Friday, August 9, 2013

~ Types of Candles part 2 ~

Credit:Robin Baker

Novelty Candles
Named candles usually follow the connection between color and noted desire. Unless you know that during the making of the candle, specific herbals or oils were used, then these candles won’t pack any more punch than those at your local supermarket. If you are on a tight budget, then skip the name candles and dress a plain candle with a favorite oil. You can even roll the candle in your hands, and then roll it in your favorite magickal powder. 
The various shapes and depictions refer to universal consciousness symbols, or thought forms passed down from generation to generation, culture to culture. These novelty candles work in sympathy with your desire. Many practitioners use novelty candles in conjunction with petition and herbal magicks. Not all Wiccans or candle practitioners use these novelty candles, and their use appears to be more prevalent around ingrained folk traditions and practices, especially where vast numbers of a particular race, culture, or religious mythos have migrated in the larger metropolitan areas. In the seventies one would always be able to find novelty candles in occult shops, but today, with a definite division between occult, new age, or spiritual shops, you may have a difficulty finding them, unless you live near an area where ethnic magicks prevail. Novelty candles do not ship well and often arrive to the shop broken or damaged in some way. Finally novelty candles carry a hefty price tag compared to a simple colored candle that will work in the same manner. As with any type of magick, keep your intentions pure and your workings positive. Sometimes novelty candles (especially with mail order) come with directions, but more likely than not you’ll find the candles in an occult shop without information on what to do with them, their history, or what they mean. If you ever have a question about a novelty candle, make a special effort to ask the shop owner the full range of possibilities that the candle may represent. Remember, as with all candle magicks, the use of oils, herbals, and powders can intensify the novelty candle’s intensity.

The Cat Candle – candles in the shape of animals relate to their totem energies. The cat candle is the most prevalent animal candle sold in occult shops. They come in a variety of colors and sizes. Many individuals equate the cat candle to mystery traditions, feminine energy or the Egyptian Bast Goddess form. Cat candles basically fall into the prosperity category. Burn a black cat candle to reverse bad luck, break minor hexes, and bring good luck. The green cat candle relates to money and gambling magick or the healing of a sick pet or farm stock. Red cat candles function as love attraction or to heighten the energy during a romantic evening. Cat candles work well for spells involving workings of more than one day. Associate the numbers 3, 7, 9, and 11 with cat candles.

The Cross Candle or Calvary Candle. These are used primarily by those individuals who practice Christianity or a folk religion that includes the trappings of Christianity, although the candle can be useful for anyone. Many Wiccans find the cross offensive, for as they understand this ancient symbol, which predates Christianity, it stands for attack. Cross candles come in a variety of colors, each candle sympathetically attuned to the meaning of the color. Also called the floral cross candle, the designs of embossed keys and the holy book equate to the act of unlocking wisdom and holy secrets as well as overall protection. Cross candles make nice gifts for your Christian friends, and will work well for them in angel magick.

The Devil or Satan Candle. This is rarely used by Wiccans or Witches simple because of their aversion to this evil entity. I’ve never quite understood the use for this candle, because burning an effigy of ultimate evil would, to me, bring ultimate evil upon you. However, some candle magick practitioners use this candle to break hexes, perform exorcism rites, remove jinxes, and destroy sinister forces. Since there are many other ways to do these same magicks without employing the satan candle, I’ve never worked with one.

Figure Candles. These have a variety of uses, depending on the color chosen. You can also employ figure candles as petition or astral candles, meaning you purchase the candle to represent yourself. Figure candles work well for workings of healing for an individual that will last several days. You can use the figure candle in place of a poppet by loading the bottom of the candle with herbs and something in sympathy (such as hair, nail clippings, et cetera) to facilitate healing. With the permission of the other person involved, figure candles help to form a telepathic link between one person and another. If you are learning to send or receive information from a magickal partner, and wish to run several experiments, try them with and without the figure candles.

Double Action Candles. These contain two colors: a variety of colors on top, and black on the bottom. The upper color may be red, green, or white, though others can be employed. The combination of black and another color allows negative forces to repel and positive forces to take action. Black and white double action candles fall under the realms of more spiritual pursuits, house banishing’s, or other types of cleansing. Black and green candles work well for prosperity magicks, success spells, and overall abundance. These also can be used to protect property or bring the appropriate property to you. Black and red double action candles help to relieve sexual dysfunctions, clear negative energy away from a marriage and bring a renewed sense of joy, or correct energy problems within the home.

Triple Action Candles. These work in the same manner as the double action candles, with an extra color for another type of magickal activation. Color symbology, as with most novelty candles, follows the standard interpretations.

