Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Herbs and Elements


Each herb has a connection to the elements, an element that the connection is stronger too then the other four.  So basically some will go better with fire others earth, wind, water or spirit and placing and using the right herbs in the right places on your alter will boost the power of your workings if not be the key to whether your spell is a success or a failure. Here is a list of herbs and their connection to their elements.
Ash,  Dwarf Elm, Hawthorn. Patchouli, Bald Cypress, Inland Sea-Oats, Texas Persimmon, Elbow-bush, Indian grass, Bergamot,
 Aspen, Alder, Birch. Anise, Lavender, Lemongrass, Mistletoe, (Ball Moss), Cedar Elm, Acacia, Mimosa, Acacia, Agrimony, Almond, Arabic Gum, Clover, Medowsweet, Sage, Eyebright,Goldenrod,Horehound,
Thorn, Holly, Oak, Basil, Cinnamon, Garlic, Spanish Dagger, Oaks, Juniper, Sunflower, Chiletepin, Angelica,Buckeye, Celadine, Cloves, Bay,Frankensense, Hawthron, Marigold, Rosemary,Rowan
 Alder, Hazel, Willow. Aloe, Lemon, Yarrow, American Elm, Cat Brier, Mesquite, Violet, Wax Myrtle,Hemlock,Belladonna, Boneset,Chamomile, Coltsfoot, Elder, FeverFew,Ivy,Jasmine,Mugwort,Myrrh ,Poppy,Skullcap
Spirit Celtic trees - Apple. Artemisia, Vervain, Artemisia, Vervain, coltsfoot, fir, hemlock, mistletoe, nightshade, wolfsbane

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