Thursday, July 18, 2013

Air Invocations and Rituals

The Elements can be used in spellcrafting and ritual work in many ways. Later this month, we will look at invoking and working with the elements together. Today’s lesson, though, focuses on using just the Element of Air for Invocations and Rituals, or Air Magick, in four ways.
  1. Rituals
  2. Mediation (summoning the power directly from the environment)
  3. Everyday Spells
  4. Amulets
To begin, though, I am going to take a little detour. It is important to know the difference between a ritual and a spell for this lesson. And while others may delineate them differently, for July’s lessons and me personally, this is the difference:

A ritual is a celebration or honoring of an event of occasion, and a spell is an organized wish or pray that carries with it the power to manifest a desire or goal. Rituals are often used to celebrate the sabbats or as dedications to deities or celebration of life stages, and spells are more often for individual growth or material needs. For example, on Halloween, I might perform a samhain ritual to honor the holiday and a spell to keep my children safe while trick or treating.

This lesson will go over examples of both (and mediations and amulets), but they are not all inclusive--they are just examples. A skilled crafter will always create her own or adapt traditional magick to her own needs.

Invoking Air: Before performing magick, many like to invoke the deities or elements from which they are asking help. Here are some ways to invoke Air.

  1. Hand signals like in the image attached to this lesson and discussed in an earlier lesson.  For invoking Air using the pentagram and your hand, move your hand in a leftward direction for the left-side top line of the pentagram.
Another way to call the Air with hand signals is to face the East and to draw the symbol of Air with your hand, imagining it and infusing it with a bright celestial yellow (the color of Air) energy or light.

  1. An oral chant can call the Air: Hail Guardians of the East / I summon the powers of Air!  / Windswept meadow,  / Breath of life, Fantastic torrent removing strife, / With Clarity, the power to Know, I invoke you!

  1. A full-body invocation: When performing magick, one can use her entire body to call the Air by twirling. While twirling, feel the life-sustaining air in your lungs and acknowledge your own swirling, progressing intellect. Sense the breeze on your arm and the ever moving winds far in the sky. Feel the intelligence of the god/goddesses and their revelations. Breathe in the cool, calming, and inspiring element that is indefinite.

  1. Using “bits and pieces” to represent Air in your ritual or spell work: most often incense are used, though a fan, yellow or white candles (especially carved with the symbol of Air and charged or blessed), etc. can work. The wand is the tool most often used when working with Air. White Sage is often burned when invoking or calling Air.

  1. Using the Air Elementals: Covered in tomorrow’s lesson!

Remember after your magick to banish the Element. You again can do this in several ways (dependent on how it was invoked): hand signals, chant, full body, simply thanking it for its use, or distribution of the representation (burning the candle or incense, closing the fan, etc.).

Ritual use of Air: You can honor the Air in an Air ritual or by incorporating the element into rituals you already plan to perform.

Air Ritual: Air is often used in ritual to represent the mind, intellect, the ability to reason, the power to Know. It's time is first morning light in the springtime, thus Spring / Litha rituals often incorporate Air. Other Air rituals are often related to weather or to gardening. For instance, in the Spring one might do a ritual to ensure growth of a new garden. To represent Air, in the East of the garden, use plants connected with inspiration, wisdom and knowledge. Sage, marjoram, mugwort and members of the mint family are perfect for this quarter.

Pagan Polyamory: Becoming a Tribe of Hearts by Raven Kaldera talks about a Communication Ritual using Air done by a coven each year to ensure harmony within the coven. Here are the details. (Kaldera says that before the ritual can begin, a group breathing exercise must be completed in which everyone sits in a circle and breaths deeply until all are in unison.)

"The center space is laid with a fan, a knife, and a talking stick. First, all share in a breathing exercise together. Then the first individual speaks:
Hail, powers of air!
You are the breath in our bodies,
the same breath shared by each of us,
without which there can be no life.
We come before you strong in our knowledge
that we are on the same side together,
that we are bound by love and are not enemies,
that the happiness of one is the key to the happiness of all.
Breath in and know that this is true.
Hear us, powers of air!

