Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Water: Invocations & Rituals

The Elements can be used in spellcrafting and ritual work in many ways. Later this month, we will look at invoking and working with the elements together. Today’s lesson, though, focuses on using just the Element of Water for Invocations and Rituals, or Water Magick, in four ways.
1. Rituals
2. Mediation (summoning the power directly from the environment)
3. Everyday Spells
4. Amulets 
To begin, though, I am going to take a little detour. It is important to know the difference between a ritual and a spell for this lesson. And while others may delineate them differently, for July’s lessons and me personally, this is the difference: A ritual is a celebration or honoring of an event of occasion, and a spell is an organized wish or pray that carries with it the power to manifest a desire or goal. Rituals are often used to celebrate the sabbats or as dedications to deities or celebration of life stages, and spells are more often for individual growth or material needs. For example, on Halloween, I might perform a samhain ritual to honor the holiday and a spell to keep my children safe while trick or treating. 

This lesson will go over examples of both (and mediations and amulets), but they are not all inclusive--they are just examples. A skilled crafter will always create her own or adapt traditional magick to her own needs.

Invoking Water: Before performing magick, many like to invoke the deities or elements from which they are asking help. Here are some ways to invoke Water.

1. Hand signals like in the image attached to this lesson and discussed in an earlier lesson. For invoking Water using the pentagram and your hand, move your hand across the top line of the star / pentagram to the right. 

2. Another way to call Water with hand signals is to face the south and draw the symbol of Water with your hand, imagining it and infusing it with a wavy blue light.

3. An oral chant like attached in the image can call Water: “Here and Now / I evoke the elemental force of Water / The Fluid of infinite shapes and forms / Flowing source of adaptability, emotion and life / I seek the pure spring within / that I might drink deep of / change, relationship, nourishment, and grace / I call you forth to wash away / all that needlessly binds / and to move fluidly in this world / Ocean and River / Ripple and Rain / Water I call thee hence.”

Another Example: “Hail Guardians of the West, I summon the powers of Water! Rushing stream, Vast, dark ocean, Poetry of the soul in motion, With Intuition, feeling, the power to Dare, We invoke you! By the Waters of Her womb, Be with us now!”

Example 3: “Spirit of Water, Guardian of the West, you are my pathway to the Goddess, you bring me peace. Be with me now to be witness and guardian to this ritual.”

4. A full-body invocation: When performing magick, one can use her entire body to call the elements. Dancing fluidly with airs held high and swaying as if being pulled by the ebb and flow of the ocean can invoke Water. 

5. Using “bits and pieces” to represent Water in your ritual or spell work: most often real water is used, though candles, stones, symbols (fish / dolphins, etc.), etc. can work. The cup / chalice is the tool most often used when working with Water. 

6. Using the Water Elementals: Covered in tomorrow’s lesson!

Remember after your magick to banish the Element. You again can do this in several ways (dependent on how it was invoked): hand signals, chant, full body, simply thanking it for its use, or distribution of the representation (burning the candle or incense, etc.).

Ritual use of Water: You can honor Water in a Water ritual or by incorporating the element into rituals you already plan to perform. The element of Water is most often used in rituals to cleanse and purify, but it can also be utilized in rituals and spells related to wealth, joy, opportunity, abundance, elevation, tranquilizing, aligning, business, logic, gambling, social matters, political power, material wealth, publishing, collage education and long distance travel. Things cold and moist, brooding, foreboding, stagnation, poison, toxic substances, foreign interests, religion, philosophy, forecasting, broadcasting, publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sport, horses, legal matters, doctors, guardians, merchants, psychologists, charity, correspondence courses, self-improvement, research, reading and studying.

Element of Water: Ritual to Remove Obstacles in Your Life (often performed on sabbats as part of a day’s worth of ritual) to celebrate the changing of the seasons and to open yourself up to those changes coming. Step 1 is to identify the obstacle(s) in your life. Then, take a walk in nature and find some items that represent the obstacles, or perceived obstacles, in your life. Make sure they are things from nature that will not litter or pollute the local stream or river. An example of one item you can gather is a broken stick, perhaps representing broken dreams, or broken desires, or even broken relationships. As you pick up each of the items that represent an obstacle, allow the thought of that obstacle to flow into the item, transferring it from you to it. This way, you do not have to carry the obstacle any longer; you can give it to the item from nature. Collect as many of these things as you care to until you feel that you have identified and relieved yourself from as many “not helpful things” that you can think of. Next, you want to replace the obstacles with empowerment. Take the items to a stream or river—something that flows, as moving water is the remover of obstacles! As you sit by the waterside, talk to the water and ask it to flow through your life, removing all obstacles that stand in the way of you coming into your most profound self. When you’re done expressing your request, take the items you’ve collected nature and give them to the water. As you watch them flow with the current, imagine the power of water flowing through your life removing each of these things from you. Then spend some time refocusing your mind on this idea: “Since these obstacles are removed, what do I want to fill the space with that they occupied?” As we release obstacles, we make room for empowered, proactive energies to take residence in our lives. These are the energies that propel us towards our most profound power and highest level of being.

