Monday, July 15, 2013

Earth: Astrology / Zodiac Significance

The four elements can be regarded as four basic principles of life. These can be applied to all sorts of things through the principles of similarity and analogy. C.G. Jung has opened the door to a modern understanding of these categories by developing a system of types, in which the elements correspond to four basic functions of the psyche. The emphasis or non-emphasis of the elements in the individual horoscope reveals fundamental aspects of the personality.

In Astrology, the signs are grouped in four triplicities based on their element. The triplicities are water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo). Each has the three Zodiac signs associated with that element. This lesson focuses on how the element Earth influences / affects Earth signs. Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

General characteristics for Zodiac Signs in Earth Elements:The Earth is real; you can see it, hold it, smell it. Suitably so, earth signs are very "down to earth" and real. The Earth is the foundation on which everything is built. Earth people are solid and stable and composed of many different parts; they are multi-faceted people, like the many mineral compounds that make the earth. There is nothing wishy-washy about these people; they do not have their head in the clouds. They are dependable, and you know they will always be there and that they are stable—most of the time anyway, more stable than the other elements. The Earth does not change. It stays there and allows whatever is growing to continue to grow and progress. Earth people are not fond of change; they like stability and regular life that can grow upon and develop. Why start something new if what is already there is fine? Earth people are the most materialistic (not necessarily about money) and possessive of all astrology zodiac elements.

It's common to hear someone described as "earthy." Such a person blends in with their natural habitat. They're sensual, meaning they engage with life through the five senses. It takes time to sense the dense physical world, and earth signs can operate at a slower, more thorough pace than the other elements.They're oriented toward what's real, and often this makes them very productive, able to create tangible results. But if there are no balancing elements, earth's extremes could lead to being a work-a-holic, hoarding of possessions, pettiness, getting stuck in the mundane, stubbornness, etc.

Those with Earth signs often seem to inhabit their physical bodies which can be described in new-age terms as "grounded." Whatever their ground is -- whether it is a high-rise office building or rural cottage -- they're sending out feelers through the senses. The physical is the densest plane, and they're masters at assessing and organizing tangible things.

One expression of Earth sign qualities might be someone who is easy-going and languid, aware of the local flora and fauna, often have leaves in their hair or dirt on their hands. They're intimately attuned to the dance of nature, and love to spend time outdoors.

But Earth signs can just as easily work their magic in urban places, since they're often centers of a certain kind of high-level productivity. The focus on the tasks at hand make them vulnerable to the "all work and no play" cul de sac of life. They're more apt to base their reality on what is around them in form, instead of creating personal myths or assigning symbolic meanings to everything. That's why too much of a good thing -- Earth -- can be stifling to things like inspiration, going on faith, a sense of purpose.

Earth signs are here to shape, manifest, cultivate and revel in Earthly delights. Their gift to others is bringing form to ideas, making them a balancing partner for an idle dreamer with potential. They tend their own garden, and inspire others to make the most of theirs.

Keywords: practical, useful, structure, productivity, tangible, grounded, sensual, tactile, dependable

Broken down by Zodiac Sign:Taurus:  The first earth sign, Taurus is the most stable and the strongest. Taurus are known for their stubborn nature and their unwillingness to change. Taurus is earthly sensual and wants harmony and happiness, creating it by their surroundings, holding tight to the people and the things in their life. They have a solid foundation and help other to build theirs too, they are dependable, nurturing and wise.

Virgo: The middle sign is represented by the middle of earth, not quite on the surface and not quite deep down either. Stuck in the middle and indecisive. Virgo lives in their own world on a earthly-mental plane. They observe and think with quick analytical precision, and are flexible, helpful and stable. Virgo is the least physical of the earth signs.

Capricorn: Represented by the lower earth, Capricorn is the earth in it's most basic and purest form. Just like the pure earth is made up of various elements, Capricorn has many sides and takes interest in everything from materialistic possessions to solid to being a powerful status symbol. Sort of like the depths of the earth, Capricorn is mysterious and deep. They can be dark, not in a malicious sense, but in a depressed sort of way since they are very conservative and have a difficult time with pleasure since they are so concerned and involved in their work and the more serious aspects of life.

How are the three Earth signs different?:In their triplicity, or grouping by element, they differ in that each belongs to another group known in astrology as "qualities." The qualities are Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Capricorn is a Cardinal sign, known for its initiatory nature, Taurus is a Fixed sign, and it sinks into the Earth perhaps the deepest, and Virgo is a Mutable sign, characterized by changeability.

