Friday, July 26, 2013

Blending Values

"Attuning and working with these energies in magic not only lends you the power to affect dramatic changes in your life, it also allows you to sense your own place in the larger scheme of Nature." ~ Scott Cunningham, Earth Power
As many of you have noticed (I hope!), there is a lot of overlap in the Elements. And while most of us are stronger at one or two of the elements rather than the whole, it’s useful to be able to combine them and to use all four at once at times.
Each of these creative elements are necessary for human life, the each have both positive and negative aspects The Earth without Water to moisten it, without Fire to warm it, and without Air to surround it, would be a lifeless planet. 

The elements work in harmony, even though at times their contrary aspects may seem in conflict with each other, to create and to sustain life. The elements exist in a physical form, such as a handful of soil, and in an un-manifested, non-physical form or energy. All the elements emerge from Akasha, the source of all energy.

The Classical Elements
Element Qualities Direction Color Magick Tool
Fire Action, vitality, passion South Red Wand
Earth Stability, sensation North Green Pentacle
Air Communication, thought East Yellow Athame
Water Emotion, intuition, creativity West Blue Chalice

Element Crosspoints: Elements can be represented together or called upon by blending their values.
Air/Earth = Inert gas
Air/Air = Wind
Air/Fire = Flammable gas
Air/Water = Mist
Fire/Earth = Chemically created heat
Fire/Air = Lightening
Fire/Fire = Flame
Fire/Water = Electricity
Water/Earth = Ice
Water/Air = Rain
Water/Fire = Steam
Water/Water = Water
Earth/Earth = Soil
Earth/Air = Dust
Earth/Fire = Lava
Earth/Water = Sand

Examples of Blended Values within a Person
Fire and Water are both elements of the emotional body. FIRE is the outward expression of emotion - passion, drama, intensity and enthusiasm - while WATER is the inner experience of emotion, especially awareness of the impact we have on the feelings of others and their emotional impact on us. People who have many planets in Fire and few in Water tend to express more strongly than how they actually feel. Conversely, people with a lot of planets in Water signs and few in Fire feel more deeply than they outwardly express to others. Having more placements in the emotional realm (Fire and Water signs) indicates an individual who reaches conclusions, makes decisions and is driven to act on the basis of their emotions rather than from mental considerations.

Air and Earth are both elements of the mental body. AIR is the abstract component of the mind and rules ideas, theories, mathematics, music, brilliance and sociability. EARTH is the practical portion of the mind, which is more concerned with tangible results than with intangible ideas. People with many planets in Air signs and few in Earth tend to be very mental and intelligent, but not very practical. They may put a lot of energy into creating something, and then lose interest and go on to a new activity without reaping the tangible rewards of what they have already done. People with a lot of planets in Earth signs and few in Air can get ¨bogged down¨ with repetitive patterns. They need an Air person around them to provide the insights that can help them break free to reach the next level. Having more placements in the mental realm (Earth and Air signs) indicates an individual who makes decisions based on rational considerations - logic and practicality - rather than emotional prompt.

Watchtowers / Calling the Quarters
In Wicca the guardians known as Watchtowers are called. These guardians are summoned to each of the four corners or directions of the circle: East, South, West, and North in order to guard and protect the circle. The calling of the Watchtowers takes place pre-Ritual during what is known in Wicca as "Calling the Quarters." Followers of Traditional Witchcraft do not call Watchtowers; they call Guardians. These Guardians are often the spirits or guides with whom a person feels comfortable with. A guardian could be an Ancestor and act like a "spirit guide," or it could be another spiritual entity with which the person is familiar with. Guardians are often called to protect the Ritual circle. Some traditions do not have specific boundaries for their sacred area, so the guardians roam the area freely and protect it from all unwanted influences. In general, they are a good idea.

Most traditions associate each Quarter or direction with a particular element. Because this lesson is about Element Magick, it focuses on quarters / watchtowers while acknowledging that all traditions do not follow this pattern.
The Four Quarters, Watchtowers or Airts (pronounced eights) are the guardians of the Magick Circle, and are welcomed into your sacred space to protect, bless and witness your workings. The Watchtowers represent the totality of all existence and the furthest extent of being. They correspond to the four Directions and the four Elements. From ancient times the Universe was believed to stretch outwardly toward the four Directions and to be composed inwardly of the four Elements. When we invoke the Watchtowers we symbolize our connection to all things which exist. 

