Saturday, May 11, 2013


Scrying is simple, most people do it without even noticing. When you stare off into space and see things, or see shapes in clouds and shadows that is scrying, basically. It is one of the oldest forms of divination dating back to ancient Egyptians and Arabs.
There are several different methods of scrying, but all methods use the same basic technique. When scyring you open yourself up to the great spirit, and as with any time you are opening yourself to the great spirit it is best to ask for protection from your spirit guides. This is a basic method for all types of Scrying only the tool changes the ritual can remain the same. Surround yourself with white light and focus on your intention, clearing your mind. When you are ready to begin scyring dim the lights or if possible turn them off entirely electricity interferes with divination. Light some candles and burn some incense. When you are in a calm and meditative state with all the tension released from your body focus on your Scrying tool (speculum). Do not strain, do not try to focus staying relaxed and open is the key to success, letting your thoughts flow freely keeping your eyes slightly out of focus. When scyring you can also ask questions and look for the answers in the images that appear. The images that appear can be anything words, colors, numbers, symbols, etc trust yourself and what you see. The more you practice the easier it will get.

Water Scrying: Hydromancy
When water scrying you fill a vessel with water (dark blues, purples and blacks work best) and gaze into the depths through the water, or some prefer to gaze at the surface either way works. You can scry using still water or moving water by stirring the water with a freshly cut twig, either way works again just personal preference. Try both ways and see what works. A less common, but still effective, form of hydromancy is to add blue or green food coloring to the water so you cant see the bottom. Whenever possible avoid using tap water. Water Scrying in the past was commonly done on using bodies of still water, like lakes, under the moon. Water scrying also can happen spontaneously for example when it rains you can see things in the puddles or rain drops without having to focus. This is of course true for all forms of scrying.

Crystal Scrying:
When crystal scrying you use a crystal ball, shiny stones or a scrying mirror that come in various colors and sizes choose one that works for you. Cleanse your speculum (tool) before using. When using a crystal or mirror you focus on a spot on the surface you are drawn to and allow your mind and eyes to drift, try not to snap back to a fully conscious state try to stay in trance (this takes practice). Do not try to make sense of images and force yourself to see things just relax and let the images flow to you. It is important to bond with your speculum and as odd as this sounds don’t try to “see” things it will only hinder you. How you and your crystal relate may be different than what I described above that is only one way to do it, find what works for you and your crystal.

Fire Scrying:
Fire scrying can be done with any flame be it candle, lighter or camp fire. Some people gaze at the base of the flame while others look into the flames themselves, which ever works for you. With fire scrying it is important to stop when your eyes get tired and never do it for to long, simple if it hurts your eyes don’t do it. Pyromancy is deeply rooted in Greek mythology as fire is such an important part of life, it is said that the virgins in the temple of Athena carry out this divination everyday. There are several different branches of pyromancy that have to deal with the ways you manipulate and change the fire. The first one is Alomancy-pyromancy which is when you cast sea salt into the air above the flames and see images in the flashes and sparks it creates. If you spill salt when doing this throw some over your left shoulder for luck :) then there is Botanomancy-pyromancy when you burn leaves/branches/herbs from specific plants and tress, commonly laurel, vervain and briar and read the fire their burning creates. Similarly there is Scapulimancy which is the burning of straw, all forms of pyromancy or of fire Scrying it all depends on what you burn. It is believed that fire Scrying is the easiest (due to the flickering being hypnotic) and gives the clearest images but again, and I keep repeating this I'm sorry here but everybody's different and you gotta find what works for you.

Smoke Scrying: Capnomancy
Smoke Scrying is simple looking for images in the smoke rising from incense, camp fires or burnt dinner. Patterns arise in the smoke as you watch just like when watching clouds. Smoke as a form of Scrying is commonly used by native American shamans, they would pour water over hot rocks to create steam and read the images in it (sweat lodges) combining with the increased temperature in the tent, the humidity, and elevated levels of carbon dioxide brought on deep trance and strong visions (only to be done by experienced people) When watching the smoke patterns they change as they rise the closer to the source the closer it is to you the higher into the air the image the further in the future it is, and often the less clear it is too.

These are the most common scry forms but you can scry in anything with texture: carpets, stones, gravel, leaves on the trees, clouds, etc.

