Friday, May 17, 2013

I Ching

I Ching, pronounce Yee Jing, is thousands of years old and translates to “The Book of Changes” created by Fu Hsi (2953-2838 BC), a legendary ruler of China. It is said that he studied the back of a great turtle and discovered interesting markings which then became the hexagrams. The hexagrams represent the 64 basic and universal forces that a person will face in life. The hexagram is made up of two trigrams (Pa Kua) the upper trigram is the top three lines of each hexagram and the lower trigram is the bottom three lines. These lines are either unbroken (yang hsiao) or broken (yin hsiao) symbolizing the yin and yang and the duality nature. It is thought that this understanding of the nature of change and the transitions represented by the trigrams was essential to living a wise life.
“The changes, what do they do? The changes disclose things, complete affairs, and encompass all ways on earth-this and nothing else. For this reason the holy sages used them to penetrate all wills on earth and to determine all fields of action on earth, and to settle all doubts on earth. … The meaning of the six lines changes, in order to furnish information.” -The I Ching or Book of Changes

Using tarot to find your hexagram.
Using the minor arcana, ace through ten in all four suits. Ask a question, shuffle the cards and then lay out three cards left to right. Layout three more cards bellow those. Lay a final seventh card off to the right of these six.
If a card is odd it represents an open line, if it is even it represents a closed line. The top three lines represent the upper trigram and the bottom three represent the lower trigram. This hexagram represents your answer. The seventh card represents the way that things are going to change.

Using the Method of Sixteen:
This is one of the easiest ways to find a hexagram and is mathematically equivalent to the yarrow method meaning that the probability of receiving each kind of line is the same. To use the method of sixteen you will need 16 tokens (such as beads, marbles or different colored stones) in four different colors. You will need:
5 of the first color representing the number 7 (a solid line)
7 of the second color representing the number 8 (a broken line)
3 of the third color representing the number 9 (a solid)
1 of the fourth color representing the number 6 (a broken line)
*the numbers they represent are used in more advanced I-ching when you need to know if it is a changing or unchanging line but for beginners all you need to know is if it is broken or not. But that is the reason for the four colors*

To find your hexagram this way you would put all your tokens in a bowl or bag and draw one out at random, this is your first (bottom) line. After drawing each token you place it back in the bag or bowl so that all the tokens are always there each time.
This method can even be made into a convenient bracelet form by stringing the beads at random and rotating the bracelet in your hand at random to find the lines.
Using coins to find your hexagram.
The older the coins the better, coins used for casting the I Ching should be used only for this purpose, handled only when consulting and stored with care. Traditionally the coins are passed through smoke before each throw.
Three coins are thrown six times. Each throw is one of the six lines of the hexagram, beginning with the bottom line. When you throw the three coins the number of heads (yin) versus tails (yang) determines if that line is broken or unbroken. For example if you throw the coins and have one heads and two tails the first line (bottom line) is unbroken (yang). You do this for the other five lines as well and then you have your hexagram. As I said this is the easier beginner way to read them with the other way is a bit more involved and if I Ching is something you are interested in I recommend reading the Book of Changes.

Once you have your trigram you use a Hexagram chart to find its number and meaning.

I Ching Hexagram Meanings

Hexagram 1-The creative is Heaven (Creative Power)
Originality. Inspiration. Events in your life go well. Attention and energy become focused on you. Good time for business dealings and love affairs. People look to you for leadership.

Hexagram 2- Natural response
Hard work. Efforts pay off soon. Keep moving forward, not a time to stand still. Keep your eye on the ball. Direct labor required.

Hexagram 3- Difficulty at the beginning
Not knowing how to handle a situation. Wait. New project starts in confusion. Time to whether the storm.

Hexagram 4- Youthful inexperience
setting the bar to high. Forgetting to consider the dreams and goals of the people around you. Lack of knowledge is a hindrance. Time to compromise.

Hexagram 5- Waiting
time to be still and wait. Time must pass before you can act again. Take the gentle approach. Stop movement until the situation changes.

