Monday, December 17, 2012


Today, as I continue in my year and a day study, I am learning about tools.  Tools are important part of any activity. Chefs have tools, Masons have tools, Mechanics have tools, etc.  Tools provide imagery and offer a nuance of a job well done. They offer focus, and visualize on your end goal.

That being said, you do not need costly tools to be magickal. The Goddess knows full well, that we are just starting.  She truly understands your intent, no matter what you hold in your hand, or place on your altar.  View ceremonial tools as embellishments.  They are a way to further project intention and bring a polish and panache into our work. Remember, during the burning times, altar tools were normal household items, as anything else would find you dead. 

When you first begin to walk on your magickal path, you will get a great surprise, when you notice that the tools used in Pagan/Wiccan rituals and ceremonies are very similar to those used in Christian celebrations. I know I was.  This is due to the fact that when the church began to hold organized celebrations, they did so in such a way as to appease the country dwellers (pagans) in the area.  You will note The Cloth, The Chalice, The Bell, The Paten, Bowl and Incense are used on Pagan/Wiccan altars, as well. 

However, unlike the altar of our Christian counterparts, the Pagan/Wiccan altar tools may not necessarily be made of silver. In fact, tools used on the Pagan/Wiccan altar are often found from nature, passed down, or collected over years on the path.  I dedicated myself to The Goddess approximately 8 years ago, and only a few months ago, found a Goddess statue that spoke to me.  Choosing tools for your altar is an experience, that should not be rushed.

One final point that you should remember, is that before you begin to use any tool, insure that you cleanse it with incense smudging and consecrate it for magickal use, with a simple ceremony and by saying something like "By the Goddess, I bless and consecrate [name of tool] so that it can be used in my rituals. May it always be used for the best and highest good. So Mote It Be!"

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