Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fire: Astrology / Zodiac Significance

As noted earlier, the four elements can be regarded as four basic principles of life. These can be applied to all sorts of things through the principles of similarity and analogy. C.G. Jung has opened the door to a modern understanding of these categories by developing a system of types, in which the elements correspond to four basic functions of the psyche. The emphasis or non-emphasis of the elements in the individual horoscope reveals fundamental aspects of the personality. 

In Astrology, the signs are grouped in four triplicities based on their element. The triplicities are water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo). Each has the three Zodiac signs associated with that element. This lesson focuses on how the element Fire influences / affects Fire Signs. Fire Signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

General Characteristics for Fire Signs: When the fire element is present, there's a warm radiance, a trust in life's journey and a willingness to take risks. Any party or celebration is made better with the presence of a fully-charged up fire sign. They're great catalysts for play, and liable to unearth the spontaneous side of those around them. Because they sense a golden thread of destiny and potential running through their own lives, they have a knack for leading others to theirs.

Fire signs act on instinct or "sixth sense," and that makes them look reckless to more cautious types. Fire signs are known to be intuitive, and to rely on gut-level instincts. Going on faith in their inner guidance gets them far, but they have a tendency to skip crucial steps, or to be unaware of the emotional impact of their actions. They're actually following a powerful intuition that keeps them at the leading edge of fresh experiences.

Fire is infused with the divine spark, and this can spread like wildfire to everyone around them. They've got a lust for life that is enviable. Those that are weighted down might try to toss a wet blanket on their enthusiasm, so Fire must vigilantly guard its beacon. It's important for them to have cheerleaders to fan the flames of their interests.

But Fire that thinks only of itself learns the wisdom of the other elements the hard way. They'll keep coming up against resistance, until there is willingness to see there are no short cuts. Each of the other elements has something to offer, and in return, Fire gives off a glow that is as nourishing as the rays of the Sun.
Those with planets in fire signs have a simmering at-the-ready stance, as they hunt for things that light them up. They're prone to sudden illuminating flashes of insight and bursts of enthusiasm. Like fire itself, they can flare up when inspired, making them seem very passionate about life. They like to live large, and often feel frustrated by mundane chores and duties.

Keywords: spontaneous, inspired, enthusiastic, outgoing, passionate, self-centered, visionary, dramatic, instinctual

How are the three signs different?
Each of the elements becomes progressively more “mature” in the order of the zodiac signs. For example, the first fire sign of Aries is cardinal, a very primal force. The second fire sign is fixed; Leo is a calmer, steadier expression of fire. The third fire sign is mutable, Sagittarius, reaching outwards and beyond to find meaning through exploration of the wider spectrum, the broader picture.

Broken down by sign
Aries: Cardinal Fire / Ruler: Mars / Exaltation: Sun / Detriment: Venus / Fall: Saturn
Aries is the infant of the zodiac - the sign of the spring equinox and of all new beginnings. It is an extremely straightforward and uncomplicated sign, pure naïve energy and courage. Ruled by Mars, Aries is forceful, instinctive and immediate - when they want something, they want it now. Aries rules the head and leads with the head, often literally walking head first, leaning forwards for speed and focus. Aries can be associated with head-butting, but also with leading intellectually. In common with all the fire signs, Aries can appear to trample on other people's feelings and sensitivities without even noticing, but there is nothing devious or malicious about the sign. It is too primal and spontaneous for that. If they have hurt someone they will be surprised; it is just that they don't instinctively consider other people's feelings. There is not a great deal of subtlety with Aries, they are very black and white, either/or.

Leo: Fixed Fire / Ruler: The Sun / Detriment: Saturn
Leo is fixed fire - an interesting paradox. Perhaps the best way to describe fixed fire is in terms of its ruler: the Sun, the constant and predictable source of light and life at the center of the solar system, around which all the planets revolve. Leo is associated with the metal gold and with incorruptible, eternal fire. This is exactly how planets in Leo function best - when they are radiating their unique life force for the benefit of all. Leo has a great warmth, an ability to shine and an immense generosity. There is something very sunny about Leo. There is also a natural dignity and nobility, an extravagance, a love of luxury and of doing things in style. Leo rules the back and the heart; you can often recognize a Leo from the dignified way they carry themselves, as if they had a crown on their heads. Sometimes there is something very catlike and delicate about the way they walk.

Sagittarius: Mutable Fire / Ruler: Jupiter / Detriment: Mercury
The mutable fire sign of Sagittarius is the most mature but also the most restless and expansive of the fire signs. With Jupiter as its ruling planet, Sagittarius is always seeking the bigger picture, the meaning of life, greater wisdom, more knowledge, more adventures into the unknown and more experiences. It is the journey itself, rather than the goal, which is important for this mutable sign. Sagittarius refuses to be trapped either physically or intellectually, and as soon as, or even before, something threatens to become mundane or routine, they will be off to the next thing, chasing the next horizon which holds fascinating future possibilities for something even more meaningful. As king of the Gods, Jupiter was larger than life, flamboyant, spontaneous, reactive, with an explosive temper, hurling thunderbolts when he was angry. The sheer scale of Sagittarius, its generosity and benevolence, its gales, hurricanes and tornadoes, can be overwhelming, and the explosive temper, quickly spent, can nevertheless leave the more sensitive signs shaken for some time afterwards.

