Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Art of Geomancy

Gemancy is derived from the original method of obtaining the figures from lines in the sand. In fact the word geomantia (earth divination) was a direct translation from the Arabic khatt al-raml (sand writing), also known as 'ilm al-raml (science of the sand) and darb al-raml or zarb al-raml(striking the sand). This last name came from the practice of hitting the sand several times with a stick to read the patterns left behind to decide whether one or two points
First, you need to decide on a way of getting a one/two response. Use either a dice (odds is one point, evens is two points), a coin (Heads in one point, Tails is two points) or a randomly drawn line of dots (usually right to left in the Arabic way) which gives an either odd or even answer. In Ramal Shastra (India) four dice on a rod are used. Which ever method you choose you cast four times noting the outcome, this is your figure. For example: if you throw dice and get a 5, 2, 3, and 4. it would be 1 point, 2 points, 1 point, and 2 points and would look like this->.:.:
this is the figure you read.
If you use the random dot method you make dots on paper or in the dirt right to left in a line till it feels right, you do this for four separate lines. For example
which would be 2 points, 1 point, 1 point, and 2 points and would look like this->:..:
this is the figure you read.
The Geometric Figure Meanings:
Change. This figure signifies a journey, action and forward movement. There is an element of loneliness connected with this figure as well as a sense of slowness or delay. This figure is generally unfavorable unless the question is about travel or progress. Life. Guide.
Stability. This neutral figure denotes family, friends, group involvement and generally indicates that the outcome depends on others. It can also mean messages and news as well as the environment around us. Going with the flow.
Interaction. This figure signifies love, friendship, sexual attraction, contracts, agreements and partnerships. Combination of forces for good or bad, a neutral figure. It also indicates the recovery of lost objects.
Isolation. Confinement, limitations and restrictions Delays and reversals of fortune. Good for contracts and mortgages etc. Servitude and the need to accept the situation as it is. Mostly unfavorable unless the issue is about stability or security. Willpower.
Power. Success, good luck, great fortune, celebration, property and possessions. Honor and respect.
Swiftness. Smaller good fortune, assistance from others, influence, protection from misfortune and harm. Abuse of power. You may have to work hard but success is yours. Change and instability. Quick outcome.
Prosperity, promotion, benefit, gains from business or extension of existing property. Worldly success. Your difficulties are now behind you. Something is within one's grasp.
Loss of money, sometimes loss of love. Things lost or taken away, illness, theft, financial problems. Negative outcome. However, if you wish to lose something (weight etc), you will be successful.
Joy, laughter, happiness, good luck, delight, beauty, good health, harmony and peace of mind. Favorable for almost everything. A secret is revealed. Agreement.
Unexpected disappointment, sadness, humiliation, loneliness, change for the worse. Loss and destruction of something that has been carefully built up. Illness. Pain. Unfavorable unless the issue involves building and the Earth. A secret is kept.
Peace. Illumination, wisdom, good results in business through moderation and careful decisions. Spiritual growth and harmony. Patience, thoughtfulness and the ability to balance all areas of life. Good for beginnings and profit. Favorable but weak. Sleep, slow down. Ice, snow.
Passion. Vice, temper. Sexuality. This is a warning for caution and a need for retreat. Negativity and upheaval. Stop and listen to your inner voice to find the correct path to follow. Good in all that is evil, and evil in all that is good.
Harmony. Girl, lady, purity, cleanliness, external appearances, including superficiality, indecisiveness and fickleness. Good relationships with women. Healing and nurturing. Music and the arts. Passivity.
Strife. Young man, men, employee. Rashness and combativeness. Violence. Traditionally good for love and war, but negative for other matters. Great energy that needs to be harnessed. Initiative and leadership. Impulsive behavior.
Beginning. A place of entry. New starts, birth and innocence. Alertness and shrewdness. Profit. Both favorable and unfavorable (mixed). Introversion, mysticism.
Ending. An exit, a way out. Bad luck, a downward path, death and endings. Evil. You need to walk away from something and start anew. Good in all that is evil, and evil in all that is good. Illusion, fraud, deception.

Credit: Meeghan Belford

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