Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Protecting the circle

Today, I am on day 3 of my year and a day study into Wicca.  On this day, I am studying circles of protection and reflecting on the guardians that protect that circle. 

During my rituals, i have physically cast a circle and called to the guardians of the Watch Tower.  I have used materials such as salt,  cord, incense, or water, to place a circle around me, or others that are taking part.  This is a very formal type of casting a circle.  When I have lead a ritual with others, I have asked them to step forward, if they are free of negativity (they usually close their eyes, take a deep breath, and step forward).  When the human circle has been formed,  we join hands, and  together we have say "not but love shall pass through here this day."  If I am alone, I have asked the angels, fairies and the spirit of my dog and cat (whom where by my side for 11 and 15 years respectively) to watch over me or simply envisioned myself encapsulated in a warm  bubble of protection.

A circle is an extremely important part of a ritual.  In fact, a circle is an important part of our day.  When you are in ritual, you are calling to any number of Gods and Goddesses. Depending on the season, you may also be sitting in a shallow veil between the living and the dead, as in Samhain.  Rituals (and let's face it, life in general) involves deep focus, chants, prayers and meditation. It is almost impossible for us to sense all the activity that surrounds us, at any given time.  It is for that reason, we ask those we trust, to watch over us, and ensure we remain safe. It's sort of like, sticking with the group, when you are at a concert.  You would never wander off without your friends knowing where you are, and you should never stand in the open, without your body guards encircling you.

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