Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Art of Dreams Interpretation

Dream interpretation holds the key to all our subconscious fears and desires. Each and every night, we have access to our own personal psychotherapist - who understands us better than anyone else in this world. The more importance you place on your dreams, the more you will remember, and the easier it will be to interpret your dreams every day. There is quite a bit involved in dream interpretation so this is just the basics you need to get started.

Basic types of dreams

Purging/Cleansing Dreams:
These dreams are the most common type of dreams that we have. They are our fantasies, when we do magnificent things. These dreams carry a lot of emotion and are an expression of our hopes, feelings, and desires. These dreams do not have interpretations.

Garbage Dreams:
These dreams work through everything that you have been putting into your mind, all the random things that your receiving whether you realize it or not such as news, music, sermons, and conversations. These dreams sort through the junk sort you don’t have a sensory over load. The more dream work you do the more of these dreams you will have, this means your mind is getting rid of more junk and leaving space for the important things. These dreams are identifiable by lots of changing scenes and are often very confusing, some of the scenes will be memories. These dreams will also have no interpretations, think of them as the spam folder in your dream inbox.

Internal Dreams:
these dreams are often short, have a single message meaning and are conditioned by your life experiences. You are the star of these dreams and they are revolve around you. These dreams do have interpretations.

Prophetic Dreams:
As the name might suggest these dreams are dreams that give hints at the future. These dreams also have interpretations.

The first step in dream interpretation is keeping a dream journal, you should try to write down a dream everyday even if all you have is a garbage dream its about getting in the practice and training your mind to recall dreams.. You should keep your dream journal by your bed and write down as much of your dream as you can as soon as you wake up, you do this you will be able to remember more of your dreams and remember them for longer. Look for things in your dreams that could be symbols and underline them also look for reoccurring concepts and make not e of those as well. The dream symbols are your subconscious self attempt to communicate with your conscious self, it uses seeming illogical symbols because these two parts of your self essential speak a different language and pictures are the best way to try and get an idea across. The concepts in your dreams, such as breaking promises or running away, are ideas based on your past experiences and interactions with the world. This is your subconscious self showing you how it perceives the world, your hopes and fears.

After identifying the important symbols and concepts in your dreams you then have to decide if the are playing a positive or negative rule. General rule is good is positive and bad is negative. Essentially if the symbols is a good thing i.e. getting a new house, than it holds a positive meaning if its a bad thing, i.e. a house burning down, then that symbols holds a negative meaning. This affects the way you interpret the dream. Another important thing to remember about dreams is that they are always about you, even if the dream “stars” another person the message is for you. In fact everything in a dream is a representation of yourself be it other people, inanimate objects, elements, or colors they are all you. Example: if you dream of a house that needs repair it could mean that you need repair, you need to change a bad habit perhaps or eat healthier. All symbols in dreams are linked together in cause and effect, even if in seemingly random nonsensical ways. It is important to look for these connections between dream symbols because if you can not find an effect it means it is yet to happen a key occurrence in prophetic dreams. Keep in mind when interpreting your dreams that you are always the cause of everything that happens in your dreams, outside influences are not to blame for things that happen. For example: you dream you are snowed in at your house, this could mean that you are reluctant to move on or accept something not that the snow stopped you from leaving but rather you are stopping yourself.

People/Charters in Dreams: remember the are all aspects of you.
Negative aspects are usually seen as ill, drunk, injured or disabled.

Male charters generally represent:
aggression, assertiveness, courage, security, responsibility, drive (including sex drive), ambition, creativity, healing, managing and controlling
Male characters may indicate your reaction to;
  1. men in general
  2. that particular man
  3. the male aspect of yourself
  4. your father
  5. intellect, idea or mode of thought
  6. healing agent, guide or entity
  7. a former life
Female charters generally represent:
caring, nurturing, loving, intuition
Female characters may indicate your reaction to;
  1. women in general
  2. that particular woman
  3. the female aspect of yourself
  4. your mother
  5. emotions
  6. healing agent, guide or entity
  7. a former life
Children represent immaturity, the child within, trauma which occurred at the age of the child shown. Positive children indicate ideals, potential, healing agents, etc.. Babies indicate re birthing, rejuvenation, spiritual purpose and hope for the future.

Animals represent the dreamer’s animal instincts (or human nature), sex, aggression, paternal or maternal instincts, social status, etc.
A special charter that can show in your dreams is the spirit guide, this is the only thing in your dream world that isn’t you. This is a messenger from somewhere else who has come to guide/ teach you or bring a message. A guide will appear as a positive male or female character in a position of authority (i.e. bus driver, firefighter, policeman, teachers, etc.), speaking with authority, giving advice or making offers. The advice they give is always correct. This advice is more often given by example rather than words. They are inclined to take up a position in front, to your right or slightly above you. Guidance may also be given by a disembodied voice in the dream.
Just like each person is different so are our dreams and the way our subconscious communicates, meaning that what one symbol means to one person may be something different to someone else since these symbols are based on our personalities and life experiences. This being said when you try to interpret a dream you should try to do it based on instinct using a dream dictionary as a guideline and not take it as the only interpretation a symbol can be. This is also the reason that you should interpret your own dreams vs. having someone else do it for you, of course there is nothing wrong with asking for help but ultimately the best person to interpret the messages from your subconscious is you. 

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