Monday, May 20, 2013

The Art of Palmistry -- Mounts and Markings

The mounts reflect our basic values, upbringings, inclinations, and personal traits. Mounts are significant in palmistry because the different lines are formed and shaped due to the mounts. The mounts are named after planets because special features of the planets are revealed in the mounts additionally a planet that is prominent in a persons horoscope is also prominent in the palm. When reading the mounts its important to look at the texture, color and firmness just like when reading the hand in general.
How to identify mount type:
A normal mount should be slightly raised padded part of the palm. A prominent mount is protruded. An overly developed mount is swelled and possibly red. An absent mount is sunken in our flat.


-Base of index finger and above the mount of mars.
-Represents god power, leadership, ambition, religion, love of nature and authority.
-Moves a person toward progress
--Ordinary(normal): Good lecturers. Kind heart-ed. Inclined toward attaining reputation rather than wealth.
--Prominent, well developed(protruded): person possess godly qualities. They try to save their self respect. Helpful, are not disturbed by difficult situations, and well learned. Religious minded. Optimistic. Honest. Honorable. Sociable.
--Over developed(swelled, possibly red): Selfish. Horribly proud. Self-willed. Egotistical.
--Absent(sunken in): Want of self-respect. Enjoy the company of lower class people. Dull personality. Lack of confidence.

-Base of the second finger
-Represents soberness, wisdom, sadness and balance.
-Extraordinary tendencies
-More lines than necessary means that person is cowardly and licentious.
--Ordinary: Overly faithful in fate. Has successful plans. Tends to have few friends.
--Prominent: highly fortunate, rises high in life with their own efforts. Aloof strongly goal oriented. Workaholic sometimes to the point of neglecting family. Irritating and suspicious by nature. Honest. Materialistic. Self-confident. Kind. Thirst for knowledge. Great sense of responsibility.
--Overly prominent(often also yellowish/pale): Cheats. Robbers. Distant. Cold. Introverted.
--Absent: a person whose life has no importance but finds a special kind of respect in life. Generally optimistic and out-going.

-Base of the ring finger and on upper part of the heart line.
-Indicates brilliance, artistic tendencies, happiness and success
--Ordinary: interested in beauty but unsuccessful in this field.
--Prominent: Sign of genius and fame. A person who reaches very high status in life. Cheerful in nature. Works in close co-operation with friends. Enthusiastic. Warm. Optimistic.
--Overly Prominent: Proud. A flatterer. Extravagant. Quarrelsome. don’t find success in life. Brash. Insensitive. Likes to hear the sound of their own voice.
--Absent: Dull-mined. Foolish. Leads an ordinary life. Cynic. Cold. No appreciation of the finer things.

-Base of fourth finger
-Shows an aptitude for industry, business, shrewdness, materialistic prosperity and affluence.
--Prominent: Clever, crafty, and adept at cheating. Believe in breaking the law. Know how to influence others. Gain success in business. Go-getter attitude. Love of traveling.
--Overly prominent: These people seek money and their main goal in life is to amass wealth. Smooth talker. Good liar. A Casanova.
--Absent: Passes life in poverty. Shy. Lack of self-confidence.

- Base of the thumb, surrounded by the life line.
- Shows love, sympathy, music and passion
--Ordinary: Cowardly. Weak-nature.
--Prominent: Recognize the world properly and truly enjoy it. Beautiful. Civilized. Healthy. Able to influence others. Do not lack courage. Generous. Engaging. Warm. Active social life.
--Overly prominent: Licentious and always covet the opposite sex. Brilliant and handsome, others are attracted to them. Tend to suffer from disease of the throat. Lack faith.
--Absent: lives the life of an ascetic. No interest in family life. Life full of troubles and miseries.

- the palm on the left of the life line, above the bracelet and below the mount of Neptune.
- Shows imagination, mysticism, coldness, love of beauty and selfishness
--Ordinary: Imaginative. Tends to make plans but not follow through, or even start. Too emotional.
--Prominent: Lover of nature and beauty. Dreamers. Imaginative. Artist. Tend to be very religious.
--Overly Prominent: Fickle-minded. Suspicious. Crazy. Suffers from chronic headaches. Greedy. Not satisfied with worldly pleasures.
--Absent: Hard-heart ed. Materialistic. Combative. Selfish. Dispassionate. Cold. Lacking vitality.
--Zig-zags on the mount of the moon indicate lots of travel in life.