The four Elements were believed to be the building blocks of creation. All things which exist are believed to have these four Elements within them. It has always been understood that the Elements refer not to the physical substances of air, fire, water, and earth, but to qualities represented by them. 

These four points are set up to represent the outer barrier of your magickal space, to protect it and help establish a special energy area in which magick can be built. Each one of these elements is called and welcomed into the sacred space by the invocation, sometimes specifically by name, and other times by a general greeting. 

The traditional Wiccan way of calling the elements, which is published in many books on Wicca is as follows:
Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Lords of Air; I do summon call and stir you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle
Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, ye Lords of Fire; I do summon call and stir you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle
Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, ye Lords of Water; I do summon call and stir you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle
Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, ye Lords of Earth; I do summon call and stir you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle
Traditional Farewell: Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, ye Lords of Earth; I thank you for attending my rite; and ere you depart to your fair and lovely realms, I bid thee Hail and Farewell.
Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, ye Lords of Water; I thank you for attending my rite; and ere you depart to your fair and lovely realms, I bid thee Hail and Farewell.
Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, ye Lords of Fire; I thank you for attending my rite; and ere you depart to your fair and lovely realms, I bid thee Hail and Farewell.
Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Lords of Air; I thank you for attending my rite; and ere you depart to your fair and lovely realms, I bid thee Hail and Farewell.
Invoking/Inviting the Quarter Guardians / Sometimes known as "Calling the Quarters" 

Having meditated on the elements and experienced them more in your life, you will want to be able to invite them to join you and bring their qualities and blessings into your celebrations and rites. In Wicca, the invocation of the elements is performed after casting your circle. As you call the element raise your arms in the blessing position. The elements are usually called starting in the East, place of Air and new beginnings. You then turn deosil (clockwise) to the South to call Fire, then to the West to call Water and to the North to call Earth, finally turning back to the East to complete the circular motion. 

You might use the tradition words (above), or you may want to invite, rather than command the Elemental Guardians, and if that is what you prefer, then here is an example of how you may want to do that: 
Powers of Air, I call to you and invite you to join us in this rite, to share your qualities with us; In Love and Truth, we bid you Hail and Welcome! 
Powers of Fire, I call to you and invite you to join us in this rite, to share your qualities with us; In Love and Truth, we bid you Hail and Welcome! 
Powers of Water, I call to you and invite you to join us in this rite, to share your qualities with us; In Love and Truth, we bid you Hail and Welcome! 
Powers of Earth, I call to you and invite you to join us in this rite, to share your qualities with us; In Love and Truth, we bid you Hail and Welcome! 
Obviously when you have finished your rite you say farewell to the elements, starting in the North with Earth and 
moving widdershins (anticlockwise) to Air in the East. This is done before opening the circle, as the closing of a rite is done in reverse order from the opening. Banishing energies and departures are usually performed in a widdershins direction. (anti-clockwise) 
Alternative Farewell / banishing of the elements: 
Powers of Earth, I thank you for joining me and sharing your qualities with me in this rite, and with love and joy and thanks I bid you Hail and Farewell. 
Powers of Water, I thank you for joining me and sharing your qualities with me in this rite, and with love and joy and thanks I bid you Hail and Farewell. 
Powers of Fire, I thank you for joining me and sharing your qualities with me in this rite, and with love and joy and thanks I bid you Hail and Farewell. Lessons in beginning in the Wiccan Tradition 
Powers of Air, I thank you for joining me and sharing your qualities with me in this rite, and with love and joy and thanks I bid you Hail and Farewell. 
If this is done in a group, you would say "We" rather than "I" and "us" rather than "me" when performing the calling and the farewells, and any other people present should all chorus "Hail and Farewell" after you have said it. You can also change the words for each of the quarters, or write your own. To begin with it is a good idea to use standard words which you can memorize or read for your ceremonies. This is important so that you can both gain confidence and experience of how it is done, and so that you can gain a better understanding of how it works. When you have done this a few times you will better understand of what to include and what not.

Exploring the Elements (a practical lesson aimed at helping you to gain a deeper understanding of the elements)
Elemental Meditation: Focus on your body and meditate on how each element is present within it. You may become aware of how air is present as the oxygen in your lungs and bloodstream, fire as the nerve impulses and digestive process, water as the blood and bulk of the tissues, earth as the bones, teeth, hair, etc. Contemplate how each element is part of the combination that is you. Write down your experiences for each of the elements on a separate page in your magickal diary. 

