Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Greek/Roman Pantheon 3 (Olympians/ Dei Consentes )

Lesson 6-1/8/13
-Greek/Roman Pantheon 3 (Olympians/ Dei Consentes )

 Deities will be listed by Greek/Roman with {B} if the name is the same in both pantheons.

Colors- Pink, white, red, blue
Animals-cat, dolphin, dove, sparrow, swan
Stones- rose quartz, coral, emerald, amber
Plants/Herbs- Apple blossom, birch, blackberry, mug-wort, rose, sandalwood, thyme, pomegranate
Planet- Venus
Direction- west
Element- Water
Day- Friday
Strongest around Litha
Ritual Intent- love, pleasure, arts, music, writing, creativity, inspiration, expanding the intellect, marriage, friendship, beauty, fertility, compassion, children, spiritual harmony
-Aphrodite is born of the foam that rose out of the sea when Uranus was castrated and his blood fell to the sea. Aphrodite/Venus is the wife of Hephaestus/Vulcan, but is often unfaithful, the favorite of her lovers being Aries/mars. She is the goddess of love, beauty and relationships of all kinds. She is the mother of Eros/Cupid(Love). Venus is the mother of the roman people and the Queen of Pleasure. Venus is the daughter of Dione and Jupiter. Venus is the bringer of good fortune, victory, and joy. Venus is a nature goddess associated with the spring and she is also a protector of feminine chastity.She teaches us the importance of love in life and to appreciate true beauty.

Colors- Gold, orange, white
Animals- Fawn, cicadas, foxes, dolphin, crows
SStones- Topaz, Pyrite, yellow diamond
Metal- Gold
Plants/Herbs- Laurel, vine, chamomile, marigold, rue, apples
Planet- Sun
Direction- East
Element- Fire
Day- Sunday
Strongest around Mabon
Ritual Intent-Honor, power, life, growth, healing, intuition, energy, favor, success, hope, confidence, music, divination, law, spiritual goals obtained through the arts, reason, forgiveness
-Apollo is the god of the sun, healing, music, and poetry. He is the twin brother of Artemis/Diana, son of Zeus/Jupiter and Leto{B}. Associated with the law, philosophy and the arts, he is the patron of the muses, archers, physicians, priests, farmers, and Shepard. He sometimes bestows the gift of prophecy to mortals he loved. Master archer and athlete he was the first victor of the Olympic games. He teaches us to have courage in the face of danger and to always have compassion for those less fortunate than us.

Colors- Red, crimson
Animals- Vulture, dogs, boars, wolf, bear, ram 
Stones- Ruby, bloodstone, garnet, red topaz, red agate
Metals- Iron, steel
Plants/Herbs- oak, nettles, basil, Holy thistle, pine, wormwood, hops, wood-ruff, hawthorn
Planet- Mars
Direction- South
 Element- Fire
Day- Tuesday
Ritual Intent- Energy, courage, defense, will power, self-discipline, bringing rhythm and stability to life.
-Aries was not widely worshiped by the Greeks being unpopular to both mortals and Greek gods, the saw him as quarrelsome and bullying. The Greek Aries was the god of war, terror, and anger, they saw him as cowardly and fond of slaughter. The Romans however looked on mars with respect and considered him the father of Rome, greatest of the gods second only to Jupiter. To the Romans he was also a god of war, terror and anger but also agriculture, spring, courage, and fertility. Aries/Mars is the son of Zeus/Jupiter and Hera/Juno. He is the patron of warriors and heroes. (all kinds not just military) He teaches us about the importance of self-discipline and sacrifice. 

Colors- Silver, green, brown, white
Animals- Deer, lion, hare, bear, boar, quail
Stones- Moonstone, quartz, beryl, pearl
Metal- Silver
Plants/Herbs- Laurel, lily of the valley, moon-wort, myrtle, cypress, water lily, willow
Planet- Moon 
Direction- west
Element- Earth
Day- Monday
Strongest around Beltane
Ritual Intent- Change, divination, fertility, conception, intuition, runes, tarot, dreams, luck, birth, visions, mental healing, good weather for traveling, protection of children
-Artemis/Diana is the twin of Apollo{B} daughter of Zeus/Jupiter and Leto{B}. She is the virgin huntress, chief hunter of the gods and protector of animals. Goddess of the moon she presides of night and natural environments. She is the patroness of midwives, hunters, animals, and young women. She is the maiden, defender of innocence. Artemis is also a shape shifter. She teaches us the importance of balance and never taking more than we need.

