Dedication into Wicca:
Some Wiccan groups perform dedication ceremonies for everyone who begins study with them, while others do not. Apprentices usually don’t participate in group rituals after a dedication. Apprentices are not admitted to circle work until after they have completed their studies to the satisfaction of the teacher and are initiated before the entire group. All groups have formal initiations for the admittance of accepted apprentices to their inner group work. Initiation is a very serious step in Wiccan development. It is a very moving, internal process. On rare occasions, someone may experience an initiation in a dream or vision.
A dedication, whether done by the self or by a group, is only a promise by the apprentice to study the Wiccan path and follow the Ancient Ones. Usually a year and a day is spent studying all phases of Wiccan beliefs, ethics, and ritual practices before undergoing any initiation. If the student desires to become more deeply involved during this time, they should focus on positive candle spells as a way of gaining magical experience and confidence. Also, learning a divination skill can be beneficial. All these studies, combined with the basics of Witchcraft, will prepare the student for solitary or group ritual work…. which you should be ready by now.
Anyone who wants to study with a Wiccan group should be very cautious and ask penetrating questions before becoming involved with the group to determine the moral and ethical qualities of the group.
If you are very certain that Wicca is the spiritual path for you it is time to perform a dedication. This short rite is an important step, as it formally announces to the Goddess and the God that you promise to learn all you can about their ancient worship in preparation for the more serious rite of initiation or self-initiation. It is also a very serious step to take, so think long and hard before you commit yourself. The dedication is a vow and a vow is something that you do not make or break lightly.
If you are ready to dedicate yourself to Wicca, you will need the following items: a small bowl of water; a pinch of salt in a small sauce; a white candle; an incense burner and a cone or stick of frankincense or lotus incense; a flat space to use as an altar. Clean your temporary altar thoroughly before you place your needed items on it. Place the altar so that you face the east when standing before it. Put the white candle in a holder in the center of the altar with the incense to one side. The water and salt should be placed within easy reach on the altar, but not directly in front of you. This will keep you from accidentally spilling the salt or water. During the time you are setting up the altar, think about what you are doing and why you are doing it.
Place your copy of the dedication ceremony, either written or typed, before the candle. You can use the one here, if you wish.

Kneel before the altar while you relax and prepare yourself for the dedication. Take several deep breaths to help with the relaxation. When you feel ready, stand facing the altar and the east. Raise your arms, and say:
This is a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place, on a day that is not a day. I stand at the threshold between the worlds, before the Veil of the Mysteries. I ask that the Lord and the Lady be with me as I take my first steps on the ancient path.
Hold your hands above the bowl of water saying:
Bless this symbol of the great womb of the Goddess. May it be my source of inspiration and continuous blessings.
Hold your hands above the salt and say:
Bless this symbol of earth that it may be my strength and protection.
Tip the salt into the water and then gently swirl the bowl. Hold up the bowl over the altar saying:
As this salt and water mingle and bless each other, may my inner and outer bodies be mingled and blessed.
Sprinkle the salt and water mixture lightly in a circle around your altar, beginning and ending in the east, and moving in a clockwise direction. Put the bowl back on the altar. Kneel before the altar and say:
As I have dedicated this sacred circle to the Goddess and the God, so do I dedicate my life to the spiritual path of Wicca. I come here tonight to make my pledge to the Ancient Ones. I promise to dedicate myself to the study of the Wiccan Way for a year and a day, that in time I may be worthy of stepping within the greater sacred circle of worship. I promise to hold the Goddess in reverence as the Great Mother who created everything in the universe. I promise to hold the God in reverence as Her co-creator and consort. Hear my words, for they are true and from my heart.
Sit quietly for a time as you contemplate the step you have taken into your new spiritual life. When ready, stand up and raise your arms, saying;
May I be blessed with peace, protection, and prosperity in my life, both physically and spiritually. May I gain understanding of all that I study. And may I be found worthy to call myself a Witch.
