Monday, June 24, 2013

Crystal Correspondence -- R-Z

Colour: pink to orange
Appearance: banded, all sizes, often polished or tumbled
Source: USA, South Africa, Russia, Argentina, Uruguay
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deity: Venus, Aphrodite
Powers: represents selfless love and compassion, love, peace, energy; expands the consciousness; imparts a dynamic and positive attitude
Healing: acts as an irritant filter and relieves asthma; purifies the respiratory and circulatory systems; restores poor eyesight; normalises blood pressure and stabilises the heartbeat; invigorates the sexual organs; relieves migraines; improves the skin and balances the thyroid; excellent for healing sexual abuse
Magick: useful for drawing love and attracting a soulmate; gently brings painful and repressed feelings to the surface, allowing for acknowledgement and healing of those feelings

Colour: red
Appearance: bright, transparent when polished, opaque when not, small faceted crystal or larger cloudy pieces
Source: India, Madagascar, Russia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Kenya, Mexico
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deity: Buddha, Krishna
Powers: wealth, protection, power, joy, love; thought to go dark in colour when danger or negativity approaches
Healing: detoxifies the body, blood and lymph; treats fevers and infectious diseases; extremely beneficial for the heart and circulatory system; stimulates the adrenals, kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen
Magick: a strong tool for scrying; worn for protection against all foes – wicked spirits, negativity, plague, fascination and famine; strengthens the body’s own psychic defence system when worn; guards the home against storms and negativity; worn during magickal rituals to increase the energies available to the magician; good to use in spells for increased wealth

Colour: blue, yellow, black, purple
Appearance: bright, transparent when polished, often small or large cloudy pieces
Source: Myanmar, Czech Republic, Brazil, Kenya, India, Australia, Sri Lanka
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deity: Apollo
Powers: known as the wisdom stone; focuses and calms the mind; releases unwanted thoughts and mental tension; aligns the physical, mental and spiritual planes and restored balance within the body; psychism; love, meditation, peace, defensive magick, healing, power, money
Healing: calms overactive body systems; regulates the glands; heals the eyes; treats blood disorders and alleviates excessive bleeding, strengthening the veins
Magick: stimulates the third eye for the purpose of expanding psychic awareness; promotes fidelity and attunes the feelings between lovers; in ancient times, it was worn to banish envy, to promote positive social interactions and to reconcile with foes; brings prosperity and attracts gifts of all kinds; used in money and wealth-attracting rituals; effectively used in defensive magick to return negative energy to the original sender (this will only work if the wearer is in the right)
Green Sapphire – improves vision – both inner and outer; helps with dream recall; enhances compassion and understanding; honours trust and respect for other people’s belief systems
Pink Sapphire - acts as a magnet to draw into your life all that you need in order to evolve; fast-acting stone that teaches you how to master your emotions
Purple Sapphire – helpful in meditation; opens the crown chakra to spirituality; activates the pineal gland; extremely calming for the emotionally unstable
Royal Sapphire – eliminates negative energies from the chakras; teaches responsibility for your own thoughts and feeling
Star Sapphire – has a 5 pointed star formation in its depths; very rare and expensive; opens the intuition and helps to centre your thoughts; is said to contact extraterrestrial beings
White Sapphire – has an extremely pure energy; opens the crown chakra; extremely protective and removes obstacles
Yellow Sapphire – attracts wealth to the home; can be placed in cash boxes to increase prosperity and earnings; stimulates the intellect and improves overall focus; removes toxins from the body

Colour: pure white, orange, brown, blue, green
Appearance: translucent with fine ribbing (Satin Spar) or coarser ribbing, fishtail or petal like(Desert Rose), all sizes
Source: USA, Mexico, Russia, Austria, Greece, Poland, Germany, France, England
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deity: Selene, Artemis
Powers: one of the most powerful crystals for the new vibration on earth; has a very fine vibration and brings clarity of mind; accesses angelic consciousness and higher guidance; a calm stone that instils deep peace; excellent for meditation and spiritual work; reconciliation, energy
Healing: aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility; guards against epileptic seizures; neutralises mercury poisoning from dental fillings; reverses the effects of “free radicals”; excellent crystal for breastfeeding and nurturing children
Magick: exchanged between lovers for reconciliation; has an ethereal quality and is said to inhabit the place between light and matter; can be used to form a protective grid around the house, creating a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in (use internally in the corners of the house); helps to prevent anything external from influencing the mind; can be used for scrying

