Tuesday, August 13, 2013

~ Candle Cleansing, Consecration, Dressing, Incense, Inscribe, Herbs & Oils ~

Robin Baker

Candle Cleansing and Consecration

How to Charge a Candle for Magick
(Done within a sacred space) This is the most important part of the procedure which consists of rubbing the candle in a certain manner, while concentrating deeply on your purpose or petition and strongly visualizing the desired outcome. (((If thought is form, then remember…we don’t wish on candles…we project the objective as if completed…already achieved in the future. And we just wait for time to catch us up to it. ))) The medium of transference will be the desired Magickal Oil chosen for each individual purpose. Some people use one all purpose “Candle Dressing Oil” or neutral oil on all candles. If you are charging several candles for different purposes...wash hands between each charging so as not to pollute one candle with another’s oil.
A lot of people have heard of charging their candles for magick, but some people still don’t know how. This will give you a brief overview of how to charge your candle and hopefully give you some information as to why it is so important when using candles to do this. This can make your magick more potent and more effective. This is so simple and easy to do, once you see your magick working even more effectively with the use of charged candles then you will realize the importance of charging your spell.
The only thing you need is the candle that you are going to use with the magick runes, or symbols already inscribed into the candle, the candle holder and that is all. 
What you will need to do is place the candle in your power hand. Your power hand is the one that you write with. Place your opposite hand upward toward the sky. Visualize your goal; at the end of this working what is it that you want to have accomplished? Visualize and imagine the hand being filled the energy of the God/dess. Now see the universal mother energy combining with your intention. With this combined energy flowing through you and filling your whole body, push this energy into your spell candle. You are the conductor and have control of this energy given to you by the God/dess. Push the energy into the candle; you may also speak aloud your intention.
You can place the candle into the holder and light it if you are doing a candle magick working. Or you may proceed now with the full magickal working or spell casting 
This is a very important step and should not be omitted. Cleansing removes all the negative energies that the candle has picked up along the way. As with all supplies you want your candles to be as free of psychic debris as possible. Submerge the candle in sea salt and the ask The Lord and lady to bless it. Or take a soft cloth with rubbing alcohol on it and wipe the candle down. Repeat with a clean cloth.
Cleansing a candle removes any psychic debris or residual energy, think of a cleansing as a spiritual ‘reset’ button.

You can cleanse a candle using any of the following methods:
Pass it through incense smoke
Allow it to bath in the light of the moon overnight
Bury the candle in sea salt, and leave it for a day

Consecration is when you reprogram the tool, in other words – you tell the item what its purpose is:
Hold your projective (writing) hand over the candle and imagine that white light is beaming from your palm and into the candle – say the following:

“I consecrate you, candle of wax,
to cleanse you and purify you,
so that you may serve me in my magickal workings.
In the name of the Mother Goddess and Father God
you are consecrated.”
After this you need to charge it, hold the candle with both hands, and say:
“I charge you by the power of the Ancients: the Goddess and the God
by the powers of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
by the elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
May you serve me well.
So Mote it Be.”

The candle is now ready for use.

Candle Dressing & Anointing
Candles used for magick should be anointed (this is called dressing the candle) with herbs appropriate to the magick, spell, or ritual. Combine finely grounds herbs appropriate for the spell with some kind of vegetable oil (the vegetable oil is just a carrier for the herbs and can whatever you have handy).
Candles have been used for many years in rituals, to set an atmosphere and help to focus on a desired result of the ritual. Here are steps to take when dressing a candle for a ritual or for requesting a desired result. When working with candles, you will see that no two candles are alike; they each have their own character. (drip, flame, sound)
Dressing the candle with oil is as important as any other step. Use whatever oil you prefer or what a specific spell asks you to use. 
What is important is the direction you dress the candle. Some believe you should only start in the middle and move your fingers to one end, then from the middle to the other end. I do not do it this way. The way I prefer to dress my candle is as follows:
To bring something to you, rub oil on the candle in a downward motion from the top to the middle and then from the bottom to the middle. 
To send something away from you...you rub the oil from the middle of the candle out to the ends.
You need to figure out which best works for you.
Never make a back and forth motion as this defeats the purpose. Dab the remaining oil from your fingers onto your third eye and on your breast bone.Then say the following: 

