Thursday, January 3, 2013

Goddess Worship

Today, as we continue to delve into the subject of Deities we were asked, to take a moment and answer the following questions.
  • Who is the goddess/god to you? 
  • What does s/he represent?
  • What qualities does s/he have? 
  • How does s/he act in the world?
  • What would s/he look like? It is not enough to just think about the Goddess and God, it is important to meet and know them intimately and acknowledge their presence. 
I began this path, after sitting an extremely long time, in a very hard and very uncomfortable pew. We worshiped the god and only the god. In that part of my life, it sometimes felt to me, that we were worshiping men and only men. Often it felt to me, that women were meant to be seen 10 paces behind the man, the great powerful man, the bread winner, the almighty king head of the household and all things wondrous! *gag*

On this path, it is important for me, to put great distance between that patriarchal and archaic way of looking at life, as I can. Therefore, my altar, my statues, my rituals and my celebrations feature The Goddess. I am not excluding The God, for as you remember, Pagan's believe that every being has both female and male energy. It is just highly important to me, that this portion of my spiritual journey, be completely different, than the gravel road I last traveled. In fact, I would not even have been on that gravel road, if it were not for a man, because I was told "I will not marry you unless you receive the lord" A wise gal would have taken that as a cue to run, but hindsight is 20/20 right?

Ok back to the lessons.

The Goddess for me, is not always a deity. A Goddess is a strong woman, who has overcome life's obstacles with grace and humility. If you are ever lucky enough to encounter a Goddess, sink your claws into her and don't let go, but be forewarned she will treat you exactly the way you treat her. Put garbage in, and you will get garbage out.

In my magickal path I worship The Divine Goddess. She is much like the strong woman I mentioned above but not exactly her. She is the great divine, full of light and love and lives in balance. She is awe inspiring and filled with wisdom. She guards us, against harm but does not jump down to keep us from mistakes. She like all great teachers gingerly shows us the fork in the road, and sits back and waits for us to discover what is down there. It is not necessary for her ego, that we go meekly on our knees and beg for the crumbs she tosses off the table. She would never strip someone of their dignity in that manner. When I close my eyes, I see a breathtakingly beautiful woman, with long flowing dark hair, and ivory skin like porcelain. She is lovely to walk with and a pleasure to know.

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