Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fire Elementals

Each element is also associated with a mythological being, or an elemental, that can be called upon for help with spellcasting and rituals. An elemental is a mythological being first appearing in the alchemical works of Paracelsus in the 16th century. Traditionally, there are four types: gnomes, undines (also known as nymphs), sylphs, and salamanders. These correspond to the Classical elements of antiquity: earth (solid), water (liquid), wind (gas), and fire (heat). Aether (quintessence) / Spirit / Akasha was not assigned an elemental.
The exact term for each legendary creature varies somewhat from source to source, though these four are now the most usual. Paracelsus used the names of mythological creatures from earlier traditions; their names are often used interchangeably with similar beings from folklore. 

Fire is often associated with spirit creatures including lions, dragons, salamanders, snakes, coyotes, foxes, scorpions, and phoenixes. The traditional Elemental for Fire is the salamander, and this lesson will focus on the legendary or mythological salamander, which is most often depicted much like a typical salamander in shape, with a lizard-like form, but it is usually ascribed an affinity with fire.
One word sums up the legend of the salamander: fire. The salamander was believed to be a creature of fire. The level of its elemental association varied. Sometimes it was simply fire resistant or would put out fire, at other times it was said to live in fire, sometimes it was even said to be born in fire. It has been said that salamanders were created when glass-blowers stoked their furnaces continually for seven days and nights.

Pliny in his Natural History said of salamanders: "This animal is so intensely cold as to extinguish fire by its contact, in the same way that ice does." Paracelsus declared the salamander to be the elemental creature of fire and this attribution was adopted by the Rosicrucians and alchemists. Even Shakespeare referred to the salamander. In Henry IV part 1 Falstaff compares Bardolph's nose to a salamander that has been fed with the fire of sack: "I have maintained that salamander of yours with fire any time this two and thirty years" More recently Ray Bradbury used the salamander (along with the phoenix) as one of the symbols of the book-burning firemen in Fahrenheit 451.

The origin of the salamander myth is probably the real creature known as the "fire salamander" (Salamandra salamandra). The fire elementals Salamander is no real relation to the amphibious salamander. Although, amphibian salamanders do live in moist logs and villagers of days gone by observed throwing logs on a fire caused salamanders to scurry out from the logs. Ergo, some of our more naive ancestors figured fire as the birth-giver of the salamander (rather than running to save their sweet little skins) and here we find a lore-connection to our fire elemental salamander. It has also been said that early visitors to China were presented with cloth made from asbestos and told that it was made from "salamander wool."

The lore continues to weave in and out of collective imagination as we learn elemental Salamanders were attributed for the presence of coronas or points of discharge. Commonly known as St. Elmo's Fire, salamanders were thought to produce electric fields of energy, and sometimes great glowing orbs of fire.
Other ancient accounts tell of fire elementals living in volcanos. Dormant volcanos indicate contented, slumbering salamanders. When erupting, the salamanders' wrath has been incurred, and their lava tongues come to lick up everything in their path.

The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures cites the salamander to be a poisonous beast of mythology. Elemental Salamanders are high-spirited, cantankerous beasties. If we can imagine fire as having a personality, we can start to pick up clues about what Salamanders are really like. Here are a few symbolic attributes of fire that might help in the identification process: Wild, bold, Sultry, Feisty, Lively, Energizing, Impetuous, Passionate, Consuming, Enlightening, Illuminating, Commanding. In this light, the symbolic meaning of the salamander as a personification of the fire element takes on a new energetic tone.
Salamanders are found everywhere. No fire is lit without their help. No heat exists without them. Mostly, they are active underground and internally within the body and mind. They are responsible for all lightning, heat, explosions, and volcanoes. 

When seen in natural expressions of fire, these elementals often have snakes or serpent like movements within the dancing flames, as if extending out of the fire itself. This was often likened to the slithering movement of the tails of various lizards. Salamanders evoke powerful emotional currents in humans. They also stimulate fires of spiritual idealism and perception. Their energy assists in the tearing down of the old and the building of the new, as fire is both destructive and creative in its expression. 

Fire elementals work with humans and the world through heat, fire, and flame. Be it the flame of candle or the ethereal flames and light of the sun. They can be powerfully effective in healing work in assisting to detoxify the body, especially in critical situations. They must be used carefully at such times, as their energies are dynamic and difficult to control. They are always present when healing occurs.

Fire elementals work to maintain our spiritual body. They stimulate radiant energy through it, so that it will be passed on to the physical. They stimulate high spirituality, faith, and enthusiasm. They awaken spiritual insight over psychic, and they color our perceptions. Some of us also have a salamander assigned to us throughout our life. It also aids us in the operation of the physical body. It assists in circulation and in maintaining proper body temperature. It works with the body's metabolism for greater health. A slow metabolism is often an indication of sluggish salamander activity within the body. A quick metabolism is an indication of great salamander activity within the body. A good connection and relationship with your personal salamander will stimulate vitality and loyalty. It will assist you in becoming more self-willed and assertive. It will inspire strong spiritual currents as well. It will stimulate a new sense of pride and drama for life. Aspirations will remain strong.