Hexagram 6- Conflict
Fighting those in power or authority will not result in anything positive. Think of all possible solutions before you act. Do not set yourself up against the people you are working with. No conclusion at this time.

Hexagram 7- Discipline
Forces move against you. You will need all your strength and courage. You gain respect by surviving this challenge. Keep your spirits up.

Hexagram 8- Unity
stay aware of your environment. Refine all ideas. Time to trust the people you work with. Watch what you say, every word counts. don’t forget you are part of a team.

Hexagram 9- Restrained
Be very careful with money. A small detail is keeping you from moving forward. Do the things that make you happy but don’t cost to much money, it is very easy to be depressed and sad at this time.

Hexagram 10- Treading
If you become greedy you will lose more money than you are able to hold onto. Finding advice from others not very helpful. Beware of those offering advice based on their own self interest.

Hexagram 11- Prospering
Luck. Do not let this time go without taking advantage of it. Ideal time to create health and wealth.

Hexagram 12- Inaction
Things begin to go wrong. A frustrating time. Do not make life changing decisions. Refrain from fights/arguments. Harsh words will return to you tenfold.

Hexagram 13- Fellowship
Not a time to be mixing business life with your personal life. Have confidence in your place in the community. Consider donating time or money to charity. You will benefit from the help of an unlikely person.

Hexagram 14- Ownership
Let your ability to lead shine. Time for you and you alone to make a decision. Decide, but do not hurt others in the process. Be generous and remember to consider others. Your are being observed.

Hexagram 15- Modesty
Power of the universe is moving toward getting things in balance. Harmony should be your goal. Stay in balance, avoid extremes. Do everything in moderation.

Hexagram 16- Optimism
Winning. Share your winning with those yo love. Luck. Take a chance. Enjoy the luxuries of life. don’t spend it all but give yourself a reward.

Hexagram 17- Adapting
Things that appear foggy soon become clear. Reexamine the people you trust to see if they are still worthy. Take time to see what is real. don’t be mislead. Watch your wallet, money can come and go easily.

Hexagram 18- Discrimination
You intuitively know the right thing to do. People around you do not know the right path for you. Do not go to people for advice, use your precise insight regarding your own life.

Hexagram 19- Promotion
you achieve success by allowing yourself to deal with the current situation. Time in which you can be effective is limited. Try to view everything from a different perspective. Take advantage of the situation while it last.

Hexagram 20- Sincerity
Look at what is happening now. Remember what came before and plan for what is coming next. You will be able to predict what will happen because of experience. Take this time to change your image.

Hexagram 21- Reform
Talking to much gives away your position. Interference between you and your goals. Plans for the future are in jeopardy.

Hexagram 22- Skillfulness
Those with the gift of clever speech try to persuade you to do something that is not right for you. Be at peace. Create inner tranquility. What you appear to be is what others will consider you to be.

Hexagram 23- Breaking apart
It seems like people are lining up to get in your way. People become envious of your skills and talents. All your hard work is falling apart before your eyes, a close friend betrays you. Be careful where you place your trust this time.

Hexagram 24- The Turning Point
Return to what works in your life. Don"t let fleeting feelings determine your actions. Come back to the solid core of yourself. Knowing the difference between what is here to stay and what is blowing in the wind.

Hexagram 25- Innocence
You court mistakes by not being in touch with universal energies. Problems with money and romance, things will work out for the best if you are willing to wait. Move directly and without delay toward your goals.

Hexagram 26- Potential Energy
Your tendency is to be angry. Making a hasty decision backfires. A decision that is based on your self-interest does not turn out well. You must consider the wants and needs of others. The more you incorporate the needs of others, the more you are able to create success.

Hexagram 27- Truth
Being aggressive causes problems/setbacks. Scattering you attention creates dangerous situations form which you may not recover. People make threats to try and scare you. Stay focused. Do not let the problems or actions of others sway you from your position.

