Wednesday, September 4, 2013

~Candle Color Association with Days, Planets, Zodiac and Lunar Cycles~

Robin Baker

The days of the week are ruled by the planets and have magical associations; this can greatly influence your spell making and rituals. The energy they create means that certain days of the week are better for performing certain magical workings than others.
Planet - Moon
Spells/Magic - home, pets, family, dreams, feminine issues, psychic development, astral travel, divination, peace, healing, caring, fertility.
Colors - white 

Planet - Mars
Spells/Magic - business, work, courage, bravery, beginnings, confrontation, gardening, passion, partnership, sex, protection.
Colors - red

Planet - Mercury
Spells/Magic - communication, creativity, astrology, healing, 
wisdom, legal, divination, study.
Colors - purple

Planet - Jupiter
Spells/Magic - money, prosperity, holiday, travel, business, luck, growth, self-improvement, generosity, health, wealth 
Colors - blue
Planet - Venus
Spells/Magic - love, friendship, socializing, affection, harmony, relationships, reconciliation, beauty, romance.
Colors - green

Planet - Saturn
Spells/Magic - binding, debts, discovery, justice, karma, 
protection, longevity, endings, home
Colors - black

Planet - Sun
Spells/Magic - me time, masculine issues, ambition, career, goals, health, success, energy, healing, spirituality, strength, protection.
Color - yellow

Witchcraft - The Planets:

The sun, moon, and stars are as much a part of the practice of witchcraft as the casting of the circle or the burning of candles. The universe plays a supportive role in the creation and the fulfilling of spells we project into it. Human intent can be strengthened or hampered by the movement and position of a planet or the time of the month the spell is cast. 

As long as humans have known of their existence and have tracked their paths across the sky they have been associated with magick and superstition. Early in our history men that we now call astrologers believed that the position of the sun, moon, and planets at the time of our birth determined everything from our personalities, what type of person we would marry, and often our destiny. That belief became a part of witchcraft when pagan religions became frowned upon by monotheistic religions. 

The planets closest to Earth are those that are recognized, worshipped, and thought to have the most power over human life. The main reason for this is because these planets were known, observed, and charted for centuries before the outer planets were discovered. 
The planets pull in the universe was thought to play a role in how our moods and actions on a daily basis can be affected and changed. They are also believed to have as much magickal power and influence over spell work as a well-planned ritual. 

All of this belief and influence has been translated into a few chart systems so the average human can look and see what pesky planet is going to mess with them, or help them on a given day. Every day of the week has a planet that rules the day, and each hour of the day has a planet to associate itself with. This is called planetary ruler ship of the days and hours. 

Each planet takes a turn being the first planet of the day, depending on the day of the week, which the planet that rules the day always is the first planet. And each hour is ruled by a different planet depending on which planet the day started with. Sounds very complicated but a basic chart helps immensely.
Here is an example. The day Sunday is ruled by the Sun, so the first hour of the day, beginning with sunrise, is ruled by the Sun as well. Special little note here, every day’s planetary ruler ship chart begins at sunrise. Now the planets all take their turn ruling for an hour until sunset. Problem here is that the hour that is being spoken of is not the traditions 60 minute hour we use to tell time. The span of time is broken down into 12 slices of equal time and each planet moves through their allotted time until the sun sets. Then the process happens all over again for the time from sunset till the next sunrise. So you have the day broken into two pieces sunrise to sunset and sunset to the next sunrise. Then you have the time of each piece broken into 12 slices of equal time. 
So what does all of this mean if you are practicing some form of witchcraft? Well, performing a specific spell at a specific time of day, on a specific day of the week can greatly influence the power and intent of the spell. So paying attention to the movement of planets, or knowing what planet rules the day or time you are planning on casting during, can greatly help or hinder your success. 

There is also a time when a planet is in retrograde, which means the planet appears to be moving backwards across the sky. It only looks this way, and all of the planets except the sun and the moon have a time like this. It is believed that during this time the planet’s energy is reversed, and that if you are planning on doing any spell work you should focus on reversing something, reconsidering, or turn your energy inward to the self for reflection and inner healing.
Active change, advancement, creativity, ego, fame, favor, friendship, growth, healing, health, honor, hope, joy, leadership, life-energy, light, monetary gain, personal fulfillment, power, pride, promotion, self-confidence, success, superiors, vitality
Negative aspects: arrogance, bigotry, pride

Astral travel, birth, children, clairvoyance, dreams, emotions, fertility, home, imagination, inspiration, intuition, secrets, sleep, women's mysteries, reincarnation
Negative aspects: delusion

Aggression, ambition, arguments, competition, conflict, destruction, energy, goals, lust, male sexuality, medical issues, sports, strength, strife, struggle, surgery, upheaval, victory, war
Negative aspects: anger, violence

Business, buying and selling, cleverness, communication, contracts, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, writing
Negative aspects: dishonesty, deception

Abundance, business, fame, gambling, greed, growth, expansion, honor, leadership, money, parties, politics, power, responsibility, royalty, success, visions, wealth
Negative aspects: greed, wastefulness