“I cleanse and consecrate this candle in the name of the Lord and the Lady. May it burn with strength in the service of the light.” 
Then state your intent or the purpose of the candle.
Chose type and color of candle appropriate for the ritual at hand.
Cleanse the candle prior energies: you may use water, salt, pure soap, or baby oil (all previously blessed and consecrated).
Bless the anointing oil to be used, appropriate to ritual.
State and engrave (if you wish) what the candle is to represent.
Anoint the candle with oil and focus on desire (purpose of ritual).

For ritual of achievement: anoint oil from the top of the candle to the middle in a downward motion, then from the bottom of the candle to the middle in an upward motion.
For ritual of banishment: anoint oil from the middle of the candle to the top in an upwards motion and then from the middle to the bottom of the candle in a downwards motion.
Bless the candle and then meditate on the desired outcome.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything I have ever read tell you to anoint the candle with oil, charging the candle as you do so. Then it says to light the candle. I do not do this. I let the oil dry for about 30 minutes. The reason is simple…. OIL + FIRE= A BURNING WITCH!!! I prefer not to take that chance!

How to Use Anointing Oils in Wicca Spells
Anointing oils are commonly used in Wicca spells. To “anoint” means to massage or rub a liquid on to a person or item such as tools, candles, or supplies etc. Basically, anointing oils are used during Wicca spells to enhance connection and communication to deities during Esbats or Sabats. If you are interested in knowing how to use anointing oils in Wicca spells, this article will help you with this endeavor.
During a Wicca spell, oils are sometimes used to attune with the Sun and Moon energies. They are also used to pay honor to the Goddess and God if the Wicca religion during rituals. Some Wicca followers may also use oils to empower the candle (personify an animal, human being or thing).
Additionally, anointing oils are made up of a combination of flowers, roots, and natural herbs. If you wondering how to create herbal oils, well you can add your dried herbs to sweet almond oil, jojoba oil or olive oil. You must then allow the herbs to soak thoroughly in the oil for three to five days. Herbs are commonly used in Wicca spells and they can enchant us with their perfume and beauty. The aromas of herbs bring us to a higher and different level of consciousness. Basically they enable one to focus and concentrate more on the spell being performed.
These are some examples of Wicca anointing oil used in Wicca spells:
•Mix three parts of Patchouli oil with two parts Musk plus one part or carnation to make the corporeal Sabbat oil. This particular oil is believed to promote a communion with the deities at the ritual.
•To create concoction oil that is commonly used in Sabbats, you are required to add two parts frankincense with one part Myrrh, one clove drop, and one part all spice.
•If you are doing a ritual to celebrate the full moon and to help you get attuned with the moon’s lunar energies, you can create anointed oil by mixing three rose parts, one part sandal wood oil, and one part jasmine. It is necessary that you anoint the person’s body before the Esbat to ensure that he or she absorbs the lunar energy.
•If you wish to honor the Goddess, you can honor her with a Goddess oil version, by mixing three parts tuberose, three parts rose, one part palmarosa, one part ambergris, and one part lemon.
These are just a few examples of Wicca anointing oils used during ceremonies. Whatever occasion you are celebrating, there are specific oils used during these ceremonies. Thus, it is imperative that you understand how to create and use anointing oils in Wicca spells for this is a criterion in Wicca rituals. If these oils are created in appropriately, this can disrupt the ceremony and ritual. It is recommended that you first do an in depth research of the various anointed oils used in Wicca ceremonies and what it (anointed oil) is purposely used for.
Using Essential Oils to Enhance and Magnify Your Magick Spells
