Monday, July 22, 2013

Water Overview & Correspondences

Water is one of the classical elements of Greek philosophy and science. Pre-Socratic philosophers proposed it as an archai, or an single substance to which all things could be reduced. In the fifth century BCE, Empedocles proposed four archai to which all things could be reduced: water, air, fire and earth. Plato later accepted this concept and expounded on it in the Timaeus. Aristotle later elaborated on these ideas by giving the elemental substances properties and order. Water, being both cold and wet exists between air and earth among the elemental spheres. In ancient Greek medicine, water is associated with an excess of phlegm. The alchemical symbol for water is a downward pointing triangle.

According to various Western traditions, the element water is associated with the color blue, Autumn, the West, the brain, the womb and feminine energy. Animals associated with water include eagles, snakes, scorpions, bears, dolphins, seals, turtles, frogs and fish. The astral creatures of water, include the Undines, mermaids, oreads, naiads, sea serpents, the archangel Gabriel, and the angel Taliahad. Also, cymbals, bells, and all resonant instruments are aligned with the element of water.

In Hindu tradition water is associated with ''Chandra,” or the moon and ''Shukra''
or Venus who represent emotions and imagination, and it is associated with the northeast direction.

In Chinese and Taoist tradition, water is associated with the moon which causes dew to fall. It is representative of flexibility, softness, wisdom, and pliancy and an overabundance leads to difficulty staying on track with plans and commitments. The Primal Spirit of water is represented by a black tortoise.

In many traditions the soul travels westward after death. Many traditions also tell that the soul crosses water of some sort to go to the afterlife.

Water is the symbol of our emotions. Water imbibes all life forms and in us we flow with the "tide" of our feelings. It involves intuition, insight, conception and pregnancy, fertility, the womb, health, beauty and divination. A low water person would appear as a cold calculating one, one who is indifferent and unresponsive. On the other hand, a high water person may seem as though at the slightest touch the well is opened and can be over emotional and over dramatic in all areas of life. A good balance of water here is needed to keep the flow running smoothly.

Its feelings are cold moisture, its season is Fall, direction is West/ Emotion and its colors are Blue, Light Grays, Sea Greens and Whites. The symbols are the cup or chalice. The Moon phase is the Full Moon and its time is Dusk.

Water is used extensively in Magic as both a symbolic and a literal entity. In Wiccan tradition the element of water may be called in association with the Watchtower of the West. In addition to this, the element of water or water elementals may be invoked or evoked in spells and rituals relating to purification, love, psychic awareness, understanding, dreams, sleep, peace and friendship. The Goddess, the Moon, the planet Jupiter, the zodiacal signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, the season of winter, the West, the cup, chalice and cauldron.

Water is used for dealing with such matter as: wealth, joy, opportunity, abundance, elevation, tranquilizing, aligning, business, logic, gambling, social matters, political power, material wealth, publishing, collage education and long distance travel. Things cold and moist, brooding, foreboding, stagnation, poison, toxic substances, foreign interests, religion, philosophy, forecasting, broadcasting, publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sport, horses, legal matters, doctors, guardians, merchants, psychologists, charity, correspondence courses, self-improvement, research, reading and studying.

The ritual area, participants, and tools are often cleansed by aspersing (sprinkling) with water at the start of a ritual or as part of a ritual. Often salt is added to the water, either to make it more closely resemble seawater, or the waters of the womb, or to blend the energies of earth into the water.

Some Water Magick can involve the use of the beach and its sand, shells, animals and seawater. It is especially good for love spells and too, when you need to "get a grip" or clarify your own emotions. The use of shells in the practice is widely used. These can hold appropriate herbs or be used as a symbol of Water Magick.

One old tradition is using that of well water. A lot of gems and stones are exposed to this for a period of time and used at night, in full moon or the waxing phases, for Water Magick. Be careful though to know your stones, as some do not react well in water for long periods of time. This type of magick can give you insights to how others think of you, what others are doing and how well they are and to find the truth within yourself. Be careful when using this type also, if there is an intent of maliciousness or control of another, all you will get is a reflection back unto yourself.

Water spells can involve the use of Scrying bowls. This is a bowl of clear or colored water in which you are able to "see" the future and future events or get a clear direction on decisions. Widely used in certain meditations and visualizations.

Water Correspondences:
• WATER : To Dare
• Direction: West
• Tool: Cup, Chalice
• Time: Dusk
• Season: Autumn
• Colors: Blues, Sea Green
• Sense: Taste
• Concepts: Emotions, Dreams, Intuition, Death/Rebirth, Taste, Primal Chaos, Underworld, Unconscious, Blood, Womb
• Qualities (+): Compassion, Sympathy, Empathy, Nurture, Sexuality, Trust, Serenity, Tranquility, Depth
• Qualities (-): Sadness, Jealousy, Hatred, Insipid, Treachery, Sorrow, Deceit, Spite, Venom
• Elementals- Undines, merfolk, Kelpie
• Archangel- Gabriel
• Totems- Fish, aquatic mammals, amphibians
• Spells- Healing, love, purification, psychic work, fertility, weather
• Quality- Emotional, phlegmatic, feminine
• Gemstones- Crystal, coral, sea salt, jade, pearl, mother of pearl
• Signs- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
• Symbols- Pitcher, wave, tear, raindrop, snowflake
• Incense- Lotus, myrrh, aromatic rush roots
• Plants- Aquatic plants, ferns, fungi, lotus, moss, reeds, seaweed, squill, watercress, water lily, willow
• Rules- Emotions, fertility, love, sensuality, intuition, taste, compassion, mystery, water, psychic ability, change, unconscious
• Invoke- Pool water (pour water into dish)
• Animals: All creatures that live in or on the water (Water Dragons, Mermaids)
• Life Point: Maturity
• Herbs: Chamomile, Coltsfoot, Feverfew, Ladies Mantle, Lemon Balm, Moonwort, Myrtle, Myrrh, Skullcap, Thyme, Valerian, Willow
• Metal: Mercury (Quicksilver) Silver Copper
• Musical Instruments: Cymbals, bells, all resonant metals.
• Planet: Neptune
• Tarot: Suit of Cups. High Priestess The Lovers, The Hanged Man Death
• The chemical element mercury is often associated with water.
• The alchemical symbol for water is a downward pointing triangle.

Activity: Think about how you currently / in the future / will represent Water on your altar and in your magick.

Stacy Hartlage Taylor

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