Monday, July 15, 2013

Earth Invocations and Rituals

The Elements can be used in spellcrafting and ritual work in many ways. Later this month, we will look at invoking and working with the elements together. Today’s lesson, though, focuses on using just the Element of Earth for Invocations and Rituals, or Earth Magick, in four ways.
1. Rituals
2. Mediation (summoning the power directly from the environment)
3. Everyday Spells
4. Amulets 

To begin, though, I am going to take a little detour. It is important to know the difference between a ritual and a spell for this lesson. And while others may delineate them differently, for July’s lessons and me personally, this is the difference:

A ritual is a celebration or honoring of an event of occasion, and a spell is an organized wish or pray that carries with it the power to manifest a desire or goal. Rituals are often used to celebrate the sabbats or as dedications to deities or celebration of life stages, and spells are more often for individual growth or material needs. For example, on Halloween, I might perform a samhain ritual to honor the holiday and a spell to keep my children safe while trick or treating. 

This lesson will go over examples of both (and mediations and amulets), but they are not all inclusive--they are just examples. A skilled crafter will always create her own or adapt traditional magick to her own needs.

Invoking Earth: Before performing magick, many like to invoke the deities or elements from which they are asking help. Here are some ways to invoke Earth.

1. Hand signals like in the image attached to this lesson and discussed in an earlier lesson. For invoking Earth using the pentagram and your hand, move your hand in a downward direction for the left-side top-to-bottom line of the pentagram.

Another way to call the Earth with hand signals is to face the North and to draw the symbol of Earth with your hand, imagining it and infusing it with a bright green (the color of Earth) energy or light.

2. An oral chant, such as the one on the image with this lesson: “Here and now, I invoke the elemental force of Earth. I call to the swirling dust and dawn-lit mountains, to the farmer’s fields and all the swaying trees. You that remain solid, you that teaches of quiet stability, you that holds us firm against your skin, I call you here to infuse my intentions with your boundless gifts. I call you here to fashion the spirit cavern, root my will in your soil, and ground my purpose in the stones. Boulder & Gravel, Redwood & Rose, Earth, I call thee.” Another one might be: Hail Guardians of the North / We summon the powers of Earth! / Cave of darkness, / Standing stone, / the celebration of flesh and bone, / With Stillness, the power of silence, / We invoke you! (A strong moment of silence, feeling the body.) / By the Earth that is Her body, Be with us now!

3. A full-body “rooting”: When performing magick, one can use her entire body to call the Earth by drumming on the ground with hands or stamping with feet. Getting down on your knees and slapping the earth with your hands is great to connect with the element. Another way is to envision yourself in the middle of a large sphere of heavy or dense gravity. Breathe in the Earth from all sides of your body, front, top, back, top of your head, and bottom of your feet. Imagine yourself getting heavier so that you are like lead and can no longer move—you are buried in the earth (Rooted!). Do this for seven breaths and invite the element of earth to participate.

4. Using “bits and pieces” to represent Earth in your ritual or spell work: most often salt and crystals are used, though herbs in cooking, and bits of trees and plants (and even dirt) are all used (think about a clover-chain crown that you might have made as a child: you were invoking the power of Earth to bless you whether you realized it or not). Green candles are also often used to represent the Earth (especially once blessed and carved with the symbol of Earth).

5. Using the Earth Elementals: Covered in tomorrow’s lesson!

Remember after your magick to banish the Element. You again can do this in several ways (dependent on how it was invoked): hand signals, chant, full body, simply thanking it for its use, or distribution of the representation (burning the candle, eating the herbs, etc.).

Ritual use of Earth: You can honor the Earth in an Earth ritual or by incorporating the element into rituals you already plan to perform. 

Earth Ritual: The Earth is the mother who is inviting us to come home. The purpose of an earth ritual is to provide a sense of belonging, a remembrance of home, and an experience of being “grounded” in the most literal sense. An earth ritual can be as simple as “Lying on the Earth’s Lap” (as described in The Healing Wisdom of Africa), and as complex and intense as a ritual burial. Earth is our battery and generator, providing capacity for growth and solidity. Earth is a particularly important element for those journeying into magickal realms because earth provides stability, reality, and gravity. Crafters should spend time in the garden, even if not gardening, and barefoot whenever possible. If this isn’t appealing to play in the dirt, you could even go to a spa and take a mud bath. Earth is considered a Feminine, yin power. Earth magickal power is accessed through the botanicals that are rooted in Earth, figures formed from clay and dirt itself, as in graveyard dirt or crossroads dirt. Taking care of the Earth (planting trees, recycling, picking up trashing, weeding, gardening, cooking with fresh ingredients, arranging flowers, meditating on your stones or crystals are all forms of honoring the Earth.

Example Earth Rituals include prayer / blessing walks; peace tree ceremonies; herbal medicine training, animal welcoming back ceremonies; rituals to bring rain; ceremonies to honor mountain or tree spirits, honoring ceremonies for animals or animal totems; rituals for healing the earth, etc.