All natural objects and substances contain energy. And the energy contained in these substances is attuned to certain properties. Some of them are very powerful and can transfer this power to you for use in your spell casting and magick work. 
Oils are particularly well suited for this purpose. Certain oils have powerful properties that can enhance and magnify the effect of your magick spells. You can use oils for healing, banishing, cleansing, empowering, and attracting among other things. You can easily increase the magick power even more by adding compatible power enhancing herbs and crystals to your oils. This is an extremely powerful technique when casting spells and doing magick work.
Anoint your candle with the oil that you have chosen. This is done by placing a little of the oil on your fingertips. Grasp the candle at its midpoint with your left index finger and thumb, and use your right index finger and thumb to stroke oil on the candle from the midpoint up to the top of the candle. Next, grasp the candle at its midpoint with your right index finger and thumb, and use your left index finger and thumb to stroke oil on the candle from the midpoint down to the bottom of the candle. Continue in this fashion until the entire candle has been anointed.
It is very easy to harness the power of oils to enhance and magnify your spells. You can do this in several ways; 
Using gloves, rub the oil into a spell candle 
Perfume your ritual work space with the essential oil 
Anoint an object by putting a dab of oil on it. 
Add a bit of essential oils into candles you make yourself 
Using essential oils in some or all of the ways above, the power and energy of the oil can magnify and enhance the power of your spells. Although it is not an absolute necessity to use oils in your witchcraft and magick spells, they can help make your spells more powerful and actually make them work better and quicker. For that reason, it is a good idea to incorporate essential oils into your spell casting and magick work.
(Always use caution when working with essential oils as some of them are somewhat toxic and can irritate your skin. Never consume an essential oil and do your research before allowing it to come in direct contact with any part of your body.)
Carnation - - - - - - - - - - Communication, Creativity, Physical Dexterity
Rose - - - Renewal, Sexual Energy, Will Power, Investigative Talent Healing 
Lemon Balm - - - - - - - - - - Peace, Money Blocks and Purification
Coconut - - - - Heighten Intuition, Perception, Psychic or Instinctive Knowledge
Mixed Geraniums - - - - - Sense of Balance, Social Graces and Composure
Sandalwood altar/Anointing Oil - - - - - Healing, Divination, Spirituality
Frankincense Altar Anointing Oil - - - - - Protection in All Your Magical Work
Wisteria - - - - - - - - - - Idealism, Humanitarianism, Creativity
Tulip - - - - - - - - - - Enhance Logic, Reason, Sensibility
Magnolia and Florals - - -Patience, Stability, Determination, Aesthetic Appreciation
Honeysuckle - - - - - Responsibility, Industriousness, Practicality, Self-Discipline
Musk - - - - - - - - - - Optimism, Tolerance, Philosophy, Joviality
Yarrow Oil - - - - - - - - - - Love, Courage, Psychic Awareness
Sweet Almond Oil - - - - - - - - - - Great Carrier Oil
Cardamom Oil - - - - - - - - - - Energy in Matters of Love, Sexuality
Vetivert - - - - - - - - - - Luck, Money, Love
Sweet Orange Oil - - - - - - - -Purification, Money, Love, Luck, Divination
Palmarosa - - - - - - - - - - Love, Healing Magick

Essential Oil Blends: 
Astral Travel: Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress, Jasmine 
Attraction: Musk, Cassia, Sandalwood, Myrrh 
Blessing Oil: Myrrh, Cedar wood, Amber 
Divination: Musk, Ambergris, Vetivert, Violet, Lilac 
Fast Luck: Patchouli, Carnation, Mimosa 
Love: Gardenia, Jasmine, Muguet, Sandalwood, Musk 
Money Drawing: Patchouli, Pine, Bay 
Needed Changes: Sandalwood, Mimosa, Hyacinth, Cinnamon 
Prosperity: Patchouli, Gardenia, Cinnamon 
Protection: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Amber 
Psychic Power: Cedarwood, Myrrh, Violet, Musk, Ambergris 
Success: Heliotrope, Patchouli, Lavender 
Uncrossing: Rose, Carnation, Bay, Clove

1 comment:

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