When your done scrying it is important to record the images you see and the order you saw them and how they related to each other so it is easier to decipher there meanings and if something is unclear it might make more sense later. If you asked question be sure to write down the questions and the images you saw after. When deciphering the images you should ask yourself; do these images make sense? Can they be applied to a current situation? How? Could it apply to someone you know? How far away was the image, this indicates how near or far in the future it is. Also, as with many forms of divination, consider the first thought that comes to your mind.
Try not to take the symbols literally, most often the are symbolic. Focus on the Qualities of the images you see, what words would you use to describe them? Can these words be applied to you or whats going on in your life? Also pay attention to how the images make you feel this will help you decipher them. Even if they don’t make sense always write them down it may become clear with time. Don't be afraid to ask for help either if you don’t understand a symbol, you can always ask someone you know or one of your spirit guides for help.

Make you own scrying mirror:
-A picture frame with glass in it (any size)
-Black “high gloss” spray paint

Remove the glass and clean it thoroughly with Windex, or something like Windex. Stand the glass up leaning against something (make sure to protect the surface so it doesn’t get paint on it too) Spray one side of the glass and let it dry for about 12 hours (keep it standing don’t lay it down). After the 12 hours have passed spray on a second layer of paint and let dry again. When its done just pop it back in the frame and you have your very own black scyring mirror (and hand made tools are much more powerful).

Stones used for scrying
Apophyllite :This stone allows us to see into the future after gazing into it.
Diamond: Suitable for all types of scrying.
Obsidian: This is a black power stone that aids us in accessing the subconscious mind.

White- Good fortune
Grey/black/deep purple- Misfortune, disappointment, sadness
Yellow- Obstacles
Orange- Suppressed anger or intense negative/unresolved emotions, aggression
Red- Danger
Blue- Career/Business success
Green- Happiness, good health.
Silver- Difficulty ahead that will be overcome leading to happiness

ABACUS -pay close attention to finances; something's not adding up.
ABBEY- Freedom from worry.
ACE OF CLUBS- A letter.
ACE OF HEARTS- Happiness.
ACE OF SPADES- A large building.
ACORN -good fortune and financial gain,good health.
AIRPLANE -long distance journey; if falling apart there's danger of an accident
ALLIGATOR(CROCODILE) -irritability, treachery, an accident
ALBATROSS -If seen with the sign of a ship or water it forewarns of trouble for those at sea
ALTAR -a sacrifice is required; If with a figure nearby, sorrow and loss
ANCHOR - -upright: stability, success in business/romance 
-upside down: instability; liable to change
ANGEL -protection. Good news.
ANKLE- Instability.
ANT -a very busy and productive phase. Success through perseverance.
ANVIL- Conscientious effort.
APE -warns of a secret enemy
APPLE -success and achievement
ARC- Ill health, accidents.
ARCH -future honor and high position; a wedding
ARM -in need of...
-pointing up - in need of public assistance
-pointing down - in need of motivation
-pointing toward the handle - need help from family or friends
-pointing away from the handle - providing help to others in need
direction and focus
-pointing up - good direction and focus
-pointing down - wrong direction or lack of focus
-near to and pointing toward handle - focus on home and family
-near to and pointing away from handle - focus on matters outside the home and family
-horizontal and pointing left - answer lies in the past
-horizontal and pointing right - focus on the future
AXE -grievance or resentment; someone with an "axe to grind." Difficulties and troubles that will be overcome.

