Saturday, June 8, 2013

Crystal Types and Shapes

Our universe is one of vibrations. Absolutely everything (including us) vibrates at a molecular level! In some things, these vibrations tend to cancel one another due to the chaotic structure of that substance. But other things, like crystals and stones, have structures that allow these vibrations to add together. Stones and crystals each have a unique structure and composition. This gives each one a unique vibration rate and quality. These vibrations are subtle, but they can be used to help you handle many of life’s everyday problems.

Your body is made of the same elements found in stones and crystals. Your body and its internal organs is a collection of parts, each with a specific structure (on a chemical level), each made up of different combinations of carbon, hydrogen and other elements. Because of its structure and composition, each part of your body vibrates and emits energy into the space around it. If you could see these vibrations which are very high frequency you would see them as an energy body that extended well beyond your physical one. Impurities within your body alter these vibrations, adding chaotic elements that distort your energy body. These distortions can starve some areas of your physical body, preventing them from getting the correct vibrational energy that keeps them operating in harmony with the rest of the parts that make up your physical self. Since stones and crystals vibrate and emit pure, strong vibrations at constant rates, they can be used to help eliminate distortions and restore proper balance, leading to better overall physical, mental and spiritual well being. Each stone and crystal emits subtle vibrations that influence a specific area of your body. Matching the stone or crystal to its specific use allows you to get the most benefit from these natural gifts of harmony. The energies radiated from crystals and gems are subtle, and work over time.

Types of stones and crystals

Identifying and classifying crystals and minerals is a complex subject worthy of its own website. Briefly, crystals are classified based on their hardness, colour, transparency, chemical make-up and crystal structure. Clear quartz, for example, is a hardness 7, u, transparent, Type 3 (hexagonal) crystal. Yellow quartz is called citrine; purple quartz is amethyst. Unless you plan on harvesting your own stones, identifying stones in this way is unimportant. You need only to learn to tell your own stones apart.

Often, stones will have more than one name attached to them, or varieties of a stone will be names differently. Quartz, for example, can be clear, white (snowy quartz), pink (rose quartz), gray (smokey quartz), yellow (citrine), purple (amethyst), yellow and purple (ametrine), or green (aventurine). These are just the most common quartz colours on the market; there can easily be others. Crystals may also have inclusions: other minerals or items trapped inside of them amber is valued partly for its prehistoric fossil inclusions). Quartz commonly occurs with four inclusions: tourmaline, rutile, lithium and water. This can occur in almost any colour of quartz.

There are several gemstones and minerals that do not form crystals. These are called amorphous gemstones. Opal and pearls in particular are amorphous. These gemstones and other non-crystal structures still have power.

What gives individual stones their characteristics?

Different stones have different energetic properties. For example, a Tigers Eye can aid those seeking clarity, while Lapis Lazuli is said to expand our awareness and help us attune to our intuition. Rose Quartz is calming and sometimes referred to as the stone of gentle love. Many of the books available contain lists of crystals and what 
each one means. These meanings are simply interpretations of the energy each crystal carries. Some may consider a crystal with a fresh, lively, citrus feel to it to give zest and promote optimism, and therefore help to reduce depression.

With a little practice and intuition, anyone can interpret the immediate characteristics of a stone. For example, red is the colour of action, and red stones can invigorate and enliven in the same way that the blood in your body gives you life. White or clear stones such as quartz may help you to see more clearly. Purple stones may assist in transformation and change. By all means read and digest the definitions in books but realize that it is important to form your own opinions. The shape of a crystal may also affect its qualities. Some people will also consider the number of facets and, using numerology, which attributes meanings to different numbers, obtain further meanings.

The way a crystal comes out of the ground is called its raw form. Raw hematite, for example, is often globular. It looks like several small balls of metal partially melted together and is dull gray in color. Stones can be sold raw, or they can be tumbled, polished or cut to make it look nicer. Often stones have sharp edges in their raw form, so most stones are treated in some way before being sold. The least expensive method to treat stone is tumbling. Several stones are placed in rotating or vibrating barrels with abrasives and polish to round off edges and shine them.

For decorative purposes, many stones are cut and polished. These can be slabs (thin, polished plates of stone), geometric shapes like spheres and pyramids, sculptures, or faceted crystals like those used in jewelry. The method of cutting can sometimes add to the power of a crystal, but unless purposefully done, shape generally doesn't affect crystal power much.

Below is a list of some of the most commonly available shapes:

Raw /Chunks

Chunks are crystals without notable facets. They can be good for enriching a room’s atmosphere, for holding during meditation or simply carrying in your pocket.

Single Terminated Wands

These have a single point at one end and a rough or rounded edge at the other. They are used widely in healing, cleansing and meditation and as jewellery. In healing, pointed away from the body draws energy off and pointed towards the body, it channels energies to the body

Double Terminated Wands

Double terminated wands have a definite point at both ends. Some are natural and some are artificially shaped. A double terminated wand radiates or absorbs energy at both ends simultaneously. They are stones of balance and provide a bridge between two energy points. They are useful in healing as they absorb negative energy and break old patterns.


Clusters consist of a group of small crystals that have naturally grown joined together. Clusters can be excellent for enriching a living environment or workplace. Depending upon their properties they can cleanse, invigorate or calm an atmosphere. Clusters radiate energy out to the surrounding environment and can also absorb detrimental energy. They are useful for cleansing a room or other crystals

Cut Crystals

Cut crystals are crystals that have been cut and polished into shapes such as pyramids, wands or spheres, which can make them very attractive. If they are well-cut the energy of the stone can be maintained and sometimes amplified.


A geode is contained within an outer form. When opened, it is hollow with many crystals pointing inward. Geodes hold and amplify energy within themselves. They are useful for protection and aid in spiritual growth


Tumblestones are small stones, rocks or crystals that have been tumbled over each other many times with increasingly finer abrasive until the sides become smooth and shiny. Many people like to carry a tumblestone around in their pocket to keep the energy of the stone with them throughout the day.

Credit:  Sam Ehinger Botoulas

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