Thursday, December 13, 2012

Coven vs Solitary

As you progress, further and further into your journey through Wicca, you may consider reaching out to others, that are walking your path.  Most major cities, do have groups, that you can approach to help you in your journey.  These groups are called Covens.  Witchvox has a wonderful list of Covens and Groups.

The leader of a Coven is called a High Priestess, and she is in charge of rituals, teaching and mentoring coveners, as they journey, through their path of Wicca.  Those interested in learning about Wicca, will study for a year and a day, before their initiation.

This may seem, like a wonderfully pleasant way in which to learn, everything there is to know about this path.  In my experience, Covens are no different than churches, as far as people are concerned.   The cliques  inner politics and personal agendas, associated with a group is inevitable, we can graduate from High School, but the games remain the same.  The reason for that, in my opinion is that,  for the most part people are lousy and lousy people tend to cling to lousy people.  

If you are careful about the drama that you let into your life, you can still learn about Wicca and partake of the year and a day study, that comes with a Coven.  In fact, there are a great many books and websites that are decided to assist the solitary practitioners.   A great place to start, would be to obtain a copy of Scott Cunningham's Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner and Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.  These books are easily written, and digested by those new to the craft.  Read a chapter at a time, then stop and reflect on what you have read.  Write blog posts on what you have learned and complete your own year and a day study. If you find a blog that is written by someone, that seems to have the same outlook on life, as you, don't be afraid to message the author and ask for mentorship.   Studying Solitary you will obtain basically the same information, without the drama, attitude and bullshit.

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