A Simple Elemental Ritual 
This lesson takes the form of a practical ceremony to the Four Elements. Unless you have previous experience, make sure that you have worked through the previous lessons and exercises before commencing with this ceremony. Prepare your ritual space, on your altar place a representation of each of the elements. 
• Burning incense for Air 
• Red Candle for Fire 
• Bowl of Spring Water for Water 
• A Bowl of ground for Earth 
→ Make sure that you will not be disturbed, switch your phone off and take a few deep breaths. Cast a circle, purifying it first. 
→ Then invite each of the Elements into your circle:-Air in the East, Fire in the South, Water in the West and Earth in the North. 
→ Now take your incense and observe the rising smoke. Observe the patterns the smoke makes as it rises, smell the sweet smells and become aware of Air, which is all around you. 
→ Next, meditate for a few minutes on the burning candle. Watch the flame, feel the heat that it is producing. Become aware of the powers of Fire in Nature. 
→ Now, take your bowl of water. Smell the water and touch it. Feel the sensation of the water and become aware of the qualities of Water and its place in Nature. 
→ Last, take the bowl of Earth. Smell it and touch it. Feel the sensation of the Earth and become aware of the qualities of Earth and its place in Nature. 
Now it is time to say farewell to the Elemental Guardians - starting with Earth in the North, then Water in the West, Fire in the South and Air in the East. Open your magick circle and ground yourself by eating some food, bread or cakes are particularly good (ie. carbohydrate rich foods).

A simple amulet representing all four classical elements
• A 4x4 piece of blue material (Water)
• A red ribbon (Fire)
• A feather (Air)
• Dirt (earth)
• Seashell (Water)

Blended Spells
Earth & Water for Home Protection: Using a large clean jar, fill it 3/4 of the way with bottled water. Add 3 tablespoons of sea salt, 3 tablespoons of basil, 3 tablespoons of sage, and 3 tablespoons of rosemary. (they can be bought at the spice aisle in the grocery store if you can't find fresh herbs). Mix it all up with a new wooden spoon or a new chopstick. Then place your hands over the top of the jar and say: “Salt and Water, Inner and Outer / Soul and Body Be Cleansed! / Cast out all that is harmful, / take in all that is good and healing. / By the powers of the Angels, / let this water be blessed!” You now have made protection/blessed water. Then starting at your front door, go around the perimeter of your home (on the outside) and dip your right hand into the water and cast off the droplets from your hand on your home. Do the windows and doors especially good. As you do this, say: “With this blessed water, keep my home safe from negative energy, / And anything or anyone that would cause me harm. / Keep my home a safe place and a warm place in any type of weather. / May all who enter be filled with love and light. / May darkness never enter my home. / So mote it be!”