Another piece that might be incorporated into a sabbat ritual, especially near the end of the year is the Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Healing Water Ritual for Renewal. For this one, to experience the healing transformation using the water element, you should find a water source: go to a lake, river, or the ocean. When you’re at your water source, take a few minutes to channel its energy, asking assistance for coming into a place of forgiveness and reconciliation. Make an offering to the water: this could be a flower, some milk mixed with honey, some grain, or whatever natural offering you can make. Spend some time getting clear about what it is you want to create in your life, then ask the water to feed these seeds of desire and intention that you have planted in your soul, so they grow into fulfillment and satisfaction! By asking water for its powerful flow to remove the obstacles in your life and get you back into the flow of your intended path, you will find yourself with renewed inner peace. Instead of focusing on negativity or hurt, you’ll be free to embrace your true nature, your true ambitions, and the true path of your life!

Meditating on Water: Element meditation is most often about visualization, so whatever makes you think about and dwell on the power of Water (the ocean, waves, dolphins, etc.) is what you should envision in a Water meditation. For me, the moments that I meditate on Water often come while walking on the beach or playing in the river. Our bodies are over 50% water, so it makes sense that human beings have always considered water to be a sacred source of life and healing. It is literally half of who we are, and well over half of the Earth’s surface is water. Water cleanses and hydrates, contains and produces nourishment, and when we enter it, holds us in an embrace that leaves no part of us untouched. Meditating with water can be a powerful way of aligning ourselves more fully with this support system that makes life both possible and pleasurable on so many levels.

For advanced meditation, visualization is enough. Until that advanced level or until it becomes second nature to stop and meditate on the power of Water, a more intentional meditation might help you feel more in tune with the element of Water. Here is an example of one you could try.

Water Meditation: We may wish to conduct our meditation while in physical contact with a body of water, whether in the intimacy of our bathtub or the vast container of an ocean. We might float on our backs in a swimming pool or sit with just our feet submerged in a pond or creek. On the other hand, we may simply close our eyes and choose a location based on our imagination. 
Whatever we choose, we can begin by closing our eyes and listening to our breathing. At the same time, we tune in to the particular music of the water we have chosen, the loud rushing of a river or waterfall, or the surreal silence of the world beneath the surface of the ocean. We might consider how the type of water we choose reflects what we seek — the peace beneath the hectic surface of life, the cleansing power of a river racing through a canyon, or the mood lifting, melodic bubbling of a lively creek.

As we move between awareness of our breath and awareness of the water in which we find ourselves, we can begin to release the things we no longer need into the rushing river, or release ourselves completely into the water’s embrace as we float, in our minds, in the watery womb of an ocean or a lake. When you feel you are ready to return to more solid ground, ease your body back onto earth, in your mind or in reality, and lie flat on your back, allowing the water to bead and roll off your skin, soaking the earth and evaporating into the air, leaving you cleansed, healed, and renewed.

Everyday spellcrafting using the element of Water: As noted above, the element of Water can be utilized in rituals and spells related to wealth, joy, opportunity, abundance, elevation, tranquilizing, aligning, business, logic, gambling, social matters, political power, material wealth, publishing, collage education and long distance travel. Things cold and moist, brooding, foreboding, stagnation, poison, toxic substances, foreign interests, religion, philosophy, forecasting, broadcasting, publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sport, horses, legal matters, doctors, guardians, merchants, psychologists, charity, correspondence courses, self-im The properties of water are both constant and variable at the same time. Water exists on the Earth in three forms: solid (ice), liquid, and gas (evaporated). Water magick is very versatile; it incorporates techniques that bring about changes both within and without. For water magick to occur within, one must consume the water or call upon that aspect of the self. For it to occur without, one must bathe in it, swim in it, cleanse with it, etc.

The properties of water are both constant and variable at the same time. Water exists on the Earth in three forms: solid (ice), liquid, and gas (evaporated). Water magick is very versatile; it incorporates techniques that bring about changes both within and without. For water magick to occur within, one must consume the water or call upon that aspect of the self. For it to occur without, one must bathe in it, swim in it, cleanse with it, etc. (Not all liquid magick belongs in the realm of water. For instance, brews that incorporate vinegar or alcohol as the primary ingredient fall in the domain of fire.)