Chakra Candles. Chakra candles, usually enclosed in a glass, contain the seven colors of the energy vortexes of the body: red, orange, yellow, green blue, violet, and white. Some candle makers pour the colors from red to white, where others may pour the colors from white to red. The chakra candles work great for meditation, cleansing the body and mind, house blessings and other activities where you feel you need the full spectrum of color in the magickal activity.

Floating Candles. Floating candles do exactly as their title implies---they float in liquid. These candles work well for employing equal balance of water and fire elements in your working, and work wonderfully for scrying. Simply fill a bowl with water, light the candles, set them afloat in the bowl, turn out the lights, relax, let the candles settle, then gaze into the bowl.

Mummy Candles. Mummy candles usually fall under the heading of power stalkers, or keep mysterious and dark energies at bay, especially during times of sickness. One may use the mummy candle in ceremonies symbolizing death and rebirth.

Reversible candles. Reversible candles begin, with a red body, and then dipped in black wax. The purpose hinges on burning away harmful energies and energizing the situation in a healthy way. Reversible candles can function as daily partners in magick if you are experiencing a rough patch or find yourself involved in negative circumstances.

Seven-knob or Wishing Candles. These particular candles have a variety of uses and are a favorite design among magickal practitioners due to their ease in timing. The seven knobs work for one wish or for seven separate wishes. Write each wish onto a knob with a heated nail or pin, or write each wish on a piece of paper and thumb-tack the paper to each knob. These candles come in a variety of colors and stand approximately seven inches high. As with other candles, energies associated with these candles correspond to their colors. If you can’t find a seven-knob candle, take a pillar candle, and, with a knife, cut six notches equal distance from each other. Regardless of whether you buy a knob candle or make your own with a pillar candle, if you use the candle for a seven-day spell, don’t skip any days, as you break the pattern and knock the foundation out of your magickal building.

Skull candles. Available in a variety of colors. The skull candle’s primary purpose falls in the realm of banishment, destruction of disease, or separation. Magickal applications involving white skull candles revolve around healing, protection, and peace. If you work ancestral magicks or have an ancestral shrine, you can place a picture of your deceased loved one underneath a white skull candle, and burn the candle while praying for them. The green skull candle has both positive and malefic uses. If someone owes you money, it’s time to break out the green skull candle to get your money back or to receive what’s owed to you. Green skull candles work well in magickal applications that require healing of the mind after bodily sickness or an emotional upset, memory retention for school students or endeavors where the focus entails good recall, or for individuals who suffer from more difficult mental disturbances. At its worst, the green candle separates someone from their fortune. The red skull candle finds its use in jettisoning a love that is not good for you or for urging unpleasant neighbors to move away. Others uses involve the saving of a marriage or relationship crossed by karmic circumstances, or where love is in trouble by miscommunication on behalf of one or both partners.

Snake Candles. Snake candles, sometimes called bust-away candles, take the shape of a large, round candles about two inches in diameter and eight or nine inches tall, decorated with an embossed snake. Magickal applications involving these candles lean toward destruction of negativity and protection, and can be burned approximately once every twenty-eight days. Use the snake candle to awaken Kundalini energies, or pull the snake into your ritual circle as a totem energy.

Witch Candles. Although not usually attractive, provide the magickal practitioner with a multitude of uses, from practicing glamouries to representing the totality of our religion. Some practitioners see this candle as an extremely potent love catalyst, where others equate the energies to the Goddess or the lineage of those who have gone before us.

Heart Candles. These conjure a strong symbolism to romance. Burn red heart candles for luck in love, white heart candles for purity in love, and pink heart candles for strengthening a friendship.
Angel Candles. Angel candles come in a variety of colors. According to color, use for healing, higher learning, spirituality, creativity, and workings with angel magick or angel ritual.

Flipping Candles
The practice of flipping a candle to repel negativity and to reduce erratic energy flow dates back to Gypsy practices and was prevalent during Early American Witchcraft. Gypsies would flip their candles to ensure they wouldn’t get pinched when committing a crime, or that if unfortunate incarceration might occur, escape or release would manifest. To flip a candle, HexCraft practitioners took a white taper candle (later in the mid- 1900’s when the stigma of colors in candles died, red tapers were used) and cut the top off the candle. Then they cut the wax from around the bottom of the candle, leaving the wick exposed, and placed the candle in a safe holder (with bottom up and the taper end in the holder). Light the exposed wick to repel and release nay negativity. You can develop a chant or use a spell of release. You can flip candles to repel an unwanted lover, some who is interfering in your love life or your career, or whatever. Flipping three black, red, and brown candles will assist in repelling a stalker. Of course, you did do all the normal things someone would do when encountering such a situation. Don’t ever rely on just flipping a candle for something so terribly serious. What happens when we flip those three colors? We repel evil (black), we repel the person’s unwanted energy (red) and we repel that person’s friendship (brown). If you need to hurry, you can light a candle upside down and hold the candle that way for a few seconds to perform a ‘quickie’ banishing of unwanted energies. But watch for the drips.