Positive Purposes: A basic element spell
You can cast a spell for any positive purpose so long as it is entirely positive and harms no one, but seeks only to bring good things into your lives, to those we love and into the world.
You will need:
• A table with a white cloth on which to work.
• Choose a symbol for your intent / purpose and put it in the center of the table where you will be working.
• You will need to a dish of salt for the Earth element. Put this furthest away from you in the center of the far horizontal table edge, straight ahead of you as you face the table at which you are working
• An incense stick in a holder for the Air element, at the center of the right hand vertical edge of the table in the center as you face the table
• A candle nearest to you and directly opposite the salt in the center of the horizontal edge for the Fire element.
• A small bowl of mineral water or water from a tap that has been left to run for the Water element in the center of the left edge as you face the table.
• by picturing a circle of light surrounding you and the table.
• Ask for the protection of your guardian angels and say that you will work for the greatest good and the best intentions.
• Pick up the symbol and hold it in your cupped hands.
• Say aloud your name, ‘I am—‘ and if you wish adopt a special name for magick, perhaps one you have always loved or that of a flower, star or tree to express yourself as you would like to become.
• Then say, ‘I seek if it is right to be’ and ask precisely for what you want.
• Then say’ I offer’ and name what kindness you will do to pay the cosmos for the blessing you are asking for.
• Light the candle and your incense stick or cone from the candle.
• Then put your symbol back in the center and make three small clockwise circles of salt round it, asking for the strength and security of the earth to fill your symbol with power. You can picture the earth as golden fields, forests or huge rocks or however you wish.
• Next pass your incense smoke three times in spirals round the symbol asking that it is filled with the power of the Air. Picture the air as clouds, the wind blowing or a storm if you need to overcome obstacles filling your symbol with energies and the possibilities of change.
• Next either pass your candle three times round the symbol or if you prefer pass the symbol round the candle three times clockwise asking that it is filled with the power of Fire. Imagine the sun, a hearth, bonfire, festival fire or lightning providing the energy to bring your wish into actuality.
• Finally sprinkle three circles of water drops clockwise round the symbol asking that it be filled with the power of water. Picture a deep lake, the sea, a waterfall or flowing river according to the kind of water power you need to make the good things flow into your life. It does not matter if your salt and water circles overlap or are different.
Now you are going to fill your symbol with power:
• There are lots of ways you can do this. For example you could repeat a phrase over and over again faster and faster raise the power, while clapping softly
• Alternatively or as well as chanting, you can move your hands over the symbol, the right hand clockwise and the left anti clockwise at the same time, palms downwards and fingers slightly curved inwards, faster and faster.
• If you wish, circle a wand clockwise in the hand you write with while moving the other hand in the opposite direction. Crystal massage wands make excellent magickal wands or you could use a smooth twig from a tree, that tapers inwards to a point and at the same time imagine your aura, the rainbow energy field surrounding you and the symbol, as filling with colored lights
• Keep increasing the speed and intensity until you can sense the energies sparkling round you and feel very excited. At this point bring your hands or your hand and wand upwards into the air, down again fast and clap to release the power, maybe saying the phrase very loudly and fast for the last time.
• Then pick up the symbol and stand quietly letting the released energies flow into you and the symbol.
• Finally press down with your feet and let any excess energy drain back into the ground.
• Picture the light of the circle you cast round you fading and thank your guardian angel 
• Put your symbol in a bag to carry or keep and touch to reactivate the confidence and enthusiasm you feel now.
• Leave the candle and incense to burn out (make sure it is safe to do so)
• If you feel you no longer need the symbol, bury it under a growing plant.
Now go and make that first step towards making your dream come true

A room blessing involving elemental quarter invocations: 
Face each direction (with arms out in appropriate elemental invoking gesture), and say, while channeling and visualizing elemental power: 
Powers of (say direction), 
Powers of (say corresponding element), 
We great you, we honor you, we welcome you here! 
Watch over and bless and protect this place. 
After each invocation, shape the energy into columns of light by sweeping ones arms together until they are parallel and sweeping them up and down while channeling and shaping the energy, 
When the energy is properly shaped, say:
So mote it be! 

After you have done all four quarters, channel in spirit energy. 
To return the energy to a more mellow state while energizing yourself, put your hands out and take in a bit of the energy into yourself from each direction, going widdershins, hold hands to your heart and take in the energy (techniques also exist for bringing it into a stone and retrieving it when needed).

Simple Blessings:
• May the Elements bless this space with the Mystery and Powers of Earth, the Knowledge and Wisdom of Air, The Strength and Protection of Fire, and the Love and Beauty of Water. As I will it, with blessings from The One, so shall it be done . . . So Mote it Be.
• Mother Earth, Mother Earth: Take the seed and give it birth / Father sun, gleam and glow until the roots begin to grow / Sister Rain, Sister Rain, Shed thy tears to swell the grain / Brother Wind, breathe and blow, Then the blade green will grow / Earth and Fire and Air and Water, Turn to gold the living grain
• May Water Cleanse you, May Air teach you, May Fire drive you, May Earth be a foundation for you
• A seasoned Green Witch am I, With plant wisdom and magick to share. / A child of the flowers am I, With blossoms budding from my hair. / A friend of the Fairies am I, A crown of leaves and flowers I wear. / A daughter of the Earth am I, Walking Her ways with feet ever bare. / A sister of the waters am I, Flowing wild and free without a care. / At one with the blowing winds am I, Singing softly through the midnight air. / A keeper of the fire am I, Let me kindle your passions if you dare. / Connected in Spirit with You am I, Fused together as one in prayer.

Activity: Practice inviting/invoking and thanking / banishing the Elements in a magick circle. Write down how this changes your circle experience and what you feel when you invoke each in turn. 

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