The second speaker takes up the fan and gently fans the next person in the circle. The second person takes the fan and fans the next individual, and so it is passed until everyone has received the gift of wind. While this is going on, the second speaker says:
Hail, powers of air!
You are the wind of change
that blow through our minds.
We come before you open to changing
if that is what is necessary
to keep a balance strong between us.
We will not fear change,
even when it is less than comfortable,
for you are the power of the rising sun,
the glory of dawn,
and all new beginnings.
Hear us, powers of air!

The third speaker takes up the knife between their two hands and presses it reverently to their third eye, and then passes it on. Each in turn repeats the gesture, while the third speaker says:
Hail, powers of air!
You are the knife's edge
separating one thing from another,
untangling the threads of our knotted feelings.
We come before you ready to feel your edge,
even when it cuts deep,
for the sharp glance of another may see
what we have hidden from ourselves.
And yet, we promise not to abuse that edge,
nor to slash carelessly at each others' souls,
so that every cur made is the sugeon's scalpel,
taken into the service of healing
rather than destruction.
Hear us, powers of air!

Then the fourth speaker picks up the talking stick and says:
Hail, powers of air!
You are the power of words,
the song of meaning,
the stream of communication,
the many stories of language,
we swear to try our best
to learn each others' language,
that understanding may always flow between us.
Gift us with the knowledge of the perfect word,
the perfect phrase, the right thing
that will resolve each argument
and yet not stifle the flow of feeling
from whence it sprang.
Hear us, powers of air!

The fourth speaker then says:
I come to this circle to speak only truth,
Holding forth only hope,
seeing only friends,
and giving each their say.

Each person, as they take the talking stick should repeat this short verse. The discussion can now commence in whatever order the polyamorous family prefers."

Meditating on the Air
When you think of “Air” what comes to mind? Perhaps you feel the instability of the wind or breeze? Perhaps you think of natural wind storms like tornadoes and hurricanes. Perhaps you hear wind chimes gently clanking or bells ringing as the wind kisses them softly. Element meditation is most often about visualization, so whatever makes you think about and dwell on the power of Air is what you should envision in an Air meditation. For me, the moments that I meditate on Air often come during the height of a thunderstorm or during the fall as I see the leavings coming down from their trees or on a sunny afternoon when I hear my wind chimes unexpectedly while I am doing household chores. That moment when they chime, I pause and reflect on the power of Air and how it is used in our lives.

For advanced meditation, breathing exercises (since Air gives us our breath) would be appropriate. Until that advanced level or until it becomes second nature to stop and meditate on the power of Air, a more intentional meditation might help you feel more in tune with the element of Air. Here is an example of one you could try.

A simple meditation to help you attune to the element of Air: To do this meditation, find a place where you can stand quietly, undisturbed, on a day when the sun is shining. Ideally, it should be in a place where you can really connect with everything that Air represents. Perhaps it's a hillside outside of town, or a mesa, or a high flat area your local park (the top of a man-made levee near our local river often helps me). Find your spot, and make yourself comfortable. Then, stand with your feet and arms spread, so that as much of your body as possible is in direct contact with the Air.  Use all of your senses to attune to Air.  Relax your body and breathe slowly, through your nose, and take in the sensations around you. Allow your body to be flexible so that it moves with the wind and Air. Close your eyes, and become aware of the Air surrounding your body. Feel the breeze blowing by, and allow yourself to become in tune to the rhythms of nature. Once you are completely relaxed, focus on the warmth of the sun on your face. Imagine that warm Air is wrapping you in its arms. Feel the Air caressing your arms, legs, cheeks. Imagine this Air working its way along your body, traveling through your neck, down into your chest, where your heart chakra is located. Allow it to warm your heart, then traveling slowly out each appendage as it flows through your body and out the tips of your toes and finger. Feel the freedom of Air, the flexibility and movement with the wind. Let the wind move you. Turn your face upward toward the sky and feel the connection as the Air comes down and lifts you from the ground. Keep your breathing even and regular, and enjoy the sensation of being one with the Sky, the wind, and the Air.