Colors- red, white, silver
Animals- owls, snakes, horses, oxen, crow
Stones- Agagonite, red calcite, selenite, agate, carnelian
Metal- Alloys
Plants/Herbs- olive tree, fern, marjoram, savory, vervain, hazel
Planet- Moon
Direction- East
Element- Air
Day- Monday 
Ritual Intent- Business, legal problems, travel, information, logic, writing, controlling emotions, organization, learning, locating teachers, memory, science, creativity, prediction, eloquence, healing nervous disorders.
-Athena/Minerva is the virgin, warrior goddess of wisdom, reason and peace. She was born from Zeus/Jupiter's head. She is the patron goddess of all craftsmen, teachers, writers, architects and scientists. She is a different kind of war god than Ares/Jupiter representing the intellectual and civilized side of war, not the warrior but the adviser, she is a master of battle strategy. Athena takes great interest in the welfare of her devoted worshipers, she is also an advocate of woman抯 rights. She teaches us the importance of learning and thinking things through.

Colors- Green, gold, brown, blue-green
Animals- Horse, pigs, snakes, cranes
Stones- Rock, crystal, geodes
Metal- Nickel
Plants/Herbs- Corn, willow, lily, ivy, grains, fir, poppy
Planet- Earth 
Direction- North
Element- Earth
Day- Saturday
Strongest at Mabon 
Ritual Intent- Material manifestations, healing mental and physical illness, improving life, centering, healing plants and animals, work with spirits, protection
-Demeter/Ceres is the fertility goddess of agriculture and protector of women, marriage and all growing things. She represents the mother and is the doorway of the mysterious feminine. She is the sister of Zeus/Jupiter. by whom she had Persephone/Proserpine. She is the patron of mothers. She teaches us to respect the earth and appreciate things in their natural form. 

Colors- Purple, pure blue, burgundy
Animals- dolphin, bull, panther, donkeys
Stones- Azurite, turquoise
Metal- Aluminum
Plants/Herbs- grape vines, ivy, carnation, honeysuckle, bramble
Planet- Venus
Direction- South
Element- Water
Day- Friday
Strongest at Mabon
Ritual Intent- rituals, celebrations, achieving equilibrium, spiritual manifestations, creative force, divine inspiration.
-Dionysus/Bacchus is the god of wine, parties, pleasure, rebirth and fertility. He is a patron of the arts. His rituals are usually drunken and orgiastic. He often brings madness and destruction to those who spurn him or his follows, but is always good and gentle to those who honor him. He dies each winter and is reborn in the spring. He took Hestia's place as an Olympian. He has a dual personality representing both the joy and rage that can come from wine. He teaches to cut loose and have fun he also teaches us moderation. 

Colors- Indigo, Black 
Animals- Goat, screech owl, ram
Stones- Onyx, Jet
Metal- Lead
Plants/Herbs- Reeds, Solomon seal, oak, yew, beech, comfrey, elm, holly, ivy, horsetail, juniper, mullein
Planet- Pluto
Direction- West
Element- Fire
Day- Saturday
Strongest at Yule
Ritual Intent- Stabilization of thought and life, help with groups, comfort, developing power of faith, elimination of fear, prosperity,astral projection, death, wealth
-Hades/Pluto is the god of the underworld and judge of the dead. He is the brother of Zeus/Jupiter and Poseidon/Neptune. He is a unyielding pitiless god who is unappeased by prayer and sacrifice, though he is not evil. He bestows gifts of the riches found within the earth, such as mineral wealth and crops, on the worthy. In some Greek traditions Hades is not considered an Olympian because he lived in the underworld. He teaches us to rise above our fears and to live a life of goodness.

Colors- Red, bronze, steel
Animals- Bull, crane, wolf, ram
 Stones- Ruby, bloodstone, garnet, red topaz, red agate
Metals- Iron, steel
Plants/Herbs- Oak, nettles, basil, broom, pine, wormwood, hops, hawthorn
Direction- South
Element- Fire
Ritual Intent- Energy, courage, defense, will power, self-discipline, rhythm and stability, hard work, dexterity, electronics, crafts.
-Hephaestus/Vulcan is the smith god of fire and metal work. He is the son of Zeus/Jupiter and Hera/Juno. He is the craftsman of the gods and made there armor and weapons including Zeus/Jupiter thunderbolts. He is the patron of blacksmiths, mechanics, craftsmen and electricians. He teaches us the value of hard work, honesty and reliability.