Interaction with other Zodiac Elements:
Fire and Water: Fire's greatest gift is being able to inspire, and this appeals to Water's desire for meaning. A generous Fire person shows Water how to be in the moment, even if they're carrying lots of psychological baggage. Water takes Fire on an emotional journey that helps them see how they're related to others. At its worst and most out of balance, Fire can zap Water by being totally overwhelming and Water smothers Fire when it offers only insular, claustrophobic intimacy.

Fire and Earth: Sometimes Fire has lots of visionary ideas that Earth can help put into tangible form. This can make pragmatic Earth feel needed and appreciated, not to mention that Fire's enthusiasm is contagious. If Earth becomes too slow and plodding for Fire, this match could get snagged in frustration. Through Earth's eyes, Fire may seem unrealistic and unwilling to do the legwork to make things happen.

Fire and Air: When Fire and Air get together, there can be a lot of inspired thinking. Fire helps Air find focus when scattered, and adds optimism to any plans hatched. Air can articulate the big picture for the impulse-driven Fire, while the latter keeps things from being all talk and no action. These two keep each other in stitches, open the doors of perception and find new ways to astonish the other.

Fire and Fire: When Fire meets Fire, life can be an exuberant adventure. It's a vital match where there is mutual inspiration and encouragement. The challenge comes when fiery temperaments turn into struggles for dominance. If there is only drama, without an emotional foundation, this match can burn itself out.

As noted in earlier lessons, for those of you really into astrology, you can take this even further with your natal or birth chart. If you know your birth chart (and there are a number of places online to get it free if interested), you can see how many planets are in each of the four elements, regardless of your zodiac element. Most birth charts indicate a fairly even combination of the elements. However, you may find that you have a dominant one that is not your Zodiac element and that the dominant element affects your personality traits even more so that the zodiac element. You might also find that you have a lack of an element, which can affect your personality traits.

Excess Fire: Those with too much Fire in the chart often are an individual who “burns themselves out.” Often, the person with too much of the Fire element does not see this as a problem until it is too late. Too much Fire can be overly active, restless, and way too concerned about “making things happen.” If these individuals use drugs and or alcohol they will only fast forward the “burn out” syndrome at a considerably earlier age. Because these individuals are self-centered and impulsive relationships often suffer as a result. There is no antidote for too much of the Fire element other than self-awareness and helpful guidance from their peers. Thus, the challenges for those with too much Fire in a natal chart are rebelliousness, aggressiveness, insensitivity and a bad temper. Not especially practical, a fire personality can overestimate his abilities and energy.

Lack of Fire: Those that have too little emphasis in the Fire signs often lack fiery energy and thus have a weak digestive track. This can leave the individuals feeling sluggish and under motivated with a lack of trust in living their life. There is a lack of optimistic adventure and willingness to believe that all will work out for them. Too little Fire often suggests a lack in confidence, enthusiasm and a tendency towards depression. Exercise is a good antidote for those with too little Fire in their charts in conjunction with a good diet which will help the digestive tract. The lack may cause pessimism, apathy, depression, lack of motivation, lack of excitability. These people struggle to become self-expressive and assertive, but they alternate between withholding themselves and expressing themselves in an overly dramatic manner. They are either tangled up in a hectic schedule of impersonal activities or, in contrast, become overly preoccupied with their personal experience. They may look to others for inspiration and motivation because they are not often aware of or enthusiastic about new possibilities. They often feel passive and detached or uninvolved; they seek deeper personal and emotional involvement in live.

Homework: Continue working on finding out your dominant element (homework originally from Lessons 4 and 8). Remember, the element of a sign reveals the basic temperament of the sign. The element of your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign are of significant importance, but the overall distribution of elements in your chart is what counts the most. Having more than 4 planets in an element will have an impact on your behavior, even if that element does not correspond to your Sun sign. An abundance (5 or more), or a lack (0-2), of an element has much impact on your temperament. 

Birth charts take a lot of work to interpret, work not covered in this lesson. But, if you get a copy of your birth chart on a free online site, you can find your planets (the sun and moon count as planets in birth charts) and positions. Planets and elements are associated via their qualities: warm/cold and dry/wet. As early as Ptolemy, writing almost 2000 years ago, the planets were being ascribed with those same qualities. Thus, for example, Venus and the moon are both described as cold and wet, so eventually those bodies were associated with the element of water, which is also cold and wet. See chart image for Element associations of warm/cold and dry / wet. The planets basically correspond to the elements this way:
Sun: Fire
Moon: Water
Mercury: Air
Venus: Earth & Water
Earth: Earth
Again, a birth chart takes a lot of time to interpret, but you can do your birth / natal chart online for free and start with figuring out how your planets correspond to the elements and what seems to be dominant or lacking in yours.

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