Here is a specific Earth Ritual you might try for a solstice / sabbat celebration (next year’s summer solstice, for example). Step 1: Prepare yourself with ritual sage or a ritual bath. Step 2: Kneel before your altar. Step 3: Ground yourself: feel yourself rooted to the earth. Step 4: Take 3 deep breaths. Step 5: Invoke the Earth Element (see examples above) and say: Mother Earth, I am so grateful for the blessings you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for your natural beauty. I have so much love and respect for the earth and all its creatures. Step 5: Select an offering (whatever works in your traditions—food, light a candle, something you drew, etc.) and hold it in your hand. Step 6: In return, ask Mother Earth to purify you of that which no longer serves you—something that distracts you from your true heart’s desire. Step 7: Say: Mother Earth, it is my will to purify and transmute (state your intention). Please accept this offering. It is filled with my heart-felt thanks and gratitude. Step 8: Give your offering by eating the food, burning the candle, burning the drawing, etc. Step 9: Select another offering (whatever works in your traditions—food, light a candle, something you drew, etc.) and hold it in your hand close to your heart. This time, pick something that symbolizes what you would like manifested in your life. Step 10: Say, Mother Earth, it is my will to (state your manifestation). Please accept this offering. It is filled with my true heart’s desire and deepest gratitude. Step 11: Give your offering by eating the food, burning the candle, burning the drawing, etc. Step 12: Give thanks one last time and banish the earth element and any unused energy.

Meditating on the Earth
When you think of “Earth” what comes to mind? Perhaps you feel the stable element of solidity and grounding. Or maybe you see Earth as the third planet from the Sun. Or for you, is Earth the rich brown soil in your own backyard? Earth is all these things and more. (One of the great things about “poly” theism is the ability to look at many aspects of an idea.) We often see Earth in vague macro terms, but we should not ignore the simple parts of everyday Earth that we see and touch each day. You may find that all these different sides of Earth – the element, the planet and the everyday things around us — all fit together like a beautiful mosaic.

When you see and appreciate the little pieces and how they work together to form the macro view, it is easier to meditate on the earth element. For instance, you might take a moment to hold a freshly harvested herb in your hand as an opportunity to meditate on the earth (or a barefoot walk in the grass, etc. I often use the moments that I am repotting flowers and plants with my hands buried in the dirt and roots to think about and connect to the Earth). 

Until it becomes second nature to do so, a more intentional meditation might help you feel more grounded with the element of Earth. Here is an example of one you could try.

A simple meditation to help you attune to the element of Earth: To do this meditation, find a place where you can sit quietly, undisturbed, on a day when the sun is shining. Ideally, it should be in a place where you can really connect with everything that Earth represents. Perhaps it's a hillside outside of town, or a shady grove in your local park. Maybe it's somewhere deep in the woods, under a tree, or even your own back yard. Find your spot, and make yourself comfortable. Then, sit or lie on the ground, so that as much of your body as possible is in direct contact with the ground. Use all of your senses to attune to Earth. Relax your body and breathe slowly, through your nose, and take in the scents around you. You may smell freshly cut grass, or damp earth, or flowers and leaves. Close your eyes, and become aware of the earth beneath your body. Feel the breeze blowing by, and allow yourself to become in tune to the rhythms of nature. Once you are completely relaxed, focus on the warmth of the sun on your face. Imagine that warm golden light being absorbed into your body, through your third eye. Feel the light of the sun warming your head and face, a little at a time, just as the earth is being warmed back up. Imagine this light working its way along your body, traveling through your neck, down into your chest, where your heart chakra is located. Allow it to warm your heart, then traveling slowly down through your abdomen and down to your root chakra. As this light warms your body, feel it connecting you to the ground beneath your body as well. Imagine this warmth spreading, a golden glow journeying along your legs, your knees, and finally to your feet. By the time the sensation reaches your feet, you should feel as though your entire body has been infused with the warmth and light of the returning sun. Feel your connection to the earth. Imagine that warmth growing and spreading from your body into the ground. Visualize the awakening roots, seeds, and other life that is just below the surface. Share your warmth and light with them, and feel your own roots growing into the soil. Feel the stability and security of the earth beneath you. Keep your breathing even and regular, and enjoy the sensation of being one with the soil, the grass, and even the rocks below.

Everyday spellcrafting using the element of earth
We use symbols for Earth in a variety of magical tools. A green candle, for instance, or salt on the altar can represent Earth. In the Tarot, the suit of Pentacles or Coins represents Earth. While both Pentacles and Coins are round circular objects that might symbolize the Earth merely in shape, let’s look further. A Pentacle is an interesting choice, since the five-pointed star is often described as symbolic of all four elements, plus a fifth – Spirit. This is a wonderful description of the diverse Earth, since our world’s land, sea, air and flame contain all of these forces! The Tarot’s use of Coins as a symbol of Earth may date back to agricultural times, where wealth and abundance came via the harvest as financial support for the village. A simpler idea is the Rune symbol Fehu, which also is a symbol of abundance, and comes from the same root as the word “fee.” Some might say Fehu’s F-shape represents the horns on a head of cattle (think Taurus the bull!). 

