Monday, May 20, 2013

The Art of Palmistry

Palmistry or palm reading is the art of deciphering the means of lines, textures, size and shape of your palms. Our palms tell of both small and large changes, the lines themselves are always changing, forming and disappearing. Palmistry is one of the oldest forms of divination believed to go all the way back to the stone age and spread across many religious beliefs. Scientific research has confirmed links between certain hand markings and heart disease leading to the general acceptance of palmistry throughout the world. There is a lot of information to cover in palmistry and tomes of books on the subject I am going to try to included as much of the basics as I can starting with hand shape, texture and color as well as the fingers and nails. The next lesson will be the basics of the lines and the third lesson for palmistry I will cover the mounds and spaces in between the lines.

So what hand do you read? Traditionally the left hand of a woman was read and the right hand of man but the newer approach is to read both hands due to the fact that each hands show something different. The left hand shows the persona or what is hidden or beneath the surface or the inner child whereas the right hand shows a persons talents and traits that are seen or on the surface. This is opposite for a left-handed person.

First glance-texture, color, flexibility:

texture of a persons hand should be read on the palm and the back of the hand. Calluses would indicate a hardworking person or someone who works with there hands a lot.

soft texture- sensitive and refined
course texture- means a course nature
Transparent skin- saintly type people
thin skin-overly sensitive
Thick skin-stubborn and tends to be insensitive
Smooth skin-an artistic person with a love of nature.

Flexibility of the hands indicates emotional and mental health. A flexible hand means a flexible mind and a stiff hand means a stiff mind. Flexible hand bends backwards easily.

Stiff-rigid outlook on life
flexible- responds quickly. A person that can act, think and feel all at once.
Moderate flexible- balanced and in control
Extremely flexible- easily led, a follower

The color of the skin indicates a persons health
rosy pink- healthy
red-high blood pressure
yellow- excessive bile production and poor health
bluish tint-slow or sluggish circulation.

Hair on the hands, more common in men, shows a person of physical strength and higher sex drive, they are often also over eaters and follow there animal instincts. Fine, thin and sparse hair is found on the hands of people who tend to lack vigor and suffer from nervous problems, but they also tend to be very diplomatic.

Size shows a persons character and personality. Size of the hands is determined by proportion to a persons body.
Small hands- do things on a big level and have a strong desire to achieve. They tend to be egotistical and have trouble relaxing. Doers.
Medium hands- well balanced and have good judgment, the have good common sense and are practical
Large hands- detail oriented. Tend to have many skills and try to achieve many goals at once. They tend to be very friendly and sociable. Thinkers.

Joints and knuckles:
Smooth knuckles- very meticulous.
Uneven knuckles- balanced and calm approach to life
Smooth fingers- Receptive to information and their environment and process intuitively.
Pronounced bottom joint- very orderly in all aspects of life.
Top and bottom pronounced joint- philosophical thinkers, tend to over analyze. Always think before they act.

Finger tips:
Spatula- people who like to be constantly on the move, tend to be good inventors and dynamic thinkers.
Square-a person who is orderly and methodical in their thinking, like stability and are stressed by change. Tend to lack creativity.
Pointed- sensitive and fragile personality, daydreamers. Artistic.
Conic- flexible, good negotiators. Need emotional security.

Finger nails:
Square : Easy going nature and an even temperament. Broad : A strong character with an explosive temper.Fan Shape : Nails adopt this shape when the person has been suffering from long term stress.Almond : Gentle, kind people who are often daydreamers.Narrow : These people are cold and selfish.Vertical Ridges : May indicate rheumatic problems.Horizon Ridges : Dietary deficiencies.Dished : Chemical imbalance.Wrap Around : May indicate respiratory problems.Over Large Moons : May indicate an overactive thyroid problem.Red Bails : Indicate people who are impatient.Pale Nails : May indicate an iron deficiency.

Finger prints:
Whorl- individualistic people who are creative and artistic. Good secret keepers.
Loop-good communication skills, very able and capable. Easily liked.
Arch- people who are detail oriented, hard workers. Need to have everything proved before they believe it. Well liked.
Tented arch- deeply involved in everything they do.
Composite(rare)- have trouble making up their mind, difficult to deal with.

The fingers:
The way your fingers lay natural when you set them down shows your stability, fingers that naturally lay closer together are stable and reliable whereas people with fingers that lay further apart are less so.

The way the fingers are set in the hand shows a persons strength of character. Fingers that are set evenly across the hand (rare) are confident and sure to find success in life. Fingers that are unevenly set show a lack of self confidence especially if the little finger is very low set. Arched set fingers show a well balanced personality.

