything turns against you. People cat with intent to hurt you. Feeling broken by circumstances that are beyond your control. Suffering. Sorrow over disturbing dreams/visions. Betrayal. A knife in the back. Presaging the death of a loved one. Worry anxiety over loved one. Watch carefully those who surround you.  
TEN- Ruin. Sudden pain/misfortune. Warning that things are about to crumble down around your feet. Unanticipated illness. Mental fears, paranoia, and pessimism. Grief. Indulging destructive thinking. Creating your own downfall. Overreacting. Relationship ends suddenly. Trouble in all areas. Abrupt reversal for the worse. Death of hopes and dreams.


ACE- Emotion. New beginnings of love, happiness, and joy. Blissful union of mind, body, and spirit. Receiving. Fertility. Feeling of abundance. All things good. Beauty. Overflowing pleasure. Being highly artistic. Start of a creative project. Feelings form the heart. Emotional fulfillment. Enjoying the now so much that you let the future take care of itself.  
TWO- Love. Joining of two people in love. Means love even more than the lovers card. New romance/friendship. Passionate union. Cooperation and partnership. Understanding. Marriage. Perfection in love relationships. Harmony. Time for commitment. Finding your soul mate.
THREE- Overflowing. Fully expressing emotions. Communicating your feelings. Feeling unique and wonderful. Emotional healing. Speaking out with compassion. Having friends, family, and loved ones surround you. Problem resolved with fortuitous outcome. Compromise with others. Feeling health and happy.
FOUR- Mixed emotions. Feeling weary and dissatisfied. Everything seems boring. Wanting new goals but not knowing which way to go. Aversion to almost everything. Immobility. Not being able to breathe. Wanting stimulation. Bitterness over past. Path to something better looks difficult. Not wanting anything. Things look more difficult than the are.
FIVE - Disappointment. False friends.Inheritance suspended without notice. A broken heart. Unbalanced emotions. Unsatisfactory marriage/relationship. Loss of hope. Worrying about the future. Regretting the past. Flaws in the plan. Plans you counted on breaking apart at the last minute. Having people use you as their dumping ground.
SIX- Happiness. Blissful fulfillment that past work has brought. Past relationships bring joyous outcomes. Looking back at a happy past. Delightful memories. Harmony and balance. Casting your eyes toward the future. Associations that are full of pleasure. Looking to the future. Feeling protected and safe. 
SEVEN- Illusions of success. Things look good form the outside, but have no real substance. Putting value in things that don’t matter. Wanting the symbols of success not the substance. Appearing to have it all while really having nothing. Materialism. Wanting others to be jealous. Corruption. Foolish desires. Wishful thinking. Errors in judgment. Daydreaming. Deluding yourself. Egotism.
EIGHT- Failure. Feeling drained of emotion. Having a broken heart. Tired. Choosing to surrender your current plans. To shy to take action. Relinquishing current success. Emotional turning point. Giving more than you receive. Lack of hope. Lack of desire. Plans fall apart. Problems beneath the surface. Point in time when you must choose a new direction.  
NINE- Fortune. Success. Unconditional love and happiness. Well-being and good health. Content and satisfied. Material gains. A bright future. Everything looks hopeful. Abundance. Victory over difficult circumstance. Completion of goals.
Pervasive joy. Cup is full. Good times ahead. Time to celebrate. Commercial advancement.
TEN- Success. Re-connection to one's old self. Walking the path back to family and self. Arriving at your true home. Reunion of loving family. Lasting friendship. Peace and harmony. Secure feeling of home. Honor. Respect. Honesty. Virtue. Long-lasting relationships. Solid family life. Success in what really matters. Rewards of loving affiliation.

Each card has a few different things it can mean to determine which meaning to take you have to look at the other cards in the spread. For example: The empress card can mean any of the following: Femininity. Emotional content. Pregnancy. Positive emotions. Sexuality. New concepts/ideas. Home. Fertility. Understanding domestic bliss and Ace of can mean Emotion. New beginnings of love, happiness, and joy. Blissful union of mind, body, and spirit. Receiving. Fertility. Feeling of abundance. All things good. Beauty. Overflowing pleasure. Being highly artistic. Start of a creative project. Feelings form the heart. Emotional fulfillment. Enjoying the now so much that you let the future take care of itself. When the two appear together the combination of the pregnancy card with the fertility card means that this is the most likely meaning of the cards.

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