Thursday, July 18, 2013

Air Overview & Correspondences

According to Plato, the element of air is associated with the octahedron and is both hot and wet, or humid. Air heated, becomes fire, cooled, becomes water, cooled more, earth.

Words “every breath you take” describe very well the inner essence of the air. Air is what we breath, and what without we could not keep living. As earth is our mother and cradle, air could be considered as our home, because without our home we would not be here.

Air is necessary ingredient for a world. Fire needs it to burn, water it to flow, earth to grow. Many consider air as a lesser element, but should not think that way, because all elements are alike: There would not be others without one. Best way you can experience the power of the air is going to a high place in strong wind; If nowhere else, there you will feel the power and energy in it.
The words spirit, inspire, expire, and aspire, all derived from the Latin spirare ("to breathe"). Air is associated with all of these.

Air represents mental activity, thoughts, reason and intellect, memory, knowledge, persuasion, birth and friendship, freedom, clarification and expression. A low Air person seems without any direction and unable to define or visualize any future and cannot reason out the alternatives and objectives. A high Air person is at ease in complex situations and can sit and think things through, and can carry through with decisions. 

Its feelings are moist heat; its season is Spring; its direction is East/Mental; the symbol is the Wand, Athame, or the smoke of the incense. Its colors are White, Light Blues, Yellows and Green. Moon phase is the first quarter and its time is Dawn. 

Air is sometimes evoked from the East in the form of spirit creatures associated with air, including Slyphs, Griffons, Djinns or Sprites, or by calling upon divinities or other spirits associated with air, such as Aeolos, Amaunet, Baal Haddad, Feng Po Po, Haya-Ji, Indrus, Jupiter, Marduk, Mercury,Nut, Njord, Perun, Shu, or Zephyrus. In traditions that incorporate Christian folklore, Raphael, the cherubim of Air may be called upon.

Different types of Air Magick include Visualizations. An important tool in any magick work, it makes the events happen. For this type, it is important that all the other factors such as color, time, the moon phase, winds, etc. are all in balance. And to have the other tools working such as incense and candle burning, or even the right tea or wine to drink in the background. This is because you need to "fix" or "ground" the images or ideas you are using in your visualization. 

As our thoughts are extremely powerful, as are our Words. Words can be put together in such a way as to form spells, or used in channeling your power. Words give rise to our desires and can be released upon the winds for attainment. Created and repeated with intensity and concentration the spoken word is a powerful magick in itself. You do not have to be an accomplished linguist, just a simple sentence will do. It creates an atmosphere of concentrated awareness and strength. Words can be used in moments of stress and fear, and will create the magick itself. It does not have to be said aloud, say them to yourself if need or want be. 

Another Air Magick is Mirror Magick. It can help in overcoming inner problems and also help with difficult personal decisions. It uses both the Word and Visualization forms and can also aid in being able to visualize a future event. Sometimes, mirrors are used as a Scrying Tool, in which you are able to "see" possible future events. 

When creating sacred space or purifying areas, objects or individuals for ritual, air may be employed in the form of smoke or by fanning air over the thing to be purified with a feather or hand fan. A musical instrument, especially a flute or horn may also be used.
Air may be represented on an altar by a fan, feather, sword, arrow, incense, fragrant flowers, wand or a spindle. 

In Healing Magick, Air is associated with the respiratory organs and tissues, with breathing, speech, the mind and imagination and with the sense of hearing and smell. It is also associated with the arms, pelvis, calves and kidneys and circulatory system. An imbalance of air within the body in excess is signified by frivolousness, boasting, absent-mindedness, excessive talkativeness, moodiness, gas, bloating and the inability to focus. Shortness of breath, mental blanks and a lack of understanding of simple concepts indicates a deficit imbalance.

Air is thought, ideas, and change, such as is reflected by the statement, "the winds of change." It represents the conception or perception of a new idea, the seed of knowledge, and the freedom to choose which direction to move.

Air Correspondences:
• Cardinal Direction- East
• Elementals- Sylphs
• Archangel- Raphael
• Totems- Birds of all kinds
• Tools- Pentacle, Dagger, Athame, Censer, Flute
• Colors- Yellow and White
• Time- Dawn
• Season- Spring
• Spells- Psychic work, Communication, writing, travel, justice, unions, balance, artistry, science, freedom, understanding, clarity, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions, blood
• Quality- Contemplative, sanguine, masculine
• Qualities (+): Inspiration, Wisdom, Happiness, Hope, Logic, Joy, Analysis, Discernment, Decisiveness 
• Qualities (-): Anxiety, Fear, Impulsiveness, Paranoia, Dispersion, Prejudice, Insecurity 
• Gemstone- Topaz; though clear and lightweight stones are often associated with the element of air, such as Chalcedony, Pumice, Mica, Aventurine, clear Quartz, Lepidolite 
• Signs- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
• Symbols- Incense, feathers, sails, balloons, kites, bubbles, fans
• Incense- Frankincense, fumitory, galibanum, myrrh
• Plants- Acacia, Anise, Aspen, bodh tree, Broom, Catechu, Curry, dandelion, Dill, epiphytic plants, eyebright, lavender, Ma Huang, Meadowsweet, pansy, Peppermint, Perilla, poplar, primrose, vervain, violet, wall fern, yarrow, Witch's Broom.
• Rules- Thoughts, ideas, flight, knowledge, wind, intellect, breath, mind, learning, high and windy places, sense of smell
• Sense: Smell
• Rune: Aleph (the ox)
• Tarot: Air is associated with the suit of swords, though some associate it rather with the suit of wands. It is also associated with the The Fool.
• Planets: Jupiter & Mercury
• To Invoke- Whistle three times (among other ways to be discussed in following lessons)
• Metals: Iron, Tin, and Copper

Activity: Be thinking of ways you already / might in the future represent Air on your altar and in your magick. Copy down / write about Air and its correspondences in your notes / Book of Shadows.

Credit: Stacy Hartlage Taylor

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