Symbols starting with the letter B
BABY -an infant or something in its infancy such as a project; see surrounding symbols for more clarification. Series of small wories.
BAG -a trap; if open, escape if closed you will be trapped
BAGPIPES- Disappointment.
BALL -fun and games. Variable fortunes in your life.
BALLOON -short term troubles
BARREL -a drinking establishment such as a bar, pub or nightclub. A party.
BASIN- trouble at home. If broken-serious trouble
BASKET- If empty - money worries. If full - a present. If near the handle of cup - a baby. If near the top of cup - possessions. If full of flowers - social success. Surrounded by dots - unexpected money coming your way.
BAT(mammal) -
-all by itself - sickness and trouble in the home. False friends  
-combined with other signs - a prediction of death
-A love of sport
BATH- disappointment
BAYONET- A minor accident, a spiteful remark.
BEANS- Poverty.
BEAR --standing on all fours, powerful help form someone when you need it
-standing on hind legs, confrontation with an authority figure
BEAR (tea leaves)-
Facing handle of cup - irrational decisions cause difficulties. 
Facing away from handle of cup - a journey.
BED -recuperating from illness. inertia
BEE -friendship and social activity. Good news. 
Beehive- Prosperity.
BEATLE -a period of hard physical work, difficult undertaking. Scandal.
BELL -unexpected news; good if near top. Two bells - joy. Several bells - a wedding.
Bellows- Plans will meet with setbacks.
BICYCLE -a balanced lifestyle
BIRDS -refer to news and messages
-perched - delay in receiving news or message
-flying - good news
-flock(many) - extremely serious, important or shocking news
Birdcage- Obstacles, quarrels.
BIRD'S NEST- Domestic harmony, love.
BISHOP- Good luck coming.
BOAT -small amount of money coming soon; also see SPEEDBOAT, FERRYBOAT and YATCH
BONES -a disagreement between friends
BOOK - if open you'll learn something new. Legal actions.
-if closed you need to investigate something. Delays  
Treachery, envy.
BOOT(S) -Achievement, protection from pain. Pointing away from handle of cup - dismissal. Broken - failure.
BOTTLE -excessive drinking may become a problem. One bottle - pleasure. Several bottles – illness.
BOUQUET- Love and happiness.
BOW (Bow and Arrow)- Scandal, gossip.
BOW -reunion after an absence or estrangement
BOWL -generosity
Box Open - romantic troubles solved. 
Closed - the lost will be found.
BRACELET- Impending marriage.
BRANCH WITH LEAVES - a birth. Without leaves - a disappointment.
BREAD(loaf) -nutrition and diet. Avoid waste.
BRIDGE -An opportunity for success
BROOM -household chores; boring and monotonous work. Small worries disappear, a false friend
BUFFALO -an unexpected or unusual situation creating great anxiety for all concerned
BUCKLE- Disappointments ahead.
BUGLE- Hard work necessary.
BULL -blindly rushing into a situation. Quarrels
BUOY- Keep hoping.
BUSH -a promotion, fresh opportunities New friends.
BUTTERFLY -transformation; a major change

Symbols starting with the letter C
CAB- A disappointment.
CABBAGE -jealousy; with dots means at work
CAGE- A proposal.
CAMEL- Useful news.
CANDLE -help from others. pursuit of knowledge.
CANNON- News of a soldier or a government employee.
CANOE -time spent on or near the water
CAP -trouble
CAR -a short trip. Good fortune.
CART- Success in business.
CASTLE- Financial gain through marriage, a strong character rising to prominence.
CAT -lies and deception. A quarrel.
CATTLE- Prosperity.
CHAIN -a chain of events. Engagement.
CHAIR -a guest
CHERRIES- A happy love affair.
CHESSMEN- Difficulties ahead.
CHICKEN -domestic comfort and happiness
CHIMNEY- Hidden risks.
CHRISTMAS TREE -Joy and Happiness over the Christmas season
CHURCH -A sign of increasing wealth and comfort; you will gain much success in your life. Ceremony.
CIGAR -celebrating a favorable outcome. New friends.
CIRCLE -success, completion; with dots means a baby. with small lines nearby - efforts hampered.
CLAW- A hidden enemy.
CLOCK -better health. Avoid delay, think of the future.
CLOUDS -trouble; with dots means many problems
CLOVER- Prosperity.
CLOWN -carefree lifestyle; peace of mind
COAT-A parting, an end of a friendship.
COCKATOO- Trouble among friends.
COFFEEPOT-Slight illness.
COFFIN-Bad news.
COIN-money coming. Repayment of debt.
COLUMN-Promotion, success, arrogance.
COMB-Deceit a false friend.
COMET-An unexpected visitor.
COMPASS-Travel, a change of job.
CORKSCREW-Curiosity causing trouble.
CRAB-An enemy.
CRESENT-A journey.
CROSS-suffering, sacrifice.
Within a square - trouble averted.
Two crosses - long life.
Three crosses - great achievement.
CROW or RAVEN -bad news
CROWN -the attainment of your highest ambition. Legacy.
CUP -constructive criticism; if cracked or broken, unjustified criticism
CURTAIN- A secret.
CYMBAL- Insincere love.