Everyday spellcrafting using the element of Air We use symbols for Air in a variety of magical tools. A yellow candle, for instance, or incense burning during ritual, or even Sage cleansing spells represent the power of Air. The voice is important in Air spelling, and rhyming spells are said to be more powerful when using Air. In the Tarot, the Suit of Swords is representative of the element of Air. The Suit of Swords Tarot card meanings are associated with action, change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict. Action can be both constructive and/or destructive, sometimes resulting in violence. This suit can also mean hatred, battle, and enemies, and of all the suits, this one is considered to be the most powerful and dangerous. The Suit of Swords deals with the mental level of consciousness that is centered around the mind and the intellect. Swords mirror the quality of mind present in your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. Swords themselves are double-edged and in this way the Suit of Swords symbolizes the fine balance between intellect and power and how these two elements can be used for good or evil. As such, the Swords must be balanced by spirit (Wands) and feeling (Cups).

Air magick often focuses on the intellectual or the spiritual--it can be of help when you want to increase your capacity for learning or heighten your spiritual level. However, it can also be utilized for astral travel. Air scents tend to be light, such as minty smells.

Here is a template for creating an Air spell for more materialistic or mundane needs or wishes
Step One: Put your *good* intention into your own words. If you don't have a good intention in mind, the Element of Air will come at your calling and do what it thinks is best for you at the time. This can be positive or negative. Step 2: Invoke Air (see above or): Face East with your index finger pointing straight ahead at eye level. Draw a circle in the air from that point clockwise to a point about level with your lower belly (Foundation or Matrix = Yesod) and back to the beginning point. Your lower belly is below your belly button and above your pubic line. Then draw a vertical line straight up as far as you can reach. Imagine or visualize the line you draw to create this symbol as a bright celestial yellow colored flame about an inch thick. Imagine or visualize this flaming yellow colored flame completely filling the circle of your symbol. Also imagine or visualize that you can easily see through this transparent yellow colored flame. Imagine or visualize these things. Step 3: state your purpose in the form of: "I invoke you to _____" and fill in the blank. This intention is related to the World of Air, the World of the Mind. Your intention can be to remove mental confusion, improve mental concentration or attention, improve memory or memory recall, expand your mind, improve your attitude or anything the World of Air controls. The World of Air is your mind, your thoughts and ideas, imagination, memory, attitudes, concentration and attention. So choose any of these things as your purpose.
Step 4 is to leave it open to allow the Element of Air to do whatever it is you request. This may take a few moments or a few hours at your option. You could invoke Air to assist you with your attention today and leave the spell open all day long. You could also invoke Air to assist you with your attention today and close the spell within a few moments. Step 5 is to close the spell. This is done by facing East and tracing the Circle of Air in front of you in a counter-clockwise manner. Then complete the symbol by drawing the vertical line. Imagine this symbol as a flaming bright transparent yellow color as before. Then thank the Element of Air for performing the requested service. Something like this: "Thank you for assisting me with ____ (fill in the blank according to your intention) and I release you from this duty. At the same time I banish all negative thoughts and ideas, all negative attitudes and all negative thought energy far away from me." Step 6 is to banish Air by doing the opposite of your invocation or drawing a counter-clockwise circle of bright yellow transparent flame with a vertical tail as previously done. This is the first part. The second part is to state your intention as "I banish all negative thoughts and ideas, negative mental energy and attitudes, from within and around me. I banish you far away from me." Your intention is to keep away any negative thoughts, ideas, beliefs, attitudes and negative thought forms. Choose what you wish to banish and use those words.

