Saturday, December 8, 2012

Being A Witch

Today, as I continued my year and a day studies, I reflected on the principles of being a witch.  After a good nights sleep and a nice hot shower, to collect my thoughts, this is what I think it means to be a Witch.

Being a Witch has nothing at all to do with, bringing fear to those around us. Being a Witch is to live in love and harmony with what surrounds us.  Being a witch is to be responsible for your every  thought, word and deed.

In being a Witch, we live each and every day, as if it were a blessing, because it is a blessing. This world, this life, our friends, family and critters that surround us, is our true gift, there is no better life, in store for us. We must open our eyes, and enjoy what is in front of us now, not press our nose in a book of rules, trying to figure out, how we can have something grand later. 

We can not be careless,with our lives, ourselves or even with those we associate with. If you have the misfortune, to meet someone that is casting spells from movies, run away!  For these people are not Witches and are making a mockery of what it is to be a Witch.

To be a Witch, is to understand that power corrupts and absolute power will corrupt absolutely. Each of us must live in balance between light and dark, between good and evil, between drama and dull-drum and we must live in that balance every day. The forest of life is a beautiful creation to gaze out upon, but one match can burn it all away.

Harm none -- this is the basic, unrelenting rule of all magick. Not yourself, not your enemies, no one. Magick is an act of love, a method of bringing light and order into your life. If you want to control or manipulate people, bend others to your will, magick isn't for you.  If you wish to harm, hurt or even kill others, magick is not for you. If you wish to force a man or a woman, to fall in love with you, or jump in the sack with you (or stay in a relationship with you), magick is not for you.

Misusers of magick curse themselves by unlocking a forceful stream of negative energy, within themselves.So if you are thinking about using magick to get your way, think again. -- Scott Cunningham Incense, Oils and Brews

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