Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Art of Cleromancy

Cleromancy is divination using dice and is simple and fun. Basic cleromancy is done by drawing a circle that is 7 inches in diameter and casting three dice into it, the total on the dice that stay inside the circle give you the following interpretation:   

0 - 2-There is no meaning in the dice for you. 
3-Your circumstances will change without warning and very soon. 
4-Arguments or disagreement can be expected. 
5-A desire, or aspiration will be fulfilled. Unexpected information or assistance. 
6-Loss, probably of money but it could be of something more general. 
7-You will be presented with a difficult matter to solve. 
8-A lack of thought may lead to difficulty or distress. 
9- marriage or union with implications for you. 
10-A step up for your career or possibly the arrival of a new baby associated with you 
11-Someone close will take a trip or part with you. 
12-You will receive a message of some consequence. 
13-Disappointment or misery if you pursue current situation. 
14-You will receive unexpected assistance from someone close. 
15-Take care in what you say and do to prevent difficulties. 
16-A beneficial and pleasurable trip resulting in contentment. 
17-Decide on a new opinion or benefit from the result of a situation currently concerning you. 
18-A lucky, favorable and very fortunate outcome in the very near future. 

Dice that fall outside the circle should be read as following: 

1 dice outside the circle-Difficulties or an upset 
2 dice outside the circle-Arguments or disagreements 
3 dice outside the circle-Luck or a wish to come true 
Any dice on the floor-Problems, worry or annoyance very soon

For a more in depth way to cast dice you will need 3 dice that are different colors or marked so you can tell them apart as each die and number will have its own meaning. Hold each die separately and focus on it, then roll them together in your hands before casting all three dice three times, noting the number on each die for every throw. The first cast represents the general situation, the second cast is insight into material matters such as money or business and the third cast is concerned with the relationships and love. 

The First Die Meanings 
6-Warning, prophecy, danger, omen, signaling good or evil.  A sign to be on guard to a passing matter. An indication of impending, but veiled or hidden, good or evil. 
5-determination, doggedness, ambition, purposefulness.  Persevere and show determination in achieving your goal or ambition. 
4-fortune, luck, success, happiness.  An omen of good luck and of a fortunate outcome for your future plans. Gamble and succeed. 
3-journey, quest, journey, messages.  A journey or trip or possibly you may receive some important information in a letter or as some other message. 
2-death, mortality, transformation, unexpected change.  A sign of your mortality. The end or sudden change of events concerning some matter of importance to you. 
1-confusion, traps, entanglement, pitfalls.  Complications may entangle you in affairs not what they at first seem to be. 

The Second Die Meanings 
6-strangers, surprise, decisions. An unfamiliar person will have an undue effect on your relations with family and those close to you. 
5-relatives, family, children, marriage, home.  An event of great importance for your home or within the family. 
4-deceit, tension, treachery, argument.  Disagreements and deceitfulness are in store for you. 
3-affection, passion, desire, love, fondness.  Love or perhaps a new close friend in your life. 
2-fertility, beginnings, birth, inventiveness, ingenuity.  New plans and ideas will lead to greater productivity. 
1-power, success, ambition, drive.  Look forward to a new found enthusiasm and drive leading to great success in your life. 

The Third Die Meanings 
6- money, property, possessions.  Good fortune in matters of money, property and wealth. 
5-entertainment, fun, celebration, feasting.  An occasion to celebrate is in store.  4-answers, chances, opportunity, doorways.  New opportunities will present themselves to you or perhaps the solution to an old problem. 
3-enthusiasm, ambition, promotion, rising.  You hold the key to your future prospects. Find the enthusiasm and zeal to achieve your ambitions. 
2-action, speed, thoughtlessness, hurry.  Events will move along at a great speed and you must be careful not to make mistakes. 
1-health, care, think, on guard.  Take care and be thoughtful to preserve your health and a sound mind. 

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