Symbols starting with the letter D
DAFFODIL- Great happiness.
DAGGER-danger from self or others; beware.  Enemies.
DAISY- Happiness in love.
DEER-A dispute or quarrel.
DESK-Letter containing good news.
DEVIL-Evil influences.
DISH-Quarrel at home.
DOG-good friend; if at bottom friend needs help. If running - good news, happy meetings
DONKEY- Be patient and optimistic.
DOOR-opportunity. Strange occurance.
-if open, a new opportunity presents itself
-if closed, a lost opportunity
DOT- this symbolises the importance of the nearest symbol. Several dots - money.
DOVE -personal message of happiness and an assurance of faithfulness in love.
DRAGON- Unforesen changes, trouble.
DRUM- Scandal, gossip, a new job, arguments.
DUCK -news or message regarding finances; if more than one duck, profitable undertakings.
DUSTPAN- Strange news about a friend.

Symbols starting with the letter E
EAGLE -overcoming barriers on the path to success. Change for the better.
EAR -overhearing something of great importance. Unexpected news.
EARRINGS- Misunderstanding.
EASEL- Artistic success.
EGG -good omen. Prosperity, success - the more eggs the better.
EGGCUP- Danger is passing.
ELEPHANT- Wisdom, strength, lasting success, a trustworthy friend.
ENVELOPE -an important letter or document is on the way
-one eye - insight; clear understanding of a situation
-two eyes - caution; look before you leap
EYE GLASSES -education and learning

Symbols starting with the letter F
-if an initial is nearby it indicates the identity of the person
-if profile is looking left it means there's a need to face something from the past
-if profile is looking right it means much worry over the future
-if looking straight out it indicates a period of introspection
FAIRY-Joy and enchantment.
FAN -flirtation. indiscretion
FEATHER -lack of concentration. Instability.
FEET- An important decision.
FENCE-limitations, minor setbacks, not permanent
FENDER-Beware of a person you dislike.
FERN-Disloyalty, an unfaithful lover.
FERRYBOAT-coming into a large sum of money
FINGER-emphasizes whatever sigh it points at
FIR-Artistic success. The higher the tree, the better.
FIRE-at top achievement; at bottom danger of haste. Avoid over-reactions
FIREPLACE- Matters related to your home.
FISH -good fortune in all things
FIST- An argument.
FLAG -a warning, see surrounding symbols for clarification
FLOWER- Wish coming true.
FLY -domestic annoyance. The more flies, the more petty problems.
FLYING SAUCER (U.F.O.) -psychic ability or psychic phenomena
FORK -false flattery/friend
FORKED LINE -decision
FOUNTAIN- Future success and happiness.
FOUR LEAF CLOVER -very lucky sign of coming good fortune
FOX- A deceitful friend. 
FROG- Success through a change of home or job, avoid self-importance.
FRUIT -prosperity

Symbols Starting with the letter G
GALLOWS- Social failure, enemies confounded.
GARDEN- roller Difficulties ahead.
GARLAND -Success, great honour.
GATE-opportunity, future success
GEESE-Invitations, unexpected visitors.
GIRAFFE-Think before you speak.
GLOVE-A challenge.
GLOW-a challenge
GOAT-hard work and dedication is required
GONDOLA-Romance, travel.
GOOSE-news or a message regarding a prosperous financial venture or employment opportunity
GRASSHOPPER-News of a much travelled friend.
GREYHOUND-Good fortune.
GUITAR-Happiness in love.

Symbols starting with the letter H
HAMMER -Overcoming obstacles, ruthlessness, work that is uncongenial.
-if open means friendship
-if closed means an argument
HANDCUFFS- Trouble ahead.
HARE- Timidity, news of a friend.
HARP -love, harmony
HAT -improvement, especially in a new job. Bent and broken - failure likely.
In bottom of cup - a rival.
At side of cup - diplomacy.
HAWK -jealousy. Sudden danger.
HEAD- New opportunities.
HEART -pleasure, love, trust
HEATHER- Good fortune.
HELICOPTER -a sudden and urgent journey
HEN- Domestic bliss.
HILL- Obstacles, setbacks.
HOE- Hard work leading to success.
HOLLY- An importance occurrence in the winter.
HOOK-addiction or obsession; see surrounding symbols for more clarification
HORN- Abundance.
HORSE-if galloping means good news; if just the head means a lover
HORSESHOE -good luck
HOT-AIR BALLOON -a rise in popularity
HOURGLASS -an important decision must be made
HOUSE-a change of residence. Security.