Burying a spell in the ground is another way to utilize the Earth Power to accomplish a desired result. Also, you can call the Earth element into your spell or ritual to give your goal a “kick” of Earth based energy if the goal falls under the ruler ship of the element. Some of the goals ruled by the Earth element are Good Luck, Finding Hidden Things, Protection, All Things Relating To Child Birth, Healing, Stability, Self - Control. Earth spells often include crystals, live herbs, live plants, burying things in the earth and eating foods. If you're looking to add some earth energy, try to use these types of things in your spellwork. 

Here is a specific traditional spell called “Charm of the Oak” intended as a way to connect to the deep wisdom and knowledge embodied in the oak tree. It focuses on a more spiritual and intangible goal. You will need: 4 acorns (collected yourself is always best), 1 small bag of brown fabric, patchouli oil, and 1 brown or green candle. Procedure: Anoint the candle and the acorns with oil, and light the candle. While you hold the acorns in your hands, say: “Sacred oak / Blessed seed / Growth and wisdom / Mine indeed.” Visualize a mighty oak tree, and all the things it may have to teach you. Place the acorns in the bag, and leave it near the candle. Let the candle burn out on its own, and leave the bag somewhere where you will see it every day. Opportunities to gain new knowledge will soon present themselves.

Here is a template for creating an Earth spell for more materialistic or mundane needs or wishes (Earth spells are best for things like money, abundance, financial prosperity, fertility, home wishes, grounding, nature, and growth). Step One: Put your intention into your own words. Step 2: Invoke Earth (see above or): Face North and place your index finger in front of you at about your lower belly. This point is the bottom of a circle. Draw a curving line up and to your left and back to center at about eye level. Continue drawing from this point around to the right to complete the circle. Then draw a vertical line straight down as far as you can reach while standing straight. Imagine or visualize this circle as being brilliant, transparent, green flame composed of one inch thick lines and the green flame filling the whole circle. Step 3: Voice your intention. Then wait as long as you want for Earth to do its thing. Step 4: Banish earth (see above or) draw the same Earth symbol counter-clockwise and imagine it as bright transparent green flame while thanking Earth for the service provided: "Thank you Earth for _____ and now I invoke abundance, vibrant good health and freedom from injury so long as it harm none."

Specific Earth Spell Intentions (to insert into a spell like above):
To lose trouble: Take a handful of dirt and gaze into. Pour all of your troubles and problems plaguing you into the dirt, being sure to outline the issues down to the smallest detail. When you are finished, throw the dirt behind you and walk away—not looking back!

To protect children: 
To protect your children when they are away, take up a handful of dirt and fill it with the protective light of earth and yourself as a mother. Throw the dirt after them as they leave to ensure their safety. 

To create a spell to help to increase the amount of income that you are now receiving: Use salt as the representation of the earth itself, since salt has such a long history of being worth its weight in trade and because it is a necessary element of our physical bodies. Place a small dish of salt on your altar and on top of the salt place a dollar bill. Set before that a small sheet of paper that contains your will about the outcome of the spell (written in green marker). Include the words: “May this money increase for my needs, as long as it does not diminish another or in any way cause loss or harm to another being. So Mote It Be.”

Amulets: Amulets are useful ways of easily passing energy from yourself to someone else. They are also very useful as a means of taking excess energy that you have now and storing for use later. Because the earth is such a physical element, it is easy to make into amulets. Crystals and stones may be charged and used as amulets as explained in that month’s lessons. Dirt may as well. For instance, an example amulet to make if you have troubles with stability, security, or self-control is to tie up a small, square green cloth with some fresh, rich soil firmly so that no Earth may escape. This type amulet will help stabilize emotions or nervous energy. Another amulet idea is to use a natural item that has its own energy that does not require charging such as a four-leaf clover, which is said to bring good luck. 

To create an amulet, gather your materials. To attract wealth or money, you might use green cloth, green fabric, crystals or beads in green (Pyrite / Malachite, etc.), essential oil or herb blends. To Improve Health or Healing, you could use, green or white cloth, cord, quartz, essential oils and herb blends. Once you have gathered your materials, place them on your altar or workspace. Add oils to the cloth. Then, add your chosen herbs or crystals. Carefully bring the corners of your cloth together. Gather the edges of the fabric into a "tail" at the top of the bundle and use the ribbon to tie it tightly in place. It is now ready for charging. Focus on your intent and visualize energy flowing into the amulet. You can also sew square sachets, pillows, or poppets. You can and should adjust the materials used to reflect your specific purpose. If you are after a specific goal, include an image or symbol of that goal. If it is for a person, include something personal from them. The techniques here are not absolute; let your own intuition guide you. Remember that it is your energy and will that guide the magic. Intention is always the first and foremost weapon for creating magick.

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