Specific Air Spell Intentions (to insert into a spell like above): HOW TO RAISE AND SUMMON A WIND!  Lore of the spell:  Greek sailors especially the ancient ones claim that they always knew a couple of spells to invoke the Winds so they would blow for them. They were always simple and handy because they needed it also at times of war. This spell is really simple and it just requires Sand. Go on a sea shore with an empty Jar and fill it with plain clear fine sand for this is the only ingredient you need. Keep the jar secret and safe from sights. Store is for future use. Then go out and stand alone, (outdoors at first of course), face on the direction of the wind you wish to Summon. Face the East for example if you wish to Summon the East Wind. Take a handful of the clear sand, and throw it to the air calling the name of the Wind, for example:  "East Wind!"  or if it feels better for you: "East Wind Come,  I summon you with a Clear Heart!" Or you can summon the Winds by calling the name of the Greek Wind Spirits/Gods, "Eúros!" Do this three times! (Thus you say the name of the wind thrice!) The Wind should be summoned. Once it's summoned, ask him for his help and assistance. Talk to him. Remember the Oral Speaking is associated with the element of air, so is the rhyme spells.

Blowing Problems Away:
Take a tablespoon of flour and put it in the upturned palm of your right hand.  Try to pour it so it's just in one clump of flour in the palm.  Gaze at the clump of flour and think about your problem in detail for a few minutes.  Pour all your thoughts and feelings into the clump of flour as you gaze at it.  Then at it for a moment and say with confidence and determination: "(Problem like harrassment etc.) of mine, I do blow, You out of my life, Air take it, go!"
Then take a deep breath and blow as HARD as you can so that the flour flies off your hand and disperses in the air.  As the flour disperses in the Air so too does your problem vanish just like the flour.  Go inside and wash your hands.  Repeat every other day until the problem is gone.

Sing-a-Spell:  Have a goal or need you want to accomplish?  Sing it into existence: Write out your goal or need on a piece of paper.  Make it clear and concise and short as possible but maintain clarity.  Now sing it into existence with this charm while visualizing yourself achieving your goal/need: "(Goal/Need like love or success) is what I need for me! My mind ready and heart steady! Oh feisty Sylphs of the four directions! Bring me (Goal/Need) with wise discretion!" Sing it as long as you like, have fun with it.  Just keep the visualization going as you sing your heart out!  Keep the paper you wrote your goals on until you achieve them.  Look at it every day knowing you have already achieved it.  When it comes to pass, burn the paper and scatter the ashes to the wind and give thanks.

Mental Focus:  Find a quiet place and set your books or materials you need to focus on.  Sit down and relax.  Start to take deep, slow, steady breaths.  Focus on taking deep, slow, steady breaths for a few minutes.  After this visualize the very Air around you start to shimmer with light.  As you breathe these deep, slow, steady breaths visualize that you also bring in this shimmering Air into your lungs and throughout your body.  Keep breathing until your very being is shimmering with the same light.  When you are finished open your eyes and start reviewing your materials confident that you are completely focused.

Hurricane of Protection:  Relax.  Close your eyes and visualize a mini-hurricane that is just around you.  You are in the eye of the storm, peaceful and tranquil.  Visualize the mini-hurricane blowing away any unhealthy or negative things it comes in contact with.  Visualize this for 5-10 minutes.  You now have a powerful air of protection around you.

Amulets: Amulets are useful ways of easily passing energy from yourself to someone else. They are also very useful as a means of taking excess energy that you have now and storing for use later. Because the Air is not such a physical element, it is not to make into amulets. Crystals and stones may be charged and used as amulets as explained in that month’s lessons. Symbols for Air or the Air Elemental may be used. Air amulets are often used for protection, focus, wisdom, communication, travel, justice, balance, and insight. Air is often used to consecrate an amulet, which can be done by waving your creation through incense or burning white sage / smoke. Amulets can also be used to anchor one’s self during astral travel.

Credit: Stacy Hartlage Taylor

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