Symbols starting with the letter I
ICEBERG -danger
INTIALS-Usually those of people known to you. If next to a triangle, the initials of strangers.
INKPOT- A letter.
INSECTS(bugs) -If unidentifiable they refer to minor problems that are easily overcome; also see ANT, BEATLE, FLY
IVY- leaf Reliable friend.

Symbols starting with the letter J
JESTER- Party or social gathering. Alternatively - avoid frivolity, be serious.
JEWELERY- A present.
JOCKEY- Speculation.
JUG- Gaining in importance, good health.

Symbols starting with the letter K
KANGAROO -harmony at home
KETTLE -Minor illness. Near handle of cup - domestic bliss. Near or at bottom of cup - domestic strife.
KEY- New opportunities, doors opening. Crossed keys - success. Two keys near bottom of cup - robbery.
KEYHOLE- Beware of idle curiosity.
KITE -wishes coming true
KNIFE -surgery. Broken relationships.
Near handle of cup - divorce.
On bottom of cup - lawsuits. 
Crossed knives - arguments.

Symbols starting with the letter L
LADDER -promotion, a rise in life
LAMP -Near handle of cup - money. Near rim of cup - celebration. 
On side of cup - personal loss.
On bottom of cup - Postponed social event. Two lamps - two marriages.
LEAF -new life. Prosperity
LEOPARD- News of a journey.
LETTER- News. Near dots - news about money.
LIGHTHOUSE- Trouble threatening, but averted. Success through a friend.
LINES -long straight line indicates a journey. 
Wavy - uncertainty, disappointment.
Slanting - business failure.
long line with slight curves; a journey with minor complications
LION -influential friends
LOCK -obstacles
LOOP-avoid impulsive actions could bring trouble.

Symbols starting with the letter M
MAN -Near handle of cup - a visitor. Clear and distinct - dark-haired visitor. Not well-defined - fair-haired visitor. With arm outstretched - bearing gifts.
MASK -insecurity. Deception
MEDAL- A reward.
MERMAID- Temptation, an offer that is not what it seems.
MONKEY- A flattering mischief-maker.
MONSTER -Terror.
MONUMENT - Lasting happiness.
MOON- Full - a love affair. First quarter - new projects. 
last quarter - fortune declining.
Obscured - depression. 
Surrounded by dots - marriage for money.
MOUNTAIN -great goals but with many difficulties
MOUSE -theft
MUSHROOM -moving to the country; near bottom means rapid growth; if reversed means frustration
MUSIC- Good fortune.

Symbols starting with the letter N
NAIL-injustice, unfairness
if complete, admirers
if broken means danger of losing a lover
NEEDLE -a wish. admiration
NET-Traps for the unwary.
NUMBERS-Indicate a timescale, the number of days before an event occurs.
NURCRACKERS-Difficulty is passing.

Symbols- starting with the letter O
OAK -health, long life
OAR A small worry, help in difficulties.
OCTOPUS -danger
OPERA Glasses- A quarrel, loss of a friend.
OSTRICH - -if standing, achievement in creative work 
-if running, you may look for startling news
-if head buried, avoiding or ignoring communication
OWL -wise or prudent advice worthy of consideration
OYSTER-Courtship, acquired riches.

Symbols starting with the letter P
PADLOCK - a surprise. Closed - a warning.
PALM TREE -success, honor
PARASOL -new lover
PARCEL-A surprise.
PARROT -gossip, rumours and scandal
PEACOCK -With tail spread - riches, land. Surrounded by dots - a life of luxury.
Next to a ring - a rich marriage.
PEAR-Comfort, financial ease.
PENGUIN-interesting news regarding the northern regions.
PENTAGON- Intellectual balance.
PEPPERPOT-A troublesome secret.
PIGEON-Sitting - an improvement in trade. Flying - important news.
PILLAR-Supportive friends.
PIPE-Thoughts, solution to a problem, keep an open mind.
PITCHFORK-deliberately stirring up trouble
POLICEMAN Secret enemy.
POT- Service to society.
PROFILE- New friend.
PURSE -at top means profit; at bottom means lose
PYRAMID- Solid success.