Index finger:water finger, linked with Jupiter. Ambition, expansion, emotions, self-confidence and concentration.
Long-leadership qualities
Short- reluctant to make decisions. A follower.

Middle Finger: earth finger, linked with Saturn. Conscious and unconscious self. Well grounded, stable, responsible.
Long- takes life seriously, try hard to get ahead
Short- Careless and prefer to not have to work, tendency to be lazy.

Ring Finger: Fire finger, the Apollo finger, linked with Saturn. Creative expression, spirituality, action, intuitive and emotional.
Long- Creative, sometimes shows a person with a gambling problem.

Little Finger: air finger, linked with mercury. Communication, sexuality, monetary matters, inventiveness, mental freedom.
Long- smart, good writers/speakers. Strong sex drive.
Short- emotionally immature
If the little finger sticks out it shows a person is in a relationship they don’t want to be in.

Thumb: energy/ether finger, linked with mars. Power, energy, reasoning, and logic.
Flexibility of the thumb shows adaptability. The more flexible the more easily a person can adapt, the more rigid the more stubborn a person is.
Length of the thumb shows how faithful a person is, longer thumbs indicate faithfulness and strong character. Narrowing at the base shows a use of diplomacy in relationships.

Rings on fingers:
Rings on fingers could indicate inner character.
Wearing many rings shows a person who is wearing emotional armor and depends on outer things for their well being.
Index finger- ambition, need to enhance ego
Middle finger- materialistic
Ring finger- conventional unless there are multiple or large rings this means emotional or creative frustration.
Little finger- difficulties in sexual expression.

Marks on Fingers:
Javelin(arrow)- capable and learned, intellectual. People who succeed in adverse conditions. Capable of working according to the atmosphere. Tend to have heart trouble in old age.

Tent- Kindhearted person. Ability to rise high by means of artistic talent. They also take advantage of others. Tend to be unbalanced mentally and have troubled family life.

Circle- Independent in thought. Very original. Remain away from old beliefs and conservatism.

Arch- Tend to be lazy and suspicious. Lacking confidence in themselves and others. Create illusion good mystics or detectives.

Triangle- Mysterious person. Strong bodied. Love to be alone.

Star or cross- Fateful and fortunate. Receive wealth in life unexpectedly many times. Happy from financial stability.

Net(vertical lines that cross horizontal lines)- obstacles and difficulties. Overcomes difficulties through will power. Less happy in life.

Rectangle- laborious. Prosperous and happy. Wealthy.

The Hand Shapes:
square palm has equal measure both width and height, long palm one will be will be longer.
Fingers are considered long if the middle fingers is equal or longer than ¾ height of your palm. The are short if the middle finger is shorter than ¾ of the palm. (lay the middle finger of one hand on the palm of the other to measure)

Fire hand: long(rectangle) palm, short fingers. Large number of strong lines, usually whorl prints
Active, outgoing, energetic, creative and often extroverts. Easily excitable and emotional. Fire hands like to be in charge and in control, leaders. Accident prone. Risk takers. Can be intolerant and lack sensitivity. Interest/hobbies tings that allow for energy flow and creative outlet. In a relationship they are positive, confident, and take the lead.

Earth hand: square palm, short fingers. Few lines, often arched finger prints.
Don’t like change. Tend to be slow in nature. Emotionally stable. Good workers. Tend to work trade jobs or outdoors. Prefer job security over a job they enjoy. They are kind, practical, loyal and reliable. They can be resentful and lack imagination. Interest/hobbies tend to lie in the physical realm. In a relationship they are dependable and straight forward.

Air Hand: square palm, long fingers. Thin lines, prints are usually loops.
Talkative. Good writers/speakers. Always tend to be cheerful and happy. Very sociable they need constant intellectual stimulation and get bored easily. They enjoy travel. Often unconventional. They tend to be restless and over analyze things and are very critical. Their interest/hobbies ten to lie in the mental realm. Can sometimes come off as detached and impersonal. In a relationship a strong mind is what is most important.

Water Hand: Long (rectangle) palm, long fingers. Lots of fine lines. Prints usually loops.
Artists. Lovers of music. Emotional, idealistic, sensitive, and intuitive. They need harmony and beauty. They have high standards of themselves and others. Often empathic. Can be depressed, sense of nothing every being good enough, manipulative and devious. Interest/hobbies in the emotional realm. Enjoys being with friends and family. Very loving. In a relationship they are sensitive, vulnerable, and can be naive. The want to care and be cared for.

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