Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tarot -- Part One

The standard tarot deck consist of 78 cards, the 22 major arcana and the 56 minor arcana. The cards of the major arcana , numbered 0-21, are associated with the 22 Hebrew letters and by extension the 22 paths of the tree of life. The cards of the minor arcana are divided into four suits of 14 cards; most commonly pentacles, swords,wands, and cups that represent the four western elements as well as the four worlds of Qabalah.

Tarot is an intuitive art where a predetermined number of cards is drawn and placed in a specific layout with each position being assigned a meaning, the cards are then interpreted according to the question and position. Some readers assign a separate meaning to a reversed card, where the card is draw upside down, but not all readers do it it is a personal choice based on the readers preference and what they feel in the cards. If you choose to read reversed cards differently they should always be read that way and not vary from reading to reading but varying from deck to deck is common. Usually a reversed card is read as having the opposite or negative meaning of the cards forward meaning, sometimes a reversed card is seen as just being a particularly important part of the reading to pay attention to. In readings involving people a Significator card is usually chosen from the court cards to represent the person the reading is being done for or about based the persons age, sex, and appearance. Some believe the Significator should be chosen to correspond to the persons spiritual nature instead.

Choosing your tarot deck:
When choosing a tarot deck the fist thing you need to do is ask yourself what will this deck be used for primarily? Will it be for meditative purposes? For learning/study/beginning? For personal daily use? Will it be used mostly for reading for others? Knowing the reason you are looking for a deck will help narrow down what your looking for because not every deck is well suited for every purpose additionally when you ask yourself these questions it will get you thinking and in the right mind set to find a deck. Choose a deck that “speaks to you” with art that you like and if its important to you a book that comes with it. It is important to have a deck you like and enjoy, if the art of a deck is to distracting for you or something you are uncomfortable with you wont be able to do get in the right mind to do a proper reading and build a strong relationship with your cards, especially if tarot is something you do everyday. If you are given a tarot deck as a gift there is no reason to think it wont work for you because odds are the person who got it for you had you in mind and felt they would be right for you, its basic intuition that everyone has.

Making your own deck:
There is also the option of making your own deck, which can be an excellent learning tool to helping you memorize card meanings because you have to sit down and think about each meaning and how you want to represent it. When making your own deck you can make a deck to correspond with the standard tarot or create your own interpretation of the 78 cards or add cards to make the experience more personal for you. These cards can contain anything you want from images of important things in your life, pictures of friends and family, or little doodles use your imagination (for example the first deck I made I decoupaged images and art of marvel comic characters) and don’t worry about your artistic ability the simple act of creating your own cards is very powerful. U.S. Game systems sells blank decks or you can revamp an old deck

A good beginning deck for customized cards might consist of:
Three major arcana (trump) cards representing the most important facets of your life, think of how you
would describe yourself to someone.
Four court (face) cards representing aspects of yourself, for example parent, child, student, teacher...or representing your inner self, outer self, good self and bad self.
Ten suit cards representing qualities you exhibit or activities that are important to you.
Create your own layout to go with your unique deck the fit your inner nature.

Quick note on the difference between tarot and oracle cards, tarot cards are “fixed” with set numbers and suits where as oracle cards are more free-form where each card will have its own meaning and wont have a suit or set numbers, they can range anywhere from 10-100 cards, much like having a deck of just major arcana.

Intention is key when working with tarot, or anything for that matter, and if you want to have a good relationship with your cards you have to treat them well, with respect, love and attention. Not treating your cards well will result in answers that lacking in detail or way off base. Tarot cards should be wrapped in a silk cloth because silk keeps away outside influences and protects your cards, some believe that you should choose silk in a color that is connected to your birthday for added strength. Keeping your silk wrapped cards inside a wooden box (pine is traditional) gives them a physical protection and wood (or granite) increase the subtle energies of your deck, like making your own deck making your own box, even if its just painting it, makes it more powerful. When doing a reading it is highly recommended to have a tarot cloth to work on as it keeps your cards clean, this cloth should be kept special and only used for tarot readings. Tarot readings should be done while comfortable and relaxed so meditating before hand is highly recommended especially if you are doing a reading about something stressful in your life, just sit down and relax taking deep breaths and letting go of the stress your carrying. Attire when you are reading should be loose and not constraining, you should also wear crystals to help raise your energy such as quartz or amethyst. To keep yourself “in the zone” and raise vibrations lighting should be soft, by candle light if possible, play soft meditation music and shut off electronics.

There are a few different ways to purify, cleanse, or reset your cards. One way is to put them in a box with rock salt, with the cards in a bag to protect them, and then setting the box in sunlight for three days. Passing your deck through cleansing incense is another good way to cleanse them, followed by placing them in a bag with a quartz crystal under your pillow, this tunes them to you while you sleep.

Prayer to purify cards:
I place these cards in purity
I put my heart at peace
I feel the sun above me
I know the seas beneath
I ask the universe to purify these cards and sends its energy back to me.
With love for all and harm to none.

This is a prayer you could use when purifying your cards and each time you use them to keep them clear from the affects of each reading.

Doing the reading:

  1. 1. Relax. Clear your mind. (no caffeine before a reading)
  2. Ask a question. For example: “Please show me what I need to know to to stay on the best path for this life time. With love for all and harm to none.”
  3. Shuffle the deck. Many people have a special method of shuffling they use when they read and it varies by person/deck. One method is to shuffle until it feels right or four times, cut the deck into thirds and place them on the table in a line, take the second set of cards and put it on top of the third set of cards take this set and place it on top of the first set.
  4. Repeat the question/intent in your head. Slide the top card off the deck toward you, grabbing the bottom edge and flipping it on to the table in the first card position. Repeat for each card for the spread.
  5. Read the cards. Record each reading.
  6. Use the information the cards give you.

There are many different ways to interpret and read tarot cards and many books to choose from to help you learn or if you choose use none. Read cards without a book, figure it out based off of the images on the cards, what you they make you feel and what the images/symbols might represent this will help you build your psychic abilities.

* with all forms of divination it is important to remember: “You are self-determined, not pre-determined.” Your actions effect the outcome of any situation.*

Here is a very good video from YouTube on the basics of Tarot

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