Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fire: Invocations & Rituals

The Elements can be used in spellcrafting and ritual work in many ways. Later this month, we will look at invoking and working with the elements together. Today’s lesson, though, focuses on using just the Element of Fire for Invocations and Rituals, or Fire Magick, in four ways.
1. Rituals
2. Mediation (summoning the power directly from the environment)
3. Everyday Spells
4. Amulets 
To begin, though, I am going to take a little detour. It is important to know the difference between a ritual and a spell for this lesson. And while others may delineate them differently, for July’s lessons and me personally, this is the difference: A ritual is a celebration or honoring of an event of occasion, and a spell is an organized wish or pray that carries with it the power to manifest a desire or goal. Rituals are often used to celebrate the sabbats or as dedications to deities or celebration of life stages, and spells are more often for individual growth or material needs. For example, on Halloween, I might perform a samhain ritual to honor the holiday and a spell to keep my children safe while trick or treating. 

This lesson will go over examples of both (and mediations and amulets), but they are not all inclusive--they are just examples. A skilled crafter will always create her own or adapt traditional magick to her own needs.

Invoking Fire: Before performing magick, many like to invoke the deities or elements from which they are asking help. Here are some ways to invoke Fire.

1. Hand signals like in the image attached to this lesson and discussed in an earlier lesson. For invoking Fire using the pentagram and your hand, move your hand in a rightward down direction from the top center of the start to the outmost right bottom. 

2. Another way to call Fire with hand signals is to face the south and draw the symbol of Fire with your hand, imagining it and infusing it with a bright red flame.

3. An oral chant like attached in the image can call Fire: Spirit of the South / Spirit of the Fire / You who are the crackle of the bonfire / You who are the golden sun and glowing lava / You who are the heat of the desert and the sparkle in the water / Spirit of the phoenix / Spirit of the flame dancers / Hear me / Bring into these rites your spirit of creativity and passion / Your ability to transmute and rise new from the ashes / Let nothing enter unwelcome / Spirit of the Flame / Welcome and Blessed be.

Certainly invocations can be customized, and I want to share how Phyllis Curott describes her way to invoke Fire for ideas to customize yourself: “And then I turned to the south, calling the powers of fire, powers of passion, courage and determination, powers of the sun in the sky that makes all things grow and that burns within us. I felt the power of fire that was my will, and I reached out to creatures of the claw, to desert lions, mythical dragons and the magical phoenix. I felt the life-stirring heat of the sun bringing me back to life, and as I looked around me, I could see the green emerging from the earth, drawn forth by the life-sustaining star.”

4. A full-body invocation: When performing magick, one can use her entire body to call the elements. Throwing salt on a flame will call Fire. If you cannot light a fire (candle / bonfire / etc.) to use or be near, visualize. Stand with your arms and legs spread and visualize yourself in the middle of a large sphere of fire. Breathe in the fire from all sides of your body, front, back, top of your head and bottom of your feet. Imagine and feel yourself getting burning hot. Welcome Fire to your body and your magick. 

5. Using “bits and pieces” to represent Fire in your ritual or spell work: most often candles are used, though incense, stones, symbols, etc. can work. The sword is the tool most often used when working with Fire. 

6. Using the Fire Elementals: Covered in tomorrow’s lesson!

Remember after your magick to banish the Element. You again can do this in several ways (dependent on how it was invoked): hand signals, chant, full body, simply thanking it for its use, or distribution of the representation (burning the candle or incense, etc.).