The magickal properties of particular types of water can be used for the following purposes:
Creeks and streams: Purification, harmony, cleansing
Dew: General health, eyesight, beauty. Dew is said to be especially powerful if gathered at dawn on Beltane.
Fog and mists: Creativity, balance, partnerships
Ice: Transformations, balance, creativity
Pond or lake water: Peace, contentment, relaxation, self-reflection.
Rain water: Energy, protection, cleansing. The first rain that falls in the month of May is considered sacred to the Water Witch
River water: Cleansing, moving forward, protection
Seawater: Health, magickal power, manifestation of goals. An old Welsh belief states that a spoonful of sea-water a day will ensure a long and healthy life.
Snow: Transformations, balance
Spring water: Growth, holy water, cleansing, protection, prosperity
Swamp and waste water: Banishing, binding
Waterfalls: Power, energy, success
Well water: Healing, wishes, intuition
The Water Witch also has an attachment to the areas surrounding the water, which can be used for the following magickal purposes:
Beaches: Rituals, spells, fascinations, meditations
Harbors: To promote abundance and prosperity; to serve as an aid in banishing things
Riverbanks: To increase personal power, improvement, research, reading and studying.

Another type of Water Magick is Merwitchery. A merwitch is a practitioner of water magick. She or he works closely with the element of water to work magick in the areas of weather, love, psychic ability and especially healing. The merwitches’ companions in magick are the water elementals often referred to as mermaids, nereides, undines and other names used throughout history. She also works with dolphin energy, especially in healing work. The magickal tool of the merwitch is the cauldron, a symbol of the divine feminine. The mermaid is, in fact, a champion of women and especially protects women in danger of being abused. Some of the goddesses associated with the water element are: Aphrodite, Venus, Tiamat, Atargatis, Melusine, Psyche and many of the lunar goddesses since the moon is associated with the water element. Poseidon and Neptune are but two of the many ocean or water element gods. Because of the moon’s association with the water element, the merwitch works with moon energies and follows the cycles of the moon, harnessing her energies for her magickal intent. Of course, it helps to live near the ocean when practicing merwitchery, but any body of water, even a pond or tub, will work in this form of spellcraft. Merwitchery will help one get in touch with the inner recesses of the psyche to bring about change and evolution of the soul. 

Water magick is also helpful for increasing one's skills at divination and for dreamwork generally. Like all the Elements, it is double-edged: it can wash away but also flood and drown, invigorate like a cold shower and cause the passivity of a warm bath. If you regularly use a cauldron in you magic, you are already incorporating Elemental Water in your rituals, since the cauldron is seen as symbolic of this Element. In some practices, a goblet of water is set on the altar or working table as a representation of this Element. Water plants are, as you would expect, watery--they like to grow in or around water, or they are juicy (watery). There aren't many Water scents, but a good one is violet leaf.

Magick Potions?: Water is the Original Magick Potion. To turn ordinary water into magick water, a real magick potion, it needs to be "imprinted" with intention energy so that it does the work you want it to do. An energy magician would hold the purpose in mind very strongly - let's say we are making a healing potion or a love potion that is going to be used for a particular person. So they would call up that person in their mind, and then raise the energy required to create the change. This is a very physical process by which the magician calls that exact vibration of energy to themselves, channels it through their body, and lets it stream from their hands into the water through the vessel in which the water is kept. This can be done quite slowly to build up a fine tapestry of energies, or quickly in a "blast" to instantly change the energetic properties of the water to the desired frequency. Unless another energy magician comes along who knows how that works and actively undoes this, the water will now stay charged at that frequency. When somebody drinks it, they literally take that frequency of energies into themselves, and it will eventually end up in every cell of their body physically, and all through their energy system energetically. That's a pretty powerful thing and something worth practicing. For beginners in magick, to make these kinds of magic water based magic potions, the easiest way to do the imprinting of the water is by putting your intention down onto a piece of paper, and either making a label that you attach to the bottle to transmit the intention that way as in our example here, or simply placing a glass or a bottle of water onto the piece of paper and letting it absorb the required frequency over 24 hours. 