Hexagram 28- Critical Mass
News comes from an unexpected source. Take heed, your own thoughts are off base. Listen to the wise counsel of those you trust. Go outside yourself to find the answers. Look at many different options and anticipate problems. Make a plan A and a Plan B. Be alert to how others can help you. The experience of others is of benefit to you.

Hexagram 29- Danger
not a time to panic. Keep your emotions in check, strong feelings will only hurt you and your cause. Stay calm. Do not run away from confrontation. Real troubles. Face what is being presented to you. Use the highest qualities you possess.

Hexagram 30- Synergy
Stay cautious. Look closely at all your options. Success is in the details. Observe everything. You must work together with others that share your interest. The pushing and pulling process works to your advantage. The limits that appear at this time are necessary.

Hexagram 31- Influence
Your efforts and presence create the environment in which you succeed. Your personal luck is active. You will be gladly surprised by many things. What you desire desires you. Energies are pulling together in like interest.

Hexagram 32- Enduring
keep with your traditions. Continue forward as if nothing were bothering you. That which will affect the outcome is already in motion. Try not to worry but be vigilant about possible failure. Look for things that have been helpful in the past, they will serve you once again.

Hexagram 33- Retreat
stop and think. Do not struggle or fight. The situation cannot be reminded at this time. Your actions achieve nothing. Go back to a safe position.

Hexagram 34- Great Power
A miscalculated decision at this time will bring disastrous results. Take the middle path. You still retain strength and power. Stray but a little and terrible things will follow. This is a test. Walk the line carefully.

Hexagram 35- Progress
the road is steep and uphill. People you know help create change in your life. You must put physical energy into goals. Time to plant the seeds to reap later. Work hard now. Be watchful of what you are planting, good comes from good if you plant the seeds of evil they will grow and overtake you later.

Hexagram 36- Censorship
Information is being withheld. You don’t know everything you need to know. You are pressured to make a hasty decision. Do not share all the information you have. Stay guarded but seek the truth.

Hexagram 37- Family
Treat the important relationships in your life the way the should be treated, with love and caring. Explore the depth of other people. Ask those close to you to share there thoughts and feelings. Listen and learn. Be quiet and receptive.

Hexagram 38- Contradiction
People stand in your way, observe them but do not make aggressive moves toward them. Waiting for the right moment will reveal which path is the easier road. You will be presented with opposing ideas and suggestions. Things appear to be black and white at the same time.

Hexagram 39- Obstacles
Something is directly in your way. Danger is present you must wait until the obstacle passes. Pause until you have wisdom to proceed. Haste will hurt you. Someone is hiding the truth from you, if you try to move against them you will lose. Wait for the right moment to flow around them. Patience.

Hexagram 40- Liberation
Negative influences from your past are leaving you. Positive influences from the future move toward you. Time to move forward, leave the negative behind. Stress leaves bringing calm prosperity.

Hexagram 41- Decline
Do not pursue selfish goals. Suffering a setback before recovery. Use the simple approach. Time to economize. Do not spend recklessly. Not a time to gamble.

Hexagram 42- Benefit
Possibilities open. Romantic feelings increase, opportunity for romance presents itself. You will be required to give from your own personal resources. The rule is to serve.

Hexagram 43- Determination
Expect many changes. Improvements. Do not be stubborn. Be flexible. Accept the things you cannot change. Speak clearly without creating conflict. Focus on the positive. Be the voice of change.

Hexagram 44- Temptation
Plans you have made become full of risk. Do not expect much. You will be tempted but you must resist. Remain generous and giving. Feeling like wishes are not coming true. You court depression.

Hexagram 45- Assembling
Keep your group together as a single unit. Not a time to break apart relationships. Seek advice. Relationships are paramount at this time. Unity brings good things. Do not let difference get in the way of relationships.

Hexagram 46- Advancement
Shooting for the moon but having to settle for less. You will advance but not as high as think. No not stop your forward motion. Keep going. Take your community into consideration. Do not ruin your chances.