Arts, attraction, beauty, female sexuality, friendship, harmony, love, luxury, music, pleasure, scent, sensuality, social affairs
Negative aspects: coldness, isolation, lechery

Astral plane, banks, binding, buildings, death, debts, discipline, history, institutions, karmic debts, knowledge, limitations, longevity, magickal knowledge, obstacles, real estate, sacred wisdom, structures, time
Negative aspects: oppression, pain

Holidays with their candle colors:
Beltane - April 30th/May 1st May Day festival ~ Dark green
Imbolc - February 2nd Candalmas, Festival of Fire ~ Red, pink & brown
Litha - Summer Solstice ~ Green, blue
Lughnasadh - August 1st ~ Yellow, orange
Mabon - Autumn Equinox ~ Orange, brown & yellow
Ostara - Spring Equinox ~ Green, yellow & gold
Samhain - October 31st/November 1st ~ Black, orange
Yule - Winter Solstice ~ Red, green & white

Air - Intellect, communication, travel, wisdom.
Earth - Fertility, money, stability, promote peace.
Fire - Courage, will power, purification, Magick.
Water - Love, dreams, psychic, healing. 
Spirit - Increase awareness of spiritual realm.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Blue….. (2nd) Green
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): White….. (2nd)Green
Aries (March 21 - April 19): White….. (2nd)Pink
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Red….. (2nd)Yellow
Gemini (May 21 - June 21): Red…… (2nd)Blue
Cancer (June 22 - July 22): Green……. (2nd)Brown
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Red…… (2nd)Green
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Gold…… (2nd)Black
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Black….. (2nd)Blue 
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Brown…… (2nd)Black
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - December 21): Gold…… (2nd)Red
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) : Red……(2nd)Brown

Lunar Phase and Candle Colors

New Moon
Black Candle
You cannot see the Moon. It isn’t visible. End of phase and new cycle begins; a time to have new ideas. Begin new things, maintain pure joy of being.
Protection and creates a shield for the beginning of the cycle 
Crescent Moon
Orange Candle
The moon is barely visible. A time to seek out rare adventures, to organize, and to strengthen individual will.
Represents the zest of life with the aid of stability. Helps bring forth courage and optimism. 
First Quarter Moon
Red Candle
A First Crisis. A time to discover ones strength. To concentrate and release personal power. Passionate creativity.
Gives vitality, courage and strength. Stimulates the heart. 
Gibbous Moon
White Candle
A phase of reflection. Time to discover the whole of one’s inner life. A time to manifest one’s inner truth, faithfulness to personal discipline.
Purity and protection. Creates atmosphere for meditation, centering. Innocence. 
Full Moon
Yellow Candle
Strong emphasis on relationship issues. A time to find everything within oneself except loneliness; share life. To know oneself through action rather than solitary reflection.
Light of the sun. It starts to enlighten inner wisdom. Provides clarity, alertness and optimism. Aligns the right use of will. 
Disseminating Moon
Blue Candle
Emphasis is on communication. New ideas to be traveled outwardly. To relate creativity to the outside world with force. Resolve all personal conflicts within.
Builds knowledge, sharing, calming, vocal expression and communication. Aids in meditation and enhances inner Attunement. 
Last Quarter Moon
Purple Candle
A time to simplify life, crisis of consciousness, through the power of dominating intellect. To come out of self, be freed by a spiritual vision from personal withdrawal. Rid oneself of personal attachments.
The color of transformation, from negative vibrations to positive. Balances the energy within the body and helps the mind and body flow more easily with life. 
Balsamic Moon
Pink Candle
Power of personal advantage. A time to release the imperatives of the old cycle, to unite. To accept one’s self. To confront death.
Universal love of self and others. Draws love to you and removes sorrows and past hurts. Attunes one to love’s soothing presence in all of creation. Calming, protective, serene, Security helps eliminate ego and brings in more love vibrations. Improves relationships 
Waxing Moon Magick:
From seven to fourteen days after the new moon.
The new moon through first quarter; spells involving healing, love, good luck, sex related and any positive magick.
The waxing moon is for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or health. The waxing Moon is also the best time to do a spell for growth, beginning new projects, initiation and enhancement.

*FULL MOON: the days just before the Full Moon are the most powerful times for fruition and completion.*

Full Moon Magick:
From fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Remember that even though the Moon looks Full Moon in the sky for two or three nights, it is only EXACT at the time posted on your calendar.
Anything after that time is a waning influence. Do your Full Moon spell before the exact time listed.
Spells involving fertility, spirit conjuring, increase psychic ability and dream spells. Prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, divination.Any working that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healing for serious conditions can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams.

Waning Moon Magick:
From three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon.
The full moon through the last quarter; destructive spells, hexes, reverse love spells, ending bad relationships and undoing negative forces.
The waning moon is used for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity, do spells to banish evil influences, lessen or remove obstacles and illness, neutralize enemies, and to remove harm.

Dark Moon Magick:
From ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon.
The dark moon is a time for dealing with attackers, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome information Blessed Be, thank you so much for sharing, many many blessings to you Padhopper With utmost Sincerity Daven
