Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fire Overview & Correspondences

Fire represents passion, enthusiasm, desire and courage, force, lust, fertility and virility, initiative and rejuvenation. It represents both light and heat--the light of intelligence and the courage to follow it. Its feelings are hot and dry; its season is Summer and direction is South/Energy. Its symbol is the Athame /Sword, Candle and the Burner; its colors are Reds, Oranges and Golds. The moon phase is the second quarter and its time is high Noon. 

Fire is an element that most people consider to be most powerful and dangerous element, as well as the most giving. We can feel fire in many forms: When we touch a gentle warming flame of the candle, when our anger burns in our soul, or as we feel the fear before of the dangerous forest fire. Of the four main elements, fire is always considered as the most destructive element, but let us not forget that even fire is sometimes constructive: As the phoenix bird raises from the ashes, a new forest is born after the ashes of the past one and even islands are born by the flames of the volcanic fire. Nonetheless, Fire’s physical form can only take place by consuming some other element. Fire is the transformer, converting the energy of other objects into other forms: heat, light, ash, and smoke.

The main opposite of the fire is of course water. They cannot exist without each other. Water puts out the flame, but only if it is strong as fire is. The companion of fire is air. Fire cannot exist without air; it cannot burn because it has no feeder. Many believe that Earth gives us life, but the sparkle of the life comes from the fire, which is given power by air and energy by water. This way all the elements work to together in life.

In Classical Philosophy, Fire is associated with the energy of life and in many traditions is considered the mouth of the Gods as it is used to deliver offerings. Traditional Wicca hails Fire from the South, although it can be called from any direction one feels it connected to. If you live in the Southern hemisphere, you may want to call Fire from the North since the equator, and warmest part of the planet is North of you. Fire is sympathetically related to candles and swords. These items are often used on altars for the elemental representation. In a dream, Fire can be a purifying element; it can relate to anger, to lust, passion or destruction. Its appearance signifies a major change happening. 

Fire Magicks can bring on the new, bring on courage and passion and destroy the old. Fire can also give us wings of courage, compassion, devotion and passion to motivate us to achieve our goals, and gifting us the passion to make those goals and dreams into a reality. To feel the manifestations of Fire you can simply go out on a sunny day and feel the Sun's rays upon your face. In Autumn, hear the crackling of the logs and smell the wood smoke from the burning fire. Gaze upon the transformative and illuminating flame of a candle as you meditate and immerse yourself into the energy of Fire. Fire is the natural element of animals and mankind, and they "have, in their natures, a most fiery force, and also spring from celestial sources." Bonfire magick involves burning something such as an herb or flower, or a piece of paper or petition on which you have written your desire. It is used for banishing, ridding or destroying negative influences in your life. Candle Magick is a simple, easy and useful method in bringing about your desires. A color for the candle is chosen and can also include the correct scent in relation to your desire and lit sometimes for up to seven days. This type of Fire Magick is usually for any type of desire, but most often, when used in spell work and rituals, candle magick it is used for healing and purification as well as breaking bad habits and addictions and the destruction of disease and illness. Sun Magick is used to enhance new beginnings in love, health, work and home, awaken subtle powers and aid in attraction desires. 

Fire Correspondences
Season: Summer
Day: Sunday
Moon Phase: Waxing
Time: Noon
Archangel: Michael
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Incense: cinnamon, Frankincense, dragon's blood
Sabbats: Beltane, Samhain, Midsummer
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Animals: lion, dragon, salamander, snakes, coyote, fox, scorpion, phoenix, ram, squirrel
Alchemical Symbol: Triangle with the point up
Symbolic Posture: Standing straight forming a triangle over the head with arms
Major Arcana Tarot Card: Judgment (XX)
Minor Arcana Suit: Wands
Planets: Mars, Sun, Pluto
Metals: Gold, Nickle Brass
Elemental: Salamanders
Part of the Body: Head
Colors: White, Red, Orange, Gold, Scarlet, Crimson, Fuchsia, Maroon
Symbols: Flame, Sun, Stars, Volcanoes, Lightening, Double headed Axe (Labrys)
Gods: Vulcan, Ra, Agni, Hephaestus, Horus, Atar, Chu-Jung, Mars, Aten
Goddesses: Brigit, Freya, Hestia, Pele, Vesta, Durga, Elena, Aetna, Yansa, Themis, the Mother in the Triple Goddess
Magickal Tools: Fire, Wand, Lamps, Candles, Dagger, Burned Herbs, Requests on Paper
Gemstones: Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Garnet, Lava or any volcanic stone, ruby, Quartz Crystals, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Rhodochrosite, Agate, Fire Opal; specifically, Orange Calcite can be used for cleansing and activating; Coral Calcite as an amplifier; Moonstone for balancing; Orange Carnelian for healing; Snowflake Obsidian for calming; Citrine for cleansing and energizing; Orange Aventurine for opening; and Leopardskin Jasper for protecting
Herbs: Nettle, allspice, basil, garlic, hibiscus, juniper, onion (and all alliums), red pepper, red poppy, thistle, almond tree, cacti, chili peppers, cinnamon, mustard, tobacco (nicotiana), most nuts, seeds and pods
Essential Oil: clove, patchouli, bay, chamomile, .
Sense: Sight 
Concepts: Energy, Freedom, Success, Drive, Transmutation, Light, Power, Vision 
Qualities (+): Courage, Motivation, Drive, Enthusiasm, Passion, Will, Creativity 
Qualities (-): Fickleness, Vengefulness, Violence, Possessiveness, Fear, Hatred, Violence, Cruelty, Physical, Anger, Egotism
To invoke: Throw salt into a flame, draw a triangle in the air while visualizing

Exercises you can try to work with the Element of Fire
• Visualize the sun or a flame in your Sacral/Navel chakra, just below your belly button. Imagine the heat of the flame is clearing away debris, fueling your will, and empowering your sense of personal boundaries and identity
• Gaze at a candle flame, or fire in a fireplace. Allow your eyes to blur a bit, and connect with the heat and movement of the flame
• Stand in the sunlight with your eyes closed and focusing on the heat of the sun on your skin for about 20 minutes. Take in and Embrace the Sun's Energy. 
• Name 5 things you could use to represent Fire on your Altar

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