Colour: blue
Appearance: mottled dark and light blue-white, often tumbled, all sizes
Source: North America, France, Brazil, Greenland, Russia, Myanmar, Romania
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deity: Nana Buruku
Powers: instils a drive for the truth; healing, peace, meditation, wisdom
Healing: balances the metabolism; overcomes calcium deficiencies; cleanses the lymphatic system and organs; boosts the immune system; combats radiation damage and insomnia; treats the throat, vocal cords and larynx; cools fevers; lowers blood pressure; stimulates the absorption of fluids in the body
Magick: promotes wisdom, works well for group rituals as it brings harmony and solidarity of purpose; assists with the verbalisation of the feelings; enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust; brings shallow qualities up to the surface to be accepted without judgement

Colour: purple, violet-pink
Appearance: opaque, lightly banded, all sizes, often tumbled
Source: Japan, South Africa
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Water
Deity: Bacchus, Dionysus, Diana
Powers: one of the major ‘love stones’; represents spiritual love and wisdom; inspires spiritual awareness and promotes channelling; teaches you how to live from your truth and reminds the soul of its reasons for incarntation
Healing: an exceptionally good pain reliever; clears headaches and discomfort on all levels; treats epilepsy and minor disturbances and brings the nerves and brain into alignment
Magick: facilitates psychic awareness when worn or carried; worn to obtain wisdom during spiritual rituals, great to use in group situations as it resolves group difficulties and encourages co-operation and open communication; assists light workers to adapt to the earth vibration; a loving stone that protects the soul from shocks, trauma and disappointments and relieves spiritual tension

SULPHUR (toxic and should never be taken internally!!!)
Colour: yellow
Appearance: powdery or smallish translucent crystals on matrix
Source: Italy, Greece, South America, volcanic regions
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deity: Thoth, Hermes
Powers: has a negative electrical charge and is extremely useful for absorbing negative energies, emanations and emotions protection, healing; excellent for anything that erupts: feelings, violence, skin conditions, fevers
Healing: extremely useful for conditions that flare up such as infections and fevers; placed over the site of a swelling, it reduces fibrous tissue growths; alleviates painful swelling and joint problems;
Magick: protective, during the height of ceremonial magick, sulphur was often burned to drive off “demons” and “devils”; can be placed on the altar during protective rituals or in the home as a general magical ‘ward’

Colour: yellow, orange, red-brown
Appearance: clear transparent or opaque crustal with iridescent reflections, often small, tumbled
Source: Canada, USA, Norway, Greece, India
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deity: Tonatiuh
Powers: a joyful, light-inspiring stone; brings in light and energy; protection; energy; health; sexual energy
Healing: stimulates self-healing powers; regulates the autonomic nervous system; harmonises all the organs; treats chronic sore throats; relieves stomach ulcers; lifts any depression; great for general aches and pains
Magick: a protective stone; placed in a bag of healing herbs, it strengthens their healing energy; worn or carried; it lends extra physical energy to the body during times of stress or ill health; worn near the sexual region, it stimulates sexual arousal and increases sexual energy; keep Sunstone near you at all times if you have difficulty saying “no”; facilitates self-empowerment, independence and vitality; a stone of good luck and good fortune

Colour: brown-yellow, pink, blue, red
Appearance: banded, slightly shiny, often small and tumbled
Source: USA, Mexico, India, Australia, South Africa
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deity: Tonatiuh
Powers: combines earth energy and the energy of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is grounded and draws the spiritual energies to earth; money, protection, courage, energy, luck, divination
Healing: treats the eyes and aids night vision; heals the throat and reproductive organs; dissolves constrictions, helpful in repairing broken bones
Magick: protection against all forms of danger; strengthens convictions and creates courage and confidence; a fine stone for promoting wealth and money; supports an addictive personality in making changes
Blue Tiger’s Eye – calming and releases stress; aids the over-anxious, quick-tempered and phobic; slows the metabolism, cools an overactive sex drive and dissolves sexual frustration
Cold Tiger’s Eye – aids in paying attention to detail; assists in taking action from a place of reason rather than emotion; excellent companion for tests and important meetings
Red Tiger’s Eye – stimulating stone that overcomes lethargy and provides motivation; speeds up a slow metabolism and increases a low sex drive
Hawke’s Eye – excellent stone for healing the earth’s energy and for grounding energy; attracts abundance; dissolves restrictive and negative thinking

