Sunday, December 9, 2012


Today, as I continue my studies, I am going to reflect on the Sabbat of Yule.  My part of the world, will be celebrating Yule (aka The Winter Soltice) on December 21st.

Yule is a midwinter celebration, that can be dated back to the 4th Century, which began on December 21st and continued through January 6th. Fathers and sons would go to the woods, and haul a huge log for the fire, *the yule log) as family gathered, celebrated and feast around until the log would burn out (twelve days) to rejoice the fact, they had once more survived the hardship of winter.  Much later, in the 11th Century, as Christianity began to fill the land, the rituals and traditions that surrounded the pagan Yuletide festival (including decorating evergreen trees) was absorbed by the church and renamed Christmas.

Personally, I detest Christmas.  I don't even like to utter the word, it brings out the worst in people.  Every horrible thing, that my heart has ever experienced, has happened at that time.  I make it a habit to boycott that word from my vocabulary. I do a lot of tuning out this time of year. I stay clear of malls, I don't listen to carols, or ring jingle bells.  Instead, I celebrate winter and the peace and serenity, that season brings. When I look out my window, and see a blanket of fresh white snow, I know Mother Earth has taken everything, that my eyes have seen this past year, and washed it away. Each winter, Mother Earth graciously gives us a chance to become a better person, and fresh white paint, to leave our footprints in.  That is what makes this, the most wonderful time of the year.

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