Sunday, November 3, 2013

How to Find Your Totem Animal

How to Find Your Totem Animal

Totem animals, or animal guides, have been a part of cultures all over the world for thousands of years. If you feel drawn to form a bond with an animal spirit, there are many ways you can open yourself up to a contact.
An Animal Totem is an important symbolic object used by a person to get in touch with specific qualities found within an animal which the person needs, connects with, or feels a deep affinity toward.
You can have several animal guides throughout your life. Sometimes an animal guide will come into your life for a short period of time, and then be replaced by another depending on the journey or direction you are headed toward. Your guide will instruct and protect you as you learn how to navigate through your spiritual and physical life. When you find an animal that speaks strongly to you or feel you must draw more deeply into your life, you might fill your environment with images of the animal to let the animal know its welcome in your space. Animal guides can help you get back to your Earthly roots, and reconnect with nature by reminding you that we are all interconnected. To first do this you need to know what your Animal Totem is. If you don't know what your Animal Totem is there are several questions you can ask yourself. All of the questions below are designed to get you thinking about a prominent animal in your life. There is no right or wrong answers. Only you can truly know which Animal Totem(s) are right for your journey.

  •  Since we are drawn to that which resonates with us, what animal, bird, or insect are you drawn to? 
  • When you go to the park, forest, or zoo what animal are you most interested in seeing?
  • What animal do you most frequently see when you're out in nature or in the city?
  • What animals are you currently interested in learning about?
  • Which animal do you find most frightening or intriguing?
  • Have you ever been bitten or attacked by an animal?
  • Is there a recurring animal in your dreams or do you have one you 
  • have never forgotten?

If you are still uncertain which animal is your totem, here a few exercises you can do to come closer to the answer. You must not try to force the animal to come; it can pick up on that energy and be put off. Being patient and doing the following exercises will draw your animal totem to you.
Ask yourself what animal has played a meaningful part in your world? If you're unsure, make a list of animals that have drawn your interest or have left a deep impression on you from paintings, photographs, stories, movies, carvings, etc.

Which animal shows up in your life most frequently? Keep a journal of the animals present in your dreams or that you encounter through the day for the next month. How did the animal behave? Did you interact with the animal?
Find a place where you can be alone to meditate. Sit quietly and ask your animal to make its nature known to you. Feel free to use tools such as incense, smudge, and candles to help you.

Don't give up; sometimes your animal totem is nearby watching to see if you're serious about connecting with it. Keep doing the above exercises until your animal totem makes itself known to you.
A totem can be the symbol of a tribe, clan, family or individual. Native American tradition provides that each individual is connected with nine different animals that will accompany each person through life, acting as guides. Different animal guides come in and out of our lives depending on the direction that we are headed and the tasks that need to be completed along our journey.

Native beliefs further explain that a totem animal is one that is with you for life, both in the physical and spiritual world. Though people may identify with different animal guides throughout their lifetimes, it is this one totem animal that acts as the main guardian spirit. With this one animal a connection is shared, either through interest in the animal, characteristics, dreams, or other interaction. This Animal Guide offers power and wisdom to the individual when they "communicate” with it, conveying their respect and trust. This does not necessarily mean that you actually pet or spend time with this animal, more that you are open to learning its lessons.
For some, knowing what is their totem animal is almost an innate process. It’s as if they've always known, inexplicably drawn to the animal or having a special feeling for the animal’s energy. For others, they wonder how to tell what their animal totem is.

Here are instructions to find your animal totem or spirit guide:
1. Ask yourself why you want to do this. The answer may give you some direction. You may be looking for guidance from an animal known for a certain quality. For example, if you're fearful, you might need assistance from an animal known for its courage.
2. Use your dreams. Before you go to sleep, tell yourself that your animal spirit will contact you in your dreams. Keep a pencil and paper by the bed so you can write down any dreams as soon as you wake up. This may take a week or two, but it should work.
3. Use guided meditation in which you see yourself in a quiet setting waiting for your animal to come to you. See and feel the place, make it as real as possible in your mind. Invite the animal to approach and ask it to show itself to you.
4. Consult with a psychic or shamanic practitioner. They may be able to connect with your animal guide and teach you how to communicate with it.
5. Use your everyday life. Ask your animal guide to show itself to you, and then stay aware. You may find yourself constantly running into commercials with eagles or beavers in them, or you may see an animal in an unexpected place. Frequently, this animal will initiate eye contact with you.

Tips & Warnings
Remember that you can have more than one guide. They may be there for different purposes or even working as a team.
You can call on any animal that you feel can help you; it is up to them to provide the kind of assistance they think best.
Remember to trust your instinct. If your first thought is "fox," then go with it. Don't judge your choice, just explore it. Your own instinct is the most important tool you have in this search.
Here are two guided meditations that may help you find your Animal Totem.

Animal Totems: Four Directions
The four directions are examined here within the context of the animal totems. Each direction has its own special characteristic and meaning. When the animals are seen coming from or going to a particular direction, the depth of meaning can be enhanced. This is another way to tune into the subtle language of animals. Intuitions and general knowledge should help you in discerning this unique relationship.

Lessons of Using Your Potential 
Magic: Manifestation
Element: Earth
Associated with the nobility of manifesting things from the true essence within you. Earth is symbolic of wisdom, patience, prosperity. Grounding aspects of mind, body, spirit. What you gain in knowledge and teachings now, will be used later. What seemed impossible will be enlightened with a new idea and thought. Listen to your intuitions and trust that will be transformed in accordance with your true inner pathway.
sacred wisdom
empathic intuition
inner treasures
drawing forth

Lesson of Responsible Relationships
Magic: Higher Vision and Prophecy
Element: Air
Spiritual vision opens up, creativity, inspiration, higher awareness, higher intuitions, self-mastery through the use of will. Air links the Earth and Heavens which allows the ability to walk between the spiritual and physical worlds using dreams and visions. Be open to any revelations you have for they will give guidance. It is time for spiritual renewal, sometimes easy, sometimes painful, but always welcome for we need to grow within and without.
Inner Spiritual Renewal
Higher Compassion

Lesson of Life, Death and Rebirth
Magic: Creation
Element: Fire
Opportunities to change and manifest a new thought, idea or action. Fire is the element of heart, passions and love that help us regenerate our lives. Change must be met with strength and endurance - knowing you will move through this stage and awaken new, fresh and purified. All of life is a cycle; there are only transition periods that we must maneuver through. During such changes, we learn, grow and expand our self-awareness.
Self Sufficiency
Awakening the Inner Child
Overcoming Obstacles

Lesson of Adaptation
Magic: Shape shifting
Element: Water
Physical and behavioral adaptations to the environment in order to survive. Water will always take the path of less resistance. Utilizing your energy to the fullest in whatever life requires is a hallmark of a true shape shifter. Being able to adapt according to need in all areas of your life. This requires a shifting in consciousness to flow like water over a given circumstance. The animals have no qualms with changing, it does this without hesitation.
Strength of Will
New Learning

Exercise:  Start a journal of the animals present in your dreams or that you encounter through the day for the next month. How did the animal behave? Did you interact with the animal?

Credit: Robin Baker

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