Friday, April 5, 2013

February Moon

The moon following the Wolf moon is the Snow moon. This moon is also called the Storm or Quickening moon. Whether you meet with a coven on the night of the full moon, salute her in a solitary ritual, or simply blow her a kiss, keep in mind the magick of this night and the nature of the storms of Feb. Storms this month tend to be silent. They blanket the world in coldness in keeping with the nature of the dark half of the Wheel of the Year. But beneath the blanket of cold and silent snow, Nature rest, as we do when the realm of the Spirit that is called death; and like those in the world of Spirit, Nature prepares for life anew.

In the Northern Hemisphere energy is beginning to flow, you can feel the earth starting to awaken, but the winter is not over and for our ancestors this was a time of extreme hardship and of hope that spring would arrive soon.
This is a good time to center your ritual around cleaning out the old to make room for the new. Get rid of clutter and unused items. Make your living and work space fresh and clean. Leave space in your life for the next cycle.
This is also a time to do fertility rituals.
As we look forward to spring, don't forget to honor the moment we are in. The stark, cold, quiet February Moon should not be rushed past on the way to spring.

Correspondences :
Nature Spirits: House faeries, both of home and plants in the home
Herbs: Balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage, spikenard.
Colours: Light blue and Violet
Flower: Primrose
Scents: Wisteria, and Heliotrope
Gemstones:  Amethyst, Jasper and Rock crystal
Trees: Rowan, Laurel, Cedar
Animals: Otter and the Unicorn
Birds:: Eagle and Chickadee
Deities: Brigit, Juno, Kuan Yin, Diana, Demeter,
Persephone, Aphrodite.
Magickal Working: This is a good time to do magick related to the protection of your home against natural disasters and storms. Witches quite often call upon the aid of Salamanders - spirits of fire.
 Energy is working towards the surface, purification, healing and growth.
 Accept and forgive yourself for past errors, time to learn to love yourself and to make future plans.

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