Hexagram 47- Oppression
Emotions running full force. Problems become exaggerated. Feeling as though nothing will get better again. Avoid extreme actions. Try to see the silver lining. Everything is working in your favor whether you realize it or not. Help arrives at the last minute.

Hexagram 48- Prosperity
what is past is past. Live in the moment. Wheels of society are in motion all around you. The right plan/person will come along. Success is here now. Do not be distracted.

Hexagram 49- Revolution
Keep your own counsel. Loose lips sink ships. It only takes one wrong word to destroy everything. An enemy made now will be an enemy for life. Be discreet. Be modest. Use caution in all your affairs.

Hexagram 50- Cosmic Order
Keep an open mind. An unexpected person comes into your life and ignites everything. Treat yourself to a little luxury, you will feel better if you do. Align yourself with universal energy and you will have greater success.

Hexagram 51- Shocking
Do not try to control the current situation. What is going to happen will happen no matter what you do. A two-faced friend. You will not be able to see this one coming. Your trusting nature gets you in trouble. Placing your trust in the wrong person. Observe without judgment.

Hexagram 52- Meditation
Do not fall for false flattery. Take each comment with a grain of salt. Take time to be at peace, center yourself. Transcend the turmoil that is present. There is an obstacle between you and your goal. Truly understanding the obstacle will dissolve it.

Hexagram 53- Developing
Learn to laugh more about life. Enjoy the universes sense of humor. You have become to serious. Learn to laugh at yourself or someone else will. Do something fun and silly.

Hexagram 54- Subordinate
your own wants/needs will be subordinate to the needs of the bigger picture. Events turn in an upsetting way. Be careful not to become sick at this time. Correct an mistakes you make immediately and do not repeat them. Don't make a big deal about errors, do not share the story with others.

Hexagram 55- Abundance
Act now. The seeds you planted now produce their bounty. Do not take a journey, stay where you are and solve the problem long-distance. Success is present. Enjoy the current abundance and use it to build your future.

Hexagram 56- Traveling
Feeling as though your have ants in your pants. Sitting still is difficult. An important decision needs to be made. Don't ask for advice from other people, you must make up your own mind. Romantic pressure turns sour. Journeys, whether inner or in the physical world require strict attention. don’t be taken in by people you meet on your journey.

Hexagram 57- Penetrating Influence
Moving forward with gentle determination. Keep going. Gradual movement brings success. Things take more time than you planned. Slow progress. Have only trusted loved ones help you. Take care of immediate matters only, all other can wait.

Hexagram 58- Encouraging
Future appears promising but is not without its challenges. You overcome problems using your charm and persuasion. Do not be judgmental or greedy.

Hexagram 59- Reuniting
Bring together opposite thoughts that you hold true into a unified theory. No longer able to exist without becoming whole. Completely devote yourself to your goals. Call a long-lost friend. All your talents come into play.

Hexagram 60- Restriction
Your impatience ruins everything. Trust in other peoples abilities to solve there own problems. Wait at least three days before acting. Giving things a chance to solve themselves. Limits can actual help you. Acting hastily will cause disaster.

Hexagram 61- Inner Truth
Seek out an older/wiser person for advice. Be open to the suggestions of more experienced people. Stick to what is real, don't get caught up in fantasy. Seek truth in all things. Consider how your actions affect others. Your inner voice is telling you the answer.

Hexagram 62- Conscientiousness
you are asked to take on more responsibility than you are ready for. Be completely aware of all the little details. Let nothing go unnoticed. Be true to yourself and your boundaries. Watch money matters carefully. Stay focused on matters that require your attention.

Hexagram 63- After Completion
Fortify yourself against what is coming. Events/energies move against you. Protect yourself. Bad news is on the way. Remember what is truly important in life, let go what is weighing you down. Keep only what you need. Do not hold onto illusion.

Hexagram 64- Before Completion
Despite present obstacles, future looks happy and bright. Calmly create what you need to succeed. You need the help of others to reach the finish line. Be mindful of how social situations can benefit you. Act with rational selfishness with a true and honest heart

Credit: Meeghan Belford

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