Symbols starting with the letter Q
QUESTION MARK -need for caution

Symbols starting with the letter R
RABBIT-need for bravery
RAILWAY-Long journey.
RAINBOW-Happiness, prosperity.
RAKE-watch details. Be organized.
RAT-someone or something is not to be trusted
RAVEN-Bad news.
RAZOR-Quarrels, partings.
RIFFLE-an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
RIDER- Hasty news.
RING-at top means marriage or the offer of marriage;
at bottom means long engagement;
if broken means engagement broken off
Two rings - plans working out
ROADRUNNER -a speedy and urgent message
ROCK- Difficulties.
ROCKET-above and beyond expectations; very fortunate
ROOSTER -a wake-up call; a warning to take action concerning negative behavior
ROSE -popularity

Symbols starting with the letter S
SAUCEPAN- Anxieties.
SCALE-legal issues; if balanced means just result; if unbalanced means unjust result
SCEPTRE- Power, authority.
SCISSORS -quarrels, possibly separation
SCYTHE- Danger
SEAGULL-A sign of storms; if flying, news from abroad.
SHAMROCK- Good luck, wish coming true.
SHARK-financial troubles; do not over-extend yourself financially
SHEEP -good fortune
SHELL-good news
SHIP-successful journey
SHOE-change for the better
SICKLE Disappointment in love.
SIGNPOST- Draws attention to the symbol to which it points.
SKELETON- Loss of money, ill health.
SNAKE -an enemy
SPADE Hard work leads to success, or avoid taking side of cups.
SPEEDBOAT -quick and easy money via speculation
SPIDER -reward for work. Determined and persistent, secretive
SQUARE- A symbol of protection, comfort, peace.
SQUIRREL -need to be thrifty
STAR -public recognition, fame. Five-pointed star - good fortune.
Eight-pointed star - accidents,reverses. 
Seven stars together – grief.
STEEPLE- Slight delay, bad luck.
STEPS- An improvement in life.
STROLLER -a new born baby
SUN -happiness, success, power
SWALLOW -joyful news from a loved one
SWAN -news of love and romance
SWORD -arguments

Symbols starting with the letter T
TABLE -social gatherings. Surrounded by dots - financial conference.
TEAPOT- Committee meeting.
TEDDY BEAR -children
TELEPHONE- Forgetfulness causes trouble.
TELESCOPE- Adventure.
TENT -travel
THIMBLE -changes at home
TOAD- Beware of flattery.
TORCH- A turn for the better.
TOWER(S) -Opportunity, disappointment.
TREE -improvements. 
Surrounded by dots - your fortune lies in the country.
-if pointing upright it means a positive situation involving three people
-if reversed it means a negative situation involving three people
TRIDENT- Success at sea.
TRUNK- A long journey, fateful decisions.
TURTLE or TORTOISE -slow and steady progress

Symbols starting with the letter U
U.F.O. (flying saucer) -psychic ability or psychic phenomena
UMBRELLA -in need of temporary shelter
if open, shelter found
if closed, shelter denied
UNICORN -something lost for good
URN -something done in memory of the dead or a deceased loved one; see surrounding symbols for more clarification.

Symbols starting with the letter V
VASE -a friend needs help
VEGETABLES- Unhappiness followed by contentment.
VIOLIN -egotism
VOLCANO -harmful emotions
VULTURE-theft of mail, fraud. Enemy in authority

Symbols starting with the letter W
WAGON -a wedding
WALKING STICK- a visitor
WASP -romantic problems
WATCH -time is of the essence
WATERFALL -prosperity
WEATHER VANE- A difficulty, indecisiveness.
WHALE- Business success.
WHEEL - Complete - good fortune, earned success. Broken - disappointment. Near rim of cup - unexpected money.
WHEELBARROW- A meeting with an old friend.
WINDMILL- Business success through hard work rather than brilliance.
WINDOW- Open - good luck through a friend. Closed - disappointment through a friend
WINGS -messages
WISHBONE- A wish granted.
WOLF -a false friend; someone not to be trusted. Selfishness.
WOMAN -near handle means a female visitor. Pleasure.
WOODPECKER -pleasant news
WORMS- Scandal.
WREATH- Happiness ahead.

Symbols starting with the letter Y
YACHT -a raise in earnings. Pleasure.
YEW TREE -the attainment of a prominent position
YOKE (wooden device borne across the shoulders of animals or humans) -an issue involving domination and control

Symbols starting with the letter Z
ZEBRA -dealing regularly with foreign countries
ZEPPLIN- Delays, perseverance necessary.

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