Friday, January 18, 2013

Celtic Creation Mythos

Once upon a time, there was no time and that was when there also was no gods and 
no man walked the surface of the land. But there was the sea, and where the sea 
met the land, a mare was born, white and made of sea-foam. And her name was 
Eiocha. On the land, near where the land met the sea, a tree grew, a strong and
sturdy oak. On the oak, grew a plant whose seeds were formed of the foam tears
of the sea. To sustain her, Eiocha ate the seeds, these white berries, and they
were transformed within her. Eiocha grew heavy with child and gave birth to the
god, Cernunnos. So great was her pain in childbirth that she ripped bark from
the one tree and hurled it into the sea. The bark was transformed by the sea and
became the giants of the deep.

Cernunnos was lonely and he saw the giants of the deep who were numerous, so he
coupled with Eiocha and of their union came the gods, Maponos, Tauranis, and
Teutates, and the goddess, Epona. Eiocha soon tired of the land, being a
creature of sea-foam, and she returned the sea, where she was transformed into
Tethra, goddess of the deep water, sometimes called Tethys.

The gods and goddess were lonely for they had none to command nor none to
worship them. The gods and goddess took wood from the one oak tree and fashioned
the first man and the first woman.

Cernunnos also made other animals from the one oak tree, the deer and the hound,
the boar and the raven, the hare and the snake. He was god of the animals, and
he commanded the oak tree to spread and grow, to be come a forest home for his

Epona also made animals, but she made only the horse, mare and stallion alike,
in remembrance of Eiocha who was no more.

Teutates took limbs from the one tree, and fashioned a bow, arrows, and a club.

Tauranis took limbs from the one tree, and fashioned thunderbolts made of fire
and noise. He would leap to the top of the tallest trees and hurl his weapon at
the ground. The ground would shake, the grass would burn, and the animals would
run in fear.

Maponos also took limbs from the one tree, but he fashioned not a weapon but a
harp. He stretched strings of the winds from its limbs and spent his days in
Cernunnos' forest. The winds would join in the melodies, and the birds as well.
And all Cernunnos' animals would come from near and far to hear Maponos play.

The giants of the deep saw the gods and goddess happy on the land, and the
giants were jealous, for they had none to command nor none to worship them. So
the giants plotted against the gods; they would overwhelm them with the sea and
take the land under the water. But Tethra in the deep sea heard the murmuring of
the giants in the waves and she remembered her days as Eiocha and so she warned
her sons and daughter. The gods were prepared the day the giants came against

The gods took refuge in the one oak tree. Tauranis hurled his thunderbolt and
split the land, and the sea overflowed its boundaries. Maponos broke the sky and
hurled it at the giants. Teutates' deadly aim with the bow and arrows from the
one oak tree cut down many of the giants. The giants of the deep were not
without weapons; they had the strength of the waves.

The gods overwhelmed the giants, but could not destroy them. The giants of the
deep were driven back into the sea, and Tethra bound them in the deep waters.
But a few escaped Tethra and fled far from her reach. They called themselves
the Fomor, and built a life on the outer edges of the world. But the Fomor
dreamed of conquest, and vowed to once again take the land from the gods. Of
their later battles, our histories tell us much.

The sea returned to its bed and Maponos repaired the sky. And the gods looked
for Epona as she had been absent from the victory. Epona had rescued one man and
one woman from the watery and fiery destruction, and the three of them waited
deep in Cernunnos' forest. From this man and this woman Epona saved would come
our mighty people. The gods and the goddess left the deep of Cernunnos' forest
and re- turned to their home near the one tree of oak which still stood strong
and sturdy, and the sacred berries where still white as sea-foam.

Where the fiery pieces of the heavens Maponos had torn from the sky had mingled
with the waters of the sea, there were born new gods. The god Belenus and his
sister Danu sprang from where the heavenly fire had been but little quenched.
The god Lir sprang from where the waters of the sea had almost quenched the
fire of heaven. From Lir, as the histories tell, there would come the mighty
Manannan, the beautiful Branwen, the wise Bran. But from Danu many children
would come, the Dagda, Nuadha of the Silver Hand, the wise Dienceght, the smith
Goihbhio, the fearsome Morrigan, the gentle Brighid. The Children of Danu and
the Children of Lir are the two mighty races our songs tell of, ever opposite.

Text from everywhere online. Every site you research says the exact same thing, word for word. Illustration by: Adam Fisher

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1 comment:

  1. Neo-Pagan fantasy. There are only two citations in ancient Irish texts which both say the Druids claimed to have created the universe by singing it into existence.
