Monday, November 19, 2012

What is Wicca

Today, as part of my study, I want to place into words, what Wicca and being Wiccan, means to me. Not an easy task and I am sure, if you ask 20 different people, to do this task, you will get about 20 different answers.  Like Christianity, this path, is different for each and every person that walks it.  

For the most part, I am Pagan however, I do tend to lean toward Wiccan traditions. In my description, I could get studious and quote the history of Wicca, as it was created by Gerald Garner, from the ancient European Witch Cult.  I could tug your heart strings, and speak of the many people killed for walking this path.  I could get all flowery and tell you that being Wiccan means, to stand in awe of the nature that this earth blesses us with, each and every day. I could get all deep and tell you that being Wiccan means, to live and breath the splendor that is Mother Earth and Father Sky. I could also, stand on a soapbox and rant about the misrepresentation that Hollyweird tells you, I am.  However, none of that, tells you much at all, about what I believe.

When I started this path 8 years ago, I placed this signature on my email "Eight simple words this day fulfill, and ye harm none, do what ye will." That is basically the Wiccan Rede, a law or commandment if you will, for those walking this path. Those eight words, are the nuts and bolts of what being a Wiccan means. Those words remind me to watch what I say.  Those words tell me, to think about my actions.  Those words tell me, my purpose on this planet, is to tread carefully, as I am not alone.

To me, being Wiccan means to breath in light and love and exhale hate and cruelty.  Walking this magickal path means, to listen to my conscience, for I am not only responsible for my own path, I am responsible for my own wake. 

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