Colour: golden-yellow, brown, blue, clear, red-pink, green
Appearance: transparent, pointed crystals, often small and faceted or large piece
Source: USA, Mexico, India, Australia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Pakistan
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deity: Ra
Powers: a mellow empathic stone that directs energy to where it is needed most; negativity does not survive around joyful topaz; promotes truth and forgiveness; brings about trust in the Universe
Healing: can be used to manifest health; aids digestion; combats anorexia; fortifies the nerves and stimulates the metabolism; used to relieve the pain of rheumatism and arthritis; can assist with weight
loss; induces relaxation; releases tension; excellent for emotional support
Magick: very protective, specifically against envy, intrigue, disease, injury, sorcery and negative magick; placed in the home, it is a great charm against fire and accidents; put under your pillow or worn to sleep will help to fend off nightmares; known as “the lover of gold”, Topaz can be used to bring wealth and money; cuts through doubt and uncertainty; brings success and attainment of goals; promotes openness and honesty; promotes truth and forgiveness; helps shed light on the path, highlights goals and taps into inner resources
Blue Topaz – excellent for meditation; helps you attune to your higher self; attunes to the angels of trust and wisdom; helps you recognise when you have strayed from your own truth
Clear Topaz – assists in purifying emotions and actions; activates cosmic awareness; removes stuck or stagnant energy
Golden Topaz(Imperial Topaz) – acts like a battery and recharges spiritually and physically; strengthens faith and optimism; assists you in recognising your natural talents and abilities; assists in overcoming limitations
Pink Topaz – gently eases out old patterns of dis-ease and dissolves resistance; opens the way to radiant health

Colour: black, brown, green, pink, red, yellow, blue, watermelon, blue-green
Appearance: shiny, opaque or transparent, long striated or hexagonal structure, all sizes
Source: Sri Lanka, Brazil, Africa, USA, Western Australia, Afghanistan, Italy
Planet: various (depending on the colour)
Element: various
Deity: various
Powers: cleanses, purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration; grounds spiritual energy, clears and balances all the chakras;
Healing: the striations along the side of Tourmaline enhance energy flow, making it an excellent stone for healing; tourmaline wands are very useful as healing tools; the various types of tourmaline have different healing properties; a powerful mental healer, balancing the right-left hemispheres of the brain and transmuting negative thought patterns;
Magick: a shamanic stone that brings protection during rituals
Black Tourmaline (Schorl) – protects against cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attack, spells and ill-wishing; encourages a positive attitude, no matter what the circumstances; draws negative energies off the body; defends against debilitating diseases and strengthens the immune system; treats dyslexia; provides pain relief and realigns the spinal column
Blue Tourmaline (indicolite) – stimulates the urge for spiritual freedom and clarity of self-expression; encourages fidelity, ethics and tolerance; a lover of truth; excellent stone for healers; helps to identify the underlying causes of illness and disease; helpful for insomnia, night sweats, sinusitis and bacterial infections; soothes burns, and prevents scarring; can be places anywhere that there is dis-ease or congestion
Brown Tourmaline (Dravide) – an excellent grounding stone; clears and opens the earth chakra; encourages community spirit and social commitment; heals dysfunctional family relationships and strengthens empathy; treats intestinal disorders and skin diseases
Clear Tourmaline – synthesises all other colours and opens the crown chakra; it aligns the meridians of the physical and etheric bodies
Green Tourmaline – excellent healer and is helpful for visualisation; promotes compassion, tenderness, patience and a sense of belonging; transforms negative energy to positive energy; helps overcoming problems with father figures; fortifies the nervous system and prepares it for a vibrational shift; treats eyes, heart, thymus, brain and immune system; a useful detoxifier; beneficial for hyperactive children; useful for money-drawing and success in business – place one in a piggy bank or purse to attract money
Pink Tourmaline – a stone of love; an aphrodisiac that attracts love in the material and spiritual world; provides assurance that it is safe to love; inspires trust in love; assists in sharing physical pleasures and disperses emotional pain and old destructive feelings; promotes peace and relaxation; balances a dysfunctional endocrine system and treats heart, lungs and skin
Red Tourmaline(Rubellite)– strengthens the ability to understand love; promotes tactfulness and flexibility; helps to balance over aggression; offers stamina and endurance; detoxifies the body; heals the heart; treats the digestive system, blood vessels and reproductive system; stimulates blood circulation and liver function; useful for muscle spasms
Watermelon Tourmaline(pink enfolded in green) – known as ‘the super-activator’ of the heart chakra, fostering love, tenderness and friendship; instils patience and teaches tact and diplomacy; alleviates fear and depression; promotes inner security; assists in the understanding of situations and expressing intentions clearly; worn to balance female and male energies within the body; encourages regeneration of the nerves, especially paralysis or multiple sclerosis; good for treating stress
Yellow Tourmaline – stimulates the solar plexus and enhances personal power; opens up the spiritual pathway and benefits in healing; treats stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys and gallbladder
Tourmalated Quartz (also see Quartz correspondences) – placed under the pillow while sleeping promotes astral travel; an effective grounding stone; strengthens the body’s energy field against external invasion; deflects environmental pollution; turns negative thoughts and energies into positive ones; releases tension; harmonises the meridians