-Surrounded portion beneath the starting point of the life line and above the mount of Venus.
- Shows courage, bravery, and aggression.
-Mainly linked to how aggressive a person is. Soft is less aggressive the firmer the mount is the more aggressive/extroverted/energetic a person is.
--Ordinary: a person who will reach great heights in life. Complete success.
--Prominent: Courageous. Fearless. Powerful. Have a firmness and balance in life. Can not be subdued. Compassionate. Creative. Caring. Incredible zest for life.
--Overly Prominent: Tends to be villainous, tyrant or criminal. Anti-social.
--Absent: Cowardly. Empathic. Imaginative.
-A cross found in the mount of mars that person is likely to meet their death in war.
-A zigzag found in the mount of mars that person is likely to meet their death in an accident.

-The palm between the heart and head lines. Below the mount of mercury.
-Influences the heart and brain.
--Ordinary: Good with machines
--Prominent: Good with maths, sciences.

-The palm below the head line and above the mount of the moon.
-Prominent: A musician, writer or poet.
-Overly Prominent: Life full of grief. They tend to be maniacs, suspicious, and cruel.

- The palm below the the heart line and above the head line. Between Harashala and Jupiter.
-Influence only seen in old age.
--Ordinary: Unlucky. Nature turns irritable and troublesome.
--Prominent: Passes old age happily.
--Overly prominent: Rude. Illiterate. doesn’t get co-operation from friends and family.

-Below the head line surrounded by the mounts of moon, mars, and Venus.
--Ordinary: Restless character. Lose of wealth.
--Prominent: A fortunate person. Religious minded. Enjoys worldly comforts. If the fate line breaks over it wealthy will come and go suddenly.

-Above the bracelets, dividing the mounts of Venus and moon. Near the start of the fate line.
-Influence from the 5th year to the 20th year of age.
-Prominent: a fortunate person who will enjoy all the pleasures in their lifetime.
-If the fate line is weak over it they will experience hardship at a young age.

Marks for both Mounts and Lines:

Transverse Marks
A transverse line marking on the hand is an evil sign that nullifies the positive qualities of any mount it is found upon. Though a person may have the markings of a heroic mount, these qualities can be reduced if it has a score of transverse lines. If transverse lines are found across the Mount of Mercury, it indicates that the bearer will use his/her talents of diplomacy and tact for deceit and guile for ill gains.

Vertical Marks
Vertical markings are a beneficial sign. If found on the mounts, they heighten its positive qualities and assist in annulling any poor signs also located on the mount. They are the opposites of the aforementioned transverse markings. Vertical markings upon the Mount of Mercury will bring a great deal of tact and loquaciousness to serve for pleasant communication and friendship. It will emphasize science and business skills. Two vertical lines on the Mount of Mercury are often the symbol of a Doctor or Biologist.

The Grille
The grille is a point at which the energies of the hand dissipate or escape out. If grilles are found throughout the entirety of the hand, the power of its bearer is constantly drained by vexations and imagined slights. If a grille appears on the mount, it saps or thwarts the qualities of the mount,i.e such a Grille on the Mount of Apollo will forever put off the attainment of any true success in life.

The Cross
Crosses always denote troubles, disappointment, danger, and when found on linest. Occasionally it can refer to a dramatic change in one's life due to a crisis or hardship. They should always be considered an ill omen save for two cases: when found on the Mount of the Jupiter and when located between the Head and Heart lines, known as the "Croix Mystique". The bearer of such a symbol is purported to possess a greater degree of mysticism, occultism, and superstition.
The position of the "Croix Mystique" is also quite important. If located high up, near the Mount of Jupiter, the bearer will exhibit belief in mysticism only for their own gain. Those with crosses further from the Mount of Jupiter will care more for the principles and methods by which the mystical experience was expressed rather than its immediate application to themselves.

The Star
The star is a symbol of good and sudden brilliance in a person's life. A line that ends in a star signifies the greatest accomplishments possible; however, the star often carries with it an unpleasant price. For example if the Line of Apollo ends in a star, it denotes great fame, but this often results in the bearer suffering the loss of their private sphere to their successful public sphere. A star on the mounts will naturally denote great proficiency with the mount's corresponding traits, yet these traits may consume some of the other bearer's qualities. The star is certainly a sign to be viewed with great caution.