Loading Candles
Magickal practitioners often combine ground herbals or magickal powders with their candle magick. Loading the candle entails combining candles, herbs, and powders. For this purpose, you will need a candle with a least a one-inch base (although it is better with a 2-3” base). Carefully carve out a hole in the bottom of the candle with a warmed knife or small spoon (this will help to eliminate breakage). Load your empowered herbs or magickal powder into the hole. Melt the wax shavings and pour over the packed mixture. Allow to cool. Scrape the bottom of the candle with a warmed knife to smooth the surface if necessary. Place in a candle holder for stability. 
After all this, I’m hoping the sheer amount of information I’ve provided on candles has helped you examine their use in ritual and find meaning in your own use of them because I frankly don’t want to look at another candle for a few days after writing all that! I’m kidding, of course! To close, I’d like to say that we haven’t even covered all the uses of candles. Because the celebration of ritual varies so much and it is largely dependent on the ritualist’s imagination, there will always be new, symbolic uses of candles in ritual. Just think about candle use in celebrations, like the Yule log, the candle wreath from Imbolc, and so on. There’s also the fact that some practitioners use them to mark the perimeter of the circle by lining up votives on the floor (after everyone is in place and far enough away so they don’t catch robes or skirts on fire). Covering all of their uses is impossible, but I hope I’ve provided enough information for you to find your own unique uses!

Selenite candle holders
Selenite is a shiny variety of gypsum is named after the Greek goddess of the moon for its shiny and pearl-like surface. It is said, that selenite is working in the higher chakras giving special help to mediation or spiritual work. It gives deep peace and mental clarity while protecting from bad influences

Natural Himalayan Salt Candle Holder
The healing properties of salt are well documented in mainstream medicine. New scientific research, however, suggests that the rediscovery of natural salt could well be one of the most important breakthroughs in health this century.  Himalayan Salt contains 84 minerals and is said to be the most pollutant free form of Salt on Earth. These Salt crystals come from the deepest mines on Earth and are hand-picked from mineral deposits on the Salt Cave floors. Himalayan Salt is said to help such conditions as, sinus, high acidity, kidneys, poor muscle tone, high blood sugar and irregular heartbeats. Allergy sufferers are said to benefit from breathing this naturally ionized air.
Himalayan Salt Lamps, candle holders and other artifacts are not just beautiful they also produce negative charged ions, which cleans the air that we breathe, compared to breathing Clean Mountain air. The best place to locate your salt lamps or salt products is where you spend most of your time.

Blue Calcite: Promotes speedy healing. Also great for protection when placed on a table close to any entry of your home (doors and windows), helps to deter thieves. It is the stone of crime prevention, meditation, negotiations and menopause.

Orange Calcite: Helps nervous children feel safer. It will help balance women’s hormones. It will also create a warm and welcoming atmosphere and should be placed where people sit. It will also bring lover’s closer.
White Calcite: It can physically reduce tension, heal the eyes and relieve migraines. It can also help in spiritual 
awareness, self-love and very beneficial in mediation.

White Selenite: Is a general healer, but is very useful in anything cell or fluid related. It will help boost communication with others, boost communication with angels and spirit guides. It also helps you to see through lies and deceit.

Orange Selenite: Provides deep peace, excellent for meditation. Creates a quiets space and does not let outside influences in. Use these in the corners of the house.

Terra Cotta: Perfect as a candleholder, just make sure that the inside is sealed to keep it from absorbing the wax and creating a fire hazard.

Volcanic Ash: Small jagged pieces of rocks, minerals, and volcanic glass the size of sand and silt (less than 2 millimeters (1/12 inch) in diameter) erupted by a volcano are called volcanic ash. Very small ash particles can be less than 0.001 millimeters (1/25,000th of an inch) across. Volcanic ash is not the product of combustion, like the soft fluffy material created by burning wood, leaves, or paper. Volcanic ash is hard, does not dissolve in water, is extremely abrasive and mildly corrosive, and conducts electricity when wet.

Soapstone Candle Holder: Soapstone is quarried like Granite and Marble. It is a steatite stone and its primary components are magnesite, dolomite, chlorite, and talc. It can range in age from 300 to 400 million years old depending on which part of the planet it is drawn from. As talc in soapstone is soft to the touch, it gives the smooth feeling of rubbing a piece of dry soap. Thus the name was derived - "Soap" Stone.

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