Colors- indigo, purple, aqua
Animals- Heifer, lion, peacock, cuckoo, goat
Stones- onyx, jet, amethyst, sapphire
Metal- Lead
Plants/Herbs- Reeds, Solomon seal, oak, ivy, juniper, willow, myrtle, pomegranate
Direction- West
Element- Earth
Day- Monday
Strongest around Litha
Ritual Intent- marriage, protection of home and children, renewal, purification.
-Hera/Juno is the wife and sister of Zeus/Jupiter and is very jealous and vindictive. She is the queen of the gods and presides of all phases of feminine life. She is also a goddess of fertility, the sky, pain, death, and punishment. The roman Juno is the patroness and protector of the empire of Rome. She teaches us the importance of fidelity and stability in life.

Colors- Red, gold
Animals- Tortoise, snake, pigeon, swallow, butterfly
Stones- Agate, carnelian, alexandrite
Metal- Quicksilver
Plants/Herbs- Fern, lily of the valley, marjoram, savory, Valerian, hazel, olives
Planet- Mercury 
Direction- East
Element- Air
Day- Wednesday
Strongest at Lughnasadh and sunrise/set
Ritual Intent- Business, legal problems, travel, information, logic, writing, organization, speech, sleep, dreams, trade, exploring, gambling.
-Hermes/Mercury is the messenger of the gods, he rules over wealth, good fortune, commerce, fertility and thievery as well as magick, transport and astrology. He is also the controller of the four elements, seasons, solstices, and equinoxes. He is the patron of travelers, merchants, thieves, philosophers, alchemists, gamblers, journalist, politicians. In some traditions he is not considered an Olympian because he is the messenger, taking souls to the underworld. He teaches us to be punctual and dependable.

Colors- Green
Animals- Dove
Stones- Jade, lapis
Metal- Copper
Plants/Herbs- Almond, apple, rose, jasmine, basil
Direction- South
Element- Fire
Day- Friday
Planet- Venus
Ritual Intent- Home, family, humility, duty, acceptance, household work
-Hestia/Vesta is the virgin goddess of home and hearth, sister of Zeus she is all about family honor and duty. She is the patron of cooks. She gave up her seat as an Olympian to Dionysus or Aphrodite (depending on the story) because she believed her place was at the hearth. She is one of the kindest, most generous of the gods. In Roman tradition the eternal fire was tended by Vesta's six Vestal Virgins.She teaches the importance of family values and hard work.

Colors- Green, blue
Animals- Sea lion, whales, dolphin, horses bulls
Stones- Seashells, azurite, turquoise
Metal- Aluminum
Plants/Herbs- Carnation, honeysuckle, vervain, water lily.
Direction- West
Element- Water
Planet- Neptune
Ritual Intent- Intuition, human emotions, weather, revenge, protection over water.
-Poseidon/Neptune is the god of the sea, lakes, rivers and earthquakes which he causes with his trident, giving him the name earth-shaker(Greek). He is the brother of Zeus/Jupiter and Hades/Pluto and father of the Pegasus. He is the patron of sailors. He teaches us that life is precious and to not take it for granted.

Colors- Yellow, blue, green
Animals- Eagle, bull 
Stones- Amethyst, lapis lazuli, sapphire
Metal- Tin
Plants/Herbs- peppermint, sage, oak, violets, cedar, clover, fir, meadow-sweet
Planet- Jupiter
Direction- North 
Element- Air
Day- Thursday
Ritual Intent- Weather, fate, honor, legal matters, justice, popularity, friendship, luck, hearts desire, riches, oaths, treaties.
-Zeus/Jupiter is the king of the gods, ruler of the heavens and sky. He is the guardian of the law, truth, justice and upholder of virtue and morality in both gods and mortals. He protects the weak and is vengeful against the wicked. In roman tradition , with Juno and Minerva, he makes up the central cult of the Roman state. Patron of lawyers and rulers. He teaches us the importance of honest and integrity. 

-1-Under the columns from yesterday, put the Olympians in the columns you feel they fit best in. I will post the answers tomorrow. Keep this we will be adding to it as we learn more deities to see how they relate to each other.
*Hint- Keywords:
Mother- full moon, earth mother, grain mother, sky, queen of heaven
Maiden- Crescent moon, huntress, fertility, wisdom, animals, light
Crone- Waning moon, dark queen, underworld, death, war
Light- Life, waxing part of the year, sun, sky, war, storm, sacred king
Darkness- Decay, waning part of the year, underworld, horned god, animals, forge, sea
Messengers- magicians, tricksters, travelers.

 2-Do any of the Olympians/ Dei Consentes call to you? Do have strong feelings against any of them? Why? Pay careful attention to both. If not that's fine.

 3-Try communicating with one of the Olympians/ Dei Consentes

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