Ritual use of Fire: You can honor Fire in an Fire ritual or by incorporating the element into rituals you already plan to perform. The element of fire can be utilized in rituals and spells related to energy, sexuality, passions, love, authority, transformation, purification, healing of the blood and head, destruction, will, creativity, enthusiasm, the family and hearth, kitchen witchery, protection, courage, strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, loyalty, vision, illumination, power. Fire is used ceremonially to activate oils and incense and to release intent through burning as well as to present offerings to the Gods. Fire is considered transformative and is often incorporated into pagan holiday rituals to bring about desired changes. 
Transformative Change with a Fire Ritual (to be part of a sabbat ritual—especially at the beginning of a new year) or to be done alone as needed): Write down 10 things that you would like to see happen over the next year. As you write them down, feel into them. Feel what it’s like when these things come to fruition. Feel the joy of accomplishment. Feel the joy and satisfaction of creation. Sit with this list for three days. At the end of three days, build a small fire somewhere you can be alone (fireplace if indoors, outdoor fireplace, bonfire, etc.). Once your fire is going, sit with your list while feeling that each one of your dreams and desires are being actualized. Call in the help of the ancestors, spirit guides, elementals, etc. and all of the otherworldly beings working on your behalf. Ask these beings to create the synchronicities to effortlessly and delightfully have these things manifested in your life. As you do this, gently place the list in the fire. Ask the element of fire to light the path for your actions that will help to create these things in your life. Watch the paper burn until it is completely consumed by the fire. Sit for a few moments and enter a period of reflection while you watch the fire burn. Be sure to ask yourself, “What is the first thing I need to do or to take action on in order make these things come into being?” Now you can begin your journey having the element of fire to light your path while bringing new vision and a deeper connection to the spirit world—which is rallying on your behalf to fulfill the things you wrote on your list. Be aware that over time some of the things on your list will become less important than they might be the day you do the ritual. Also, new vision may come. Part of connecting to the element of fire is a renewal of vision. Be aware! Let your vision grow and expand.
Meditating on Fire: Element meditation is most often about visualization, so whatever makes you think about and dwell on the power of Fire (actual fire, flames, candles, the sun, phoenixes, etc.) is what you should envision in a Fire meditation. For me, the moments that I meditate on Fire often come during my outdoor time with a real fire, but other times, candles and the sun shining brightly and heating my skin cause me to pause and reflect on the power of Fire and how it is used in our lives.
For advanced meditation, visualization is enough. Until that advanced level or until it becomes second nature to stop and meditate on the power of Fire, a more intentional meditation might help you feel more in tune with the element of Fire. Here is an example of one you could try.

A simple meditation to help you attune to the element of Fire: To do this meditation, find a place where you can light a fire, even if it is just a candle. Ideally, it should be in a place where you can be alone and really concentrate. Stand or site comfortable where you can see the flames of your fire. Begin by concentrating on the flame itself—it’s color, height, size, etc. Then, use all of your senses to attune to Fire—listen to the cackle, smell the burning material, feel the heat. Relax your body and breathe slowly, through your nose, and take in the sensations from your Fire. Close your eyes, and imagine the heat of the Fire increasing until it reaches out to you and is wrapping you in its arms. Feel the Fire caressing and licking and heating your arms, legs, cheeks. Imagine this Fire working its way along your body, traveling through your neck, down into your chest, where your heart chakra is located. Allow it to warm your heart, then traveling slowly out each appendage as it flows through your body and out the tips of your toes and finger. Feel the power of Fire, its power to both transform and destroy and create. Keep your breathing even and regular, and enjoy the sensation of being one with the Fire. 

Everyday spellcrafting using the element of Fire: As noted above, the element of fire can be utilized in rituals and spells related to energy, sexuality, passions, love, authority, transformation, purification, healing of the blood and head, destruction, will, creativity, enthusiasm, the family and hearth, kitchen witchery, protection, courage, strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, loyalty, vision, illumination, power. Fire is used ceremonially to activate oils and incense and to release intent through burning as well as to present offerings to the Gods. There are many types of Fire Magick. Some of them include

