Thursday, December 13, 2012

Do Wiccan's Believe In God?

Today, as I continue my studies into the world of Wicca, I am going to reflect on Gods and Goddesses.  As I first became comfortable, about disclosing my Wiccan path to others, many people questioned me about my belief in God.  My answer was and always is, most definitely yes of course, I believe in God, as does many other Wiccan Practitioner. The difference one will find with this magickal path, and other spiritual walks, is that Wiccan's believe that everything in life and about life, has a polar equal, therefore, a Wiccan does not see the God as a single parent and celebrates both a Goddess and a God.

Wiccans may be henotheistic (all Gods and Goddesses are part of a greater whole); polytheistic (there are many Gods and Goddesses) or pantheistic (Divinity is present in and inherent in all life on Earth, animal, mineral and plant). Or indeed any other number of or combination of -eists!

A group of Goddesses and Gods is called a Pantheon (pronounced pan Thee un). Those, walking this magickal path find the pantheon that works best for us, by reading and learning of their legends and myths, and selecting one that speaks to us the most. Many Pagans and Wiccans will tend to work within one Pantheon in their rituals and magick. Others will mix and match. I am polytheistic (I believe in many Gods and Goddesses) and find the Celtic pantheon highly alluring. I have a strong affinity to nature and it's elements. I enjoy reading about ;Celtic mythology, lore and all things Fae. I call to Rhiannon as my patron Goddess.

Often times, in my rituals, prayers and meditation, I will celebrate The Goddess alone. This is not wrong, for although, there are many books written on how to be Wiccan, there is no one true way to be Wiccan. It is highly common, for those walking this magickal path, to create a journey that is comfortable for them, while abiding the law of harm none. I am not alone, in my Goddess only worship, traditions such as  Dianic Witchcraft and Sisterhood of Avalon celebrate the Goddess only as well. That is not to say, those working in those traditions, do not believe in polarity. Each one of us has a feminine and masculine side thriving within us, so we create our own polarity, on a daily basis. However, it is important to me, that this path I now walk, is completely the opposite to the male-centric pattern of worship, that was part of my Christian past. I mean no disrespect to Cernunnos Iovantucarus and the other fine Celtic Gods, it's just that in this male dominant world, I find it sometimes very much necessary, to get my Goddess on.

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