Symbolically cut the circle by waving your hand over it saying;
The circle is open, but unbroken.
Turn on the lights, extinguish the candle, and clear away all that you used on the altar. You are now dedicated apprentice on the Wiccan Path.
Initiation into Wicca:
This secrecy remains important, although we have moved away from the eras of the terrible Inquisition and persecution by the anti-Witch laws. Witches may no longer be burned at the stake in the middle of town, but they can be harassed in court, on the job, and in their private lives. The last thing you want is an orthodox group or church praying for your death or that you will go to “hell” because you talked about your private spiritual methods. Powerful, concentrated, and repeated thought are a form of spell, and can be jest as powerful as a Witch’s spell.
In preparation for initiation, the apprentice decides upon a Craft name to be used only within the magic circle and only known to other friendly Witches. I say friendly Witches because you certainly do not want to share this name with unfriendly one, who might decide you need to be under a binding spell or something similar.
This Craft name allows the initiate, or Witch, to lay aside the physical personal and adopt a magical one whenever they cast a circle and stand within it to do a ritual or spell.
Plan your initiation for the fight of a Full Moon. In preparation for your self-initiation, you should fast for one day, provided you do not have health problems that prevent this. You may drink water or unsweetened juice, but do not eat food or indulge in coffee or sodas. Take any medication that you ordinarily take.
Be certain that you have the necessary ritual items on hand well before you plan to do your initiation. Extra materials you will need are bottle of anointing oil or lotus oil, the Charge written on a piece of paper (not to large), and a flexible small white cord. Always choose a thin, tough, but very flexible and soft cord. Tradition says the cord should be nine feet long. It is best to know the cord ends to keep them from unraveling.
Many covens use colored cords to symbolize what degree each member holds within their group. White is used by all those having a First Degree initiation. Red can be used to signify Second Degree, and black the Third and highest degree. Frequently, Third Degree Witches braid the three colors together into one cord and wear this cord during all rituals. White, red, and black have been Goddess colors for thousands of years.
Just before you plan to do this ceremony, take a ritual bath. You should take your time bathing, so run a tub full of warm water, and sprinkle a little consecrated salt into it. You can also use appropriate Wiccan bath salts available at Pagan shops. While you bathe and soak, think of the solemnity of the upcoming ritual. Prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually for this important step in your spiritual path. Burn a white candle while bathing; then take the candle with you when you enter the circle for initiation. This candle is placed on the altar beside the Charge you will sign.
If you are to be alone while performing the initiation, you should go to the altar without clothing. If you have others joining you, and particularly if both sexes will be present, you can wear a light robe that
opens in the front. This will allow the sacred oil to be placed on the appropriate spots without embarrassment.
If you are alone, set up the altar yourself after your cleansing bath. Think about each tool you place on the altar and each movement you make within the ritual area.
Remember, when you copy the rituals into your BOS, always write the procedure for the circle casting and cutting in the proper places in each ritual. Then you will have every ritual step available when you do the ritual.
Self-Initiation First Degree Ceremony
Items Needed: The pentacle, dagger, the white pillar candle, candlesnuffer, the four Element candles, a chalice of water, a container of salt, a small hand bell, incense and a censer, a small cauldron, a small bottle of anointing oil or lotus oil, chalice of wine or juice, the white cord, and the paper or book with this ritual. Have a small white taper candle to use in lighting the Element candles. You will also need a lighter for the charcoal and the altar candle. Have a copy of the Charge ready to sign, with a pen available.
The altar candle and the charcoal block are lit before the ceremony begins. Check to see that everything needed is on the altar, or at least within the ritual area where it can be reached without breaking the boundary once the circle is cast.
Cast your circle.
After the circle is cast, say:
All creatures are born of the Goddess and the God, and are Their children. The Goddess breathes within us the breath of life and a soul of shining light. She is the great and loving Mother of all. Therefore, as Her child, I thank Her for what I have, yet may I also ask Her for what I need.