The Island
The Island is always a negative sign. It is often a sign of some hereditary evil, such as a heart condition or intemperance with spirits, but it may just as easily represent non-congenital emotional stress. The island is a gradual and prolonged, and oft times subtle period of strife in an individual's life. It could represent mounting stress on the line of the head, and manifest itself as headaches. On the Line of Fate, It could be a period in which the individual finds himself surrounded with mounting debts that peak at the widest point of the island. These misfortunes will last to the extent that the island is long. 

The Square
The square is almost always a beneficial symbol. It denotes an especial significance when covering an area that is experiencing turmoil, such as chained, broken, or dotted lines. In this instance, difficulties will arise but the bearer will persevere and the crisis will be averted or thwarted. Damage may be reduced to a minimal one or prevented all together. A square after perturbations in a line signifies repair. The one instance in which the square denotes negative influences is when it is found on the upper portion of the Mount of Venus near the life line, where it denotes detention or incarceration.

The Circle
The circle is a very rare marking in palmistry. It is an evil mark unless it be on a mount, in which case it usually augments the powers and promise of a mount. If it touches any line, it brings inescapable misfortune to the line it touches. The native would go round and round in a circle without being able to break through and get free out of life's hassles.

The Triangle
The triangle is a positive sign, though strong significance should be ascribed to it only when it stands as an independent mark, not composed of intersecting lines. It denotes mental flourish and success corresponding to the location of the mark, i.e., if it were to be found upon the Mount of Apollo, it would denote an artistic success. If found alongside a line, it will naturally take on significance dependent upon the line. The triangle will never reach the great heights of success,but it possesses balance and will not carry with it the backlash that so often accompanies the star.

The Spot
The spot is a sign of a distinct event or malady, though it often comes in groups that denote a chronic disorder. If found on a line, it typically signifies a temporary illness corresponding to the line, i.e., a spot on the Line of Head indicates some violence to the head or brain fever.

The Trident
The trident is a most propitious marking wherever it may lay. If it rises from a line, it will expound the qualities of that line and draw additional power from the mounts or lines that branch on either side head towards. If found on a mount, the trident carries with it great flourish of the properties of that mount in conjunction with its neighboring mounts. The trident is such a powerful symbol that it eclipses the star in beneficence.

The Tassel
A tasseled line can oft be found at the end of the lifeline; as the individual weakens and deteriorates with age, so too does the line. Such is the case with the Line of Head, where it denotes a weakening of mental clarity and approaching senility or old age ; the Line of Heart with a deteriorating heart condition or emotional trauma that has left the individual very feeble and unstable.

Drooping Offshoots
Lines that droop from any larger line indicate a disappointment in life. Along the Line of Heart, it denotes disappointment in love or an unfortunate event in which the individual became too emotionally involved. Along the Line of Head, it may signify the obstruction of one's ideals or disillusionment

Rising Offshoots
Rising offshoots are the inverse of the drooping offshoots. They represent periods of sudden inspiration, fruition, and happiness. It will draw upon the qualities of the mount that it is directed to. For example, an offshoot springing from the Line of Head and nearing the Mount of Mercury is a sign of scientific prowess--perhaps an invention, or a discovery, or a synthesis of concepts that have long been drifting through the individual's mind, but had hitherto been dissociated.

Sister Lines
Sister lines support the line along which they follow. Some sister lines are quite common, such as the Line of Mars, which accompanies and strengthens the constitution denoted by the Line of Life; The Line of Apollo is a sister line for the Line of Fate, as it serves a similar function and accentuates the fulfillment one feels in the course of their career. Sister lines protect and heal lines that are broken, crooked, frayed, or side-by-side. Lest a line exist with several negative markings, sister lines will be the guiding hand that shall shield the bearer from the brunt of life's assaults.

Image Credit: Meghan Belford


  1. I'm not very good at any kind of divination. Maybe I should read all these posts and see if I can, um... see something ;-)

    1. I am sure, it is just a matter of practice makes perfect.

  2. Does a cross on the life line(the mount of Neptune) signify a spinster for life. The cross can also be seen as two triangles: one on the later life line and the other adjoining it, from the fate line???
