Saturday, June 8, 2013

Selecting and Programming

Sourcing Stones

The best source for your crystals is a local store where you can browse at your leisure. Crystals are sold at most meta-physical and New Age shops, health food markets, crystal stores and in some interior decorating and gift boutiques. You can also source your stones off the internet. There are also Mind-Body-Spirit , Healing and Crystal & Mineral Fairs where you will also find crystals for sale.

It is always best to buy a crystal that you can see with your own eyes and touch. Trust your intuition. The crystal that speaks to you will be right. Handle several stones, allowing yourself to be drawn to one, or put your hands into a tub of crystals until one ticks to your fingers. If that crystal makes you tingle, that is the one for you

When choosing a crystal from an internet site it is not possible to touch the crystal, so you need to take your intuition one stage further. Browse through the pictures of the various crystals and note which section most appeals to you. Spend some time browsing through that section. You may find yourself excited by the picture of a particular crystal, with a powerful urge to touch and feel it and a sense of frustration that you cannot. If you feel that you very much want that crystal to be a part of your life, it is likely that on some level it has something to offer you. For example, you may feel drawn to a rose quartz crystal because you need something in your life that can help you develop a love of yourself.

Choosing your Stones

Crystals and stones have been used since the dawn of civilization. They can be used to influence our moods, our health, our personal development, our wealth, our environment and our relationships. If you are trying to choose a crystal for a specific reason, then focus on that reason and allow your intuition to choose the right crystals. If it’s for someone else, focus on that person. You do not need to know the exact properties of every stone in order to buy one. It is more important to be receptive and allow yourself to be drawn to a stone that will have meaning for you. The one you need will let you know, you will sense it – it might “catch your eye”, be a “must have”, “feel right” when you hold it, or you could even hear, taste or smell something that’ll let you know. There may also be strong pulsing in your hand when you hold it. Choosing crystals is mainly about using your intuition and using your six senses as an extension of that intuition. Remember that crystals will choose you as much as you choose them! Enjoy them and remember to thank them too!

As with everything else in magic, it is important that you choose a crystal that works for you. After you have determined a selection of stone types that will fulfil your needs, you will need to pick out a particular stone that is "yours". Here are a few methods of choosing crystals that are right for you:

* Run your non-dominant hand over all the stones available for selection. You are feeling for the crystal’s power. You will soon discover that one stone feels stronger. It may 'stick' to your hand, or feel noticeably warmer or cooler than the stones around it.

* Close your eyes for a few moments and clear your mind. Open your eyes quickly and pick up the very first stone to which your eye becomes naturally drawn.

* You might sense power emanating from a particular crystal. If you naturally see auras, you might even see crystal power radiating from the stone.

If for some reason no stone calls to you, you might need to look elsewhere. If several stones call equally to you, pick any of them (or all of them, if you budget supports it). As long as the stone "speaks" to you, it will work. You should not use any tool that doesn't "speak" to you; the power of magic has as much to do with you as with the items you use. When choosing stones, symbols, or other magical enhancements, you should always trust your own intuition about whether or not it will work

Crystals will often come to live with you in the most surprising of ways – people may give them to you as a gift, you may find them yourself, or THEY may find YOU in the most ingenious of ways. Many believe that it is not us who select a stone, but the stone that selects us. This is known as synchronicity. Don’t be surprised if the crystal you select isn’t the clearest, largest, or most colourful – its beauty may not be immediately apparent to the physical eye. Just trust your intuition to guide you to make the perfect choice. You will KNOW when you find the one that is right for you.

The unconscious or higher self doesn’t get involved with life's day-to-day clutter and thus can get straight down to the business of selecting the most appropriate crystal for you. This is why the best approach to choosing a crystal is to quieten your mind, take a deep breath, and simply do what feels right.

Programming Your Crystals and Stones

Dedicating, Charging and Programming Your Crystals and Stones Crystals direct, amplify and accelerate energy patterns. This, combined with your intention, can be a powerful too. Crystals need to be dedicated to the purpose for which you use them. Dedicate a new crystal as soon as you have cleansed it. This focuses the energy. (Methods of cleansing your crystals will be covered in the next lesson).

* To program your crystal, hold it.

* Picture light surrounding it. If you find this difficult, hold your hands in front of a light source

* Let yourself be open to higher guidance.

* Consider the purpose for which you wish to use it.

* Be specific. If you want to attract love, describe exactly what kind of love you are looking for. If you are seeking healing, say precisely for which condition and what you want to happen.

* When you have formulated your program, attune to the crystal.

* Ensure that this is exactly the right crystal for the purpose.

* Say out loud: “I dedicate this crystal to the highest good of all. May it be used in light and love”.

* Then put the crystal in a place where you will see it frequently or keep it in your pocket.

* It can be helpful to hold it two or three times a day, or more.

* You may need to repeat the programming several times.

You should try to get your crystals from a reputable supplier and, after receiving them, it is wise to cleanse them of any negative energy that they may previously have absorbed. Use your intuition and you cannot go far wrong.

Remember that you can re-energise and recharge your crystal companions. You can also re-programme them to use for other purposes as long as you cleanse and clear them properly first. If one day you feel a crystal no longer belongs in your home, it may be time to give it away. As you change you may find that you want different crystals around you, although many will stay with you happily for a long time.

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