Fire Dancing is an art form which integrates items on fire into a dance or performance. Many cultures have practiced fire dancing in various forms, and fire dancing arts are growing very popular in the West, where many people are attracted to the combination of beauty and danger. Many cultures and traditions use Fire dancing to honor the gods and to ask for their favors. Not all fire dancing is magickal (some is just for entertainment). But many people who fire dance (or fire eat) are true believers in both the power of fire and its magickal properties.
Bonfire magick involves burning something such as an herb or flower, or a piece of paper or petition on which you have written your desire. It is used for banishing, ridding or destroying negative influences in your life. 
Candle Magick is a simple, easy and useful method in bringing about your desires. A color for the candle is chosen and can also include the correct scent in relation to your desire and lit sometimes for up to seven days. This type of Fire Magick is usually for any type of desire, but most often, when used in spell work and rituals, candle magick it is used for healing and purification as well as breaking bad habits and addictions and the destruction of disease and illness. I am sure that we will learn a lot more about candle magick from Robin next month. 
Sun Magick is used to enhance new beginnings in love, health, work and home, awaken subtle powers and aid in attraction desires. 
And while kitchen witchery is often associated with Earth Magick, cooking itself is Fire magick when done with intention and purpose.
Here is a template for creating a Fire Spell: Step 1: Light a small fire (one that will burn quickly out), look into the flames and think about what you want to say to the gods, or what you would ask of them. Think about it deeply and let the flames hypnotize you. Step 2: When your Fire is mostly gone, add herbs (choose based on need / prayer request). Step 3: As the smoke begins to rise from the burning herbs, state your intentions or request of the gods. You could say, for example: Hear me, wise ones, old ones, those who dwell above; Hear my call and hear my voice, hear my prayer: Send to me the blessings of joy, of happiness, and of love. Or, you could just use what words simply come to you as you were looking into the flames and thinking about what it was that you wanted. When things come from the heart, and in the moment, that's the most powerful state for magick there is. Step 4: Thank Fire and Banish it to seal the spell. 
Specific Fire Spell Intentions (to insert into a spell like above):
A Love Spell: At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or whatever you have available to contain the fire. Cut out a piece of paper that is 3 inches by 3 inches. Draw a heart on it and color it in with red. Write the name of the name of the person that you desire on the heart. While doing all this be thinking of this person being attracted to you and not being able to resist you! Think of his or her heart burning with desire for you just like the flames of the fire. Then kiss the name on the heart 3 times. Place the paper in the fire while saying these words 3 times. Do so with utmost sincerity: "Fire come from below, bring me love that I do know, make my heart blaze and shine, to bring the love that will be mine! Soon my love will come a day, three times strong and here to stay so long as it harm none. So mote it be.” Stay and meditate on the spell you just did, seeing it come true! After you are finished concentrating for a few minutes, extinguish the fire. 
To make bad luck go away: At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or whatever you have available to contain the fire. Write on a piece of paper that is 3 inches x 3 inches, the words BAD LUCK. Then write down any bad things you do not like in your life right now. Then draw a big X across the paper with a black marker. While doing this you should be thinking of how all these things are going to disappear from your life, never to return! Place the paper in the fire and repeat the following words 3 times: "Fire, fire burning bright turn my darkness into light! Take away my bad luck ill, bring me nothing but goodwill. Bad luck came and stayed to long, be gone forever, be gone, be gone! With this fire burning bright, bring me good luck, bring me light! So long as it harm none, so mote it be.” After repeating these words 3 times, sit for a few minutes and concentrate on the bad luck being gone and the good luck coming your way! When you are done extinguish the fire.
To stop slander or gossip: At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or whatever you have available to contain the fire. Write on a piece of paper that is 3 inches x 3 inches, the word Rumors and the rumors that are being spread about you. Do not write the names of those who are slandering you! You do not want to harm them and suffer the consequences with karma! Be thinking of these lies going away never to return as you draw an X with a dark marker across the paper. Toss the paper into the fire and repeat the following words 3 times: "Rumors, slander standing stout, with this X, I cross you out I toss their words into the fire, all these lies no longer hire. All bad things done and said, leave my life, be gone be dead! All the evil that they say, make it all go away! Rumors carry me no more, be gone be dead, be no more! So long as it harm none, as I will, so mote it be.” Sit and concentrate on all the bad gossip going away for a few minutes, then extinguish the fire!

Amulets: Amulets are useful ways of easily passing energy from yourself to someone else. They are also very useful as a means of taking excess energy that you have now and storing for use later. Because the Fire is not such an easily-containable element, it is not easy to make into amulets. Crystals and stones may be charged and used as amulets as explained in that month’s lessons. Symbols for Fire or the Fire Elemental may be used. Fire amulets are often used for transformation, protection, and love.

Credit:Stacy Hartlage Taylor

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