Too little connection with your personal fire elemental or any of the spirits of fire may reveal itself through a lack of spiritedness. There will manifest a distrust of life, a lack of faith, and a growing sense of pessimism. Too strong of a connection to this elemental or those of the fire realm may bring on a lack of self-control and sensitivity. There will be a growing sense of restlessness and over-activity that may lead to burning the self out. Lack of patience may reflect too strong an influence from this realm. Of all the elementals, the salamanders are the most difficult to understand and attune to. They are best controlled through placidness. We can control our inner fires best through tranquil, placid contentment. This means accepting life as it is in the here and now. Although they are foremost an agent of nature, salamanders have a great love for music and are drawn to it, especially when it is being composed. Their energies are very stirring, and it takes tremendous ability to control and direct them for the most creative results. Anyone who is a composer or poet or works in any way with the creative power of words could do no better than to attune to the fire elementals. Our personal salamanders will help us understand the mysteries of fire. It will help us awaken higher spiritual vision and aspiration. It will stimulate and strengthen the entire auric field so that there is easier attunement to and recognition of the spiritual forces within all aspects of our lives. But fire elementals are particularly remarkable.
The key to what sets Salamanders apart from other elementals (earth, air, water) is also what causes their presence to be underestimated in our dealings with elementals: fire elementals represent inherent potential in all life. True, Salamanders are in full-bodied force when their energy is ignited, and when their presence is made manifest by a frenzy of flames. However, it is the potential that fire elementals imply that is the vessel of true power.

Everything has the capacity to either ignite or be consumed by the element of fire. Within all creation in-dwells an underlying *spark* and that animating spark is an energetic kinsman to the Salamander clan. That means, a primitive, higher power in-dwells the soul of all life and tapping into that primal power provides a fuel so magnificent we run the risk of losing ourselves to it completely because fire elementals are the spoke-spirits for essences such as Activation, Creation, Purification, Sexuality, Assertion, and Consumption. With these kinds of energies under their belt, Salamanders can be utterly overwhelming. But, to the practitioner who has invested him/herself to the nature of the fire element, the rewards can be illuminating.

Salamanders are gatekeepers into intense worlds of energy and spirituality. Indeed, they are considered guardians of wild, fiery realms by shamanic practitioners. Also, energetic mages invoke fire elementals when conducting shape shifting practices. This makes utter sense as the nature of Salamanders is extremely changeable, not to mention unpredictable and sometimes volatile.

Ancient alchemists and mystics often debated as to the viability of the lessons taught by fire elementals. They reasoned these energetic beings were so combustible that knowledge gained from them was as fleeting as the ashes left in Salamanders’ wake. Elemental experts argued that only fleeting, nomadic wisdom could be gained from Salamanders because of their flash-to-smolder nature. Some believe, though, that the devoted Adept and pupil can sit at the side of this energy, adding fathoms of permanent depth and knowledge from Salamander-kind.
When working with Salamander energy, here are some meditation suggestions to spark enlightenment about fire elementals and their indwelling potential:

• Work with Salamanders by acknowledging the location of their cardinal throne from the South.
• Light a candle and/or burn incense as a way to acknowledge fire elemental energy.
• Incorporate your lower chakras (root, sacral) when working with fire elementals.
• Focus on your inner creativity being coaxed into ignition by your indwelling soul-flame. That soul-flame holds hands with Salamander spirit and their union will be consummated by your creative impulses.
• Meditate upon your inner fire, sultry and surging with warmth. Visualize your neuro network illumined with the gentle presence of fire elementals.
• Feel warmth and an undercurrent of fluid power associated with the Salamander run through every orifice of your awareness.
• Now, let that warmth spread, but before it gets too far, begin to form a mental and spiritual encampment. Formulate stones around your spiritual fire in order to channel, focus and contain the energy. Working with fire elementals requires mental discipline. Left to run amok and without respecting their power can prove to be unpleasant.
• After circling your spiritual flame with a tight focus of motive and intention, sit around your divine campfire and contemplate the indwelling potential.
–If you require purification, submit it to the fire.
–If you need more passion in your life, express this to the fire.
–If you desire more creative spontaneity, convey this to your inner fire.
• Never fully extinguish your meditative fire. Rather, use your focus to reduce the pyre down to a flicker, and allow the flame to smolder to ashes of its own volition. Visualize this reduction. See the hot coals warming you from the inside out.
• Know this indwelling warmth is always available to you – always there to rekindle your sensuality, creativity and passion.
The appearance of a Salamander totem heralds transformation, but offers assistance with this change from somewhere outside of ourselves, either through an unexpected person or unique resource.
This assistance is temporary and will stay only as long as needed. Harmony with the environment is very important to people with a Salamander totem. It is key to a successful transformation – answers and solutions will be found in the environment around us.

Salamanders teach us: ““Most absorb water through their skin, and some even breathe through their skin. Thus, they are highly aware of their environment, and know instantly when it has changed. A similar awareness can benefit us, and it is equally important to view our dreams and visions in the context of the environment in which they will exist.” (from Beyond the Rainbow by Constance Barrett Sohodski). Learn from them to experience Change, Comfort in Darkness, Being Subtle, Being Grounded, Connecting to the Mysteries of the Earth, Unique Inspiration, Assistance, Transformation, and Living in the Now.

Activity:: How might a Salamander help you with a problem? In your notes or Book of Shadows, note reasons why you might try to contact a Salamander and what you should expect from the encounter.
Stacy Hartlage Taylor

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