Interaction with other Zodiac Elements:

Earth and Water: Earth signs can help the emotional Water signs find tangible outlets for imaginative gifts. Like the banks to a flowing river, the Earth sign can guide the Water sign toward a goal. Water can help Earth by softening its rigid structure. If you think of how a potter uses water to soften, and then re-shape clay on the wheel, you get the picture. Water nourishes the ground of Earth with a feeling of being cared for, and this can add a dimension of meaning to their lives.

Earth and Fire: Earth signs gain from the inspirational quality of Fire, and this adds a sense of adventure and a touch of the hero's journey to their life story. They'll be energized by Fire, as long as it doesn't scorch them by being too much, too soon. A little Fire goes a long way with Earth. On the other hand, Fire can be guided by Earth's mastery of structure. All those brilliant ideas can begin to take shape with Earth as your worldly advisor.

Earth and Air: When Earth meets Air, it's like opening the window to let the fresh air in. It can be exhilarating to Earth to be lifted up, if only temporarily, to see from the lofty heights of fantasy and rapid ideation. But if Air doesn't offer Earth anything tangible, only pies in the sky, there could be a loss of respect. As with the other signs, Earth brings Air down to ground level, and offers practical ways to take concept to reality. Air can find Earth stuffy and slow, but will begrudgingly respect the way they get things done.

Earth and Earth: Here is a power duo, able to build empires, plan things down to the last detail and always with one eye on preparing for the future. Theirs is a world full of things to see, touch, hear, taste and feel together. But two Earth signs can fall into the trap of working for tomorrow and not living for today. They'll avoid this by seeking out sensual pleasures, and making time for relaxing in their "garden."

For those of you really into astrology, you can take this even further with your natal or birth chart. If you know your birth chart (and there are a number of places online to get it free if interested), you can see how many planets are in each of the four elements, regardless of your zodiac element. Most birth charts indicate a fairly even combination of the elements. However, you may find that you have a dominant one that is not your Zodiac element and that the dominant element affects your personality traits even more so that the zodiac element. You might also find that you have a lack of an element, which can affect your personality traits.

For example, someone who has a dominant Earth chart might exhibit• Common sense, stability, dependability• A tendency toward being cautious, premeditative, and conventional• A responsible, diligent, pragmatic, no-nonsense approach to life• Concern with physical well-being rather than spiritual attainment• Reliability and steadfastness• Realism, rigid conservative, extreme materialismWhile still needing • To open up to new ideas and use of imagination• To guard against rigid, methodical, strait-jacket mentality• To guard against being too predictable• To be less concerned with the physical and material and more with the abstract and emotional• And to take a chance more often.Those who have a lack of Earth in their birth chart / personality might exhibit• disinterest in material gain and earthly possessions• a certain discomfort integrating with the environment • a childlike inability to handle practical and mundane issues• an inability to ground - lost in space, building castles in the air• difficulty getting organized and finishing things• lack of common sense and reliability And need to:• to guard against confusion and insecurity• to improve understanding of the basics, the root or matrix of things • to learn to appreciate the simple things in life which are usually taken for granted• to ground grandiose schemes within a realistic framework

Activity: When time, work on finding out your dominant element(s) based on your birth chart. Remember, the element of a sign reveals the basic temperament of the sign. The element of your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign are of significant importance, but the overall distribution of elements in your chart is what counts the most. Having more than 4 planets in an element will have an impact on your behavior, even if that element does not correspond to your Sun sign. An abundance (5 or more), or a lack (0-2), of an element has much impact on your temperament.

Birth charts take a lot of work to interpret, work not covered in this lesson. But, if you get a copy of your birth chart on a free online site, you can find your planets (the sun and moon count as planets in birth charts) and positions. Planets and elements are associated via their qualities: warm/cold and dry/wet. As early as Ptolemy, writing almost 2000 years ago, the planets were being ascribed with those same qualities. Thus, for example, Venus and the moon are both described as cold and wet, so eventually those bodies were associated with the element of water, which is also cold and wet.

See chart image for Element associations of warm/cold and dry / wet. The planets basically correspond to the elements this way:Sun: Fire Moon: Water Mercury: AirV enus: Earth & Water Earth: Earth Mars: Fire Saturn: Water & Earth Jupiter: Air & Water Uranus: AirN eptune: Water Pluto: Water Again, a birth chart takes a lot of time to interpret, but you can do your birth / natal chart online for free and start with figuring out how your planets correspond to the elements and what seems to be dominant or lacking in yours.

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