(Observe silence while you give thanks to the Goddess and the God and ask for what you need)
Raise your arms and say:
Great Goddess, I call upon You by all Your names, known and unknown. Be here within this sacred circle that I might feel Your power and love. Hear my words, all you creatures of this world. The Goddess is the Great Mother of all! I am never alone or abandoned. She hears every secret longing of my heart, sees every step I take along my life’s path. She is everywhere, in everything. Nothing and no one exists without Her.
The Goddess is the beauty of this earth and everything upon it. She reflects Herself in the glowing moon, the brilliant sun, and every star in the heavens. Nothing is born without Her plan and power, and all things return to Her at the end of their life cycle. Although the Goddess is the gatherer Crone, She is also the Maiden of desire. All acts of love and joy and pleasure are rituals in Her eyes.
I cast my circle at each Full Moon in accordance with Her ancient worship that I may honor Her and ask for what I need. I follow Her words that say I must value my freedom and strive for the
highest of ideals, without being hindered or turned aside. For if I do not learn to value myself, others may lead me into slavery.
The Goddess is the gateway to the ancient Inner Mysteries. Her secret teachings lead me through the spiritual labyrinth to the Sacred Center. All who seek Her must understand Her ancient words. All you’re seeing and yearning will avail you nothing, unless you know the Mystery: For if what you seek you find not within, you will never find without... For behold, the Goddess has been with us from the beginning and She will gather us to Her breast at the end of all things.
Stand before the altar for a few moments of silence. Say:
I come before this altar that I might worship the Lady and the Lord. I have the courage to stand at the threshold between this world and the Otherworld. I vow to hold true to the Old Ways.
Loop the white cord loosely around your hands. Say:
This binding symbolizes my state within the presence of the Goddess. I am neither bond nor free. My heart is bound to Her tighter than my knot, yet I am free of absolute control. I give perfect love and perfect trust to the Goddess and the God.
Unwind the cord and place it on the altar. Take up the paper with the Charge written on it and read it aloud.
I solemnly promise never to reveal to anyone the secrets of the Craft, unless that person has qualified to become a Witch in thought, word, deed, and true desire. I will never divulge the names of other Witches, where they live and work, or where they meet, unless they agree. I will not teach the Wiccan religion or magical secrets to anyone under the legal age of adulthood. I will not actively recruit any to the religion of Wicca. I promise to honor and follow the Goddess and the God to the best of my ability, never leaving the sacred path or repenting of my decision. I will work and study to master the art of magic, using that art for good and for protection, not for evil or self-aggrandizement.
If I break this vow, I understand that I will suffer the fate I have made for myself, according to the laws of karma.
The initiate kneels and places one hand on the pentacle that is on the altar.
I understand the Charge and swear that I will uphold it at all times. May the Goddess and the God hear my words.
The initiate signs the Charge pledge, lights the paper with the altar candle, and then burns it in the caldron, saying:
As this smoke rises above this sacred circle, it carries my promise to the Goddess and the God. These words can never be revoked or erased. By the power of earth and sea, this is my will. So mote it be.
Take the bottle of anointing oil. Put a drop on the index finger of your power hand. Mark and X in the center of your forehead and say:
Let my mind be free.
Mark an X in the center of your chest over the heart and say:
Let my heart be free.
Mark an X on the lower belly and say:
Let my body be free.
Stand before the altar and say:
I take the name of ______(Your Craft name). I am a standing stone in the ancient circle of the Goddess. I am firm upon the earth, yet open to the winds of heaven and enduring through all time. I give my oath, keep troth!
Take the white cord from the altar and wrap it around your waist, but do not tie it in a knot.
Set the chalice of wine on the pentacle. Take the dagger and gently touch the tip to the wine/juice, saying:
As this athame is the male, so this cup is the female, and joined they bring blessings.
Raise the chalice high over the altar and say:
To the Old Ones! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again! Blessed Be!
Drink for the cup, leaving a little for the nature spirits.
Close the circle.
The ritual is ended.
Credit: Robin Baker
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