Colour: turquoise, green or blue
Appearance: opaque, often veined, all sizes, often polished
Source: USA, Egypt, Mexico, China, Iran, Peru, Poland, Russia, France, Tibet, Afghanistan, Arabia
Planet: Venus, Neptune
Element: Earth
Deity: Hathor, Buddha, the Great Spirit
Powers: the sacred stone of many American Indian tribes; a most effective healer, providing solice for the spirit and well-being for the body; attunes and enhances communication with the physical and spiritual worlds; a great purification stone; assists with accessing past lives;
Healing: strengthens the meridians of the body and the subtle energy fields; enhances physical and psychic immune systems; regenerates tissue; supports the assimilation of nutrients in the body; alleviates pollution and viral infections; heals the whole body, especially the eyes; reduces excess acidity and benefits gout; anti-inflammatory and detoxifying; alleviates cramps and pain; excellent for exhaustion, depression or panic attacks; makes and excellent elixir
Magick: a very protective stone and protects the wearer against negative magic; guards against the evil eye, disease, poison, violence and accidents; also worn to promote wealth rituals and spells; can also be used in love magick; turquoise rings and pendants are worn to promote and protect the health of the wearer; like all blue stones, turquoise is lucky and is carries to attract good fortune
Tibetan Turquoise (green) – carries a slightly different vibration from the more vivid blue; especially useful for healing throat chakra blockages and suppressed self-expression

ZIRCON (some may be heat-treated to enhance their colour)
Colour: yellow, green, brown, red, orange
Appearance: faceted gem or translucent, often double-pyramid
Source: Australia, USA, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Canada
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deity: Osiris, Ra, Demeter, Hera, Juno
Powers: known as the stone of virtue; protection, beauty, love, peace, sexual energy, healing, anti-theft
Healing: beneficial for synergy; helps with sciatica, cramping, insomnia and depression; heals bones, muscles; eases vertigo and heals the liver; good for menstrual irregularity
Magick: in ancient times, Zircon was used to protect against robbery, lightening, bodily harm and disease; helps with overcoming racism and prejudices (including homophobia, victimisation, misogyny and all other types of discrimination)as it teaches about the brotherhood of humanity
Yellow Zircon – worn to increase sexual energy and attract love; assists in attracting success in business; lifts depression and makes you more alert; cleanses the solar plexus chakra
Orange Zircon – worn to increase beauty and to still fears and jealousy; an efficient talisman for use during travelling as it protects against injury; worn or placed in the home, it safeguards against theft
Red Zircon – this stone increases riches if worn or used in such rituals; lends vitality to the body, particularly during times of stress; draws pain away from the body when worn; enhances the libido
Brown Zircon – useful for centring and grounding; effectively used in wealth and money spells
Green Zircon – attracts abundance and stimulates the heart chakra

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