Tips on making magick water:
1. Be completely CLEAR about what you want to achieve. That is the core of working with energy magic anyway, because any form of confusion will throw the vibration out of whack and the potion will become unstable. So, for example, if you want to make a healing potion for Auntie Betty, make a strong image, a movie, in your mind of Auntie Betty being well, being healed, laughing, walking in a garden or something that really denotes your target and your aim - for Auntie Betty to be well. Let go of ALL DOUBTS and concentrate on what you want to achieve so that becomes the only thing on your mind, the ONLY thing that is being imprinted. 
2. Now, and holding this goal firmly in your mind, the whole energy of it running through your own body, either hold the container and let this energy flow into the water; or write on a piece of paper, "Aunty Betty's healing remedy" and affix it to the bottle. You can also do both but remember that you need to HOLD THE INTENTION both when physically imprinting the water, as well as when you are writing the label.
3. Get Aunty Betty to drink the potion. It doesn't matter if you tell her and hand it over officially; or if you pour some of the magic water potion into her orange juice so she doesn't know it's being served. This has nothing to do with placebo type wishful thinking healing, it's strictly energetic and magical in nature and will work either way.

A Note: If you are in doubt whether you should put magic water potions into people's tea, coffee or beer against their will or without their knowledge, do something to alleviate that doubt first. Doubt causes the energetic frequencies to become fuzzy and unclear, and it'll stop the potion from working properly. Consult with your guardian angel, guide, with your higher self or with your target's higher self to get permission first if this is a problem for you.

How to Create Water Incense: 2 parts Myrrh, 2 parts Chamomile, 1 part lemon balm, 1 part Thyme
How to Create Water Oil: 3 drops Jasmine Oil, 2 drops Ylang Ylang Oil, 1 ounce carrier oil

Water Spells
Refreshing Rain Spell: This simple spell is good to refresh yourself after a long day or just for purification. For this spell, you will need a blue glass bowl, your wand, and some rainwater. Pour the rainwater into the blue bowl. Gently tap the side of the bowl with your wand, then put the tip of the wand into the water and stir while chanting: “Water Clean and water bright. Make my spirit feel all right.” Set down the want. Rinse your hands in the water, lifting it and letting it trickle back into the bowl; pat your face with your wet hands. As you listen to the trickling water and feel it on your skin, concentrate on washing away the negative energy and drawing fresh power from the element of water. Finish by pouring any leftover water on the ground outside.

White Water warding spell: For this spell, you will need water from a fast running creek or river. Put the water in a white bowl or vase. Walk around the outside of your home, sprinkle the water, and chant: “swift, white water running free, keep all harm away from me. If harm tries to pass by thee, wash it down into the sea.” Visualize a river rushing and roaring around the boundaries of your home. Imagine that any negative energy or unwelcome entities get swept away from you.

Personal Cleansing Spell: Perform a water spell for purification. Water purifies and washes away. A ritual cleansing in a sea salt bath can purify the body and cleanse the mind. Perform the spell early in the morning, as the sun is rising; or, it can be performed at twilight as the sun is setting. Draw a warm bath, spread the salts in it and carefully immerse your body in the water. The water should not be hot nor cold, but warm. Wash your body in the warm salt water. Carefully wipe down the entire body. Visualize washing away stress, bad emotions and other dark thoughts that may cling to you. Empty the bath and draw a new one for relaxing in. Don't relax in the first, as that allows you to rest in the negativity.
Forgiveness Spell: Choose a blue candle at least 7 inches in height. The blue should be a dark, rich color, not pale blue nor navy blue. Tie a blue ribbon off at 1-inch marks on the candle. Measure off the inches carefully, a little more is okay, but not less. Write the name of the person you wish to forgive on the candle. Use magick water (see above) to mark each inch on the candle and whisper the name of the person you wish to forgive three times in each section. Burn candle 1 inch each day for seven days. Touch your left hand to the candle (drawing in the energy to forgive) and lay your right hand in a bowl of water (releasing negativity to be extinguished in the water). Murmur a prayer or chant of forgiveness. Empty the bowl of water over the stub of the candle and bury it in the backyard at the end of the seventh day. You have released your negative energy towards the person and filled yourself with forgiveness if working to forgive.

Amulets: Amulets are useful ways of easily passing energy from yourself to someone else. They are also very useful as a means of taking excess energy that you have now and storing for use later. Magick Water (discussed above) can be made into an amulet if you have a small vessel in which to hold the water. However, because Water is not very portable without a small container / vessel, you might also use sea shells, feathers, crystals and stones that are charged, etc. Amulets can also be made out of symbols of water (the alchemy symbol, waves, dolphins, mermaids, etc.). Stones that are most powerful here include Aquamarine (A calming and strengthening stone used for self-understanding and gaining clarity and purpose. Awakens our truth by cutting through illusions, helps us to learn about universal truths. Aquamarine will also smooth the path of interaction between people.), Blue Chalcedony (Promotes the ability to listen, understand and communicate.), and Pearl (Inner growth, Pearl helps one focus and is a vehicle for advancing states of wisdom.).

Homework: Create a purification spell for yourself.

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